Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1025 Ten Days of Decisive Battle (Twenty)

(already edited)

"Lord Freeman?"

The captain of the guard was a big, strong bugbear.

Seeing Danilo approaching, the bugbear glanced at him condescendingly. The contempt in his eyes was undisguised.

Who is your brother, a lizard man?

However, after all, he knew the name "Freeman" and also knew General Lawrence, who was also a bugbear.

Without slapping the flying lizard man, the bugbear waved his hand and snorted: "Go on, go on, Lord Freeman is not here."

He didn't know whether Lord Freeman came here or not. After all, there were several roads up the mountain.

However, does he still need to inquire specifically about this?

Although General Lawrence is a very powerful warlord among the Bugbear clan, he has no control over the Hasal Barrier!

Without even slapping the lizard man away, he had already given General Lawrence a lot of face.

"Brother, no, brother, big brother, help me, it's really an emergency."

"Sir Freeman asked General Lawrence to help guard the connecting passage. Who knew something big happened on the other side of the passage? The general now urgently wants to see Mr. Freeman. It is about a major situation in the sewers and even underground!"

Danilo had a pleading look on his face and kept bending down.

He always doesn't care about losing face, so every time like this, he always leads the team.

Connect the channel!


Even underground!

It wasn't the lizard man's pleading that changed Bugbear's attitude, it was something that he couldn't easily avoid.

The expression on his face changed several times, and suddenly, with a movement in his heart, the bugbear said: "Don't beg here. If you say I don't know, it means I didn't see him coming here.

If you still think he is there, then go to those sentry posts and ask. Anyway, he has never passed me.

Go, go, go, don't be an eyesore here. "

While pushing the matter aside, without giving the lizard man a chance to continue pleading, the Bugbear directly pushed the man.

The lizardman's small body could not withstand the push of the bugbear.

Danilo said "Hey" several times and almost fell down after being pushed. Fortunately, Eles and Otis reached out to support him.

At this time, naturally he didn't dare to say anything more. Danilo quickly led the team along the foot of the mountain and walked dejectedly to another passage post.

But after walking away a little distance and getting out of the observation of the bugbears.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

After whispering to each other, as if discussing something, Danilo looked towards Arilyn.

"It is better than the normal standard set by Lord Eamesford, but it is still far from the red warning line. I am not sure yet. Although there are magic experiments or magic rituals being carried out inside, But it's not to the level of red. It can still be said that magic has been concealed inside, and what is detected now is only a part of the energy reaction.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the range we are detecting now is smaller, perhaps closer, and more data will be displayed. "

As Aililin spoke in a low voice, she frowned slightly.

She already had a premonition, and she was afraid that Felin Mokui had indeed prepared a magic trap!

As for why there is something wrong with the first target... this Hasar Barrier is the most critical target among the eight branches!

After saying that, she pondered for a moment, and then Aililin suddenly glanced at her side again, still speaking in a low voice: "Uncle Lei, what do you think? Have you discovered anything here?"

At this time, Isaac and Ilki seemed to have returned to the team.

"First of all, if Felin Demon Kui wants to set up an ambush, there are suitable conditions and environment here."

"However, I would like to suggest that if your pointer fails to produce accurate detection results, you might as well visit other destinations first, and then determine whether it is only a suitable environment here, or other targets, the same is also like this?"

Isaac said calmly.

He did not directly penetrate the ruins of the Hasar Barrier or the mountain, or conduct telepathic penetration, or test the detection technique.

It's just anywhere else. According to estimates, there is a high probability here. Maybe there is Felin Demon Kui hiding, so he won't be so reckless.

Therefore, more importantly, Isaac has been observing the wonderfully balanced field or composition in the surrounding sky that constantly radiates various repulsive effects!

This observation…

But he was also curious, was this only revealed here, or was it that other magic branches, or other key targets, also had similar effects, which not only had a radiation repulsion effect, but also achieved The mysterious phenomenon of wonderful balance!

Of course, he suggested that if Aililin walked around and found no results, she should conduct a round of detection on other targets first, and then make judgments and further reconnaissance. This was not purely because of her own curiosity.

Comprehensively compare all targets, first eliminate those without a suitable environment, and then investigate the remaining targets one by one.

This is a very scientific and reasonable method.

In this way, even if it reaches the "one-by-one investigation" stage, people will be alerted to the first investigation target. This at least has the scope determined. It is much more reasonable than having a problem from the beginning!

When Isaac said this, Arilyn and Danilo thought about it for a moment, and then they all nodded.

Danilo said: "What Uncle Lei said is reasonable. Regardless of whether there is any discovery here, we do not need to conduct in-depth investigation immediately. We first determine whether other targets may have problems, and then make final determinations and responses. is the wisest choice. And..."

At the end of the sentence, he glanced at Aililin again: "Moreover, the siege has officially begun. The longer the time drags on, the closer the war will be to this side. As long as the army fights against the academy, Before launching the attack here, it is enough to determine which targets have problems!"

Danilo not only agreed with Isaac, but also added another reason.

The support from the army is also of great use.

Let's delay here for a while. When the army's attack attracts and restrains the attention of most monster leaders, it will be too easy for them to infiltrate and invade again!

Aililin nodded immediately: "As Uncle Yi Lei wants, after passing here, our next target will be in the flickering hall of the Illusion Academy."

After quickly reaching an agreement.

Isaac and Ilki then left the team again.

The four lizardmen stayed close to the foot of the mountain and walked all the way to the sentry post on the second passage.

As usual, it was Danilo who approached him diligently.

Hassar Barrier of Protection Academy!

The glittering hall of the Illusion Academy!

Mildersborough of Conjuring School!

On Eileen's side, using the chaos in the academy as a cover, they quickly conducted preliminary investigations on each target.

The war in the city has entered a full-scale showdown.

Efraska's side.

There is a giant demon statue opening the way below, sweeping through thousands of armies, and there is no one who has the ability to stop it.

There are magic battleships on board, guided by the Sky Knight, and constantly dropping pyrotechnic bombs, which not only intensively bombard the monsters, but also create light for the coalition forces in the dark environment.

Coupled with the high morale of the elf army, they always use the cooperation of the battle formation to continuously cut up the monster team, and they can be wiped out one by one in a short time.

All of a sudden, this was quite an overwhelming situation.

However, the sudden advance was certainly very smooth.

But at the same time, due to the influence of the dark environment, there were ruins suitable for lurking everywhere. The monsters' counterattacks from time to time also brought considerable damage to the elven army.

In particular, it was obviously the work of the beholder's "dissociation ray".

In addition to the sewer exits that the elves are familiar with and have been wary of for a long time, there are many more secret passages hidden in various hidden places.

From these secret passages, not only jackals and lizardmen, but also ordinary monsters like bugbears, and even beholders, flew up and down from them from time to time.

Every time the beholder appears, there is inevitably another "anti-magic field" plus a large number of ray attacks, and the monsters take the opportunity to counterattack. Not to mention the ordinary elf army, even the elite team, and even the golem encounter On the other hand, there will still be losses.

In particular, these beholders have no intention of fighting for their lives. They often sink into the ground immediately after a wave of attacks are poured out, without giving the elves a chance to target them.

As a result, it would not be good for the elves to pursue them, but it would also be impossible if they did not pursue them.

Moreover... the commanders of these three elven armies are very clear. Although they are now overwhelming, these encounters are just small groups of monsters scattered in the royal city.

These monsters are guerrillas and wingers.

The real strongholds are those important strongholds with a large number of beholders, illithids, and even phaerinns!

After the three armies, Lord Dursa, who was in charge of the overall situation, was not surprised to see this.

If the monster army was really so useless, they wouldn't have been able to recover the royal city for so long.

Moreover... this was also within his expectation. Ben would also need to use this to better hide the attention from the Yinhun people for the following events!

"Get the Tomb Guards and Blades ready."

Turning his head, Lord Dursa whispered to an elf commander on the left.

Of course, a whisper was a whisper, but this voice could not be hidden from the person on the right who was walking with him in black robes.

He wasn't going to hide it, after all...

After giving some instructions to the Elf Commander, the Elf Commander quickly made arrangements and left.

Lord Dursa then looked at the man in black robe again: "Professor, I need more help from you next."


This tall and thin man in black robe is the ambassador from the City of Ghosts and the deputy city lord of the City of Ghosts. He is most trusted by the supreme city lord Telamant. He directly represents the will of Telamant and even equals Telamant in status. The great prince Revalan is taller than the other ghost princes, the great mage Hajhorna!

Because he served as the academy tutor of the City of Ghosts, this archmage is often called "Professor" by others.

Having had many contacts with this person, Lord Dursa also knew that this archmage had a preference for the title "Professor".

"What does the Commander-in-Chief need from me?"

Hajhorna's voice was not as indifferent as ordinary ghosts. It was calm and revealed a unique personal charm.

When he heard that Commander Dursa was going to dispatch Tomb Guards and Blade Warriors, he felt a little shake in his heart.

After the "Sword of Efraska" was destroyed, the Tomb Guard and the Blade Warrior were the only two trump cards left by Efraska.

Moreover, in terms of scale, there is still a big gap between these two aces and the "Sword of Efraska".

If you dispatch at this time, if...

He then heard that Lord Dursa asked him again.

Haji Horner naturally cooperated very well.

"The situation in the sewers has changed. In order to avoid encountering more accidents during the attack, I need to conduct a round of cleaning and inspection below."

"So, I hope the professor can provide some more help to assist the Tomb Guards and Blade Runners in their operations."

Lord Dursa said in a deep voice.

Although Tomb Guards and Blade Warriors are both good at small-scale contact battles, they can fully display their abilities in the sewer environment.

However, the "Shadow Shield"'s impediment to casting spells still weakens many of them.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense that we need the help of the ghosts!

And this way...

On the side of the ghosts, the most important thing is that Professor Hadjhorna and the Prince Yada who were hiding in the dark have now seen clearly. On their side, Efraska, this is the real Trying my best!

Later, Kelben and the others took action to capture the core strongholds.

Then the army points to the ground...

Be it professor or prince, under such circumstances, no matter how hard you try, you can't think of going in the other direction!

"Yes, as long as we can attack the Felin Demon Kui, we are bound to shoulder our responsibilities."

Hajihona nodded simply, but then he changed his words: "However, the commander-in-chief also knows that in order to prevent the outsiders from the outside world from supporting this side, the Supreme City Lord and the princes are... In the beholder city ruled by the three giants of the demon sun, as well as the phaerim demon sun under Myth Drannor, they are launching a powerful attack.

Therefore, I will try my best to do what I can do for the great commander, but under the current situation, this is all that Prince Yada and I can do for the time being. "

What he said, from a normal perspective, is completely fine.

The City of Shadows is indeed attacking the City of Eye Demons, and is also sniping at the phaerim of Meth Drannor.

At this time, the power of the ghosts in Efraska is indeed limited.

Fully cooperating with the Elf Alliance, this is basically an all-out effort.

At this time, I will squeeze out my strength to cooperate with the temporary actions of Commander Dursa.

Haji Horner really tried his best.

How could Lord Dursa still have any dissatisfaction?

"Thank you, Professor!"

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