Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1027 Abnormality


Shouldn't act as a team!

When Danilo said this, he didn't have anything special in mind, but...

How could Isaac not know what he was thinking!

With their abilities, it would be no problem to fly invisible across the lake.

However, if the Evocation Academy has a problem with the Protection Academy, then there is a high probability that their flight will cause some reaction.

Therefore, there is no problem at all when Danilo said that "we should not act as a team".

After all, once there are many targets, and the magic abilities among them are uneven, it will naturally be easier to be exposed.

However, there was no problem at all, but Isaac knew better. The cheap nephew had another idea for him!

This is actually normal.

After all, when they first met, he couldn't even grasp Arilin. The cheap nephew and Eles clearly had the ability to "see through invisibility" but had no "hidden" ability. This was so fitting. But the dilemma at hand is over.

"Okay, let me go there for a walk."

"Erilyn, give me that magic pointer."

He glanced at Danilo first, causing a smile to appear on the guy's face, and then Isaac looked towards Arilyn.

In this matter, he still had to take action personally.

Before the elves' army comes, it's not time to have a head-on conflict with the monsters from the academy.

After all, he also has feelings. Felin Mokui does have a lot of arrangements here.

Although he may not be afraid of this, he does not want to face it all alone.

Therefore, if we can not be exposed now, it is naturally better not to be exposed!

As for the eldest nephew's plan to take advantage of him again...

Today, the eldest nephew has made a plan for him, and someone will naturally take it back from him in the future!

The descendants of Kelben can't refuse these even if they think about it!

"There's Uncle Laurel!"

"With Uncle Lei personally taking action, there will definitely be no problems!"

Aililin happily took out the magic pointer and gave a brief introduction to the operation and observation of the pointer.

"Okay, just wait here for a while, I'll go and come back."

After taking the pointer, Isaac used the "Advanced Invisibility Technique" and then walked towards the lake in the air.

But once you leave the scope of "seeing through the invisible"...

With just a thought, the temporary correction of the "Protection Card" and the effect of the "Legend Hidden" quickly enveloped his whole body.

Then, the sound, the breath, and even the weak vibrations in the body completely disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, the "Legendary Hidden" shielding of all prophecies and detections is also unfolding simultaneously.

Combined with "advanced invisibility", this seems to disappear from all sensory levels.

As this "Legendary Hidden" unfolded, Isaac flew directly into the sky above the lake.

Ignoring the multiple warnings on the two long bridges, the figure quickly passed by in the sky. In just a moment, the island, as well as the one located in the center of the island, half collapsed, and half still had some remaining elements of the building. The castle, within his field of vision, began to gradually become clearer.

Of course, due to the distance, which is pure vision, his true vision has not yet been able to reach there.

However, when we start to approach the island...


His eyes suddenly narrowed, and Isaac stopped.

Staring ahead and sensing the surroundings...

"Are there any remnants of the Mystic Barrier?"

A slight flicker rose in his eyes.

It has to be said that whether it is speculation or calculation, it is indeed somewhat surprising that Efraska can list the "Protection Academy" and the "Energy Evocation Academy" as the two most important reconnaissance targets. Of ability.

He was familiar with the Mystic Barrier. When he approached the island, he could clearly sense the remaining weaving fluctuations from here!


"Just like the School of Protection, there should be a fierce conflict between this 'shadow shield' and this 'mysterious remnant', but..."

"It's that wonderful balance again!"

There was a strange color in Isaac's eyes.

He has long known about the suppression and weakening of the Mystic Barrier by the "Shadow Shield". However, looking at it now, this suppression and weakening are actually very slight.

Originally, this was supposed to be a fierce conflict with the Misuo barrier.

If this were the case, maybe at that time, this would not be able to trap Felin Demon Kui!

After all, this "shadow shield" is extremely strong, and may even be related to that lady.

But the most important thing about "Mizou Barrier" is the "Mysuo Seed" that builds the enchantment. The God of Mizou, the Elf God, and even the Lord God of the Elves, have invested a lot of divine power in it.

If there really is a fierce conflict between the two, wouldn't it be the opportunity for Felin Demon Kui to escape from trouble?

"How exactly does Telamante achieve this balance?"

"However, no matter how he achieved it, just judging from the results...it is obvious that he had a plan for all this!"

"In other words... the war between Felin Demon Kui and Efraska has a high probability of being planned by him!"

With such pondering and consideration in his heart, Isaac's figure finally started to fly again.

Soon, when he actually flew to the island, he turned over his hand and took out the magic pointer.

I saw that the vibration amplitude of this pointer was exactly the same as the vibration outside the Hasal Barrier of the Defense Academy, or even stronger.

"The possible conflict between the 'Shadow Shield' and the 'Mysterious Barrier' is as long as the balance between them can be broken. This is the opportunity for Felin Demon Kui to escape from trouble."

"So, just like the Hasar Barrier, it is normal that there are research experiments on the Felin Demon Sunflower in this Castle of Elements."


Ignoring the existence of the patrolling guards below, and even ignoring some beholders and illithid flying from time to time in the sky, Isaac slowly approached towards the Castle of Elements while observing further changes in the amplitude of the pointer. , while also returning...

"Efraska's concerns are equally reasonable!"

"It is normal to do research and experiments to try to break the balance and find a way out of the situation."

"But at the same time, with Felin Mokui's sophistication, how could it be just that?"

"Since Efraska could guess that they would conduct research, how could she not guess that they would also use this to set up corresponding traps?"

There is no carelessness just because the "legend is hidden".

On the one hand, Isaac ignored the ordinary guards, and also ignored some beholders and illithids.

But on the other hand, he gathered his mind and will, was cautious enough, and detailed enough. As he slowly approached the ruined building, his pupils dilated and adjusted as he scanned every abnormality under the building complex. location.

Just like all other colleges, this Castle of Elements obviously suffered a devastating blow during the invasion of Felin Demon Sunflower.

Not only has most of the building itself collapsed and burned, but there are still strong reactions of magical energy in quite a few places. Looking down from the sky, one can see that under the dark environment, from time to time, There are all kinds of magical rainbow lights flashing, even rising like flames.

However, even if the reaction of magical energy is strong, there are still a large number of monsters lurking here under Isaac's dark vision.

Staring past with dilated pupils...


Some figures fell into his eyes.

His eyes remained unchanged, but in his heart, Isaac moved.

The phenomena that he could directly observe, ignoring the magical effects for the time being, only looked at the monster figures lurking over the Castle of Elements, which was quite interesting.

In the west of the Castle of Elements, most of them are monsters such as bugbears and jackals. Of course, there are also beholders and illithids under their command. This is normal.

But in the eastern ruins of the Castle of Elements, it was completely different.

His eyes swept across, and there were almost no bugbears or gnolls at all. Beholders and illithids were also almost extinct. Apart from the incorporeal ghosts and ghosts that swayed out from under the ruins, the They are all ghosts, mummies, and even demon corpses.

In the ruins of the Castle of Elements, the monsters are clearly divided into two areas: the living and the undead.

"From this point of view, Felin Demon Kui can control these undead, but after all, he still cannot have complete control!"

"This may also be the reason why the soul summoning hall of the School of the Dead and the secret hall under the ground are closed and independent of the monster army system."

A thoughtful look flashed across Isaac's eyes.

Whether it is "manipulating the dead" or "evoking the undead", the number of undead that the caster can directly control is always limited.

Even this upper limit of control can be increased through certain expertise or certain professional abilities.

Additional control can also be provided through the cleric's class ability "Command Undead."

But no matter what, the upper limit of this direct control is limited after all.

Like the Felin Demon Sunflower, which piles up at all costs, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot control such a scale.

Therefore, Isaac had already judged that the Felin Demon Kui could not completely control these undead, at least most of them. At most, it could only give limited orders through certain methods.

Such limited control is obviously not enough to suppress the undead's natural hatred for living beings.

This can correspond to everything in front of me.

Precisely because the undead will lose control, the living creatures and the undead here are separated into two different areas.

"With the presence of the undead, it can also restrain the undead within an area. It seems that the possibility of a Felin Demon Sunflower in this Castle of Elements is extremely high."

And it will appear here...

Naturally, this is for the purpose of research or layout!

Isaac glanced at the magic pointer in his hand again. As he gradually approached the Castle of Elements, the vibration amplitude of the pointer seemed to be approaching the critical point of energy reaction as mentioned by Arilyn.

There is also the existence of Felin Demon Sunflower, and the energy response is up to standard. Naturally, there is no doubt that there is a problem with the existence of this Castle of Elements!

With this confirmation, the reconnaissance here is basically completed.

However, Isaac did not quit the island because of this.

His understanding of the "shadow shield" and "mysterious barrier", or in other words, the "balance", or "neutralization" between the "shadow magic essence" and the "magic essence", is an early development. Just got interested.

At this time, since I came here alone, and the environment suitable for observation and research in the Castle of Elements was right in front of me, I naturally didn't rush to leave.

Of course, considering that there is Felin Mo Kui lurking here, and being qualified to conduct research here, it is no surprise that it must be at the level of Elder Mo Kui.


While condensing his spiritual power and continuing to approach the Castle of Elements, Isaac raised his height again.

Felin Mo Kui's global vision is certainly remarkable, and the true vision of some elder Mo Kui may even break through his "legendary concealment". However, no matter how true vision is, there is a distance limit after all.

As long as he goes beyond this distance and puts away the perception of spiritual power, there is no doubt that anyone can detect his existence!

As for putting away the power of the mind, how to sense where the anomalies are most suitable for observation...

Isaac looked at the magic pointer in his hand again.

From the amplitude and pointing of the pointer!

A few more tests!

After a little calculation, I made a geometric connection in my mind!

But for just a moment, his eyes were cast on a certain area among the ruins in the eastern part of the Castle of Elements.

"No surprise, it should be within this area!"

"It's in the undead area, not the living area here. This is just logical!"

"However, since there is the Felin Demon Sunflower and the existence of the Elder Demon Sunflower..."

Isaac simply regarded the speculation in his mind as fact for the time being.

Since there was Elder Mo Kui over there, he was naturally not prepared to have a direct conflict with them before the real decisive battle.

In this way, it is naturally inappropriate to directly enter that area for observation and research.

Fortunately, due to time and circumstances, he has no real intention to conduct research here yet.

After a little observation, as long as you can do some dialectical thinking afterwards, that's enough!

He first circled an area with his eyes. This was the most likely research location of Felin Demon Kui, and it was not possible to enter directly for the time being.

Then, Isaac was around again, roughly locking on a few points.

As long as Felin Mokui did not leave the area he circled, these points would basically not be touched by his true vision.

However, after thinking for a while, he glanced at the sky again.

"Start from the sky first. If nothing is found above, then go to these places and observe them one by one."

After thinking about it, the figure walked to the sky above the target area first.

To be cautious, it was necessary to raise some additional heights.

And just as this rapid approach...


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