Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1046: Earth-shaking (8)

(The modification has been completed. I have had some troubles recently, and I have also encountered an epidemic. I have to queue up every day, do online classes for my children, etc. It may be a bit slow recently)

The speed flow layer is consistent, when the legendary dispersion technique is shooting out...

There was only a flash of emerald green light, which was the boiling and erupting "Well of Glory". Suddenly, it returned to calm, without any trace of waves, or even any trace of darkness and evil waves. .

Legendary Dispelling Technique - Range Suppression!

Isaac's absolute dispelling level has reached level 139, and the dispersing limit has reached level 159 of the "Legendary Dispelling Technique". Even though the "Well of Glory" is directly related to the essence of magic, this The magic effect was completely suppressed for a moment.

And it is with the completion of this suppression.

In the hidden space, it was the dark evil energy that was exploding in a chain. All of a sudden, it seemed to have lost its power. Although the explosions continued, they no longer continued to increase in intensity, but instead declined.

At the same time, the dark earth spirit that seemed to be made of shadow material hit the ground with its fists. Suddenly, it seemed to have lost all its anger. The huge figure suddenly felt a little confused and sluggish. .

Even the dark smoke that was constantly spraying out from the ubiquitous cracks above the ground had lost its stamina at this time.

It was as if, in just this moment, the entire secret space was under control for Isaac.

Of course, this control is only temporary.

The range of legendary dispersion is suppressed, which is completely different from direct dispersion.

To disperse, that is to say, if it is dispersed, it is gone.

Suppression is just a continuous suppression effect for a period of time.

After this time has passed, the magical effect will still be restored.

So, before this depressive effect ends...

"Deal with this dark earth spirit first!"

"Use the 'Profane Domain' to deal with this 'Well of Glory'!"

Since he chose to suppress rather than forcibly disperse, Isaac already had a solution.

His "Profane Realm" is a ninth-level magic created based on the "corruption ritual" of the demon elves and through the reflection of the "Dark Sky" in the "Wheel of Heaven".

What this ninth-level magic directly calls out is the original evil power from the "dark sky", which is the original source of all darkness and evil.

In theory, this is the most appropriate method to deal with the dark corruption in the "Well of Glory".

At the same time, his research on primitive magical energy is also profound enough.

He is also quite confident about how to control the turmoil of the magical energy of the "Well of Glory" while dealing with the darkness and corruption.

At this time, a magical effect suppressed the "Well of Glory". Seeing that the dark earth spirit fell into a special state of confusion, Isaac immediately raised his scepter as he had already calculated.

However, the scepter was just being raised, and the spell hadn't even started to be cast yet.


Suddenly, his mind suddenly jumped, and Isaac looked back for an instant.

Just when he saw that the "wailing girl" who had been completely crushed by him a few seconds ago, and who was definitely dead to death, the broken body scattered on the ground suddenly recovered at this moment. full of vitality.

That evil!

That twist!

That pain!

That despair!

Isaac clearly felt that this was definitely the state of everything, all restored to their prime!

Even when he looked back, he saw that these broken bodies suddenly flew up and reorganized into the "Wailing Girl" in mid-air.

Isaac even discovered that the scars on the Wailing Girl's limbs that had been torn apart by his claws and burned by his holy energy had completely disappeared at this moment!

The Wailing Girl is resurrected!

Just like being subjected to the "Complete Resurrection Technique", you will be resurrected to full strength without any loss!

And when he was resurrected and in the permanent state of "true knowledge", the first thing he looked at was the green dragon looking back across him...

Even with the distortion and madness of the wailing girl, those dark eyes suddenly shrank at this moment.

Is this guy completely unaffected by His final cry?

Or is it that even if you are affected, you will recover quickly?

The Wailing Daughters are demon lords of torture and pain, and also wield the power over the realm of despair and suicide.

In this way, the Wailing Girl possesses a special supernatural ability to "kill herself"!

With "Self-Ending", once a day, when attacked by an enemy, he can voluntarily disarm all his weapons and accept the fate of being killed with a simple intuitive action.

When he uses this ability, he will be completely caught off guard. Not only will all defensive abilities be completely lifted, but the natural damage reduction, natural spell resistance, and even all immunity abilities will also completely disappear. .

If the attacker kills him during this period, the release of the "Final Wail" will be triggered immediately.

This "final cry" is similar to the "desperate cry", only with higher intensity and longer shock time.

With higher intensity, this is a target that can intimidate and qualify him to use his "self-killing" ability.

And a longer shock time...

Using "self-killing", six seconds after the successful suicide round, the Wailing Girl will automatically regenerate, thus receiving the effect of "Complete Resurrection"!

At this time, if the target is shocked by His "final cry", and it is shocked for a longer period of time, this is the time for His revenge!

Just at this moment...

He had just resurrected and saw the green dragon opposite him, which was completely suppressing him and beating him, tearing his hands apart, and was actually staring at his resurrection coldly...

The wailing girl's eyes couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

He also fought on bloody battlefields.

On the battlefield of the bloody battle, the subordinate of Baator Hell has always had the Infernal Dragon participating in the battle.

However, even among those purgatory demon dragons, he has never encountered anyone like this one. Even his attacks are almost unable to break through the defense. The "crying of despair" is also almost complete. It was ineffective, and at the same time, it was clearly a green dragon, but it actually mastered "spell sanctification"!

Such a giant dragon...

This is not to mention Him in his current state. I am afraid that His true body will come or encounter in the lower plane. The wailing woman has a premonition. His true body is probably impossible to defeat this person. !

At this time, since this person couldn't even be shaken by his "final cry"...

The moment their eyes met, the figure was like a ghost. The wailing girl silently retreated into the darkness, and then quickly disappeared into it.

Seeing this, Isaac's eyes flashed slightly, but he never made a move to stop him.

The "Well of Glory" has been legendaryally suppressed. Before the suppression effect ends, he has the need to deal with this aspect first.

Compared to this, the life and death of this abyss lord seems not that important.

At least, to him, that's the case!

However, it was he who was watching the "Wailing Girl" retreat into the depths of darkness.

"Thunder, keep Him!"

"Let me deal with this guardian spirit for you!"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Laila wakes up!

The first moment he woke up, he first noticed the changes in the "Well of Glory", and then saw the "Wailing Girl". He saw the "Wailing Girl" retreating, while Isaac was obviously hesitant, not quite sure. Want to take action.

With a thought in her heart, Laila somewhat understood why he hesitated.

He had already killed the wailing girl once, so he was not really showing mercy.

Show no mercy, but don’t take action...

First of all, this is definitely not a taboo, thinking that it cannot solve the wailing girl.

Although the Wailing Girl is difficult to deal with, it is obviously a little difficult for the Red King. For the time being, there is no threat at all. If she really wants to fight, it will almost inevitably be crushed again.

It wasn’t that I showed mercy, and it wasn’t that it couldn’t be solved, but I still didn’t take action...

Judging from the situation in the hidden space, it is obvious that this is either because they are worried about whether the Wailing Girl will take action against them, or... the reason is probably at the "Well of Glory"!

She had already seen the dark evil energy in the "Well of Glory", which was forcibly suppressed by Isaac. The surrounding space exploded in a chain, and then declined, and the "Dark Spirit" also fell into a state of confusion. state of affairs.

Such a scene...

With a thought in her heart, Laila knew that the reason why she didn't take action was more likely to be the "Well of Glory"!

It's suppression, not forceful dispersal. This person probably has some ideas about the "Well of Glory"!

To plot the "Well of Glory", it is indispensable that this "Dark Guardian Spirit" exists as one with the "Well of Glory", and naturally it is the first thing to be solved.

Presumably, this person was also planning to suppress the tide of dark evil energy in the "Well of Glory" first, cut off the source of the big explosion, and then turn around to deal with the dark guardian spirit and cut off the direct control of Felin Demon Kui. With his hands and feet, he can finally take his time to deal with this "Well of Glory".

Unexpectedly, at this time, the "Wailing Girl" actually resurrected!

Between dealing with the Wailing Girl and the Dark Guardian Spirit, King Red can naturally only choose one.

However, the depressive effect of the legendary dispersion technique has a time limit.

It lasted only ten to twenty seconds, no more than half a minute of continuous suppression at most.

The King of Red allowed the Wailing Girl to retreat and chose to deal with the Dark Guardian Spirit first to prevent the suppression effect from ending. The Felin Demon Sunflower continued to pass through it, causing an even more violent explosion. This was perfectly reasonable.

Realizing this in an instant, regardless of the injuries caused by the dark and evil chain explosions on her body, Laila's figure flew straight towards the dark guardian spirit.

Waving the staff, with a spell-like ability, no specific spell-casting action is required, and the "Great Disintegration Technique" starts to be cast at the same time.

She stretched out her other hand, and another magic ring with dazzling aura appeared in her hand.

This magic ring is exquisite in style, with three gemstone slots on it. However, at this time, two slots are already empty, leaving only one slot with a magnificent ruby ​​inlaid in it.

Of course it is the Three Wishes Ring!

However, it has been used twice, and this three-wish ring only has the last "wishing spell" left in reserve.

With Laila's profound knowledge, she naturally knew that in order to completely eliminate the "Dark Guardian Spirit", the only common methods, in addition to the "Great Disintegration Technique", were the "Prayer Technique" and the "Miracle Technique".

In addition, time is running out now. In order for King Red to keep the "Wailing Girl", she does not care about the expensive value of the "Three Wishes Ring".

It is undoubtedly always worthwhile to invest tens of thousands of gold coins in exchange for the complete solution of "The Wailing Girl".

Even, it is not necessarily necessary to use this ring. Since she has recovered from the shocking impact of "Despair Cry", Alustriel and the others must have recovered quickly.

As long as they catch up in time, this "wishing technique" naturally does not have to be used.

Taking out this "Three Wishes Ring", she is just showing that she will quickly get rid of this "Dark Guardian Spirit" at any cost!

"You should have been two seconds earlier!"

Isaac's eyes slightly wrinkled at Laila's voice and actions, but he secretly said "trouble".

If Laila had woken up two seconds earlier, at this close range, he would have been able to directly stop the wailing girl from retreating with just a hand.

But now, the Wailing Girl has withdrawn a certain distance, and the close-range spell is beyond the reach of both.

And with the various characteristics of the Abyss Lord, as well as the weird method of directly splitting into pieces, and the preparation spells at medium and long distances, even Isaac has no confidence in retaining this person!

He frowned secretly in his heart, but Isaac still took action.

He has already killed this abyss lord once. With the nature of this person, this hatred must have been sealed.

In this way, if there is a chance, naturally it cannot be left in the material plane!

Since Laila took over the task of dealing with the Dark Spirit, he didn't mind trying again to deal with the Abyss Lord.

"Power Shackles!"

The figure then followed up in the air and raised his hand again.

Overlimit - Instantaneous, a shackle of energy locked onto the figure of the wailing girl, and flew out instantly.

"Time stands still!"

Using the Warlock profession again, a ninth-level spell was quickly carried out.


But he was fast, and the wailing girl's reaction was not slow either.

He had been restrained by a "power shackle" before. When he saw the person behind him, he cast another instant spell and shot a force field chain.

Without hesitation, the body of the wailing girl broke apart again.

The other parts were still flying straight towards the tunnel where Felin Demonic Sunflower had retreated, but there were two hands coming backwards, grabbing the power shackles.

In terms of flight speed alone, this abyss lord is comparable to Azshara in her dragon form.

Not to mention that at this time, Isaac not only transformed into a human form, but was also casting spells at the same time.

When those two claws immediately entangled the "power shackles", it was as if the distance between Isaac and Him was quickly widened.

In this teleportation-impossible environment, although the Wailing Girl is restricted from various teleportation and summoning abilities, Isaac is also unable to carry out teleportation attacks as he wishes.

Seeing that Laila's "Great Splitting Technique" was just about to be completed, this twisted evil was already about to sink into the deep darkness in the second half of the hidden space.

"Shadow Leap!"

But at this moment, along with the instantaneous fluctuation of shadow energy, a roar of anger sounded.

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