Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1011 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (6)

The Hunting Hall is a very important institution in Efraska. It is directly under the control of the Hill Council of Elders and issues various tasks to many elf organizations.

These tasks not only cover the large and small affairs within the Elf Kingdom, but also include the surrounding areas and even further places, all matters that may have an impact on Efraska.

Being able to issue such a task means that the hunting hall has powerful intelligence power.

When it comes to intelligence, this naturally means confidentiality.

Within the territory of Efraska, the Hunting Hall controls countless secret passages.

What Aililin wanted to open at this time was a secret passage from outside the city that was directly connected to the city's sewer system.

Relying on the "Shadow Stone"'s ability to suppress the magic effect and activating a rune token, Arilyn pressed it into the corresponding position.

Suddenly, along with several invisible lines like waves, a dark tunnel diagonally downwards appeared on the ground in front of everyone's eyes.

"Follow me!"

Aililin gave a soft drink, and once again, she took the lead and walked at the front.

Isaac and others quickly followed in.

This secret passage is not very wide, but even if two or three people walk side by side, it does not seem crowded at all.

Moreover, because there will be a little cold light from the "Eternal Torch" at intervals, although the environment in the secret passage is dark, it is not so dark that the surrounding situation is completely unclear.

In addition, the secret passage was built by the elves, with the meticulousness of the elves' tradition. The ground of the secret passage could not be smoother.

Aililin led the team forward without any hindrance.

After just a short while of rushing, not even half of the monsters were encountered, and quickly...

"It's time to reach the exit."

"Be careful!"

"The current sewers have long been occupied by monsters. We try our best not to cause any disturbance!"

With a low voice, Aililin gestured to the people behind her.

This secret passage is not occupied by monsters because the exit is in a secret part of the sewer system and is sealed with extremely sophisticated mechanisms.

However, the secret passage can be hidden, but it is obviously different over the sewer.

After the "Shadow Shield" replaced the "Mystic Barrier" and enveloped the entire city.

The monster army of Felin Demon Kui has already occupied everything underground.

The reason why Aililin still chose the sewer route despite knowing this...

For one thing, this is infiltration on the ground, because the open space makes it easier to be exposed to the sight of monsters after all.

Secondly, it is also because... the secret passage controlled by the hunting hall is far from the only one!

After taking over the task of scouting the Academy of Magic and Martial Arts, Eileen learned about a number of secret passages from the Hunting Hall that led directly from the sewers to the Academy of Magic and Martial Arts and its surrounding areas.

As she spoke, the moon blade in her hand was sheathed.

Her moon blade, in a dark environment, shines as bright as the silver moon, but it is even brighter than the immortal torch.

In this situation where we are about to walk out of the secret passage, it is naturally inappropriate and has always been exposed.

"Don't worry, we are all well aware of it, and Lord Ilki is even more suitable for such an environment than us!"

Danilo smiled softly and nodded towards the Ghost Mage.

The tacit understanding between him and Aililin is that he knows that Aililin's reminder is actually to Uncle Lei.

However, on the surface, he still cooperated and turned the direction towards the Yinhun Mage, as if Aililin's reminder was directed at the Yinhun Mage.

It was the first time for Ilki to cooperate with them, so he had no doubts about it. He just snorted softly, pretending that he didn't notice Danilo's greeting, and still maintained his aloofness.

Such a gesture...

Even though the members of Aililin's team have long been familiar with the characters of the Yinhuns, they inevitably have some misunderstandings.

However, after all, it is "asking for help". After all, at least for now, the ghosts are still helping here...

Although she felt worried in her heart, even for Aililin's bluntness, she didn't have any words to reprimand her.

Soon, the secret passage will come to an end.

However, there is something unusual at this end. The whole thing is actually in the shape of a "T". The extension in the left and right directions completely blocks the dim light of the immortal torches in the secret passage. .

At this point, Aililin stopped making any sound and only made gestures to the back.

Danilo and others also knew what she meant. While stepping lightly, they made a gesture of stopping towards Ilki.

Although the Yinhun Mage is a bit indifferent, he is also meticulous in how to cooperate.

Immediately, his steps stopped.


At this time, Aililin silently walked into the dark right corner alone.

On the dark stone wall, with a slight touch, I touched the mouth of a certain groove.

In her hand, she took out the rune token for the second time, inserted it into the groove, and then turned it half a turn to the right.

In the dead silence of the secret passage, two almost inaudible "click" sounds were heard. In front of Aililin, there was a black hole cracked on the stone wall, and there was a lens-like lens. Something poked out of it.

One of Eileen's eyes immediately moved over, and she gently rotated the barrel with one hand.

After a moment, with slightly wrinkled eyes, she let out a little more thought.

Observe and think.

After a while, I had a rough idea of ​​the number.

Instead of resetting the mechanism now, Aililin first turned back to the team and took out a map of the sewers.

Her fingers circled several points on the map, and she still looked at the Yinhun Mage, and then whispered: "This is where we are now. If everything goes well and the secret passage has not been discovered by monsters, then the recent The route is this one.

But if these secret passages have been discovered and occupied by monsters, we need to consider whether we should fight those monsters in the sewer and sneak in from the ground instead. "

"The current situation is that outside the secret passage, there are signs of activities of the Ethiopian lizards and bugbears. The composition of the Ipherim army is not to say that there must be the presence of the Ipherim in the nearby area, at least there are. Beholders and illithids.

As we travel from here to our first destination, the possibility of encountering them is almost inevitable! "

"So, I considered a combination of three responses..."

"First, use the 'Transformation Technique' or the 'Invisibility Technique' to disguise yourself. In this way, at least the first time you encounter a monster, it will not directly cause a chain reaction."


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