Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1026 Soul Calling Hall


The shadow shield's obstruction of vision has multiple effects.

Looking at the barrier outside the shield, it is darkness, and no light from the outside can penetrate.

Of course, if this obstacle can be penetrated by means such as "true knowledge", at least within the range that the spell can affect, one can still see the situation inside.

Within the shield, it can be divided into many situations.

Normal vision, low-light vision, and dark vision.

Within the barrier, the normal visual field of vision will be extremely compressed, almost like a starless night.

Low-light vision is better, almost equivalent to the night sky with starlight and moonlight shining at the same time.

Darkvision is almost unimpeded, as is normal vision in daylight.

It is precisely because of this that elves with dark vision are actually at a considerable disadvantage when encountering monsters with dark vision.

However, the elves' team advantage, the elves' well-trained training, the elves' high-quality equipment, and the elves' tactical literacy reversed these disadvantages, and in turn suppressed the monsters in the fight.

At least, before the real battle begins, there is an overwhelming advantage against the monster's scattered soldiers.

That's why...

"The mage group is taking action!"

"That should be the Crescent Opera House, or the Unicorn Hall!"

"It seems that it won't be too long before they can reach the academy!"

Just as it was over, the detection of the Institute of Change, Eileen suddenly turned her gaze to the night sky in the southwest.

Under the dark night, all kinds of magical brilliance bloomed all of a sudden.

Naturally, she had already completed the addition of "dark vision". At this time, the night could not cover her vision at all.

Seeing that magical glow, and comparing it to the academy to roughly estimate the distance and direction over there, a joyful light bloomed in her eyes.

The speed of this advancement was much faster than she expected.

It can be seen from this that this operation was extremely smooth!

"There are also Prophecy Academy, Evocation Academy, and Necromancy Academy!"

"We will work harder. After completing the preliminary detection as soon as possible, we will first send back the suspicion information so that they can be alert and prepared in advance. On our side, we will wait for an opportunity to conduct further investigation and confirmation."

Danilo followed her words and returned to the task here.

They have completed the preliminary detection of the School of Protection, School of Illusion, School of Conjuration, School of Charm Control, and School of Change as quickly as possible.

Judging from the current situation, only the School of Protection should have major problems.

This is not only reflected in the detection of the "magic pointer", but is also closely related to the tightness of each major college.

Each of the five major colleges has become a monster stronghold, with a large number of monsters entrenched.

However, compared with the strictness of the Protection Academy, which is protected by magic and multiple guards, the other four academies simply do not have such order.

If necessary, Danilo is even very confident that the entire team can tentatively infiltrate these four colleges.

Such a loose level is unlikely to be the layout of the Felin Demon Kui.

Correspondingly, Uncle Lei never had any special views on these four colleges.

Therefore, even though Danilo has not yet conducted the final investigation and confirmation, he is already very certain that there are problems with the School of Protection.

Precisely for this reason, he was prepared. Once all the eight major colleges completed preliminary detection, he would immediately report the relevant suspicions back to the commander-in-chief!

In this way, they can prepare in advance.

It does not prevent them from continuing their investigation preparations!

What's more, if they encounter an unexpected situation in the next step of investigation and a fierce battle breaks out, the outside world can roughly know it.

"That's not bad...well..."

Isaac nodded slightly, agreeing with Danilo's meaning.

However, just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly flashed, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

There was only a brief pause, then the voice continued, but the meaning of the words had completely changed: "The illithid has found the bugbear general. The bugbears I controlled failed to kill him. It seems, Next we have to be more vigilant.”

To control monsters, there is a spiritual connection between the caster and the object of control.

Although this spiritual connection cannot be observed directly through the eyes of the controlled object, as long as you focus on it, you can sense the general senses of the controlled object, which is normal.

At this time, through the synchronized senses of multiple control objects, Isaac's concentration for a moment made him understand. The illithid Freeman finally came out and went directly to General Lawrence.

Inevitably, the monsters under his control that had been following General Lawrence immediately broke out again.

It's a pity that the illithid should have been prepared for it, and the bugbear general Lawrence had scruples. Although the outbreak of the monster group exceeded the illithid's estimate, it still failed to kill them alive. An illithid.

And since he failed to kill...

Without any surprise, these illithids must have been counted. Someone has sneaked into the academy!

Sneak in at this juncture...

Naturally, this is related to war again!

Therefore, it is completely necessary for them to be more vigilant next time.

At least, using the names of "General Lawrence" and "Lord Freeman" is inappropriate.

Even the form of the lizardman needs to be transformed.

Now everyone started discussing.

And very quickly.

After stopping in a woodland for a while, when they came out, the four-person lizard-men team had become a team of five people, two hobgoblins and three lizard-men.

Naturally, it was Isaac who canceled the invisible form.

"Next stop, the Soul Conjuring Hall of the School of the Dead!"

The Necromancy School does not specifically refer to evoking and summoning the undead. In fact, the true essence of the Necromancy School lies in the manipulation, creation, and destruction of "life force"!

Its core lies in "life power"!

Therefore, the Elf Magic Academy has not ignored the Necromancy School at all. The "Souling Hall" where its academy is located is not said to be alone among the eight branches, but it has undoubtedly always been one of the core departments.

Going from the Academy of Change to the Academy of the Dead, there were indeed a lot of things happening on the way.

However, due to Danilo's communication skills and Isaac's indoctrination without time, the team's progress did not slow down at all.

Not long after, everyone arrived outside a valley.

"Besides the protection system, it seems we have a second target of suspicion!"

The valley where the Summoning Hall is located, during the Efraska period, was green with green mountains and beautiful towers.

But at this time, we had just come close.

The thick clouds were still visible under the night.

The ghost that keeps roaring under the dark clouds.

And the undead in the dark forest, as nimble as a panther, dodging from time to time.

The figures of everyone immediately stopped.

The undead are not bugbears and jackals, and Isaac's "suggestion" cannot affect them. If they really get close to the valley and are noticed by such a large number of undead, some conflicts will inevitably occur. By the time……

There was no need to be suspicious. Everyone already knew what was visible outside the summoning hall. It must be related to Felin Mokui.

Only the magic ability of Felin Demon Kui can create many undead without consuming resources, and there are also many high-level undead.

And since it has something to do with the Felin Demon Sunflower...

Naturally, this Soul-Calling Hall is a target that must be focused on!

"let's go!"

"First finish the preliminary detection of the Evocation Academy and the Prophecy Academy, and then consider which target to detect first!"

Danilo called out, and the team quietly withdrew.

After the Necromancer Academy, we arrived at the Tower of Balance of the Prophecy Academy.

By this time, it was obvious that the chaos in the academy was finally coming to an end.

One after another, as the beholders and illithids were personally controlling the sky, many powerful monster generals were also walking out. A large number of monsters were divided into groups, although there were also many stray soldiers among them. Brave, but after all, it is no longer as chaotic as before.

In addition, it was obvious that warnings were spreading, and monsters everywhere looked suspiciously. In particular, the illithids and beholders in the sky were frequently scanning below.

In situations like this, even Danilo's communication skills often fail.

If he hadn't been avoiding the beholders and illithid all the time, if it hadn't been for Isaac's "suggestion technique", no one would have noticed anything strange even if he used it in front of him.

I'm afraid that the truth will be exposed long ago and lead to a conflict.

At this time, they finally got close to the Tower of Balance, but they didn't even have time to start detection.


"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Accompanied by stern shouts, a hobgoblin appeared, leading a group of lizardmen, patrolling the ground.

Don't wait for this rebuke to cause more waves.

Danilo walked out in one step and stood up to greet him: "On the order of Lord Freeman, I patrolled the academy and alerted all parties. There were enemies disguised as four Ethiopian lizards and sneaked into the academy. I wonder if any of the brothers are there?" What discovery?"

From the moment Uncle Lei noticed that the illithid had met with the bugbear general, and that Uncle Lei's ambush failed to kill the illithid, his lines changed.

On the road, he sometimes scolded others, and whenever he got near the stronghold, he became the messenger of the illithids.

In this way, even though he could not get through the test at once, it also provided enough convenience for Uncle Lei's next step.

He is also a mage, so he naturally knows that the more logical and acceptable the words and deeds are, the more likely it is that the "hint" will be accepted by others and less likely to cause resistance, and then it will be effective.

The strength of Uncle Lei's "suggestion" is already ridiculously strong, and with his logical cooperation, it will naturally be invincible.

This is also the reason why, although there were many situations along the way, no real incidents occurred.

"It turns out he is a brother under Lord Freeman. Everything is normal here, there is nothing wrong with him."

The big goblin put away his stern look and said with a smile: "By the way, are my Red Claw brothers okay? This time, an enemy sneaked in from the connecting channel. The Red Claw brothers were not killed by Freeman. Sir, will you punish me?"

Red Claw Brothers!

Danilo sneered in his heart, but there was a suspicious look on his face. He looked at the big goblin for a few times, and then he shook his head with a clear look and said: "I don't know how Brother Red Claw is, but, you If you want to talk about the bare-knuckle brothers, then there is no problem.

Lord Freeman was angry with General Lawrence, not with us subordinates. "

As he spoke, something like a smile appeared in his eyes.

How could he not know that this big goblin was testing something?

Along the way, he encountered several temptations.

The first time, he was not careful and relied solely on Uncle Lei's forced "hint" to give the opponent the illusion that he had answered correctly. He also took the opportunity to get some inside information.

In fact, it should be that Freeman, the illithid, was wary of something, so he communicated with some high-level officials who were also illithid.

Only then will these illithids' subordinates come to test them from time to time.

This so-called "Red Claw Brother" is the orc leader who was enslaved by the illithid. In fact, his surname is "Red Fist".

"Haha, I remembered it wrong, brother, don't blame me!"

"There is no problem on my side, brother, don't worry."

After confirming that there was no problem with the identity of the visitor, the hobgoblin laughed, also sending out a signal that there was no problem to other people around him who were paying attention.

"In this case, brother, I will take my leave."

"let's go."

Danilo gave him a high-five, then waved his hand and led the team away.

Inevitably, this is another way around the Tower of Balance.

It wasn't until Aililin quickly gave him a secret signal that there was no problem with the Tower of Balance.

This is where we really left this place and pointed to the last destination, the Castle of Elements of the Evocation Academy.

The plastic energy system, in the usual magic system, often only corresponds to various elemental energies, at most plus sonic energy and force field energy.

However, plasticity is based on elf magic, and most importantly, in the elf high magic system, this is different.

The foundation of the elves' high magic, the "Mystic Barrier" constructed from "Mystic Seeds", belongs to the plasticity system!

Therefore, the Evocation Academy is also one of the most important reconnaissance targets of the Aililin team.

However, in the order of investigation, the Castle of Elements was ranked last by Aililin.

On the one hand, this is certainly due to the distance.

However, what is more important is...

"It's not going well!"

In the deep darkness affected by "adjusted light", I looked at the island in the distance connected by only two long bridges.

Aililin and others all frowned slightly.

The Castle of Elements is located on an island and surrounded by a lake. Although it is not very huge, it is impossible to fly through it in the blink of an eye.

As for taking the long bridge, this is obviously even more impossible.

However, as a reconnaissance target as critical as the Protection Academy, it is impossible to ignore it.

"In my opinion, we probably shouldn't act as a team this time."

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