Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1037 Breaking in


However, although the goal was clear and the specific location was clear, the speed of everyone still slowed down a bit as they continued forward.

After all, Yunduan Palace is the center of Felin Demon Kui in this royal city. Even with the constraints of the "shadow shield", it is difficult to stabilize the existence of large-scale barriers here, but...

Within the dense network of sewers, iron nets are sealed everywhere, and magic alarms are also placed in many key places.

In addition, there are a large number of beholders and illithids patrolling in groups, and there are also many high-level undead wandering inside.

This is that no matter how mysterious the high magic of Beren Lich is, it is impossible to cover everyone and pass through it all the way.

However, this side is not unprepared for this.

There is a key passage that must be passed when heading to the "Well of Glory".

Looking ahead, the gate has been sealed by an iron net. Moreover, just behind the iron net, there are several beholder demons with their main eyes open. The "anti-magic field" sweeps across the intersection from time to time. .

With the "real name message", Laila whispered for a while, and quickly completed the exchange of information with Kelben.

As soon as she raised her head, she said in a deep voice: "In half a minute, Kelben will perform ritual spells at the Star Meadow Tower. As expected, this will also trigger the magic spell of Felin Demon Kui at the Star Meadow Tower. Magic trap set.

Using this as a cover, we will capture this side as quickly as possible and without alerting anyone! "

The ritual spells performed by Kelben are basically legendary spells performed through spell rituals, and may even be combined with high magic rituals.

When such a legendary spell is cast, the magic fluctuations are naturally powerful.

In addition, Laila is still certain that once this ritual spell is completed, it will inevitably trigger the magic trap set by Felin Demon Kui...

You must know that the strength of the magic traps set by Felin Mokui are all aimed at powerful people like her and Kelben.

Once such a magic trap is triggered, its power is probably not inferior to Kelben's ritual spells.

The two are closely connected, and there is even some overlap...

Naturally, within this time interval, all situations in other places will inevitably pale in comparison.

Similarly, those who have the ability to observe and monitor the Star Meadow Tower must also cast their gaze over it.

So...this is the opportunity here!

"If necessary, I can block their escape route from behind. However, I can't guarantee whether this will alert the Felin Demon Kui."

Seeing that Laila's eyes were looking this way first, Yada Tanshur said lightly.

He knew what Laila meant. Under the "shadow shield" environment, it would naturally depend on the three of them to cut off the monster's escape route.

Considering the beholder's anti-magic field ability, which restrains the ghost mage, naturally, he was the only one to take action himself.

"The prince just has to do what he wants."

"Since the prince intends to personally take action and cut off their retreat, it will be up to me and Dove to jointly solve the problem."

The beholder's restraint on spellcasters, especially in a sewer environment, would make even the legendary mage frown.

However, Laila is different. In addition to being an archmage, she also serves as a "ranger". In terms of close combat, she also has no shortcomings.

Not to mention Dove-Hawkhand, in terms of martial arts, even Storm-Silverhand is slightly inferior to her, and can be said to be the best among the seven sisters.

Yada Tanshur blocked the retreat, and Laila and her teamed up to attack head-on. With the powerful combat capabilities of the three of them, it was normal to kill all the monsters in that passage in the blink of an eye. things.

To this, everyone nodded and agreed.


However, Yada Tanshur, who was the first to express his intention to take action, wrinkled in his heart, and some hesitation emerged.

It’s just Lila and Dove. Isn’t this Mr. Ray going to take action?

He turned his eyes away from Isaac.

He will take the initiative to prepare for action. This is certainly because he hates Felin Mokui, but more importantly, it is because he is trying to observe this fighting factor at close range.

But now, this person actually has no intention of taking action?

Even Laila was not prepared to drag him with her?

Considering the information related to this person that Ilki had reported before, for a moment, Yada Tanshur frowned and hesitated in his heart.

But that's about it.

Half a minute is up.

From the surface, from the direction of the Star Meadow Tower.

The incomparably powerful primitive magical energy surged up on time, and in just a moment, it surged into a vast and endless energy tide.

Such overwhelming power...

Even if there is the obstruction of the "Shadow Shield", even if this side is still underground, still, whether it is Isaac and the others, or the monsters on the other side of the passage, they are all looking at the same thing. one direction.

"This old thief is really extraordinary!"

"No wonder we can create that 'Hell Gate Castle Barrier'!"

"We have prepared the 'Infinite Ritual' again!"

"However, at this time, with so much effort..."

Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly.

Then, two figures flashed in front of his eyes.

"Do it!"

Laila's low voice.

The voice was still rippling within the illusion barrier, but the figures, she and Dove, had already appeared in front of the iron gate.

Of course, at this time, they had already completed the addition of "invisibility".

Here, the beholder and the illithid focus on the moment when they are attracted by the vast magical power above the surface.

Even though they were about to break in, no one was alert.

And this movement of theirs was almost synchronized.

"Advanced Dispel Magic!"

Lord Imsford's spell coordination has also been completed.

The staff pointed at the iron gate, and the magic alarm disappeared before being triggered by Laila and the two of them.


And at the same time.

The two Beren Liches also raised their claws.

The same spell, one pointed outside the iron gate, and the other pointed into the passage, behind all the monsters.

To avoid disturbing the monsters in the surrounding area as much as possible, this naturally requires eliminating sounds and vibrations.

Of course, the "silence technique" used to silence the sound and shock is naturally restrained by the beholder's "anti-magic field".

However, even so, these two Beren Liches still cast spells like this.

"Shadow Leap!"

Yada Tanshur took one step forward, and the "Silence Technique" was taking effect. His figure had turned into a shadow, and he appeared in the opposite passage with one step.


"Power Wall Technique!"

At this juncture, all the signs of magic fluctuations were eclipsed by the Star Meadow Tower in Judu.

Therefore, as long as the spread of sound and vibration can be prevented, there is a high probability that we can continue to maintain perfect infiltration at this juncture.

With a teleportation step and a raise of his hand, Yada Tanshur created a force field wall in front of the scope of influence of the "silence technique".

However, he had reacted quickly enough. Outside the passage, there was also a "force field wall", but it was one step faster than him. On top of Alustriel's golden dragon staff, there was a spiritual light. It was a flash.

The force wall technique can block the anti-magic field!

Silence, and then eliminate sounds and vibrations!

On Kelben's side, he used ritual spells to attract the attention of all parties. In just two or three breaths, the cooperation here was completed perfectly.



Here, Laila broke through the door with a sword, her figure was like lightning, and she joined forces with Dove to rush in.

On the opposite side, Yada Tanshur's giant sword was also unsheathed.

The holy champion warrior of the Lady of Dark Night, the Prince of Shadows' combat skills are also the best in the entire City of Shadows.

There was only one flanking attack from both sides, and the monsters entrenched in the passage suddenly became chaotic.

For a moment, except for the two people from the Yinhun group, everyone else was taking action. Naturally, Isaac would not just watch.

With a wave of his hand, he had completed the illusion.

All the fighting that can be seen from this side of the passage is covered up invisibly.

Wall of force blocks the anti-magic field!

Silence eliminates sounds and vibrations!

Then his illusions cover up the battle scene!

And at the same time, there are multiple covers from Kelben’s ritual spells...

"No more questions!"

Since taking action, they have been paying attention to changes in the surrounding situation. Seeing that there is no abnormal movement, everyone, including the three people who are slaughtering monsters on the other side of the passage, feel a little relieved.

In the swirl, some people noticed that the original magic energy fluctuations that were becoming more and more surging and active at the Tower of Xiangxing Meadow began to transfer.

"Change system!"

"Teleport seeds!?"

There was a hint of deep thought in Isaac's eyes.

Due to the environmental restrictions of the Cloud Crown Palace and the obstacles of the "shadow shield", even he could not grasp the exact difficulty range of Kelben's ritual spell underground.

However, when the original magic energy was used to shape the composition of the spell...

The main school category of this legendary spell, as well as the core legendary seed, just couldn't escape his perception.

"With 'teleportation' as the core, we are still sure that we can trigger the magic trap under the Tower of Star Meadow..."

As he pondered in his heart, there was some curiosity flowing out of Isaac's eyes.

Unfortunately, under the current situation, he was unable to directly observe the design of this legendary spell, and could only understand and speculate through some channels afterwards.

And he, as well as other legendary mages, are all thinking and regretting.

Within the passage, the attack was as fierce as a violent storm. The three of them, especially Laila and Dove, used almost all their strength to attack wildly, but they had already killed the monsters and completely destroyed them. Even the beholder All in a moment of impatience, I completely lost my bearings.

This one is deploying an anti-magic field, and that one is performing a ray attack. The numerous attacks are directly ineffective.

Laila and Dove, in addition to blocking them from time to time, were transformed into fighting machines from the "dissociation ray" destroying the "force wall" on the opposite side.

The beholder's "anti-magic field" is covering them. They are truly legendary warriors, and there is a tacit cooperation between the sisters. The sword is to harvest the monster's head.

The "anti-magic field" was hastily put away or turned away, and Laila's "automatic spell prompt" deprived the monsters of their lives.

In just a moment, the magic ceremony on Kelben's side was not even completed. The three people on the passage were almost killed, leaving only two beholders and one illithid, and even a little bit. Trembling, they huddled together.

Naturally there will be no pause.

From the time they formed the team until now, Dove-Hawkhand, who has never made a sound, is as silent and mute as ever, killing with just a swing of his sword.

And that's when.


Suddenly, the sky fell apart.

It obviously happened at the Star Meadow Tower, but it was more violent than the previous chain collapses. The area under the Cloud Crown Palace also shook violently, and the tunnels were visible to the naked eye. It was actually shaking and heaving.

Kelben's ritual spell seemed to be completed and crashed to the Star Meadow Tower.

The violent shaking of the earth will naturally not make everyone lose their balance, but when this shaking occurs.

Coincidentally, Isaac and the others' eyes flashed, and even Laila and Yada Tanshur who were in the front passage, swung their swords to kill them in the "anti-magic field". Feeling relieved.

Only the "mute sister" seemed to be completely unaffected, facing the beholder and illithid in front of her. In a flash, she was still killing from the ground in the first step. In the next step, she was already from the top of the passage. If Like a sharp arrow, it shot towards the head of a beholder.

But that's it.

Also coming from the Star Meadow Tower, there was another huge explosion. Another concussive impact made the shaking in front become more violent.

What's more, with this round of explosions, there is boundless evil energy, which is also venting and erupting endlessly.

Then, there was another huge explosion, and another explosion...

For a time, the sky-shattering explosions caused by evil magic energy continued to occur like a chain.

This again...

Not only the entire royal city, but also earthquakes.

What's more, the magic energy shock caused by Kelburn's spell ritual has not subsided yet. This new outbreak of evil magic energy has caused a new round of chaotic shocks.

"Sure enough, it was triggered and detonated!"

"However, such a detonation method..."

"Could it be that the mountains were cut off, the earth was torn apart, and then it was sent to high altitudes and dropped down at a precise location?"

As the thought flashed, Isaac's eyes had already retracted, and he saw Dove Hawkhand on the other side of the passage without saying a word, as if he was not disturbed by anything at all. In the blink of an eye, he killed a beholder first. He beheaded another illithid, swung his sword, and continued to kill the last beholder...

Among the seven sisters, the one with the least sense of existence is also an interesting person!

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