Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1043: Earth-shaking (5)

(already edited)

"This guy……"

"Something's wrong!!"

Laila and others were both shocked and delighted. After all, King Red's attack was really astonishing in intensity, but it was also a real effort.

At this time, Nayada Tanshur was both shocked and confused.

To his surprise, he really couldn't see clearly what this person was doing.

Second shock, even if I can't see clearly, but...

Now that some spells have been cast, he can still make some assumptions based on the signs of the spells, the distance between spells, and his arcane knowledge.

First, during the "time standstill" period, a series of magic including "projection", "advanced invisibility", and the last "big disintegration" were performed.

Immediately afterwards, he used "Projection" to instantly send out a "Power Shackle"!

After this "instant spell", it seemed like another "instant spell" was performed again. Moreover, even if he could not identify the root of this instant spell, he could directly feel it from the surrounding sky. The force of oppression...


"Something's wrong!"

In his eyes, Yada Tanshur had a faint look of solemnity flowing out.

Two consecutive instant spellcastings are not abnormal. His professional level has been upgraded to level 30, and he has mastered "composite spellcasting", so this is naturally not abnormal.

However, the completion process of the spell made it difficult for him to clearly identify the caster level, and even the effect of the spell could not be clearly observed...

This kind of magical ability is definitely not what Ilki's previous report can match!

Nor can his observations along the way match it!

Especially at this moment, he couldn't see it clearly at all. He could only vaguely feel that it was a "holy power spell" that was a fatal threat to him...

"Revalan, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that!!"

Once again, Yada Tansur increased the threat level of this person in his heart. He even had a bad feeling, fearing that this might not be the limit of this person!

After all, even now, he still couldn't see clearly. How on earth did this person hide such a high-intensity spell?

And with this person becoming more and more unfathomable...

"Before the shadow shield dissipates, the decisive battle between Felin Demon Kui and Efraska must be completed!"

"No matter which side wins in the end, for the sake of the lady and the father, the City of Ghosts must catch them all in one go!"

From the standpoint of the supreme city lord, solving the Felin Demon Kui is the most important goal of the City of Shadows.

However, as the sacred champion warrior of the Lady of the Night, Yada-Tanshul recognized that the Felin Demon Kui was the mortal enemy of the City of Shadows, but he always put the interests of the lady first.

Therefore, the Felin Demon Kui must be eradicated, and the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic must be dealt with first!

At this time, there is a high probability that these are the powerful men invited by the chosen ones of the goddess of magic. They have reached the level of, or may even be better than, Revalan...

"We must not keep such a person!"

"But... now is not the time!"

"After the elves have recovered this royal city and invaded the underground, it will be time to take action!"

"People like Laila have the power of 'Silver Fire' and can tear through the restrictions of the 'Shadow Shield' at critical moments. They are not easy to deal with."

"But this... as long as he is separated from Laila and the others, and as long as he is not near the core strongholds set up by Felin Demon Kui, there will be opportunities everywhere!"

In the blink of an eye, the subtle changes in his expression returned to normal, and some considerations settled in Yada Tanshur's mind.

That's it.

The changes on the battlefield have also reached a critical moment.

Hit by that "Great Disintegration Technique", I saw the "Dark Guardian Essence" as huge as a hill. It was super giant, maybe even bigger than the super giant. As far as the eye could see, it was A sudden jolt.

Subsequently, within the range that the "Great Disintegration Technique" can affect.

The dark and evil nature of this guardian spirit was suddenly shattered.

And once this magical essence is destroyed...

As if it could no longer bear its own weight, the huge body of the guardian spirit suddenly burst and collapsed from the point where it was hit by the "Great Disintegration Technique".

For a moment, even the "guardian spirit" had an essence similar to that of an "elemental creature" and had no sense of pain at all. At this time, it seemed to be angry and waved its giant fist indiscriminately.

Such actions will naturally not affect the "Wailing Girl".

However, this "Dark Guardian Essence" was damaged by disintegration, and was truly damaged before it was actually taken action...

From the "Well of Glory", to the dark evil power that pervades the entire hidden space, to the hidden space itself...

A strong shock occurred suddenly.

This is not the effect of "earthquake".

Of course, at this time, both the Beren Lich and the Felin Demon Sun were carrying out the "earthquake technique".

However, the shock at this time was much larger than any other "earthquake technique".

The entire "Well of Glory" hall, together with the deep dark cave that Felin Demon Kui shrunk into, the ground, the dome, all directions of violent vibrations, shrouded everything in the hidden space!


"Sure enough, it has a close and even coexisting relationship with this 'Well of Glory'!"

"And with the evil magic energy reserves of this 'Well of Glory'..."

"One or two shots of the 'Great Disintegration Technique' will be able to cause irreparable damage to its internal structure, but it will not be able to directly destroy it!"

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

Since he had taken action against this "guardian spirit", he would not really ignore this dark earth spirit.

Judging from the changes caused by being injured, his previous speculation is basically correct. This dark earth spirit must indeed be related to this "Well of Glory", or, more to the point, is related to this "Well of Darkness" "Well" has a guardian spirit that is directly bound to it!

Thinking about it again, the "well of radiance" corresponds to the "pool of light", and the "pool of light" is directly related to the "essence of magic"...

Naturally, what this "well of darkness" corresponds to should be the essence of evil magic!

And the essence of evil magic...

Whether it is the promise given to him by the goddess of magic, or his own relationship with the "Dark Sky", this "well of darkness" undoubtedly has great research significance for him, and may even be of greater use. of.

Of course, regardless of its meaning or usefulness, Isaac would not ignore it just because of this.

If there is a magic trap similar to the "Tower of Star Meadow" here... undoubtedly, this is where it should be!

In this way, perhaps this "dark earth spirit" should also be the triggering condition of this magic trap, or at least one of the conditions!

However, as soon as this thought flashed through his mind, Isaac's eyes retracted.

Regardless of whether it is or not, at least at this moment, he has only one goal!

It was the "Great Disintegration Technique" that hit the dark earth spirit, and the "Power Shackles" were also locked to the "Wailing Girl".

But it was only bound for a moment. Seeing the struggle of the abyss lord, he was already trying to break the energy chain, or even break it...

"Multiple attacks!"

We already know this.

The power shackles are only level five magic. How can they really trap the wailing girl?

Isaac flew towards him at high speed. The dragon's most violent multiple attacks with all its natural weapons also broke out in an instant.

And at the same time...

"Arcane Hand - Touch of Ghost Fetus!"

This is a "contact attack" that can be carried out from a distance as long as it is within a certain range around the body.

The extremely powerful "holy energy", along with bites, wing strikes, claw strikes, and even tail strikes, is touching the "Wailing Girl" intensively and at high frequency!

And at the same time.

"Paralyzing Touch!"

The holy energy of Ghost Fetus Touch is touching in the air. This negative energy is attached to the dragon claws and is touching personally.

And just such an attack, one by one, is like overwhelming the sky and the earth, pouring out...


The wailing girl's face, covered by tentacle-like dark hair, suddenly lifted up.

Following this, the hair of darkness also parted.

A strange and terrifying face was revealed, with the nose cut off, the mouth densely sewn with wire, and bleeding constantly.

From this face, a mournful wail that seemed to tear apart the soul suddenly pierced Isaac's eyes, and then pierced his soul.

"Howl of despair!"

Suddenly, endless pain and despair rushed over like a flood that burst a dike.

At the same time, within Isaac's heart, it seemed as if he was being born, and there was also a kind of intense grief and despair that was endlessly rising.

This simultaneous internal and external impact...

Even the power of his will, at this moment, was an impulse so desperate that he wanted to commit suicide, flooding his soul in waves.

The realm of pain!

The realm of despair!

The domain power controlled by the "Wailing Girl"!

Faced with such an impact, which was close to the "conceptual" level, Isaac's eyes suddenly shrank.

In the sound of such wailing, at the level of his soul, a woman who was undergoing various tortures was projected.

Cut off noses, sew mouths, amputate limbs, skin them, and behead them with thousands of knives...

In such torture, this woman has become a direct embodiment of despair and pain. From her body, all the pain and despair are radiating and synchronizing towards Isaac's soul.


His eyes narrowed, and Isaac snorted in his heart.

At the soul level, due to the destiny essence of the Dragon of Conferred Gods, the aura of the Heavenly Numbers Wheel suddenly flashes rapidly, especially the half of the light wheel that has been reflecting the "Dark Sky" and has been instilled and given by the "Dark Sky". It is a kind of original dark and evil wave, which is faintly rising and falling.

Subsequently, this field radiation that had not yet reached the true priesthood level, and was therefore not the essence of a true "concept", was suddenly completely dispelled by him from the soul level.

And without this radiation influence, there would be no "environmental bonus"...

Suddenly, the "Howl of Despair" suddenly launched by the "Wailing Girl", although the intensity was extremely high, Isaac just frowned and withstood it with his extremely strong willpower.

However, the next moment the Will save is completed.

A strong feeling of discomfort and nausea surged out of my stomach.

Bendu had already withstood the influence of the "Howl of Despair", and a wave of "multiple attacks" swept towards the wailing girl. Isaac's body could not help but trembled, and a claw attack and a The strength of the wing attack suddenly slowed down.

It seems that the "Desperate Crying" ability of the "Wailing Girl" has an effect similar to some mythical spells. Even if it can complete the will resistance and is not affected by despair and suicidal emotions, it will still Produces nausea and discomfort that is not exempt from saving throws, thereby affecting the target's status.

However, Isaac's physical condition has indeed been affected somewhat, but...

"Arcane Hand!"

There is no deviation in the guided attack of "Ghost Fetus Touch" by the spiritual will.

With the "arcane hand", the incomparably blazing holy power turned into blazing hands one after another. With a wave of "multiple attacks", it appeared directly in the "Wailing Girl" Next to him, he touched it again and again.

Suddenly, as if being burned by a holy fire, a large amount of black smoke surged out from the body of the "Wailing Girl".

Isaac quickly suppressed his nausea and discomfort, and the dragon's full-force attack quickly followed suit.


But at this moment, in the thick black smoke, the wailing woman let out another mournful scream.

But this time, there was no psychic impact from the soul level.

Amidst the sharp roar, a series of black shadows flew out from the black smoke.

Hands with razor-like claws!

Legs with the same sharp claws!

What’s more, there’s that head with hair that’s dancing like a demon!

At this moment, the wailing girl seemed to have been torn apart by five horses. All her limbs were separated from her body and shot out from the restraints of the "power shackles".

Isaac was carrying out multiple attacks and channeling the Ghost Fetus Touch at the same time, and the attack was like a wave.

Her limbs, head, and long hair were all flying and entangled attacks, but they were also as dense as a rainstorm.

The two sides merged in this moment.

The body of the wailing girl was naturally torn apart in various ways before Isaac's claws, and was also hit by the extremely powerful "Ghost Fetus Touch" and a series of continuous heavy blows from the holy energy.

On Isaac's body, claw marks were also torn out on the dragon scales.

The Demon Lord was born with the ability of "Legendary Damage Reduction", but such claw marks did not mean that "The Wailing Girl"'s "Legendary Damage Reduction" had reached the same "+10" level as him. This is……

"Dual special powers!"

"The damage that his tearing claws can cause should not only be enhanced by the increase in strength, but also by the increase in attributes such as 'charm' or 'intelligence', so it can exceed the limit of damage reduction. I caused some damage!”

"Such harm also has the power essence of 'pain', 'torture', and 'despair' similar to the previous wailing. From this..."

Within the body, the feeling of nausea that was constantly arising from the constant resistance of the will made Isaac secretly frown while guiding the attack more and more fiercely.

This wailing woman is not as brave and invincible as Kostchichi, but her ability has been revealed in this short period of time, but she is really difficult to deal with, and even more...disgusting!


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