Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1019 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (Fourteen)

(already edited)

"In the way!"

All the teammates were fighting fiercely, but Danilo was the only one who cursed secretly.

He was almost at the completion stage of casting the spell, but because of Ilki's sudden retreat, the "Shadow Stone" no longer had the effect, and the spell casting immediately failed.

After all, these ghosts are still as unreliable as ever!

However, secret curses are secret curses, Danilo's city is not so much that his thoughts are revealed on his face.

In particular, with Uncle Lei's "Rainbow Shield" blocking the front, Aililin and Eles were fighting on the left and right, but they could basically block the frontal impact of the Demon Soul Corpse.

The failure of his spellcasting did not harm the overall situation.

However, just in response to his thought...

Danilo's eyes suddenly shrank again.

A black shadow flew towards me from the top of the cave.

Demon Soul Corpse!

Without thinking, Danilo started swinging the staff in his hand.

As the former heir to the "Black Staff", what he learned from Kelben was not just magic.

Once nearly fatal to a phaerinn, and almost torn in half by a yugoloth, Khelben is no longer a believer in the supremacy of magic.

A mage who can fight is the real mage!

Therefore, Danilo's "Staff Technique" has also been passed down.

At this time, in this environment where magic was impossible, he was not panicked at all when he was attacked by a demon corpse. He swung his staff and struck it with a heavy head blow, and even made a whistling sound.

"Paralysis strike!"

However, although his reaction is quick, without using magic, with the power of Demon Soul Corpse only slightly inferior to that of Flo Demon, how can he be afraid of fighting him in close combat?

With a roar, the claws were torn off like the wind, and at the same time, a strange tentacle with a long tongue and claws flew out from under the skull-like skull.

And at the same time.

"Create a spawn!"

From the body of the demon soul corpse, there is still powerful negative energy, like a raging wave, suddenly rushing up.

Swirling, thick black smoke was rising above its claws.

Paralysis attack, this is the special ability of Demon Soul Corpse. It uses the strange poison carried by its tentacles to paralyze the target.

Because this ability is a special ability, it is not only not affected by the "anti-magic field", but is also not suppressed by the "shadow shield".

"Creating spawns" is a supernatural ability. Creatures killed by this ability will be directly transformed into zombies controlled by the demon corpse.

Supernatural abilities are naturally completely ineffective within the anti-magic field area.

However, once they leave the anti-magic field, even the "shadow shield" will not hinder them at all.

After jumping down from the cave roof, this demonic corpse entered the protective area of ​​the "Rainbow Shield" and was no longer affected by the "anti-magic field" of the beholder.

Spin, the ability to "create derivatives" was activated immediately.

"not good!"

Even by Danilo's side, Otis would naturally not be unaware of this change.

In fact, this demon soul corpse broke through his sniper attack.

However, this is also impossible.

Once the beholder's "anti-magic field" is turned on, many of his professional abilities, including spells, are completely restricted.

To snipe a powerful undead like the Demon Soul Corpse with only archery skills, especially since the Demon Soul Corpse is a skeleton, a skeleton that is naturally resistant to shooting...

Otis tried his best, but in the end he still couldn't do it. He shot down all the demonic corpses rushing towards the top of the cave with just ordinary shots.

When one of them saw a demonic corpse, he did not kill Aililin and Eles, nor did he rush towards Mr. Lei. Instead, he targeted Danilo, who was obviously the worst at melee combat, and even activated Death ability……

"Get behind me!"

With a low cry, Otis was about to open his long bow again. As soon as he changed his posture, he swung it out in the air.

However, this is the moment...

His long bow and Danilo's staff were all in vain.

The demon soul corpse that flew down was extremely fast just a moment ago. At this moment, the movement turned into silence. It stopped as soon as it stopped. It actually stopped in the sky.

Danilo and Otis raised their eyes, but they saw that one of the legs of the demon corpse was caught in front of others!

The next moment...


With just one movement of this hand, the Demonic Soul Corpse was unable to control its body at all, and was smashed to the ground in the open space.

The ground of the rock structure was cracked by the heavy blow.

"Get it for me!"

Another voice sounded.

Along with the sound, a large shield flew towards Danilo.

Danilo quickly reached out to catch it.

Of course it was Isaac who took action!

Even Isaac must admit that the "Shadow Shield"'s hindrance to magic is really extraordinary from a theoretical point of view.

Therefore, after completing the "Rainbow Shield", Ilki's sudden retreat meant that even his spells failed.

However, the failure of the spell does not matter to the current situation.

after all……

He rolled up his sleeves and rose into the air. Isaac looked like he could fight with just his fists.

In fact, he did do it.

"True Vision" can break through the darkness, and the demon corpse above can break through Otis's blockade, but it cannot escape his gaze.

The Demon Soul Corpse pounced on Danilo. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he directly grabbed one of the Demon Soul Corpse's legs in the air.

Another swing and smash...

The power of the dragon!

In the sudden shaking of the earth, even if the demon corpse is an undead, it will not actually be shocked, nor will it be affected by the effects of heavy blows and fatal blows. But at least at this moment, the skeletal body of the demon corpse , unable to move at all.

Isaac didn't stop yet.

With a wave of his hand, he handed the shield to Danilo, and his figure suddenly sank again.

He stepped directly on the back of the demon soul corpse and stamped it down again. He was about to chop the head of this "demon soul corpse" into pieces completely...


Actually, a venomous snake-like tentacle shot out from behind the demon soul corpse's skull.

When Isaac stomped his foot, he met its tentacle first.

It seemed that even though the force was too heavy, even the skeletal body of the Demon Soul Corpse was shaken until the bones became loose, making it difficult to struggle for a while.

However, its soft-structured tentacles are completely unaffected.

This tentacle looks like a tongue, but it is extremely flexible. Not only can it shoot out from any hole on the front of the skull, but even the back of the head is within its attack range.

At this time, facing Isaac's stamped foot, the tentacle shot out, and the sharp claws on it opened at once, and the paralyzing poison was secreted and activated at a very fast speed.


Although he felt something, Isaac simply ignored it all.

With a stomp, the tentacles shot to the soles of his feet, but...the sharp claws couldn't break through his skin at all!

Not to mention, the giant dragon is immune to all paralysis effects. Even if this demonic corpse can break through his "damage reduction", the poison with its unique effect is also completely useless.


The next moment, Isaac's foot stamped down.

Compared with the giant swinging the giant hammer, the violent attack carried out is heavier and much heavier.

With this stamp of the foot, countless cracks suddenly spread on the rocky ground beneath the Demon Soul Corpse's skull.

However, before the ground completely collapsed, the skull of the Demonic Soul Corpse could no longer bear the impact of this too violent force.

There was just a sound of explosion, and the whole head was shattered and exploded in an instant.

Almost at the same moment, the ground collapsed.

Even if the demon soul corpse is an undead, at this moment, the skeletal body shows no signs of struggle.

Such a scene...


Danilo who was behind him, and Ilki who was "shadow leaping" over again, both swallowed silently.

Even before this, they had already known that this "Mr. Lei" was extremely powerful. Even monsters like bugbears were under his hands and could be manipulated at will.

But in the end, that's just a matter of discretion.

How could there be such an impact at this moment when the demonic soul corpse was exploded with this kick and the rocky ground was directly shattered?

Such power...

"I'm afraid even the giants will be worse than him!"

Ilki's eyes couldn't help but shrink again.

The power of giants!

Sinnoh dual cultivation!

Moreover, in terms of divine arts, he should have mastered the sixth-level divine arts, which means he has mastered the "medical arts". This means that as long as he is not fatally injured, he can restore his full life in an instant!

In terms of arcane magic, he must have mastered legendary spells!

Such a combination...

"Only under the environment of 'Shadow Shield' can a solution be possible!"

"We must persuade the prince. If we want to activate it, it must be before the 'shadow shield' dissipates!"

Of course, he still needs to continue to cooperate at this time.

His eyes only flashed, and he returned to his usual indifference. He took a step forward, activated his "Shadow Leap" again, and Ilki returned to the team.

Immediately, the effect of the "Shadow Stone" enveloped everyone around him again.

Another magic scroll was taken out and activated after a while.

"Magical fangs!"

From the palm of the ghost mage's left hand, a ghost tentacle dozens of feet long, with a fanged mouth at the top, quickly grew out.

Moreover, around the huge fanged mouth, there is another circle of small tentacles, which are also growing wildly.

Each small tentacle has a fanged mouth at the top.

Once the shape was completed, these tentacles were like dancing demons, facing the top of the "Rainbow Shield".

We still need to continue to cooperate with Efraska, especially with Mr. Lei here. Before the final moment comes, Ilki is still willing to make some necessary efforts.

He is so.

Danilo is never slow.

The effect of the "Shadow Stone" comes back again.

Danilo also took out a magic scroll.

"Kelben's force field hand!"

Quickly, with his left hand as the center, the force field energy condensed in an instant and turned into a huge hand of force.

The power hand of the left hand swung, and the staff of the right hand used another "power of the bull", but did not go to Ai Lilin's side. Danilo first responded to Eles.

Although Eles is an elf sword mage with extraordinary swordsmanship, it also depends on who he is being compared with.

For ordinary spellcasters, this melee ability is undoubtedly not worth mentioning in front of the Elf Sword Master.

However, no matter how extraordinary his skills were in swordsmanship, Eles, like Arilyn, not only received the most rigorous training from the Royal Guards instructors since childhood, but also had the advanced profession of "Harper Scout". For warriors who have reached full level, there is an obvious gap.

That's it for now.

Facing the fierce impact of the demon soul corpse and the soul-prisoning demon that followed closely behind.

On Eileen's side, wielding a moon blade, it was a rock-like fighting machine that blocked the right path tightly, without any sign of a breakthrough.

After all, Iles was a little short of the mark. From time to time, he just had to retreat into the normal area formed by the "Rainbow Shield" to avoid some damage with the help of high-quality equipment.

However, every time he dodges, there is inevitably a risk of a breakthrough on the left side.

It's just that the time is still short, so it hasn't been truly broken through yet.

Danilo's response came at the right time.

In particular, with the ultra-high damage reduction granted by "Kelben's Force Field Hand", as long as he does not enter the area of ​​the "anti-magic field", whether it is a demon corpse or a soul-prisoning demon, its power is No matter how strong you are, you can't hurt him by force.

With a slap, Iles blocked the tentacle attack of the Demon Soul Corpse. Danilo's "force field hand" was grasped again, and he actually pulled the tentacle and suddenly exerted force. , just to drag the demon soul corpse in.

At the same moment, the staff that had just completed the "Power of the Ox" suddenly flashed with magical aura.

Combat casting!

Black tentacles!

But his spell has just been cast.

"Holy Cure!"

Above the moon blade of Iles, medical energy was surging even faster.

What’s more, it’s not about himself or Danilo.

A sword was thrust straight into the Demon Soul Corpse, which was holding its tongue with the "Hand of the Force Field". This "Holy Treatment" also fell on the Demon Soul Corpse.

All medical magic, this is the most direct and irreducible restraint damage to undead creatures.

A sword pierced the skull of the Demon Soul Corpse, and the sharpness of the moon blade pierced it directly.

But there was a sacred flame, which suddenly burned inside the head of the demon corpse.

That's it.


"Energy Control - Holy Energy Replacement!"

"Shape Control!"

Isaac moved left step by step.

Following this, the "Rainbow Shield" is also moving to the left.

The undead that kept attacking the defense line of Iles.

The ones behind were hurriedly braking and retreating as if struck by lightning, not daring to get close to the "Rainbow Shield" at all.

The one in front also had flames burning his buttocks, and he jumped in suddenly regardless of the obstruction in front.

But just now.

Isaac stretched out his hand, and a blazing white sacred light bead formed and shot out.

The distance is so close that there is no way to avoid it.

As soon as this bead of light was shot out, it suddenly exploded into a huge circle of flames.

The extremely strong sacred energy completely enveloped the undead that escaped from the "Anti-Magic Field" area due to the left movement of the "Rainbow Shield".

But at the same time, a safe area was also separated. Neither the ghost mage nor the ghost tentacles in the sky were affected by this flame at all.

Area of ​​blazing white flame.

Black smoke is evaporating endlessly from the body of the demon soul corpse and the soul-prisoning demon.

But this time.

Taking another step, Isaac moved to the right front again.

The same sacred light bead quickly condensed again as he raised his hand.

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