Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 999 The Deposed Eye Mage

Fierce battles under the cover of night are nothing new for the Efraska camp, as well as for the Yinhun people.

Although the battle that broke out at this time was a magical bombardment, no direct warning was ever issued. It can be seen that this is another "ordinary level" conflict.

Therefore, although there were teams of gryphon knights and Pegasus knights who quickly rushed to the rescue, on the whole, the warning and protection in other directions of the "shadow shield" were not disrupted at all.

This is not only true for Efraska, but also for the "Shadow Souls" within the "Shadow Shield".

When Isaac disappeared from the sky above the "shadow shield" and flew over there, he saw something.

Under continuous swooping attacks by the Sky Knights, this was just a team of ten bugbears.

The reason why there is another "Fireball" bombardment and there is also a "Shadow Magic" being cast is because there is a beholder in this bugbear team!

The beholder's eyeball rays are supernatural abilities that are neither affected by the nature of magic nor restricted by the nature of shadow. Therefore, the suppression of the "shadow shield" is ineffective against the beholder.

To a large extent, the reason why the Phaelim Demon Sunflower can persist in the underground of Efraska is because it has enslaved many beholders.


The beholder at this time was a little abnormal.

After Isaac's "True Vision" penetrated the black light obstruction of the "Shadow Shield", he discovered that the central main eye of this beholder was actually a hole, as if it had been destroyed. With just one eye, he immediately lost his ability to resist the magic field.

Not only that, floating in the sky, among the ten eye stalks of this beholder, there are actually only five eyeballs, which are constantly releasing eyeball rays, as if the other five have also been damaged and lost their ray ability.


Isaac's eyes glanced over, but instead he stopped at this "disabled" beholder with a look of contemplation.

"Eye Magician?!"

Among the arcane knowledge he possesses, the beholder also has a very special racial career advancement.

Moreover, this special advancement has only appeared among the true beholder group. There is no possibility of advancement among the various types of beholder-like monsters.

Eye Magician!

A true beholder is an advanced profession that acquires the ability to cast magic by destroying the central main eye through an evil ritual that is considered "abominable" even among the beholder tribe.

Moreover, after advancing to the Eye Mage, for each professional level, the Eye Mage must sacrifice another eye stalk's ability to use eyeball rays, in order to gain a level of spell casting ability.

That's what it means.

A level 1 eye magician can cast a level 1 spell by destroying an eye stalk.

A level 2 eye mage can cast level 2 spells by destroying two of them.

At level 9, after the eye magician destroyed the nine eye stalks, he directly mastered the level 9 spell.

The highest level 10 naturally corresponds to the level 10 spell slot.

However, because level 10 spells have long been banned by the goddess of magic, level 10 eye magicians can only use this to cast super magic spells.

Such an extremely special racial career advancement, even in Isaac's opinion, is quite powerful.

It's a pity that after encountering the Felin Demon Kui, he still cannot escape the fate of being enslaved.

Moreover, due to the suppression of magic by the "shadow shield", the magic ability of the magician in this eye has been greatly weakened. At the same time, the ray ability of the five eye stalks is missing. In particular, the main eye has also been destroyed. …

In this case, the value of this one-eyed magician is not as good as that of an ordinary beholder.

At this time, it is not surprising that he would be driven up to test something.

Of course, even if this one-eyed magician was greatly weakened due to the "shadow shield", the destruction of 5 eye stalks also means the acquisition of 5 professional levels, and its all-round immunity The resistance has actually increased a lot.

At this time, leading the bugbear team.

Even with the constant attacks from the Sky Knights, especially the fireballs from above the "shadow shield".

There are two figures in black robes below, like ghosts, flickering and disappearing in the dark environment. From time to time, there are strange tentacles that prevent him from rising into the sky and leaving the "shadow shield".

But at least, this magician, even though he was "disabled", was flexible in his movements. Although he only had five eyesights, he controlled the rhythm and managed to hold on for a while.

Of course, that's basically all we can do.

Isaac's gaze, after looking at the magician with interest for a few times, turned to the two black-robed figures within the "shadow shield".

These two people still look like normal human beings, but they are slightly thinner. Moreover, their skin color is a little gray and black. Like the black robes, they are very harmonious with the surrounding dark environment.

However, after Isaac's "Eye of True Knowledge" penetrated the black light obstruction of the "Shadow Shield" and fell on them, he immediately made some unusual discoveries.

It is true that they are in human form, and this is indeed their true form, but...

Seeing one of them, after a few false steps, the figure suddenly transformed into a series of mirror images, but the main body directly disappeared from existence. What's more, the main body took another virtual step and appeared directly in front of him. On the side of the Eye Mage and Bugbear, and from the palm of his hand, there is a ghost-like dark tentacle extending over 30 feet in length. At the top of the tentacle, there are many more branches. There are several small tentacles, and the end of each tentacle is a ferocious mouthpart full of sharp teeth...

"Alien creatures!"

"Souls, they have been integrated into the shadow material. They are already natives of the shadow world, not creatures of the material plane."

Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

Of course, the various abilities of this black-robed figure, including the final tentacle spell, are extremely concealable and extremely difficult to identify.

However, this "extreme difficulty" naturally does not include him.

Mirror Shadow Technique!


Shadow Leap!

However, these are not spells, but spell-like abilities. They should be abilities born from the essence of the "ghost people" and "ghost creatures"!

On the contrary, the ghost tentacles released at the end are real magic, real shadow magic!

"It should be through a ritual to fuse the shadow material with the soul, not the body!"

"The nature of the creatures in the shadow world, they naturally have innate respect for that lady, and they are also innately compatible with the 'shadow essence', so it is natural to use shadow magic!"

"It's a very good enhancement. If the power of this ghost creature is not limited by the bright environment, it is not inferior to that of a half-dragon. Each has its own strengths."

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