Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1035 Join forces to kill

(modification completed)

"Mr. Lei is a dual cultivator in Sinnoh. He is suspected to have a total professional level of around level 30. He has also mastered many spell-like abilities including 'Domination of Monsters', 'Fireball Technique', 'Death Circle', and 'Activated Object'. The number of times each spell-like ability can be used seems to be 'casual use'..."

It was the triggering of chain collapses in three places that made the entire royal city tremble.

Under the "shadow shield", somewhere is still dark, and even "dark vision" cannot directly see through it from the outside.

A look of contemplation emerged from Yada Tanshur's steel-like shining blue-gray eyes.

Although it did not take long for the City of Shadows to return to its home plane, the guidance of the great prince Revalan Tanshur and the secret agents of the Shadow Souls have been familiar with the home plane for a long time. Secretly explored.

Although it is impossible to say that such an investigation can master all the information about the powerful people, at least they know a lot about their home plane.

A Sinnoh dual cultivation professional around level 30!

He also mastered a number of spell-like abilities that can be cast at will!

He kept pondering in his heart, but for a while, Yada Tanshur had no clue of what to do.

At this moment, the ghost mage Ilki, who seemed to have remembered something again, was standing quietly on one side, waiting for the prince's order. He reported again: "By the way, there is another situation. This Lei The gentleman also possesses unparalleled strength that is comparable to, or even greater than, that of a giant. General Bugbear can be manipulated by him at will, and the body of the beholder can be pulled or thrown around without any resistance. "

Comparable to, or even greater than, the unparalleled power of a giant!

At this time, not only Yada Tanshur was hidden in the darkness, but even Ilki was a black shadow without any clue, and his eyes also frowned secretly.

To be honest, although some of the chosen people of the Goddess of Magic were dragged into the war with the Felin Demon Kui, and some were trapped in the Baator Hell by them, so now it seems that they are firmly in the initiative. , also has the upper hand.

However, no matter which ghost prince, including the supreme city lord, this is the chosen one who will never seriously despise any magic goddess.

These guys may even be more troublesome than Felin Mokui. The most perfect ending would be for these guys and Felin Mokui to both suffer losses or even die!

But now, besides these guys, there is suddenly this Mr. Lei!

Even from Ilki's description, Yada Tanshur had a feeling that this person's power level would not be inferior to him.

With one more person like this, this may cause great changes in the perfect ending of "both sides perish"!

"It seems that it is necessary to observe and get in touch with this person!"

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Yada Tanshur simply did not wonder where this Mr. Lei came from, and said directly: "Reply to Hajhorna, I will participate in the next battle of Yunguan Palace! "

Ilki came here with orders from Deputy City Lord Hajhorna.

When the four Seven Sisters and Kelben were preparing to carry out a surprise attack under the Cloud Crown Palace, Lord Dursa also expressed to Hajhorna the need for high-end A request for combat assistance.

At this time, the high-end combat power of the City of Ghosts here naturally refers to Yada Tanshur. At least, the Lord Dursa knows only Yada Tanshur.

Out of consideration for what Lord Dursa said, the Felin Demon Sunflowers should be kept in the Cloud Crown Palace as much as possible without giving them any chance to escape.

Of course, there is no missing. Yada Tanshur is the right-hand man of the great prince Revalan, and the great prince Revalan is in the City of Ghosts, which has always resisted the supreme city lord's trust in him.

Hajhorna did not hesitate too much, and soon Ling Ilki sent an order to Yada Tanshur asking him to assist.

If this order had come at any other time, Yada Tanshur would have to think twice before putting it off.

Although the Felin Demon Sunflower is at the top of their must-kill list, sitting back and watching, or even creating a situation where both they and the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess can lose, is the current number one strategy.

But now, the mysterious, yet extremely powerful Mr. Lei suddenly appears...

With the emergence of this variable, Yada Tanshur has become more considerate.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Ilki took the order naturally. Seeing that Prince Yada had no further instructions, he bowed again and took half a step back. His figure merged into the darkness and disappeared in the blink of an eye. .


"Are you planning to find out about that person yourself?"

"Do you need me to go with you?"

A voice sounded from the side of Yada Tanshur, and in the voice, a figure shrouded in black smoke came out.

"Although Ilki's observations may not be entirely correct, it is certain that this person is extraordinary."

"In order to avoid variables beyond the plan, it is necessary to explore this person's background and see if it is necessary. At the critical moment, relax a little more and restrain the Felin Demon Kui. This is necessary!"

Yada Tanshur didn't hide anything, and said directly: "However, you don't have to go with me, you are still hiding in the dark. At the critical moment, when necessary, it is not too late to show up again.

At this moment when the decisive battle with Felin Demon Kui is imminent, they don't dare to really fall out with us now! "

In this regard, Yada Tanshur is still confident enough.

They almost killed Laila Silverhand last time, but they had no choice but to swallow their anger, not to mention that now, they didn't do anything unusual.

The man in the black smoke did not force it. He nodded slightly and said: "In that case, you should be more vigilant. Under the Yunguan Palace, it is underground after all. When you need to respond, you will be the first to respond. Subpoena contact.”

The twelve ghost princes are all brothers of the same father. Except for a few two or three who have conflicts due to some special reasons, most of them still care about brotherhood, and even have Those who were involved in the conflict have always maintained restraint, and no serious internal fighting has really occurred.

The Man of Black Smoke, Prince Ramolek-Tanshul among the Twelve Princes of Shadows, would quietly come here with Yada-Tanshul. Naturally, he has always been with Yada-Tanshul. All closely related.

The tone of the words at this time can also be heard.

"Don't worry, how can I not be wary of them?"

Prince Yada smiled. He would not really place all his hopes on the chosen one of the goddess of magic. He would not dare to turn against her now.

Since he was preparing to go over, he naturally had his own thoughts and preparations.

The two ghost princes exchanged words for a while, and soon, the trembling on the ground of the royal city gradually subsided.

In pairs, the figures of the two ghost princes disappeared into the darkness.

And just at this time.

In some dark, deep, secret underground space.

"It seems that the Star Meadow Tower will be the first to start."

"Two battleships have gathered here, and the Sky Knights have also gathered. There are observable signs that the size of the mage group has doubled. Kelben should be leading the group himself, but there are more Figures of two Beren lichs.”

"In addition, the elite team called by Storm-Silverhand and Korbasin has almost been assembled."

"It seems that after being subjected to that wave of traps and killings, these guys will eventually become angry."

An invisible spiritual wave spread silently in this mysterious place filled with dark ripples, which looked evil and terrifying, as if the space had been rippling, but there was no abnormal energy wave spreading out. .

This mental fluctuation has passed.

Another telepathic fluctuation also shook him: "Don't be careless. Those positions can suffer losses once, but they will not suffer losses so easily."

Although before, when the trap of the Star Meadow Tower was first triggered, it did bury a lot of elven troops, but it is not very possible to make a great mage like Kelben lose his mind in anger. big.

Therefore, in the next war, it may be true that Star Meadow Tower will start first, but in terms of rhythm, these guys should not make any rash advances. It is most possible to fight steadily and give full play to their strength advantages. operation.

"Unfortunately, just like before, they suffered another loss at the Star Meadow Tower, and it is equally difficult to achieve actual gains from the layout of other places."

"These guys are still coming less and less."

Deep in the darkness, there was another telepathic fluctuation, and there was also a slight hint of regret.

It takes a long time to prepare for the layout. If only one place can work in the end, it will inevitably be a pity.

However, as long as there is this place, there will inevitably be more taboos on the other side, and all actions will inevitably be more cautious, or hesitant.

In this way, their purpose of delaying time was achieved.

"Don't rush!"

"When they recover those three places one by one, they will eventually point their way here."

"No matter what they are referring to later, whether it is underground, Gray Cloak Mountain or Yunguan Palace, they cannot avoid it after all."

"We'll just wait here."

In the darkness, a huge figure, which at first glance was Elder Mo Kui, was an unusual dark shadow, even among Elder Mo Kui, floating slowly in the sky.

The fluctuations in his mind spread, and the magic sunflowers who merged into the surrounding darkness all nodded, as if expressing agreement.

On the royal city side, Felin Demon Kui has a layout of five places.

Needless to say, the Academy of Magical Martial Arts, the Tower of Star Meadow, and the Tower of the Moon, these three places are exactly the base areas exposed in the open, so they all have Felin Demon Sunflower hidden in them to make arrangements.

The three-headed demon Kui in the "Secret Hall" was huddled in the dark in preparation. Originally, this preparation was to coordinate with various places at any time and strike from behind, but coincidentally, it was blocked by a wave of flow. Buried in the ground.

Of course, although the "Hidden Hall" was buried, many of the three-headed devils inside, as well as the beholders and illithids controlled by these devils, escaped.

Apart from that, it is naturally the Yunguan Palace.

As the royal palace of Efraska, Cloud Crown Palace is also the hub of the Felin Demon Sunflower on the surface.

The person directly in charge of the layout of Yunguan Palace was the elder Mo Kui who spoke at this time.

As the top-level existence among the Felin Demon Kui tribe, second only to those giant leaders, they are the presiding officers of other places. They are also elders of the Demon Kui, but they also have to bow before this person.

"Elder Gresham's words are true."

"The latest news received is that both Otto City and Myth Drannor have been attacked by Ghost City. The magic artifact that controls the transformation of Karsus' divine power is the three giants of Otto City, and Those two from Myst Drannor are also unable to fight him head-on."

"Therefore, it is difficult to count on external support. We can only rely on ourselves to survive this last period of time."

"I just don't know..."

The elder Demon Kui Basaromu, who escaped from the "Hidden Hall", first nodded in agreement and emphasized the urgency of the current situation. However, as he spoke, he suddenly changed his meaning and looked towards the center. The telepathic voice of the person in charge paused for a moment, and then continued: "Elder Gresham, in your plan, how long should we delay here? What can the two sides do about this? Do you have any requirements and necessary preparations?"

It is not the nature of Felin Demon Kui to like to fight against strong enemies.

However, they must hold on to the current situation.

Inevitably, we need to figure out the approximate length of time we need to hold on.

We can't let them hold on until they fall here, right?

Moreover, they are supporting here, so the two sides can't just watch, right?

For the interests of the group, Felin Mokui knows the importance of teamwork, but they will not really give up their personal interests.

Especially, this is life-related!

Amid the fluctuations of Elder Bartholomew's telepathy, all the surrounding Demon Sunflowers also turned their attention to Elder Gresham in the center with flickering eyes.

"No plan!"

"No request!"

"No response either!"

They are all Felin Demon Kui, Gresham naturally understood what they meant, and said calmly with the fluctuation of his mind: "As long as there are signs of collapse of the Cloud Crown Palace, as long as my arrangements there achieve the expected results, we can withdraw at any time. Ground.

Going down from here, there are enough ambushes waiting for them along the way! "

This person obviously has no intention of sacrificing himself.

Naturally, the surrounding Felin demons all agreed with his wisdom and rationality.

"The elder's intention is wise."

"After all, the surface environment is mainly about harassment and warning. It can cause enough damage to them and make it difficult for them to attack with all their strength. This will achieve the goal."

"It is the wisest decision to take advantage of underground conditions, use guerrilla tactics and numerous traps to continuously separate them, and then concentrate our strength to devour them one by one, so that they will not dare to attack again easily."


And it is these magic sunflowers that you are talking to me one by one.

Suddenly, the elder Mo Kui, who was in charge of the layout of the Star Meadow Tower, was the first to speak. His mind fluctuated and he jumped in: "Everyone, stop for a moment. The attack over there has begun!"

The corrupting magical energy in this hidden space has a counteracting effect on the conventional restrictions of the "shadow shield".

Huddled here, this magic sunflower can still observe the situation on the other side of the Star Meadow Tower through pre-arrangement.

At this time, Kelben was indeed leading the team, and those mage groups were floating in the sky!

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