Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1036 Find it out and solve it


"It's starting over at Star Meadow Tower!"

"It's time for us to start!"

Over at the Star Meadow Tower, Kelben, Storm-Silverhand and others began to lead the team to launch an offensive against the monster stronghold.

In fact, at this time, whether in the Magic Academy or the Tower of the Moon, the elven army also began to mobilize intensively, as if they were also making emergency preparations. Once it was determined that there was no major problem with the offensive of the Star Meadow Tower, they would also Immediately launch the final siege.

in this way.

At this time, we are already in the sewer, to the north of the "Hidden Palace".

A team of only 10 people, they were clearly neither invisible nor deformed. They were standing on a round platform openly. The lizards and jackals passing by from time to time seemed to be invisible to them. They exist as if they are not on the same spatial level.

among this team.

On the left hand is Alustriel, on the right hand is Dove-Hawkhand. Accompanied by her two sisters, Lyla-Silverhand holds the staff of the Archmage, looking around at the people around her, her eyes are as bright as the moon. Light bloomed in her eyes.

The three sisters of the Seven Sisters stand side by side. Even though Dove-Hawkhand is wearing full body armor and her face is covered by a shield, the iconic figures of the three sisters not only flow with gleaming light in the dark environment, but also naturally The long silver hair with flowing special effects naturally exudes an extraordinary charm and a goddess-like temperament.

Especially when the three of them are juxtaposed, their extraordinary charm is even greater than the simple sum of them.

Even though this moment is not an ordinary moment.

Even the people around him are extraordinary.


"How you want to act is up to you, ma'am."

"Naturally, you are more familiar with the situation on Efraska's side."

Yada Tanshur's deep and powerful voice sounded first.

It was he who personally planned the plot to kill Laila.

Although in the end, Laila only broke one arm and was saved by Kelben who arrived in time, but that time, the people who fought with Laila suffered heavy casualties.

But at this time, if the ghost prince had not done anything untoward, his attitude was extremely calm.

Behind this Yin Hun Prince, there are two Yin Hun Masters following him on one left and one on the right.

Three of the Seven Sisters!

Three more from the City of Ghosts!

A team of ten people, except for these six people.

There is also the "Golden Lord" Lord Imsford of Efraska.

And two purple robes, elegant and mysterious Beren Lich.

Of course, Isaac's presence is indispensable.

The goal is to snipe and kill Felin Demon Kui, and the group of people are basically legendary casters. Under the "shadow shield" environment, the two ghost mages following Yada Tanshur seem to be cooperating. They come.

"Prince of Shadows!"


Amidst Yada Tanshur's voice, Isaac's eyes naturally fell on him from the side of Laila and the other three girls.

There was nothing strange in his expression, but in his heart, a thought of longing passed through his mind.

This Prince Yada, among the twelve ghost princes, is the truly powerful one after the eldest prince Revalan.

Not only does his total professional level exceed level 30, he not only possesses powerful spell abilities, but he is also the sacred champion warrior of the Lady of the Night, leading the sacred armed forces of the "Dome of the Night" for the great prince Revalan.

From the outside, such a ghost prince looks majestic and powerful, full of unique personal charm.


Before Isaac's "True Knowledge", this ghost prince was in another form.

Because the purpose of this special operation was to snipe and kill the Felin Demon Kui in a surprise attack, Isaac had already added the real "true knowledge" early on.

With his caster level, this "true knowledge" naturally easily penetrated all Yada Tanshur's disguises.

In his eyes, this prince who looked majestic and charming on the outside was actually a being that was exuding black smoke and was as skinny as a skeleton, as if he were undead.

Of course, even though he is an undead, Isaac can still see that this person is not a real undead. In this person, the breath of life force is quite strong, but it is filled with endless shadow energy. It's like those weird creatures in the shadow world.

It seems that although they are both Yin soul creatures, those ordinary Yin souls are simply different species compared with this Yin soul prince!

Not only is his own existence strange, Isaac is also aware of it. Just as he has a secret observation interest in this person, this person is also secretly paying attention to him.

Come to think of it...that guy Ilki passed his information over.

However, Isaac was not surprised by this.

He didn't secretly control Ilki's mind. This was already known. This person in the City of Ghosts might even include the Deputy City Lord of Hajhorna. This was information that would never have escaped him.

Of course, it would not be missed, but he could not guarantee how true such "information" could be.

At least……

"This person can't see through my 'Legendary Hidden', so he can't see through my 'Transformation' either!"

The "Legend Hidden" effect of the protective card has been corrected a long time ago, and the target is itself.

And if Isaac's judgment is correct, the caster level of this ghost prince who has advanced to the "Holy Champion Warrior" should not exceed level 20.

Although such a caster level does not mean that one must not have legendary spellcasting ability.

After all, the most important thing to obtain the legendary expertise of "Legendary Spellcasting" is to master the ninth-level spell, and at the same time, you can also obtain the legendary expertise.

However, the level of the caster is somewhat deficient. After all, there are still considerable deficiencies in the intensity of spell effects such as "True Seeing" and "Arcane Vision".

And the shortcomings in this aspect mean that it is difficult to break through his "legendary concealment", and then it is difficult to see through his "changing form"!

Since he can't see through it... no matter how much hesitation this ghost prince has about his identity, at most he only understands the information he revealed to Ilki!

"Prince, don't worry. The specific actions will naturally be led by Lord Eamesford."

"I'm only conveying the situation at Star Meadow Tower."

Laila's eyes stared deeply at this person, but in her words, just like this person, she also seemed completely unfazed.

Lord Imsford was aware of the grievances between them, and then interjected: "Now that the Star Meadow Tower has begun, we will fight quickly while those philims will definitely pay attention to it.

The opportunity appeared in a hurry, so there was no specific action plan. Just sneak into the past, find them, and use the barrier to block the teleportation to keep them all as much as possible before they fled. Down! "

find out!

Get rid of!

It's that simple!

And the reason why Lord Eamesford came to lead the team... This high mage is familiar with Efraska, especially Yunguan Palace, which naturally no one else can compare with.

He had to quickly find out from the sewer environment over there the most likely place where the Felin Demonic Sunflower was lurking. This really required him to lead the team.

"In that case, let's start quickly!"

At this time, Isaac has replaced the "Legendary Spellcaster's Scepter" in his hand.

He would not be careless or look down upon the Felin Demon Kui who had to deal with them.

At the same time, this is not without a little precaution against the City of Shadows.

He said this, and the two Beren Liches in purple robes both nodded.

At this time, a bright magic crystal was suspended in front of these two people.

From time to time, there is an invisible ripple passing over the crystal.

It seems that there is some kind of special illusion effect. The reason why the monsters running through the surrounding sewers from time to time are completely unaware of them is precisely because of the spell casting of these two Belen Liches.


"Then follow me!"

At the moment, Lord Imsford said nothing more.

With a greeting, he led the team and quickly pointed to the location of Yunguan Palace.

Such a group of people, except for the two members of the Shades and Dove-Hawkhand, are all legendary casters. Their movement is naturally more stealthy than the stealth of the legendary rogues. , more difficult to detect.

Passing directly through them all the way, not to mention little monsters like bugbears and jackals, even the beholders and illithids that they encountered several times, this was also forcefully passed by them directly under their noses. .

It seems that the illusions performed by these two Beren Liches with magic crystals are exactly the high-intensity illusions performed through the unique ritual of high magic.

Of course, being able to pass through without any hindrance requires some assistance from other people.

For example, Dove Hawkhand, the soul core of the Knights of Myth Drannor, his vigilance caused the team to miss encounters with some monster groups several times. Naturally, these monster groups are not simple teams.

For example, Laila and Alustriel are the chosen ones of the goddess of magic, and they are also archmages. Their field of vision has their own "magic detection" effect, which is better than any "eye of true knowledge". The scope is too much.

It was exactly what they felt. When they approached the area near Yunguan Palace, they were aware of several waves of hidden magical monitoring effects in advance.

Inevitably, this avoids some possible troubles.

So, not much time passed.

In front of an area with a dense network of tunnels.

"Everyone, Yunguan Palace has arrived."

"Please be alert."

"The magic effect here is probably stronger than in places like Star Meadow Tower."

While Lord Imsford was giving a reminder, he had another magic probe in his hand.

Under the ground of Cloud Crown Palace, the strong magic repulsion effect and chaotic magic energy fluctuations inevitably caused the probe to point "randomly" in various directions and vibrate violently.

However, although this direction seems to be random and disorderly, Lord Eamesford, a high mage who has been in charge of the magical power of Cloud Crown Palace for a long time, still has a way to interpret it.

Based only on the probe, I first simply determined a few orientation lines, and then based on the sewer topographic map and my understanding of the underground buildings of Yunguan Palace, I did some calculations and connected the lines a few times.

The three key areas of suspicion were circled by him.

"Ladies' Secret Room!"

"The Wailing Cage!"

"Well of Glory!"

This time he circled, right next to him, a Beren Lich who was also the high mage of the Royal Court of Efraska. After a slight look of contemplation passed through his eyes, he nodded slowly: " Yes, it should be related to these three places."

"The Ladies' Secret Hall was built by a lady who created the protective barrier of Yunguan Palace. It is closely related to the palace barrier."

"The Wailing Cage seals the evil from the lower planes, and it also has powerful magical effects."

"The Well of Glory is a miracle born from mystery, and is closely related to the essence of magic."

"These three targets... we may go here to investigate first!"

As he spoke, the slender and dry claws of the Beren Lich were gently touching the Well of Glory.

Ladies' Secret Room!

Howling Cage!

Well of radiance!

These three places are undoubtedly the highest secrets of Yunguan Palace.

However, at this time, neither the Beren Lich nor Lord Eamesford was hiding anything.

No matter what the highest secrets are, this is the past. Now this place is under the control of the Flying Demon Kui. With the evil and power of the Flying Demon Kui, it is basically impossible to keep these secrets intact.

"Well of Glory!?"

Isaac's heart moved.

Such a name, if taken alone, might just be a name, and there are many places with similar names.

However, since the Beren Lich mentioned that it was born in the mystery, it is closely related to the essence of magic...

As soon as his heart moved, he thought of a legendary phenomenon.

"Could it be a magical miracle similar to the Pool of Light?"

The Pool of Light has been recorded in many legends.

It is said that the pool of light is a direct manifestation of the original magical energy of the essence of magic. It has extraordinary, but at the same time, unpredictable magical effects.

And because it is the embodiment of original magical energy, the Pool of Light is "plastic"!

Whenever such a magical miracle appears, it will always attract many evil mages, trying to manipulate and absorb the endless power by contaminating and corrupting it.


There was only a slight movement in their hearts, whether it was Isaac or Prince Yada, everyone nodded slightly.

This Beren Lich is undoubtedly a knowledgeable person. With the close relationship between the phaerim magic and the essence of magic, the possibility of them hiding in the "Well of Glory" is indeed better than that of the "Wailing Cage". The secret prisons related to the lower-level evil are all much larger.

Of course, it is also not ruled out that the evil sealed by the "Wailing Cage" has been released by the Felin Demon Kui, and even manipulated and dominated, so it is also together.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Lord Imsford nodded and led the team to quickly point to this primary goal.

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