Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1020 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (15)

(already edited)

"Lord Bartholomew, something has happened above."

Dark tunnel.

There is a beholder team leading the way.

A team of illithids followed behind.

The three-headed Ferrin Demon Sunflower, which exited the "Hidden Hall" in time, was moving slowly and slowly. Not only did it not see the destruction of its nest at all, but it also had the anger it should have, and even a trace of impatience. Feelings were not revealed.

The nature of the phaerinn is a contradictory combination of pride and caution.

With powerful magical power, the Felin Demon Kui looks down on all other races, at least, most other creatures.

But at the same time, they will be extra cautious once they encounter enemies whose details are unknown, including targets that are regarded as powerful enemies.

Since the person above has cast the ninth-level spell "Lord of the Underground", naturally, he is qualified to be regarded as a powerful enemy and threat by Felin Demon Kui.

Precisely because of this, these three philim demons had decided early on to outflank the intruders and completely cut off all their escape routes.

However, when it comes to actions, they are not reckless or impulsive at all.

Marching in the tunnel in an orderly manner, they are waiting for the progress above!

Beholders, illithids, and numerous high-level undead, coupled with the tunnel environment, perfectly fit the beholder's anti-magic field ability...

Thinking about it, even if it can't block the other side, it can also expose the other side.

Even forcing out that legendary spell is not impossible!

Naturally, these Felin Demon Sunflowers don't need to be impatient at all.

However, they were marching calmly...

Suddenly, a telepathic voice came from the team of illithids following behind.

Something has changed!

The three-headed illithid suddenly changed color in his heart.

Among their puppets, there is a common spiritual connection between the illithid and the illithid.

With this, these illithid monsters can directly see everything they see on the opposite side within a certain range.

This is also the important reason why the Phaeling Demon Sunk left two illithids above.

With the illithid monsters at both ends, even if there is an "anti-magic field" and a "shadow shield" over there, this does not hinder them from being aware of the situation there at all times.

But now...

He frowned secretly in his heart. Among the three phaerim demons, the elder demon "Basaromu" who was obviously the central figure, "looked" at the illithid puppet who came from behind to ask for instructions: " Pass the relevant information over.”


The illithid puppet immediately started transmitting relevant information.

Then, at the spiritual level of Basaromu, scenes unfolded.

From the force field wall, to the dissociation ray, to the anti-magic field, followed closely by the mysterious shield of rainbow light...

The scene after scene made Bartholomew's expression change continuously.

There are many scenes, but the time is extremely short.

These many scenes are densely connected and exploded.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Basaromu had already seen the end. As the "rainbow shield" moved left and right, the undead team collapsed as a whole.

Facing the rapid approach of these enemies, the beholders behind them also opened their anti-magic fields, and they also panicked at this time.

Seeing that he can't hold on for much longer.


At this time, the two Felin Demon Kui on the left and right felt Basaromu's frown and hesitation, and both of them also asked with telepathic voices.

"You guys also take a look."

With a movement of his mind and will, Bartholomew passed on the relevant scenes to these two men again.

Looking at it for a moment, the two Felin Demon Sunflowers also felt a frown in their hearts at the same time.

Felin and Mo Kui all have profound research on magic. Even though this scene at this time was only indirectly transmitted by the illithid, they still grasped some key points.

"The effect of the anti-magic field has been weakened!"

"This rainbow shield is very effective in restraining the anti-magic field!"

"This person is indeed our formidable enemy!"

"With his actions like this, the defeat from above is very close."

"We have to outflank his back and launch a two-pronged attack. I'm afraid it's impossible!"

The two philim demons, you and I, are all shaking their heads.

The movable "Rainbow Shield" is indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

Under the "shadow shield", the beholder puppet is one of their most important weapons. Once this "anti-magic field" is restrained by certain spells...

"So, what you mean is to evacuate temporarily? To the underground, or to the Gray Cloak Mountains?"

Bartholomew said in a deep voice.

Since the failure is imminent, it is too late to outflank the enemy. Coupled with the strength shown on the other side... there is no other way out except evacuation!



A Felin Demon Kui shook his head: "Evacuate, of course we should evacuate, but this does not mean retreating to both sides.

Or, to be more precise, what we are undertaking is a strategic transfer..."

While talking, I saw the other two looking at him.

Mo Kui then said again: "Under the 'shadow shield', with the cooperation of the Yinhun Mage, the danger of these people is indeed not small. Even if we encounter it, there is still the possibility of accidents, so , it is easy to understand to temporarily avoid their sharp edges.

But at the same time, since this person has mastered the 'Rainbow Shield', and this spell has obviously affected us, it is natural to completely eliminate him.

And considering this person’s power, I mean…”

At this point, the voice paused for a moment, seeming to complete his thoughts again. Then, Felin Mokui continued: "Two aspects should be carried out at the same time, one is to encircle, and the other is to snipe!"



Bartholomew's two men's hearts moved, and they both began to think deeply.

Due to time constraints, Felin Mokui had no intention of showing off, and said directly: "Containment! There are many troops in the sewers. Since their traces have been exposed, how can we tolerate them anymore? Mobilize the army in full force, and all the troops will be killed. We must encircle them and do everything possible to consume them, especially that one person, with spells!"

The caster's spells are always limited, especially since the war has been going on for a long time. In terms of spell resources, there is also a huge consumption over there. As long as they continue to contain them, this will continue to weaken them!

Bartholomew nodded slightly in agreement.

The monster army is just their puppet. No matter how much it consumes, he will not frown at all.

After all, a dead puppet is just as valuable, and even more powerful if it is evoked as a high-level undead.

"Sniper! This includes several aspects."

"First, the choice of sniper target. I think that the first target should be the ghost mage! As long as this person is killed by sniper, it is impossible for those people to teleport from this 'shadow shield' Escaped!"

The primary target is the Ghost Mage!

The two of Bartholomew nodded again. As long as there is no ghost mage and the "shadow shield" prohibits teleportation, it is indeed true that those people teleported and escaped at the critical moment, but...

As if he had seen what the two of them were thinking, Felin Mokui's voice did not stop: "Yes, with the abilities of 'Shadow Leap' and 'Shadow Teleportation', it is really difficult to retain these ghost mages under normal circumstances. So, it’s time to enable that side!

Leave some signs for them. As long as they break through the encirclement all the way and chase us there, this is the hope of sniping down the Haunted Mage and completely retaining everyone, even that one! "

At the end of Felin Mokui's words, he specifically pointed out "that one".

From what can be observed so far, "that one" is almost as threatening as the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic.

Such a strong man is worthy of their long-term preparations!

"I think it's feasible!"

Another Felin Mo Kui also spoke up at this time: "With this plan, we can also test whether those people's attacks on us are targeted, or what?

At this juncture, Efraska and the City of Ghosts are bound to make big moves, and we cannot ignore them! "

The "testing" he was talking about naturally meant to see if those people would really track them.

If they are really being followed, they obviously have a clear goal!

And if it's the other way around... then they may have to use more tricks to lure those people into taking the bait!

"Yes, it's time for the decisive battle!"

"Looking at it from this point of view, this attack was probably premeditated and they already knew about our lurking here!"

Basaros also nodded.

Although he had been lurking for a long time, preparing a blow from behind for the decisive battle to come, it was destroyed by the opponent, but the elder Mo Kui was not at all frustrated.

With a still calm voice, he said solemnly: "Since they have launched an attack on us, I think the war above the city is about to begin. Send a message to all parties, including those two sides, let them prepare for the battle!"

The last words he said were to the illithids behind him.

After receiving the order, this illithid immediately used "spiritual connection" to send orders to some illithids related to him.

Soon, this order continued to spread.

And here, simply ignoring the beholders and illithids in the secret passage above, the flying speed of the three-headed phaerimm is also accelerating.

The battle above was not over yet. Surrounded by beholders and illithid, they entered the sewer from an exit of the tunnel.

Soon, the monsters entrenched in the sewer became commotion again.

And the other side.

The battle between Isaac and others is coming to an end.

When the beholder's anti-magic field is resisted by his "rainbow shield", it keeps pressing in.

Those incorporeal undead souls that disappeared in the anti-magic field also reappeared.

These considerable numbers of incorporeal undead slightly delayed the time for them to end the battle.

However, he has already demonstrated the power of the warlock profession, and these delays are just delays, and there are no unexpected troubles.

After a while.

As they kept pressing in, the beholder and the illithid kept retreating.

It was not until they reached the completely collapsed ruins of the "Hidden Palace" that the moon blades of Arilyn and Eles finally beheaded these three monsters.

Then, looking at the ruins in front of me, it has completely collapsed, and therefore, it has completely blocked the secret passage...

"There are still many undead buried inside, and there are still signs of life."

"However, those phaerinn magic sunflowers should not be among them."

"Should we clear out these undead first, or turn around, change the route, and continue to the Magic Martial Arts Academy?"

Ilki rarely took the initiative to speak out.

However, when it comes to the Felin Demon Kui, the ghosts have extra reactions, which is normal.

Moreover, although his target was for the Flying Demon Kui, there was only a slight hint in his words that the Flying Mo Kui was no longer here and had already escaped, with no other interference at all.


Among the people here, except for Ai Lin, who is a bit straightforward, no one else is without some scheming.

How could he not understand some of the thoughts of this Yinhun Mage?

Of course, such thoughts may not necessarily come from the Yinhun Mage, but they are meant to understand them.

"There is no need to clear out these undead."

Danilo first shook his head and said: "We don't have time to waste here. After we take the royal city, we can let the army clean it up. But those Felin demons who escaped..."

He paused for a moment, then his eyes met with Uncle Lei, Eles and others, and then he continued: "I thought these Felin Demon Sunflowers were lurking in the 'Hidden Hall', but this is definitely not the case. There is no reason. Most likely, it is related to the monster army in the city. Therefore, we may not encounter the possibility of encountering them in our continued reconnaissance of the Magic Martial Arts Academy.

Even if there is no encounter with the Magic Martial Arts Academy, if nothing else, they will appear in the next war.

Therefore, I think we can continue to prioritize reconnaissance missions, and if we encounter them at the Magic Martial Arts Academy, we can deal with them at once.

On the contrary, if there are no major problems in the Magic Martial Arts Academy, then we will lurk in the dark and observe their possible signs of appearance in the next war. Once discovered, we will immediately strike with thunder! "

Danilo does not reject the plan of decapitating Felin Demon Kui first.

However, at least for now, he still felt that the situation at the Magic Martial Arts Academy was the first thing to investigate clearly.

Of course, considering the importance of Yinhun Mage to the team, since Yinhun Mage revealed those hints, he did not intentionally ignore them.

With only a moment's thought in his mind, Danilo combined the two tasks of reconnaissance and beheading.

In this way, tasks can be completed with priority and intelligence guidance given to the army.

It is also not surprising that Master Yinhun has any private thoughts.

He said so.

Whether it was Eles or Ilki, they all nodded after thinking for a moment.

Even Isaac, who was quite curious about the special relationship between the Felin Demon Sunflower and the "Shadow Shield", had no objection.

Only Aililin said: "In this case, we should speed up. Since the Felin Demon Sunflower has escaped, the monsters in the sewer will definitely react. Next, our battles will probably be more frequent. ”

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