Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1012 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (7)

"If you 'transform' and 'invisible', those monsters will notice something abnormal..."

Arilyn looked at the two people around her: "Danilo, Uncle Eles, if possible, try to use spells such as 'seduce' and 'suggestion' to avoid direct conflict." , temporarily control them..."

Although Aililin has a somewhat bellicose personality, she still knows how to handle matters concerning the kingdom and the overall situation.

If there is no conflict, there will be no conflict.

Do everything possible to quickly complete the reconnaissance of the Magic Martial Arts Academy without causing unexpected changes.

This is Arilyn's only goal at the moment.

After all, the army is already advancing on the other side of the fortress.

She didn't have much time to waste on unexpected events.

I don't want to expose the army's target in advance due to changes!

Danilo and Eles had no objections to this, and both nodded.

"Third, if this doesn't prevent the conflict from breaking out..."

Aililin looked at Isaac again: "Uncle Lei, as soon as the conflict broke out, we cooperated with the 'Silence Technique'. I sealed their backs, and you sealed our side. In this way, we will All movements should be covered up as much as possible..."

Silence, this is a ranged second-level priest's magic, but it is also on the list of magic that "Harper Scout" can master.

Arilyn's "Harper Scout" level has reached the upper limit of level 5, but she has already mastered the relevant magic.

The two of them cooperated and used the "Silence Technique" to block both ends, and then quickly eliminated the monsters. This was indeed possible without causing any unexpected changes.


Isaac would naturally have no objection to this.

"Lord Ilki."

Finally, Aililin looked at the ghost mage again and said in a deep voice: "But we still need to help you create a dark environment for us to hide in, as well as a suitable environment for casting spells."

Needless to say, the casting environment is related to the "Shadow Stone". As long as it is within a certain range around Ilki, it will be affected.

The dark environment, what this refers to, is a natural ability of the ghost creature.

Arilyn knows that ghost creatures are born with an ability called "adjusting light."

With this ability, the ghost creature can adjust the brightness of the area within a hundred-foot radius around itself.

Considering the already dark environment of the sewer, if the brightness is adjusted to decrease...

Undoubtedly, this is another hidden guarantee!


Ilki agreed calmly.

As long as the elves' goal is to target Felin Demon Kui, the Yin Souls will be happy to cooperate.

And if the elves and the Felin Demon Kui can both suffer losses, or even die, this will naturally be more perfect.


"In this case, after I activate the mechanism and open the secret door, take action immediately!"

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Aililin returned to the agency again.

First, he used the looking glass to observe the situation outside, and waited until the monster walked away from the surrounding area.

Then, she first gestured to her teammates, then held down the rune token with one hand and spun it in a full circle.

Immediately, right in front of Danilo and the others, from inside the stone wall, there was a thin, but slight sound, like the sound of gears turning.

Like dwarves, elves are also good at creation.

However, it is completely opposite to the rough style of the dwarves.

What the elves pursue in their creation is exquisiteness and art!

This is the secret door at this time.

When Aililin activated the mechanism, the movement was obviously extremely slight, and the sound even came from the secret passage in a direction.

But, when the mechanism was activated, when the thick stone wall in front of Danilo and the others opened one by one, like a city gate...

"No wonder those monsters failed to discover this secret passage!"

Isaac's eyes also flickered slightly.

The exit of the secret passage, this secret door actually has seven layers, and each layer is about three feet thick. When all the layers are stacked together, they are as thick as a city wall.

With such a thickness and no magical factors, it cannot be distinguished by aura, so it is naturally difficult to detect.

And such a thick secret door was opened through a mechanism at this time, but it caused almost no obvious movement...

Even Isaac, unconsciously, had a higher opinion of the elf's skills.

These pointy-eared spirits, at least in terms of "exquisiteness", do have their own extraordinary achievements!

Of course, everyone's movements were not slow at all.




The seven-layer secret door has just been fully opened.

Within the secret passage, only four lizardmen were left.

Naturally, they are all members of Alilin's team.

Isaac and Ilki, however, used the "invisibility technique" to directly hide their figures.

And this at the same time.

The surrounding environment is getting darker and darker, and even the wisps of firelight from the distance are completely swallowed up by this darkness when they are refracted here.

Ilki's "light adjustment" ability seems to be activated.


"Follow me!"

Aililin immediately put away the rune token, and with a flash of her figure, she was directly in front of the team. Then she jumped, and she was the first to jump out of the secret passage.

Danilo and others will not be slow.

Following the lizard man transformed by Arilyn, they quickly left the secret passage.

And everyone left the secret passage.

On Eileen's side, she pressed the rune token into a groove at the exit of the secret passage.

Quickly, once again with the sound of fine gears, all the stone doors were closing again.

At the same time, the groove outside the portal quickly disappeared as if it was rotating.

Of course, it was inevitable that he would spit out the rune tokens on his own.

It was being picked up by Aililin.

While putting away the runes and gesturing to Danilo and the others, Arilyn quickly walked towards the depths of the sewer.

Although it is a sewer, the elves of Efraska still built this place on a large scale.

Not only are they megalithic buildings, the sewage system is even built into an underground river.

And around the sewage river, there are countless huge pillars.

At first glance, such a sewer seems to have the atmosphere of a majestic palace!

However, the scale is the scale, and the atmosphere is the atmosphere. While the royal city has been occupied by the monster army for a long time, the sewer has already been shrouded in dirty stench.

No one can be demanding, let lizardmen, gnolls, or even ogres and bugbears perform routine cleaning.

In addition, the Mystic Barrier has been destroyed, and all the magical purification effects have long since dissipated.

The sewers are dirty and smelly, which is completely expected.

At least for Aililin and others, including Ilki, there was no surprise at all.

Follow the map, then go against the sewage river and head into the city.

While Ai Lin was walking quickly, she was also looking left and right, her vigilance fully on.

She hadn't even taken a hundred steps. In her lizard-man form, her eyes suddenly wrinkled.

While her pace slowed down slightly and became much lighter, her figure had already reached the darkest area of ​​the sewer, using the occasional pillars to block it as she moved forward.

She was like this, and the three Danilos, who were very aware of her extraordinary perception ability, immediately figured out that there were traces of monsters ahead.

Then he slowed down his pace, but then quickened his pace and quickly followed her.

"Psychic powers!"

Isaac's eyes also turned away at this time, from the side of the Yinhun Mage!

After only a short trial, he was sure that although the ghost creatures had extremely strong dark vision, they did not have the innate ability to "see through invisibility".

Therefore, while in the invisible state, he "unceremoniously" observed all the abnormalities of the Yinhun Mage.

That ghost essence!

That powerful vitality!

More about the mysterious Falling Shadow Stone!

But it was when he was always observing and thinking about it.

Suddenly, something moved in my heart.

Even if Arilin was alerted to something, Isaac's eyes were quietly moving away from the Yinhun Mage.


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