Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1024 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (Nineteen)


"Brothers, all come with me. I will personally take you to report the situation to Lord Freeman."

"Brother Yuro, I will leave this place to you for the time being. Before Lord Freeman and I come back, we must guard this place and not allow anyone to enter or exit!"

Bugbear General Lawrence shouted, and immediately, whether it was the defeated troops coming from outside or the men he had brought with him from the exit of the secret passage, they all rushed over.

See such chaos.

The illithids stayed here, and an orc leader who assisted the bugbear general quickly stood up.

But before he had time to speak, he was hugged enthusiastically by the Bugbear General, and with such terrifying brute force, he was so squeezed that he was unable to speak.

He was speechless. General Bugbear was just right and immediately handed over the task of guarding the secret passage into his hands.

As the two of them communicated "intimately", the defeated troops had already merged with the bugbear general's men and swarmed directly to the back. In fact, they were already on guard at the defensive line.

Everything happened too suddenly, especially with General Bugbear here.

The slaves left behind by the illithid didn't even have time to react. The situation was already so chaotic that it was completely out of control.

In such chaos, Isaac and the Shadow Mage walked in calmly.

Aililin and others from behind also rushed there quickly.

Under normal circumstances, some people, especially the bugbear general, might still be able to blindly sense something was wrong with them, or see that something was wrong with Arilyn and the others.

But in this chaotic situation, not to mention them, even Isaac himself, with only blind sense, might not be able to detect the invisible person.

Not to mention……

"Before discovering the illithid Freeman, everyone followed and obeyed General Lawrence's orders. Once they encountered Freeman, everyone immediately surrounded and killed him with all their strength. After success, they continued to follow General Lawrence!"

They passed this key line of defense without any trouble, and when the bugbear general caught up behind them, they led the large team and walked away.

Isaac and the others calmly followed the rear of the large team at first, until General Bugbear quickly led everyone to board the ground, and then quickly ran towards the ground not far away in the darkness. There is a building that is half in ruins and half reinforced, so it can be considered a fortress.

Aililin, who was at the end of the team, immediately typed out a secret signal.

When she got here, even though the surrounding buildings and environment had undergone major changes, she was not unfamiliar with this place.

Seeing this, Isaac also restrained himself and instilled hints at the bugbear general, while at the same time he passed on the latest order to all the slaves.

Then, with the cover of the dark environment of the "Shadow Shield" and the fact that behind the large team, they were all monster slaves controlled by Isaac, without being noticed by any outsiders, the six people in the team easily escaped from this place. A big team.

"Our key target is the Magic Academy."

"The School of Protection, one of the eight major factions of the Magic Academy, is not far from here at the Hasal Barrier."

"The Hasar Barrier is a group of towers built against the mountains. However, most of these towers have been destroyed in previous wars, so there is no need to sneak in one by one to investigate."

"Lord Imsford gave me a pointer used to detect the amplitude of the magic energy response. Normally, we only need to circle half a circle around the Hasar Barrier, and we can basically detect the amplitude of the pointer. Find out if there are any abnormal energy reactions."

"However, Lord Eamesford also said that the reaction of the pointer may be misled, so if there is anything wrong, I would like to ask Uncle Lei to correct me."

While leading the team toward the hills to the east, Aililin briefly introduced the next target to everyone, and at the end, she asked Isaac for advice and help alone.

Come all the way.

If we talk about the first half of the journey, it was based on her command, so we fought all the way.

In the second half of the game, Uncle Lei probably couldn't stand it anymore, so he started to dominate the team. This was too smooth.

With such self-awareness, Aililin naturally would not leave the pillar alone.

"I'll be paying attention."

Isaac nodded slightly, but he didn't mean to be perfunctory.

From the moment he actually entered this magic academy, he had some feelings.

Although they are both under the "Shadow Shield", compared with the sewers and all other places along the way, the obstacle of the "Shadow Shield" at the Magic Academy has indeed been weakened a lot. , here, his spiritual will can already sense the existence of the essence of magic directly outside the effect area of ​​the "Shadow Stone".

This means that in this academy, even if there is no "Shadow Stone", with his control over magic, he has enough confidence to complete the spell with a high success rate.

Moreover, the shorter the casting time, the less likely the spell will be hindered and interfered with during the process, and the higher the success rate.

In other words, if a spell is cast instantly, such a spell will rarely fail!

With such perception and judgment, Isaac naturally pays special attention to everything in this academy.

Arilyn's request was consistent with his purpose.

"Then thank you Uncle Lei."

After Aililin thanked her happily, she stopped nagging at the moment.

Leading the team, she sneaked without deliberately hiding her traces. She was almost aboveboard, walking directly on the path of the academy.

Without him, there is no need to sneak here!

Lizardmen teams like them, including Bugbear teams, have no special characteristics at all within the academy. They cannot even be said to be patrolling. At least, most of them are just wandering around. Better than a patrol patrol.

After all, they are an army composed of monsters, and they have not received education after all. This cannot force these monsters to have the orderliness of a human army.

However, they are the ones rushing to the first destination...

Suddenly, a sharp horn sound was extremely harsh, breaking the silence of the night sky.

The vanguard of the elven army is breaking through into the royal city at this time!

Naturally, all the pressure will not be put on the three reconnaissance teams.

Even though these three teams are not only elites, but also have strong men like Isaac, Storm Silverhand, and Dove Hawkhand, on the opposite side, not only the beholders and illithids, but also everyone I don't know if there are still Felin Demon Kui hidden under this "shadow shield", especially the three targets they want to detect, and how much is hidden.

Therefore, it is roughly estimated that the reconnaissance team should have made it in, or at least got close to the target.

The large-scale attack by the elven army was also launched in an all-round way.

The outer edge of the shadow shield had already been captured by the "Shadow Souls" and the Sky Knights, so it was naturally easy to pass through.

Quickly, the elf army divided into three, with the help of the troll statue and the support of the magic battleship and sky knight, forcibly broke through the peripheral defense line of the royal city and pushed the war into the royal city.

With such a fierce offensive, even a decisive battle, the monster army, no matter how powerful it is usually suppressed by the "ghost crowd" and the sky knights, will naturally not be able to shrink back at this time.

Accompanied by the shrill sound of trumpets.

First, a large number of invisible telepathic circles spread everywhere.

Soon, a large number of monsters emerged from various buildings and even ruins in the royal city.

There are also monsters climbing up from the numerous sewer exits.

In those important strongholds, like the Magic Martial Arts Academy, riots are spreading rapidly.

At this time, the disadvantages of lack of order become more apparent.

Seeing bugbears, lizardmen, and gnolls scurrying out everywhere, beholders and illithids began to fly in the sky, but there was a lack of order and no leader who could order everyone. At this time, the monsters They were a mess, and it seemed that within a short period of time, they could not get orderly at all.

Danilo only said, "General Lawrence ordered us to find Lord Freeman," and everyone in the team was able to pass through the academy without hindrance.

What's more, in such chaos, even though Freeman, the illithid who had been hiding in the dark before, must have been prepared for something, he had no clue of recourse at this time.

Taking advantage of this chaos and a quick time, Aililin led everyone to reach the first destination.

Hasar Barrier, the former location of the Defense Department branch of the Magic Academy.

This group of beautiful towers built along the hills had already been reduced to ruins.

This is not surprising. The protection department is the one with the most powerful protective magic among the eight major magic schools. The former Hasar Barrier was undoubtedly the location with the most and strongest barriers in the entire magic academy.

Isn't this kind of place the most important place for Felin Demon Kui to conquer?

Since the academy has fallen and the royal city has fallen, it is only natural that the Hasar Barrier has been completely destroyed.

However, although the academy was destroyed, there were still quite a few monsters entrenched in this hilly area.

In particular, unlike the chaos elsewhere, the monsters here are obviously on a mission. There are several teams guarding the main entrance to the hills.

Seeing someone approaching from the front, these guards would give orders.

Danilo and Aililin couldn't help but frown secretly.

However, the steps did not stop.

The Protection Academy is not only the first goal, but also the most important goal. It is impossible not to try to get closer.

On the contrary, due to the tacit understanding with Danilo, Arilyn slowed her steps slightly and let Danilo walk in front. Using the cover of his figure, she stretched out her hand and another one appeared in her hand, like a guide. A needle-like magical instrument.

When it got close to here, the pointer was already trembling, and the amplitude was getting bigger and bigger.

However, this cannot yet be determined, there is a problem here.

In the past magic war, this place was hit by something close to a magic disaster. If it weren't for the "Shadow Shield", this place would be the most likely place to become a place of magic madness.

Efraska had expected that there would be a strong magical reaction in a place like this.

What the pointer is trying to detect is not such a vibrating oscillation frequency.

"We'll wait."

The four "lizard men" approached. Isaac, who was invisible, was looking up at the sky above the hills, and at the same time, they called to a halt the also invisible Yin Mage.

"What did Mr. Lei discover?"

Ilki stopped, but there was something strange flickering in his eyes.

This Magical Martial Arts Academy is not only the strategic target of Efraska, but also the focus of their City of Shadows.

Within the Academy of Magical Martial Arts, there is no doubt that the Hasar Barrier is the most important and critical place, at least in the top three most critical ranks.

Of course he doesn't have a special interest in this place.

"There is a 'detect invisibility' magic alarm ahead!"

"It seems that there is indeed a problem with the 'Shadow Shield''s suppression of this place."

Looking up at the sky, although there is darkness everywhere, there are things that cannot be seen through normal vision, and even ordinary "secret vision" can hardly see the clues. It seems as calm as an abyss, but in fact there are storms and floods, but it just doesn't happen. It failed to really explode, and only continued to emit various invisible magical effects to the surrounding space, and even to certain levels outside the space.

Isaac dealt with the ghost mage. Of course, his response was not nonsense. There was indeed a "detection of invisibility" magic alarm in the passage. If he and Ilki went there, they would Erji's "invisibility technique" basically made it impossible to avoid the detection of the magic alarm.

On one side, there was also a flickering color in his eyes.


It’s really interesting!

If his observations were correct, such a terrifying storm hidden under the water should not just be a wild storm that was almost a magical disaster caused by the magical battle between Efraska and Felin Demon Kui.

High probability...

"It should be related to the 'shadow shield', or in other words, it should be related to the 'shadow magic essence'!"

"Such a magical disaster should have conflicted with the 'Essence of Shadow Magic', or in other words, caused a fierce conflict between the 'Essence of Magic' and the 'Essence of Shadow Magic', and then triggered an even more immeasurable disaster storm."

"But it happens that all this maintains a wonderful balance!"

Even Isaac's eyes couldn't see through it for a while, how and why this wonderful balance was created, and why it could be maintained for such a long time and always remain stable.

However, he knew why Efraska, including Kelben and others, and even the ghost princes, were worried about such a place.

"If such a balance can be broken..."

"Undoubtedly, this will inevitably trigger a storm of magical disaster!"

"Whether it is Efraska or the City of Shadows, facing such a disaster, not to mention catastrophe, it will inevitably suffer heavy losses!"

A place like this...

"It is indeed possible that there are phaerinn demons!"

"It's even more possible... maybe the Felin Demon Kui will be trapped here and cannot escape. This is not impossible, but it is related to the 'balance' in it!"

The thought flashed here, and Isaac's heart moved again.

In his earlier expectation, the trap of Felin Demon Kui was most likely related to the "Lady of the Night".

If so...this "balance" also involves the intervention of this lady?

"Hey, brother, General Lawrence has something urgent to see Lord Freeman. Brother, do you know Lord Freeman is here..."

But at this moment, before the guard over there could give an order, Danilo had already approached him familiarly.

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