Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1038 Well of Glory

(already edited)

When Dove-Hawkhand quickly eliminated the last beholder.

Everyone also lifted the "Power Wall Technique".

As earthquakes continued outside, the chaotic oscillations of magical energy also continued.

Quickly, the team continued to move forward.

After passing this critical intersection, the tunnels behind are all one-way without any forks.

All the way forward, after a while, a passage that should have been triggered and opened by a mechanism, but now, has been dissociated and destroyed, and the directly visible staircase passage appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The Well of Radiance, which is a deeper layer beneath the sewers.

To enter it, you have to go through this staircase passage and go all the way down.

At this time, the entrance to this staircase is inevitably guarded by monsters. Moreover, Laila and Alustriel's "magic reconnaissance" vision can directly see that there are also magic alarms and the like over there. The layout!

Not only that……

"It seems to be similar to the Castle of Elements, but with a higher intensity of original magic energy flow, as well as the dark evil corruption..."

"Is it because...the Pool of Light and the Core of Mystery are intrinsically related to a certain extent?"

There was also a slight twinkle in Isaac's eyes.

When he got close to this place, he could faintly detect something familiar in the surrounding space.

This familiarity lies in the essence of magic, the flow of original magic energy!

There is also the corruption of the original magical energy by the dark evil power!

Of course, it is also indispensable, that same concealment!

That is to say, he has already explored the Castle of Elements before, and he has enough grasp of it. In addition, he already knows that this is the Well of Glory, and has already increased his concentration. Only now can he, As soon as he got closer, he noticed something strange.

And it was he, based on this abnormal feeling, who was thinking about whether this "well of radiance" was a "pool of radiance"?

Also, even if such a magical miracle has been corrupted, is it still worth using?


"Is it possible to determine if they are hiding here?"

The team had stopped at this point.

Very accurately, it stopped outside the range of various magic vision and magic detection.

Regardless of whether this is the hiding place of the Phayling Demon Kwai, if you want to take this staircase passage and truly enter the Well of Glory, you will almost certainly alert the Phayling Demon Kwai.

If the Felin Demon Sunflower is under it, then it can be taken down in one battle.

But if they are not here... then it is inevitable that they will have to force themselves to attack the other two targets as quickly as possible!

At such a juncture, even a legendary team like them must be a little more cautious.

Laila and Alustriel carefully observed the staircase passage from a distance through their natural "magic detection" vision.

Lord Imsford attached his "Tekira Stone" to his forehead and performed the "One Ritual" spell.

The two Beren Liches were covering for him, eliminating the fluctuations in the high magic within the illusion field as much as possible.

So, after a moment.

Sensing that the high magic fluctuation around him was ending, Lord Imsford took off the "Stone of Tequila".

Laila also looked away from the staircase passage.

"Not sure!"

"The magic effects below are still too intense and chaotic. Unless we force a breakthrough and engage in a head-on confrontation, it is difficult to truly determine."

Lord Imsford frowned slightly and shook his head, but then said: "However, from my observation, the magic effects here should show signs of being controlled by others. Therefore, although they cannot be really sure, they The possibility of hiding here is undoubtedly quite large.

From this, I think we can take action here! "

It is extremely difficult to directly locate the Phayling Demon Kwai directly with magic, not to mention the environmental impact of the "Well of Glory". Lord Eamesford cannot complete it without using magic to counter it. Exploring, nothing could be further from the norm.

However, after all, he performed ritual casting through the "Stone of Techira". Although he could not directly locate the Felin Demon Kui, he still observed some abnormalities here.

From this, it can improve the accuracy of a lot of judgments.

He said this...

Laila nodded slightly and looked at the people around her, focusing on Isaac: "What do you think? If no one has any objections, we will use this place as our first target.

Of course, in order to avoid misjudgment and missing the opportunity, it is necessary to arrange the rapid inspection of the ‘Lady’s Chamber’ and the ‘Wailing Cage’ in advance…”

She always acts with careful consideration.

You won’t really ignore the other two places just because this is the most likely place.

Likewise, Lord Eamesford could not complete the investigation to determine, and she did not conclude that there was really no one who could go further.

Especially...she knows one thing.

Back then, when he was dealing with Kelben's traitor, King Red once demonstrated his accomplishments in the field of prophecy!

Although this knowledge was only heard, not seen, but according to her and Kyle's deduction afterwards, this green dragon's attainments in the field of prophecy are definitely not inferior to anyone else.

So, as she said, she had to make preparations for emergencies, but her eyes were fixed on Isaac's body.

Although it is also uncertain, if we want to say who else is here, it is possible to directly detect whether there is a Felin Demon Kui down there. It must be neither her nor Alustriel, but this person!

Meet her gaze.

Isaac pondered in his heart for a moment, but nodded slowly: "I can give it a try, but...if the Felin Demon Kui is here, I am not sure that I can not be noticed by them! "

The implication is that if Felin Mokui is not here, he is sure that he can not alert the other side?

As soon as Isaac said these words, the eyes of Laila and others lit up, especially Yada Tanshur.

Along the way here, Yada Tanshur has been secretly paying attention to this person. However, this person has almost never taken any serious action. In addition, this person obviously has a powerful counter-prophecy. Effect, but he couldn't observe anything unusual.

At this time, this person finally wanted to take it seriously. Of course Yada Tansur would not miss such an observation opportunity!

"I want to see what you can do?"

Inadvertently, a strange color flashed in the depths of Yada Tanshur's eyes.

Whether it was Ilki's report or Laila Silverhand's attitude at this time, he certainly knew that this person was indeed a truly strong person on the same level as him and Laila Silverhand.

Moreover, it is not just about levels, the three of them are also similar in terms of the composition of professional levels.


From his own point of view, Yada Tansur has concluded that since they are all at similar caster levels, since he is not sure that he can complete the magic that Imsford cannot complete, this person should It's just as uncertain.

But at this time, Laila clearly had expectations for this, and this person's words also revealed that indifferent confidence!

He has paid special attention to this person. How could Yada Tanshur not be a little curious at this time?

He wanted to see what kind of methods this person was capable of, and how he could surpass his expectations!

"Lei, just do what you do!"

"Even if there was an accident, and the other side really noticed it, this is just a planned pursuit!"

Lyra's voice of approval.

Isaac nodded and said: "In that case, you continue to discuss the pursuit battle, and I will observe and explore this side."

As he spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was another layer of wonderful telepathy effect, and it started to move like a hazy veil, but other than that...


Yada Tanshur frowned secretly in his heart. He was a little unsure. Did this person use any special means, or... was he just pretending?

He didn’t quite see it clearly anyway!

On the other hand, Laila and Alustriel actually started discussing the contingency that needed to be prepared at this time.

After a while.

In terms of spiritual will, Isaac is slowly touching the essence of magic.

Following this, the flow trend of the original magical energy, which had already been faintly visible in the induction, became increasingly clear.

This well of radiance is worthy of the "place of magic and miracles" mentioned by the Lich of Beren.

It is clear that the flow of raw magical energy here is more active and intense than that in the Castle of Elements.

When the spiritual will came here, Isaac was observing the surroundings while enduring the impact from various aspects, but he made a judgment immediately.

"If it weren't for the obstruction of the 'Shadow Shield', if it weren't for the conflict with the 'Essence of Shadow Magic', the location of the 'Well of Glory' would even be a connection between the original magical energy between the material world and the essence of magic. The edge is supposed to be both at the level of the material world and directly intertwined with the essence of magic. To say that this is a place of magic and miracles is absolutely correct!"

"So, this 'well of radiance' may really be a 'pool of light'!"

The mind and will, while enduring the impact, maintained restraint as much as possible. With only the most basic "sight", Isaac was observing and thinking in all aspects through the original magic energy.

Among the research topics he has established, the source of the magic power of the Felin Demon Sunflowers should lie in their close relationship with the essence of magic.

Therefore, if it were somewhere else, with the obstruction of the "shadow shield", the connection between these strange monsters and the essence of magic would most likely be blocked or even cut off, making it difficult to observe.

However, if these abnormalities are hidden in the "Well of Glory", they are closely related to the essence of magic, which is a flaw.

At least, for someone like Isaac, who can directly access the essential level of magic with his spiritual will, it is a flaw that is difficult to hide.

The reason why Isaac can be sure is that as long as the Felin Demon Kui is not here, his exploration will not disturb the layout under the "Well of Glory". This is precisely because he has no intention of touching it. Magical arrangement!

"Primal magical energy..."

"Corrupted dark energy..."

"In the meantime, the 'Shadow Shield' continues to conflict with this side..."

"And this, the 'magic power' that acts as a neutralizing buffer..."

Although he was trying to remain as discreet as possible, it didn't take much time for Isaac to find a place to start.

And at the same time, this is also a verification!

Verify whether the fundamental reason he deduced that Felin Demon Kui is imprisoned here and unable to escape is correct!

The mind's will soon kept up with the fluctuations of "magical power".

Such "magical power" is almost completely integrated with the "magic essence". If it were anywhere else, no matter how strong Isaac's spiritual will was, it would be impossible to observe it directly at the level of the magic essence. There is a phenomenon, let alone tracking.

However, here the "Shadow Shield" and the "Well of Light" are in constant conflict, which in turn triggers a constant conflict between the "Essence of Magic" and the "Essence of Shadow Magic". This "Magic Power" is truly revealed and neutralized. In the meantime, Isaac's spiritual will was able to keep up with its ups and downs.

Thinking again, in his speculation, the sealing of the Felin Demon Kui was precisely due to the restrictions placed on them by this "magic power"...


"Found you!"

During the quiet ups and downs of his mind and will, suddenly, a strange sense of existence appeared in his "vision".

Then another one, and another one...

Even though Isaac had no predictions about this, when one after another, the dark fluctuations that seemed to be the direct embodiment of "evil magic" poured into his perception intensively...

"Do it!"

"It's down there!"

"The number must be more than ten!"

"There is one, or I may have noticed it!"

His spiritual will was put away for a moment, Isaac's eyes opened, his voice was short and urgent.

There was a vague feeling that when he observed most of the Felin Demon Sunflowers there, one of them seemed to have a slightly abnormal reaction.

What he said...

All responses had been discussed and waiting. Laila and Lord Imsford were naturally the best and started to take action one after another.

It's on the "Well of Glory" side, but this is the best situation.

As for the number of Felin magic sunflowers, it actually exceeds ten...

Considering that there are five known core strongholds in the royal city, and if they are all concentrated in Yunguan Palace, it is not too high.

In this way, it is only right to kill these monsters directly and let them retreat no matter what escape route they have!

"In the Well of Radiance!"

The real name was sent. On the one hand, Kelben's name was called and the location was sent. On the other hand, the figures of Laila and Dove both rushed out.

The long sword pointed forward again.

"Automatic spell instantaneous - chain lightning!"

A blazing lightning beam, released instantly, suddenly penetrated the sky.

The monster over there hasn't even reacted yet.

This lightning beam had already hit an illithid, and exploded again. Countless electric arcs spread in the blink of an eye, covering dozens or twenty monsters.

When the monsters over there, most importantly the beholders, finally reacted, they quickly opened their main eyes despite the damage from the lightning stream.

Dove-Hawkhand's figure suddenly appeared with lightning acceleration like teleportation. It only flashed and disappeared again. She was already a long way beyond Laila, and she directly entered the monster alone. among the group.

"Enemy attack!"

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