Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1042: Earth-shaking (4)

(already edited)


"Go back to the abyss!"

Even the Lich of Beren was once again performing the "Earthquake Technique", and Laila's scolding sounded again.

In the sound, there was another blazing white lightning light that shone around her.

This lightning bolt, sacred and blazing, was produced, and the deep darkness in the surrounding space instantly retreated to a distance of dozens or hundreds of feet, just like the ice and snow melted away.

Then, a thin and twisted figure with shaggy hair looked like countless venomous snakes dancing wildly, and there were many of them, like shadow tentacles, submerged in the darkness, stabbing at Laila's side quietly and silently. It just showed up.

The lightning flashed and struck the twisted figure like a long whip. The sacred and blazing power in it was hotter than the holy fire of heaven.

The long hair like shadow tentacles of the twisted figure, when exposed to such power, was like being burned by a holy fire. The hair actually let out bursts of shrill wails and shrank back in an instant.

Not only the hair, but also the twisted figure itself has an instinctive fear and even fear of this power.

The lightning strike came, and before the sacred and majestic flame power, there was only a moment of hesitation, and with an unwilling wailing, the twisted figure turned into a black shadow and quickly retreated.

In the blink of an eye, Zhengyi retreated into the surrounding darkness.

It seemed to be able to blend into such darkness, and the figure disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant.

Of course it is Lamashtu, the "Wailing Girl"!

Laila rushed into the "Well of Glory" head first. She was not ignoring others, she was avoiding the "Earthquake Technique" first.

She knew that the "Wailing Girl" was peeping in the dark, so she took the initiative to rush in here.

Sure enough, when she rushed in first and cast the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" instantly, Lamashtu had indeed captured the "good opportunity"!

Then, the power of "Silver Fire" that she had prepared long ago came into use.

Although the direct power of "Silver Fire" is slightly inferior to Kui Lu when used in her hands, after all, this is the sacred power directly given to her by the "Goddess of Magic". The divine essence in it is not to mention " Secondary abyss lords like "The Wailing Girl" and even ancient true gods like "The Eye of the Ancients" are all afraid of them.

Only one blow came out, and as expected, the "Wailing Girl" retreated.

However, Laila did not pursue her immediately. She withdrew the power of the "Silver Fire" and turned it into lightning again, flowing endlessly around her body. She waved the "Arch Mage's Staff" in her hand again.

As if in response to her actions, from the depths of the darkness, several meteor-like blazing lights, swaying with beautiful and more dangerous tails of brilliant light, shot out quickly.

Meteor burst!

The bombardment of this ninth-level spell...

It was the Yinhun people who teleported over with "Shadow Leap", and their eyes suddenly became focused.

But there was no need for them to take any action at all.

The meteor burst came with great power and brilliance, but Laila only pointed at the "Archmage's Staff", and there was no sign of it. This powerful ninth-level spell was as if it had been countered and offset. Actually, it disappeared directly in front of the "Arch Mage's Staff".

The Archmage's Staff, a secondary holy weapon!

The person in charge of it can not only perform a series of magic, but also have a variety of magic that does not require any consumption and can be used at will. This sacred weapon can also give the person in charge a variety of abilities.

One of the most important abilities.

The "Archmage's Rod" can give the holder a certain amount of spell resistance, but the holder can also actively choose to give up this spell resistance.

And when the person holding it gives up this resistance, another hidden ability of the "Archmage's Rod" is activated.

At this time, the controller can use it to absorb the mana of all offensive arcana!

The absorbed arcana will be converted into the energy of the "Arch Mage's Staff", or "number"!

In this way, this even means a bit of "perpetual motion".

Of course, even if the "Archmage's Staff" is a true holy weapon, such absorption cannot be truly unrestricted.

In fact, the absorption of the "Arch Mage's Staff" is quite risky.

Like all staffs, the "Archmage's Staff" also has an upper limit on the number of shots.

If the number of "shots" absorbed, plus the remaining "number of shots" of the staff itself, exceed this upper limit, the "Arch Mage's Staff" will automatically explode!

And because the person in charge cannot directly determine the "remaining number of rounds," this process of absorbing mana is not only risky, in fact, it can even be called dangerous!

However, this is different for Laila.

For many years, this "Arch Mage's Staff" has been in the hands of her and Kelben. The two of them have always kept accurate records of the "remaining rounds."

The "Meteor Explosion" from the opposite side couldn't fill the "number of shots" she had kept.


One of them absorbed the "Meteor Explosion", and Laila waved her staff again.

The consumption of two shots, the eighth-level Druid magic "Tornado"!

The surrounding air rotated rapidly, as if a huge vortex was dented in the space, and an extremely violent tornado was quickly taking shape.

And at the same time.

In the passage behind that was constantly collapsing due to the "earthquake technique", the figures of Isaac and others also appeared flying out.

One appears at the entrance.

"Time stands still!"

Coming from the sorcerer profession, Isaac's spell was completed at just the right time.

In an instant, the speed flow layer switched, and everything in front of him, except Alustriel who was rubbing the car, stopped for a while.

"Four wheels!"

While he was sure of this for the first time, he ignored Alustriel's side.

His eyes glanced ahead.

The “wailing girl” was slightly exposed due to the whirlwind.

Also due to the whirlwind, a vague outline was revealed in the darkness, a huge black shadow like a super giant shadow giant.

And there is the faint light of the "Rainbow Dharma Wall" in the distance.

Of course, there is also the center of the hall, which is said to be the "Well of Glory", but is actually a pool of darkness lurking with endless evil energy.


While observing, his own movements will naturally not be a little slow.

The first is the "projection technique".

Coming from the mage profession, with a very high caster level, this projection holding the "Legendary Spellcaster's Scepter" was projected behind the "Wailing Girl" and in front of the "Dark Earth Spirit".


With another thought, the human form was dissolved silently, and the huge green dragon's true form was revealed in its original position.

However, this lifting did not take much time.

Same in this round.

"Advanced invisibility!"

With the "Advanced Invisibility Technique" combined with the "Legendary Hiding" that had already been launched, his figure and presence suddenly disappeared from the sensory level.

"Paralyzing Touch!"

Abyss Lords do not absolutely have the ability to be "immune to paralysis".

After restoring the true form of the green dragon, Isaac wanted to test whether this "wailing girl" could withstand his constant contact attacks.

The final round…

"The Great Disintegration Technique!"

Using projection as the source of spellcasting, the spellcasting is also performed by the mage profession. Once the terrifyingly powerful "Great Disintegration Technique" is completed, it is pointed at the "dark earth spirit"!

And it was just this moment.

The duration of "time stands still" is also over.

All the speed flow layers instantly returned to unity.

On the other side of the projection, a "Great Disintegration Technique" was shot out.

Here, the wings shook, but there was no ripple, and Isaac's figure also flew out quickly.

He had tested before and confirmed that Yada Tanshur could not see through his "Legendary Hidden". In this way, as long as this state is not dispelled by Felin Demon Kui, he has recovered his true body. Yada Tanshur will directly detect the abnormality.

In this form, in this state, his hands and feet are no longer restrained!

in this way……

"Overlimit-instant-energy shackles!"

Still using the projection as the source of spell casting, with a lift of the legendary scepter, a chain composed of force field energy flew towards the "Wailing Girl".

It can be combined with "Exceeding Limit - Instant Cast". This "power shackle" naturally comes from the spell slot preparation of the mage profession.

The Abyss Lords all have strong spell resistance. Even for him, only the prepared spells of the mage profession can surely penetrate the spell resistance.

Likewise, with just this fleeting observation, he also figured out that this "Wailing Girl" possesses incomparable strength in terms of will and dodge.

Although with the extraordinary spell intensity of his mage profession, it is not really impossible to break through such intensity, but using long strikes and short strikes, focusing on toughness, this is undoubtedly the best choice.

Whether it is "power shackles" or "paralyzing touch", these are all aimed at toughness.

That's not all.

On the other side of the projection, the first "Great Disintegration Technique" was shot at the "Dark Earth Spirit", and the next "Power Shackles" was entangled at the "Wailing Girl".

Although the speed of the real body that had already become invisible and flying increased in an instant, the "Legend Hidden" eliminated all the waves and circled silently and without a trace, bypassing the "Tornado Technique". From the front, while heading straight towards the "Wailing Girl"...

"Compound casting - beyond limit - instant - powerful - extremely effective - touch of the ghost fetus!"

"Higher Arcane Ability - Energy Control - Holy Energy Replacement!"

"Higher Arcane Ability - Arcane Hand!"

Ghost Touch, an eighth-level magic, the caster can direct negative energy to destroy the vitality of living creatures in melee contact attacks.

Each attack guidance can produce additional negative energy damage equivalent to the "Fireball Technique".

The total number of attacks that can be channeled is once per three caster levels.

This also means that with his caster level of 32 in his mage profession, he can guide 10 such negative energy attacks.

Such a total injury...

2.5 times more effective than dissociation!

Nearly three times the size of a meteor burst!

Of course, this total damage cannot be done in an instant. 10 attacks are directed, even if it is his dragon true form, and all attacks including bite, claw attack, wing slash, and tail sweep are used , all of them can hit, and it takes less than two rounds to guide them all.

It would be impossible for an ordinary giant dragon to hit a target with a huge difference in size like the "Wailing Girl", so under normal circumstances, it would take more time to guide them all.

However, as he possesses the advanced arcane ability of "Arcane Hand", he is naturally not among the "ordinary dragons"!

As long as the "power shackles" can entangle the "Wailing Girl" for a moment or two, in this environment where the "shadow shield" prohibits teleportation, he can be sure that this abyss lord will have no way to escape!

Judging from the fact that his full-strength attack can cause six "Ghost Touch" negative energy damage in each round...

This is the powerful attack of the dragon itself, coupled with 1.5 times the "dissociation", and the damage of "double effect - dissociation"!

Thinking about it again, with the gift of "Original True Body", it is almost impossible for any life to exist that can reduce his attacks...

With "Ghost Fetus Touch", in just one round, he can kill an ancient black dragon alive. Even the ancient red dragon can't withstand his ten guided attacks!

The abyss lords are certainly powerful, but when measured only by their vitality, most of their incarnations and projections in the material plane may not be as good as the ancient red dragon!

The ancient red dragon couldn't withstand it, so naturally it was impossible for this incarnation of the "Wailing Girl" to withstand it!

However, considering that "Ghost Touch" is negative energy damage, it is easily restrained by spells such as "Anti-Death Barrier".

While performing this "touch of the ghost fetus", he also forcibly used "energy control" to perform "holy energy substitution" with completely opposite attributes!

This way.

Although some other negative effects of "Ghost Fetus Touch" disappear directly, considering that the abyss lord is immune to "attribute damage" and "attribute absorption", and is also immune to "energy absorption" that can cause negative levels, The disappearance of these negative effects is actually completely harmless.

Compared with this impact, the attribute restraint of the Holy Energy on the evil camp is the most fatal point!

It was Isaac's "holy explosion" in that moment. The unimaginably terrifying holy power filled his body even at this moment, and the "Legendary Hidden" was unfolding around him...

At this moment, "Hidden Legend" was unable to completely cover up its blazing fluctuations.

In the "magical reconnaissance" vision of Laila and Alustriel's chosen nature, and in the "true seeing" vision that the two Beren lichs have already attached, it seems that there is clearly a brilliance in the sky. The dragon will be even more glorious, as if the Platinum Dragon King has come in person, but the divine presence has disappeared!

Before such a strong impact...

"This guy is going to tear Lamashtu apart with his own hands!"

Even Laila's eyes suddenly shrank.

Compared with the previous contact, this person seems to have improved a lot.

With such power... it is really possible to tear Lamashtu apart!

Even, this is not just Lamashtu.

The "Great Splitting Technique" released by projection also takes into account the "Guardian Spirit" that appears in the "Well of Glory"!

Guardian spirits are often immortal beings. To completely destroy such spiritual beings, in addition to special means such as "Prayer" and "Miracle", the only way is "Great Disintegration". It can completely destroy its composition by disintegrating magical effects.

In addition to tearing apart Lamashtu, this person also took care of the support of this guardian spirit...

In this way, their side only needs to take over Felin Mokui's side!

Seeing the "power shackles" locked on Lamashtu and entangled upwards, seeing the "Great Disintegration Technique" also hitting the chest of the dark guardian spirit, Laila thought about it, and the "Tornado Technique" suddenly turned around. .

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