Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1044: Earth-shaking (6)


The Wailing Girl's crazy attacks, especially the slashing attacks launched by her two claws, caused Isaac's body to be torn out of its dragon scales even though it had "40/+10" legendary damage reduction. There were scars that looked like brand marks.

Every scar is filled with the evil power of the curse.

Isaac is naturally aware of this. If it were not for the fact that he has this destiny level and his willpower is also incredibly strong, he can completely resist the evil force that comes with the will exemption. If it were someone else, Every time the wailing girl touches her claws, she will not only be affected by "pain" and "despair", but she will also be harmed by "charm absorption", which will in turn affect all the wailing girl's abilities. Becoming less and less resistant.

And even he, no matter in terms of level or will, can resist the supernatural ability of the Wailing Girl, which is constantly activated, but...

As the Wailing Girl attacked crazily with one claw after another, waves of nausea and discomfort that were completely unavoidable kept pouring out of Isaac's body.

The body is experiencing intense and constant discomfort, and the "multiple attacks" launched by all his natural weapons also obviously have problems with strength and deviation.

For a while, although he could still use the manipulation of his mind and will to use the "Arcane Hand" to touch the blazing holy energy of the "Ghost Fetus Touch" to the wailing girl's body through the air, the body itself Attacks, whether they are claw attacks or wing attacks, not to mention bites and tail attacks, are constantly missing and missing.

in this way……

"It seems that in this round, I can't tear Him apart with my hands!"

As soon as this thought flashed through, all the natural weapons no longer chased the wailing girl's limbs to attack.

With his huge body, Isaac suddenly writhed in place.

Since "multiple attacks" are difficult to hit accurately, and even more difficult to hit with full force, then simply give up on this pure physical attack.

Use high-frequency mode, touch a few more times, touch a few more times, and solve this person through magic!

And just when he was writhing, his claws, the dragon wings, and the wailing girl's limbs quickly came into contact and friction many times...


"That's not right!"

On one side, the dragon's wings swept away the hair that came directly from the wailing girl's eyes. At the same time, he also guided the "Ghost Fetus Touch" to touch the wailing girl again.

On the other hand, Isaac's heart wrinkled again.

The paralyzing touch was triggered, but...it failed to paralyze the wailing girl!

His "Paralyzing Touch" is magic analyzed from the "dracolich transformation ritual".

The strength of this spell is not only related to the attributes of the main caster, but also directly related to his life energy level.

With his current life energy level of up to level 46, and this spell is still cast through the preparation of spell slots of the mage profession, the main caster attribute is the extraordinary intelligence of up to 49 points...

The intensity of his "paralyzing touch" is even higher than his usual spells!

Normally speaking, most of the wailing girls failed to resist the multiple touch attacks of "Ghost Fetus Touch", so it should be impossible for them to resist this "Paralyzing Touch" multiple times?


"Immune paralysis?"

Of course, under normal circumstances, abyss lords do not have the ability to be "immune to paralysis".

However, this is just a "normal situation"!

Regardless of whether it is a special case or whether it is an abyss lord who has mastered some special abilities through some method, at the abyss level, he is a true god-like existence. It is not incomprehensible to have the ability of "immunity to paralysis" Unacceptable things.

However, the "power shackles" cannot trap it, and the "paralyzing touch" cannot paralyze it. It is also torn into pieces and is too sensitive. In addition, the abyss lord has a series of resistances and immunity.

If so...

"The 'touch of ghost fetus' cannot touch Him to death!"

It's not that "Ghost Fetus Touch" doesn't have enough damage.

If his "Exceeding Limit - Double Effect - Ghost Fetus Touch" is fully used and there is no reduction, it can even kill an ancient golden dragon directly!

However, after all, "Ghost Touch" can only be guided by contact attacks. It is because he has mastered the advanced arcane ability of "Arcane Hand", that is, within 30 feet around him, he can move the air at will. Perform a "contact attack."

Once this distance is exceeded, no matter how powerful the damage of "Ghost Fetus Touch" is, there is nothing you can do.

Although the Wailing Girl is a little crazy, Isaac doesn't think that if he can't completely restrain her, she will continue to blindly attack him and give him the "Ghost Touch" All holy power, completely throw it past the opportunity!


"It's time to retreat!"

And once the wailing girl retreats, if he can't stop her...

Isaac glanced at those limbs.

Although all the limbs, including the head of the wailing girl, were damaged by the holy energy of "Ghost Fetus Touch", he had already noticed that even though the holy energy was inherently restrained against demons, Ordinary Tower Nali, even if the Balor Fire Demon suffered such damage, it would be impossible to reduce it, let alone quickly heal itself. But obviously, this demon lord is different.

It is obvious that the Wailing Girl has extremely powerful regeneration ability, and even the damage from holy energy cannot inhibit this regeneration!

If this person is really allowed to retreat, I am afraid that all the injuries will be completely healed if he only needs to hide for a minute or two.

"Troublesome guy!"

As the thought flashed through his mind, Isaac frowned secretly.

Judging from this, he still has to put in a little more effort after all!

It was in response to his thought.

After his hair flew out again, his dragon wings swept him away, and he was touched by the holy energy of "Ghost Fetus Touch" again.

Without any warning, the wailing girl's head, which was attacking crazily just a moment ago, immediately retreated in the air.

But at the same time, the limbs were still entangled.

Although these entanglement attacks barely broke through the damage reduction of Isaac's dragon scales, the pure damage caused was only minor injuries.

However, the waves of nausea effects are really difficult and disgusting.

It turns out that this is the case...

"Exceeding Limit - Instant - Advanced Roaring Technique!"

Already prepared for this, the dragon's mouth opened, and Isaac roared. The intense sonic energy immediately enveloped the direction in which the wailing girl was retreating.

In just an instant, the head of the wailing girl suddenly stopped in the air.

Advanced Roar, an eighth-level magic, can not only cause a certain degree of sonic damage, but also cause short-term shock and deafness to creatures within the range.

Originally, an abyss lord like the Wailing Girl was basically immune to all coercion effects, so she should not be affected by shock.

However, the shock of the advanced roaring technique is not a shock to the mind and will. It is a shock to the strong resistance and the sonic shock coming from the body of the creature itself!

At this time, the wailing girl was not in a perfect state, and she was subjected to such a "physical shock" again...

Her head suddenly froze, and her limbs and body also froze.

And just this slap on His limbs...

In the figure, Isaac had already caught up with the wailing girl's head and grabbed it with his claws.

"Touch of ghost fetus!"

The incomparably powerful power of the Holy Energy was guided through again.

Advanced Roar can stun the target for one round.

This time is enough for Isaac to completely pour out the remaining holy energy of "Ghost Fetus Touch".

On the contrary, he and the Wailing Girl were fighting fiercely here, and Felin Mokui and Laila would naturally not watch.

Release the "earthquake technique" between each other!

The magical response and magical attacks that Felin Demon Kui tried were constantly countered and intercepted by Laila and Alustriel!

After the dark guardian spirit was injured, it roared again!

Then, in the "Well of Glory", which was originally a pool of stagnant water, waves of dark energy surged silently like a tide!

In this short period of time, less than ten seconds, many fierce confrontations broke out in this secret space.

Just now.

Seeing the sky above, Isaac roared, directly stopping the retreat of the "Wailing Girl", and grabbed her head with a claw, and all the power of the Holy Power rushed over in a violent surge.

But at this moment, the dark guardian spirit seemed to have received some order from Felin Mokui. He roared, swung his arms, and hit the ground with an angry hammer.

Such as "Earthquake Technique", but it has a larger scope.

With each blow of the hammer, the entire hidden space shook and shook violently, cracking and breaking everywhere, and the entire underground space seemed to collapse completely at any time.

Subsequently, the dark energy that was already silently surging in the "Well of Glory" suddenly began to boil.

From this black pool, from the ubiquitous cracks on the ground, endless black energy rose up in an instant.

In just a moment, the violent noise of this dark and evil energy turned the "Well of Glory" into the mouth of an abyss, and the endless terror seemed to be like a volcano erupting at any time.

Such changes.

"They're in a hurry over there!"

Laila's eyes had withdrawn from the battlefield between Isaac and the Wailing Daughter. She stared at the drastic changes in the "Well of Glory", and there was a slightly solemn look on her face.

There are naturally many sources of such drastic changes.

It must be that Felin Mokui's side is getting anxious seeing that it is difficult to escape for a while, and even the wailing daughter may be trapped here.

Such drastic changes are nothing more than showing that if they push too hard, even if Felin Mokui has not gone far, they are still within the range of this dark energy explosion, which at least is not It’s not that there is no way to hurt both sides, or even to destroy both sides!

"Let them take the first step, they won't be able to go far."

"Everyone, please give me a helping hand to solve the problem here first!"

Alustriel nodded slightly, and while speaking, he glanced at the three people in the City of Shadows again.

The "Well of Glory" is directly related to the essence of magic. If Felin Demon Sunflower really detonates the arrangement here, it will cause greater damage than the "Tower of Star Meadow". The destruction may even continue, which will then affect the temporarily peaceful conflict between the "essence of magic" and the "essence of shadow magic". This will most likely lead to a real magic disaster, and then...

There are many consequences that are difficult to predict. As voters of the goddess of magic, they naturally cannot let Felin Demon Kui really detonate here.

However, it is not easy to solve the problem here.

Even though Alustriel and the others had already discussed the relevant situation, there were only two solutions at this time.

Or, the three sisters consume a large amount of the power of silver fire, use the "magic essence" itself to repair the problems here, and clear out the arrangement of Felin Demon Kui!

Or, then only she can try to forcibly dispel it through magic rituals and legendary spells!

And considering that there is still a crucial plan next, and after this plan, there will be a decisive battle with Felin Demon Kui, now is not the time to consume a lot of silver fire.

So, she actually only has one choice!

Fortunately, preparations were made before this trip. The ten members of the team, including Dove, all have spell-casting abilities, and all of them are quite good. In this way, as long as they can try their best to cooperate with her magic ritual, we can solve the problem. The grasp of the problem here is quite large.

As for whether these people will try their best...

As for King Red, there is no need to hesitate. This person can stand up and deal with the "Wailing Girl" with all her strength. This means that no matter how wary she is of the evil camp, she will no longer doubt this person. Did you hold your hands back and refuse to contribute, or even secretly expected that both them and Felin Mokui would suffer losses!

Therefore, the only ones who need to be on guard and test are those in the City of Shadows!

But they were communicating quickly.

On Isaac's side, it was time to call it a day.

An "Advanced Roar Technique" immobilized the "Wailing Girl". The claw he followed directly grabbed the head of the "Wailing Girl". He followed closely and used the "Double Effect-Ghost Fetus". Touched the remaining number of times.

After these ten consecutive touch attacks, "The Wailing Girl" occasionally was able to save half of the damage through strong resistance once or twice.

But in the end I couldn't bear it anymore.

When Isaac's last holy touch came.

It was obvious that this twisted evil man seemed to be aware of his fate. From his soul to his body, he showed a complete "relief" in an instant, without any resistance at all.

At a time like this, even if a baby stumbles over, it can give her a punch.

Isaac's touch attack will naturally not fail.

The moment the hand of holy power touched her, all the life breath of the wailing girl was completely dissipated.

But at the same time.

Without any warning.


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