Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1021 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (16)

A consensus was quickly reached, and the team did not waste any time. They immediately returned to the sewers along the same route, and marched quickly towards the planned second route.

However, at this time, the sequelae of Felin Demon Kui's escape had already begun to take shape.

The monsters entrenched in the sewers are not only patrolling everywhere, but there are also quite a few who seem to have received clear orders and are heading towards the secret passage in groups.

Even though Isaac and the others left fast enough.

It didn't take much time, but it still encountered several waves of impact one after another.

Moreover, following these encounters, it was obvious that the monsters seemed to have roughly located their location.

It can be predicted that the ensuing encounters will inevitably be more frequent and larger-scale.

Regarding this…

"Ai Lin, wait a minute, give me the map first!"

After clearing out the new wave of monsters encountered, marching continuously, and fighting continuously, Otis, who was already a little out of breath, suddenly called everyone to continue marching.


Aileen's map, this is from Efraska's Hunting Hall.

Because Efraska has always been in seclusion, the city and the sewers are all under their control.

So, the sewer route map, it's very comprehensive.

Unless it is a newly opened area after the Felin Demon Kui occupied it, basically everything in the sewers is on this map.

Otis suddenly wants to look at this map...

With a thought in his heart, everyone knew it. He should have discovered something from the monster's constant attacks.

After all, this person is a "native" of Efraska, and he knows everything about Efraska better than everyone else, which is normal.


Arilyn quickly took out the map and handed it to him.

Otis unfolded the map, determined and circled the area where they were now and the location of the previous encounter, and then connected the lines on the map a few times.

He closed his eyes, and many thoughts quickly passed through his mind.

When he opened his eyes again, Otis had already confirmed his previous suspicion, and then said: "I think I know where they are going!"

"This is the location where we have been hit in succession."

"This is the direction those monsters come from every time they are attacked."

"We extend this direction in the opposite direction and consider the time difference between each attack..."

As he spoke, Otis used his fingers to circle dots on the map, and continued to connect them. In the end, these lines roughly converged on a route.

This route pointed to the northeast of the sewer, and there was a big angle difference from the east direction they pointed to the Magic Martial Arts Academy.

However, after confirming this direction, Otis looked solemn and said in a deep voice: "If the attacks of these monsters are due to the direct orders of the Phaylings, then I think the destination of these Phaylings is , it’s time to be here…”

Point your finger directly on a line-intensive area on the sewer map.

The voice did not stop: "Yunguan Palace!"

Cloud Crown Palace, where the Royal Court of Efraska is located, is also the core place where monsters reside in the royal city.

This time the elves are preparing to launch a war, and none of the three major targets of the initial battle are directed at it.

These Felin Demon Sunflowers fled from the "Hidden Palace". If they were heading towards Yunguan Palace...

"Yes, that's exactly what it should be."

"They are lurking in the 'Hidden Palace'. If they are a monster army secretly manipulating the surface of the earth, Yunguan Palace is the most critical place."

Danilo nodded. Of course, he didn't want to change his goal. He wanted to complete the reconnaissance mission of the Magic Martial Arts Academy first. This was always his and Arilyn's first goal.


He first agreed with Otis's judgment, but his voice did not stop, and he continued: "Yunguan Palace, this nest, whether it is on the surface or in the sewers, is the place where the monster army is densest. Even us, To pursue them, there would be many obstacles, and there might even be possibilities designed for them.

But this was just normal times, just before.

The great lord has launched the 'Ten Days Decisive Battle', and the Legion's attack and recovery of the royal city will inevitably disrupt all their arrangements.

Therefore, we still need to cooperate with the strategic plan first. After recovering the 'Magic Martial Arts Academy', 'Tower of the Moon', and 'Tower of Star Meadow', we can then join forces from three aspects to launch the final siege of Cloud Crown Palace.

Come to think of it, when that time comes, with the habits of these philims, they will inevitably be the first to escape.

However, since we have already identified their location and made arrangements in advance, it will not be so easy for them to escape the next time they encounter! "

Complete the scheduled plan first.

After conquering the three important areas, we will launch a decisive siege on Yunguan Palace.

Once the military strength here is captured, if the Felin Demon Kui withdraws again...

Isaac also nodded slightly, and some admiration flashed through his eyes.

After all, the cheap nephew was trained by the old thief Kelben. The reaction speed of his brain and the agility of his thinking are a bit like his early demeanor.

"Danilo makes sense."

"If we pursue him directly, the possibility of falling into their design is not small."

"On the contrary, when the three-sided siege on the royal city takes shape, it will be time for them to fall into our design."

"Continue the reconnaissance mission."

Isaac expressed his approval of his eldest nephew.

With his statement like this, it was naturally impossible for Arilyn and Elise to object, and the Shadow Mage also had no intention of confrontation.

At that moment, everyone nodded in agreement.

They continued their rapid march towards the secret passage of the second route.

Along the way, there are still attacks from monster teams, which are constantly happening.

There was even an attack by a large team composed of three-digit monsters.

After a series of fierce battles, in fact, by this time, the strength of Arilyn, Otis, and Eles was already declining.

Isaac, however, overcame all their decline.

Such continuous fierce battles seemed very intense to others.

But for him, it was a real "walk in the garden."

Not to mention that he only used the spell a few times. Along the way, except for stepping on the demon soul corpse, he used some strength. At other times, he just used it casually.

Therefore, when he started to get serious, he exerted a little more energy, and also started to use the spell-like abilities acquired through the Barlow Fire Demon form...

After rushing all the way, not long after, the entrance to the secret passage of the second route also arrived.

However, it is even worse than the secret passage leading to the "Hidden Palace".

That secret passage, for the purpose of hiding it, at least did not destroy anything.

The secret passage here simply doesn't even have a gate.

It can be seen at a glance that it is the work of the beholder's "dissociation ray". The gate of the secret passage is now a large cave entrance.

However, even Aililin was not surprised by this.

Felin's ability, as well as the many beholders and illithids, were discovered even in the "Hidden Hall". It is naturally not unacceptable for this backup secret passage to be discovered.

"There are signs that monsters often come in and out. This secret passage should also be occupied by monsters, or it may be one of the direct communication channels between the academy and underground monsters."

At the entrance of the secret passage, Aililin only looked at it for a moment, and then her eyes wrinkled slightly.

From this point of view, it would be a bit difficult to sneak into the academy unnoticed, or even make as little noise as possible.

Fortunately, after burying the "Hidden Hall" and roughly grasping the location of the Felin Demon Sunflower, it was not without results.

Danilo was also observing and thinking.

Stopping at the entrance of the cave for a moment, he suddenly turned to look at Isaac and said, "Uncle Lei, do you think we should continue on this route, or...you think, if we change our route now Would the ground route be better?"

Judging from the growing momentum in the sewers, once the monsters are confirmed and their destination is the academy...

Danilo had a premonition that if they really broke into this secret passage, they would probably encounter an overall attack from the monster army entrenched in the academy along the way.

In addition, the monsters in the sewer are also chasing...

Under such a flanking attack, I'm afraid that by then, I'll have to rely on Uncle Lei again.

Instead of counting on Uncle Lei at that time, why not ask for instructions now?

If this secret passage is not feasible, then is it possible to simply jump out of this level of thinking and take the surface route?

At this time, no matter how bad the surface conditions are, it won't be more difficult to sneak in than here, right?

"Take the ground route instead?"

Danilo's words made everyone's expressions move without realizing it, and they all showed a look of deep thinking.

They all looked at Isaac.

Isaac thought about it for a moment, then looked at Arilyn: "Give me the map, including the city map on the ground."

Aililin quickly took it out.

Isaac unfolded both maps. On the sewer side, he just briefly observed the distance of the route, and then focused on the city map.

The location of the Academy of Magic and Martial Arts, the surrounding environment, and the map also include many places marked with red circles that have been destroyed and reduced to ruins.

With a high degree of intelligence, he can grasp most situations by observing in a blink of an eye.

Isaac looked at the Ghost Mage again: "Sir Ilki, if you transfer to the ground, where can you teleport directly to?"

Teleportation, this cannot be teleported at accurate coordinates.

Only with advanced teleportation skills and knowledge of the destination can accurate delivery be achieved.

As one of the guardians of the "Shadow Shield", Ilki can teleport within it. With his caster level, he has already mastered the "Advanced Teleportation Technique", and against most people under the shield, There is also understanding in every place.

But even so...

Ilki said lightly: "Direct teleportation is not possible within the academy. The Academy of Magic and Martial Arts already has many barriers, and Felin Mokui has performed evil rituals there. Even now, there are still powerful people there. Repulsion effects, prophecy and teleportation spells cannot be directly located.

Near the college, all I know are these places..."

He drew a few circles on the map with his finger, and continued: "However, if I go to these places alone, I can avoid the other party's warning to a certain extent, but if I take you with me to teleport, It’s still like this, and they must be on heightened alert, so it’s almost impossible to keep it secret!”

If he goes alone, he has the natural abilities of "Shadow Leap" and "Shadow Teleportation", and can maintain sufficient privacy under the "Shadow Shield".

But to transport people together, you need to use "advanced teleportation".

"Shadow Shield" does nothing to cover up "Advanced Teleportation".

Isaac looked at the places he circled one by one, and then he had a number.

In fact, if he is willing to reveal the "Legendary Hidden" effect of the protective card, he only needs to use the "Invisibility Technique". Except for a very small number of elders, there is basically no possibility that anyone else will notice the abnormality.

However, the most important reason for the Yin Hun people, even those Yin Hun Princes, was that he had revealed his "Warlock" level and was not prepared to reveal the constant effects of legendary spells.

So, currently...

With a flash of thought, Isaac said calmly: "In that case, let's move on. I'll take care of this first!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand to cast the illusion barrier.

The environment at the entrance of the secret passage is still maintained, but there is a "suggestion" effect woven into it.

In this way, whenever a monster approaches here, after investigation, a confident determination will be made that the target has not entered here.

Such hints will certainly not last long, but as long as it is enough for them to complete the investigation of the academy, it will be enough.

When the subsequent war actually breaks out, it won't matter what kind of reaction there is.


With the completion of the barrier, there was another call. Danilo and the others no longer cared about admiring and deliberating, and entered the secret passage one after another.

Quick, transformation after transformation, invisibility through invisibility.

Moreover, since they walked this secret passage, they were bound to encounter more monsters. This time, Isaac walked directly at the front.

Just a short while.

In the perception of the soul's will, some abnormal auras appeared in front.




There is also an extremely vicious curse!

With a slight movement in Isaac's mind, he knew what was going on over there.

"Beholder, and the useless giant!"

In such a secret passage environment, coupled with the beholder's anti-magic field ability, the threat level of the ruined giant is much higher than that of the soul prisoner demon.

With such a combination guarding here, this secret passage has indeed become the connecting passage between the Magic Martial Arts Academy, the sewers and the underground.

"Your Excellency Ilki..."

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