Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1018 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (Thirteen)

(already edited)





Once the "Lord of the Underground" was completed, Isaac launched a series of "Earthquake Techniques" without hesitation.

The underground environment like the secret passage is the most destructive environment for the "earthquake technique".

If it happens again...

Almost in the blink of an eye, the "hidden palace", which was like a war fortress and had an unshakable feeling, was already collapsing everywhere amid the high-intensity endless vibrations of the earth.

However, at this time, quite a lot of undead rushed out of the "Hidden Hall" in panic.

The "Lord of the Underground" cast by Isaac was not a preparation spell for the spell slot, nor was it in the mastery list of the warlock profession. It was a temporary construction that he made by going back to the ninth level of magic and using original magic energy.

Because it is a temporary construction, the casting time of this spell is naturally longer than normal.

At this time, under the "Secret Hall", the elder Mo Kui's keen perception and quick reaction...

Naturally, there were a lot of undead souls, and even before the "Earthquake Technique" was released, they rushed out of the "Hidden Hall".

And with the order of Elder Mo Kui, coupled with the continuous collapse of the "hidden palace", the way back has been cut off.

These undead who rushed out of the "Earthquake Technique"'s influence range, even if they still had instinctive fear, could only kill towards the team.


Of course, these undead are only part of the power of the "Hidden Palace".

Of course, they are all in the wrong state.

But when they roared to the ground and charged forward...

Whether it was Ai Lin, the others, or the Ghost Mage, their eyes all jumped again.

The undead that were killed at this time were completely different concepts from the undead that they encountered and defeated along the way.

The undead they had encountered before, especially the incorporeal undead, were certainly difficult to deal with, but they could not pose a big threat until they had prepared targeted measures.

But this time it was different.

Although most of the undead killed at this time were still incorporeal, the core strength, which was also the most critical threat, had changed.


With a glance, he saw that the demon soul corpse was directly on the cave wall or even crawling upside down on the cave roof, but it was as agile as a shadow leopard.

Farewell to the soul-capturing demon with the form of a lich, full of despair and cursed power.

What’s more, when one kills them, they all become a group...

At this moment, even Danilo and Ilki, who were observing and thinking about the mystery of "Mr. Lei's" spell, couldn't help but turn their eyes forward.

Aililin tightened her grip on the moon blade and stepped forward to fight.

But just now.

Elais grabbed her and shouted again, glaring at Danilo.


Danilo and he were also old comrades-in-arms, so he understood what he meant without any further words.

In fact, if it weren't for Uncle Lei's spellcasting, which really attracted his attention, Eles wouldn't have needed to remind him.

Although Arilyn's combat ability is far beyond her own professional level.

However, facing the siege of demonic soul corpses, especially high-level undead like the soul-prisoning demon, it was difficult to make any progress or retreat.

"Power Wall Technique!"

A scroll was quickly taken out and immediately activated. Under Danilo's control, the strong force field energy began to condense rapidly.

However, the spell on his side has not been completed yet...

"Rain of Arrows!"

After him, Otis's open long bow suddenly shot out a series of energy arrows in an instant.

What's more, all energy arrows, Hua Ruo, have the ability to "lock" and "track". When shot out in an instant, each one finds a different target.

It was the fastest, so the Demonic Soul Corpses who were rushing to the front were the highest priority targets!

Arrow Rain, the magic archer's group combat ability, is activated with bows and arrows, but it is a spell-like ability, so the actual effect is the same as a spell.

With the shooting of this "arrow", the charging momentum of those demon soul corpses was blocked one after another.

See this.

Ben also paid attention to the front, and was ready to take action, but Ilki's slightly narrowed eyes became indifferent again.

This wave of obstruction by the Demon Soul Corpse was enough for Danilo to successfully complete the "Power Wall Technique".

And once the force field wall is erected, if all the undead are blocked on the opposite side...

Naturally, Mr. Lei can continue his "earthquake technique"!

At this thought, Ilkina narrowed his eyes slightly, and unconsciously glanced at Mr. Lei again.

Then...a strange color flashed deep in his eyes.

Mr. Lei's appearance in this short period of time made him extremely surprised and even shocked!

It is unimaginable to have dual cultivation of Sinnoh and the power of the Prince of Shadows.

But what Ilki cares about most is not this.

That "Lord of the Underground", or more accurately, the abnormal performance of this ninth-level spell, was the source of his real shock!

The City of Shadows has the most complete inheritance of the ancient magic dynasty.

Not to mention the Supreme City Lord, not to mention the Yin Hun Prince, even among the Yin Hun people, there are quite a few elders who had been employed as "arcanists" before the great disaster.

Therefore, although the current magic system is completely different from that era, the efforts to revive the magic dynasty have never neglected the inheritance of ancient arcane knowledge. The City of Shadows, especially the City of Shadows, The mages inside all have a very deep understanding of the ancient arcane system.

And from this...

"His spellcasting seems to be quite similar to the ancient arcane system!"

"To be able to achieve such an ability in today's magic system..."

Ilki's eyes narrowed again.

Whether it was professional ability or other reasons, Mr. Lei's level undoubtedly exceeded his expectations once again!


"If we can't use the help of Felin Demon Kui to deal with him and the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic, perhaps we should give the prince some advice and attack and take action before the 'shadow shield' dissipates. Got it!"

During this thought.

There was no change in the expression on his face, and his eyes turned away from Mr. Lei. He saw the "force field wall" being erected again, blocking all the undead on the opposite side.

There is this obstacle.

In the "Lord of the Underground" form, Mr. Lei's "Earthquake Technique" was quickly completed in five consecutive shots.

This high-frequency and high-intensity local earthquake caused the cave to completely collapse, and the entire "hidden palace" seemed to be directly buried alive in it.


"That's not right!"

Mr. Lei's "Earthquake Technique" was fired five times in a row, and it was all completed at this time.

In order to avoid being noticed by Mr. Lei and alerting him to something, Ilki temporarily put aside his observation and testing of Mr. Lei. Instead, he paid more attention to Felin Mokui.

However, even at this time, he never saw the figure of Felin Mokui escaping from the "Hidden Hall".


Although Ilki very much hoped that the Phayling was really buried under the ruins, but rationally speaking, with the ability of the Phayling, this possibility was slim.

And if he is not buried, but he has not come out...

In particular, it is not just the Phayling Demon Sunflower that has not yet emerged. At this time, only one or two of the illithids and beholders have appeared after the undead...

"Could it be that... he absconded?"

At this thought, Ilki's eyes suddenly flashed.

It's not impossible.

There have been many years of research on Felin Demon Kui and the City of Shadows.

Iljishen knew that perhaps such ancient evils had unimaginable magical abilities and the resulting pride and arrogance, but at the same time, these guys were also extremely cautious.

Whenever they encounter an unknown enemy, these guys always like to hide behind the scenes and pass the test of the puppet first. Only after the observation is clear, they will take action.

And if the power of the unknown enemy exceeds their expectations, these monsters may even give up the fight and retreat first.

This is also true. Although the overall power of the Phayling Demon Kui has been unimaginable since ancient times, these guys have always been shrinking in the depths of the Underdark, and almost no one knows their existence.

Back then, they had been secretly studying the war with the Magic Dynasty for many years, and they had mastered the ability to restrain the floating city and even the "immortal spell", so that the great arcanists who were too old did not dare to fight with them easily. This only erupted after confronting the enemy.

From this perspective, at this time, it would be normal for the Felin Demon Kui in the "Hidden Hall" to retreat without fighting and conduct some observations in the dark.

Just this way...

"With Mr. Lei's prince-level power, after retreating, will he come out again? I'm afraid..."

He frowned secretly in his heart. Ilki was a little unsure of the possible movements of Felin Demon Kui.

On the one hand, Mr. Lei's power exceeded his expectations, and naturally exceeded Felin Mokui's imagination. It would be understandable if Felin Mokui simply retreated.

But on the other hand, since these Felin demons have accumulated a large number of high-level undead here, and they also have the "anti-magic field" ability of the beholder generals, they can even, when needed, attack the monster army in the sewers and the surface of the earth. It is not that the hidden power above cannot be used, so it is not completely impossible to counterattack.

in this way……

"It is necessary to be prepared with both hands."

"If Felin Demon Kui comes to kill, then there will be a fierce battle."

"But if you just abscond..."

Ilki's eyes flashed.

In an environment where the "Shadow Shield" prohibits teleportation, even the Flynn Demon Sunflower cannot escape without any sign.

Therefore, as long as he can search for relevant traces, there is a high probability that he will continue to pursue him!

Although I don’t think that these Felin Demon Sunflowers can deceive Mr. Lei.

However, Ilki also welcomed Mr. Lei's treatment of these Felin magic sunflowers.

The more intense the fight between the two sides becomes, knocking out the brains, which is what he wants to see most.

And Ilki was already thinking about where to start tracking the traces of Felin Demon Sunflower.

Suddenly, an eyeball ray flew from the opposite side of the force field wall.

At the moment before, a group of undead souls, whether physical or virtual, were blocked by the "Power Wall Technique" and were temporarily insurmountable.

At this moment, the invisible force field wall collapsed instantly.

Then, as fast as lightning, a group of demon soul corpses turned into numerous phantoms at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

Naturally, it is the dissociation ray of the beholder!

The "Wall of Force Technique" can prevent the "Anti-Magic Field", but it is completely restrained by the "Dissociation Technique".

The effect of dissociation rays is exactly the same as that of "dissociation"!

Use a "dissociation ray" to destroy the "force field wall" blocking the undead.

Behind him, the beholder floating in the air, the closed central main eye, was also opening at this moment.

Then, the cone-shaped "anti-magic field" with a radius of 150 feet immediately covered everything on the side of the secret passage.

After that, all the incorporeal undead souls first disappeared into it.

However, the demon corpses, soul-prisoning demons, and a few mummies are not affected in any way.

These undead souls are all "awakened" rather than "summoned".

The anti-magic field can suppress their supernatural abilities and spell-like abilities, but will not affect their direct existence.

Such changes...

"Shadow Leap!"

Without any hesitation, Ilki stepped back. The "anti-magic field" over there had not yet covered this place. His body had already turned into a shadow, and he stepped back a hundred feet in one step.

He waved his hand again, just to cooperate with the one in front to block the beholder's anti-magic field.

But suddenly, his gaze shrank again.

I saw in front of me that the colorful light was blooming!

It's the beholder's anti-magic field that is advancing.

A colorful shield was opened in front of the team.

Suddenly, even the anti-magic field was completely unable to break through, and could only continue to spread forward from the left and right sides of the shield.

Not only that, with the spread of the anti-magic field, the demon soul corpses that were being culled at the same time, as long as they rushed into this colorful shield area, they saw a burst of electric flames and more magic. The effect was also activated, and these demon soul corpses turned into wisps of fly ash and dissipated in the shield in the blink of an eye.

"Rainbow Shield!"

Naturally it was Isaac's spellcasting.

The form of the "Lord of the Underground" will not affect his ability to control changes in his surroundings.

Of course he has the numbers to kill the beholder.

Keep distance.

When the duration of "Lord of the Underground" ended, the beholder also shot a "dissociation ray", and his "Rainbow Shield" also came out simultaneously.

And it was his side that blocked the "anti-magic field".

One to the left and one to the right, Arilyn and Eles waved the moon blades, but they also faced the killing demon corpses.

Otis's long bow was pointed at the shield, and he was crawling backwards from the top of the cave.

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