Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1047: Earth-shaking (9)

(already edited)

Yada Tansur regained consciousness.

The third person in Shadow City, Yada Tanshur, is a level 31 professional, a level higher than Laila.

In particular, he is also the sacred champion warrior of the Lady of the Dark Night. His firm belief in the goddess also gives him an extremely firm will.

Even the "final wailing" launched by the wailing girl with the purpose of "self-commitment" cannot shock him for long.

Faster than Alustriel and the Lich of Beren, almost right behind Laila, Yada Tanshur also woke up from the impact of pain and despair.

And this one wakes up...

Another roar!

A chain of explosions caused by the Felin Demon Sunflower.

It will not have much impact on the voters of the Goddess of Magic.

It had almost no impact on Mr. Lei.

Even for Lord Eamesford and the two Beren Liches, although the damage was not light, it was also not serious.

No matter how bad these positions are, they are all truly legendary. With professional levels and equipment, the strength of their vitality is quite high.

Only his two subordinates came with the same mentality as him. They spent more time secretly observing the situation on their own side. Unexpectedly, during this chain explosion, It's paddling to the bottom of the water!

A person woke up from the despair shock and noticed such a situation. He also noticed that Felin Demon Sunflower had retreated. Only the "wailing girl" was still here, and she was also trying to chase Felin. Over at Mo Kui...

"Shadow Leap!"

With an angry shout, Yada Tanshur took a step forward. At the same time, his figure suddenly turned into a shadow and blended into the surrounding dark environment. The next moment, he was in the darkness from the deepest part of the secret space. , and in a blink of an eye, he returned to his human form, as if he was in front of the "Wailing Girl".

Under this "shadow shield", only shadow creatures like him and the shadow souls have unrestricted teleportation capabilities.

No matter how fast the "Wailing Girl" was, she couldn't beat his "Shadow Leap".

And with this step, he moved directly in front of the "Wailing Girl".

He faced the "Wailing Girl" whose body was torn apart and was just a human figure in the sky, shooting straight towards this direction.

"God's wrath!"

His eyes narrowed for a moment, and then he glared sharply.

Suddenly, from the silver giant sword in Yada Tanshur's hand, from the dark disc emblem with a deep purple outer ring, the intense purple light surged in just a moment, like a tide, covering the surrounding area. The area with a radius of ten feet was completely covered.

However, although this purple light is strong, it does not have any blazing feeling. On the contrary...





At the same time, there is an indescribable holiness!

Combined again, this is caused by the "black disc with purple outer ring" emblem on the giant sword, and this emblem represents the "Lady of the Night"...

It seems that this is Yada Tanshur, guiding the sacred power of "Lady of the Night"!

Facing an abyss lord like "The Wailing Girl", Yada Tanshur's body, this sacred and evil dark power surged for just a moment, and his whole figure seemed to have transformed into a body that could swallow everything. The pure darkness, the infinite dark power of the "shadow shield" resonated with him every time he breathed and breathed.

At this moment, the area shrouded in purple light seemed to have merged with Yada Tanshur.

The unimaginable terrifying momentum is still rising.

When someone like this stands in the way...

The wailing girl's eyes narrowed slightly, but the speed of the flying shot did not slow down at all.

Although this man's momentum is absolutely high-end combat power even if he is dragged into a bloody battlefield, but... no matter what, he will not be more difficult to fight than the one behind him!

After breaking through this person, there is still hope for him to stay in this world.

To catch up with the one behind, this incarnation is bound to be difficult to protect.

Lamashtu naturally knows what kind of decision to make!


A flying shot, a soul-rending wail of grief, hit the area ahead in an instant.

And at the same time.

"Spell-like ability is instantaneous - dominate humans!"

Against the green dragon, he had never used any spell-like abilities at all. The battle time was too short, and there was no chance to use anything else except the instant spell-like abilities.

On the other hand, the only spell-like abilities that he can cast instantly are "Domination of Humans" and "Suggestion". The former is inherently ineffective against green dragons, and the strength of the latter is even inferior to his "Despair Wail". , naturally there is no need to waste efforts on the green dragon.

However, he has no way to deal with the green dragon, but it is different with the guy blocking the way!

First, with a quick movement, he released the "Howl of Despair", and then with a "Prompt Cast of Spell-like Ability", he completed the "Domination of Humanity", almost at the same time...

"Tornado attack!"

"Trance Blow!"

"Charm drain!"

The two hands are tearing apart the "power shackles" from behind, and also blocking the green dragon's pursuit.

Here, Lamashtu's two feet and his tentacle-like long hair began to rotate with his body as the axis.

In the blink of an eye, the demon lord turned into a sharp whirlwind, and violently crashed directly into the area shrouded in purple light.

But that's it.

Laila's "Great Disintegration Technique" was also completed, and a stream of light flew in front of the dark guardian spirit in a blink of an eye.

And almost at the same time.

Isaac's "Time Stands Still" is also completed.

It was the "Wailing Girl" who was about to collide head-on with the "Prince of Shadows", and it was also the effect of the "Great Disintegration Technique" that was spreading on the dark guardian spirit.

In front of Isaac's eyes, the flow of time stopped.


At the first moment, there was a sudden movement in his heart, and his eyes first glanced in the direction of Alustriel.

Sure enough, this person also recovered from the influence of "Howl of Despair". When he completed "Standing Time", with the immunity of the electorate, this person also took a ride and became this speed flow. Apart from him, he is the only one with normal thinking ability.

"That's good. With her recovery, Laila will be more confident that she can quickly deal with the dark spirit."

The thought flashed, and the first spell was being cast.


Since it is difficult to catch up directly, we can only "project" it and use a new casting source point to complete the pursuit of the wailing girl.

Projection, a mid-range magic. With Isaac's caster level, when this spell was completed, a semi-real projection seemed to be projected hundreds of feet away in front, directly past the two claws. He almost caught up with the wailing girl.

follow closely.


Another eighth-level spell, but instead of casting it, it directly retraces the original magic energy, and based on this, temporarily constructs a new spell...

"Advanced Roar Technique!"

That's not all.

While building temporarily.

In front of Isaac's forehead, the "Dark Techira Stone" also flashed with black light.

"One Ceremony!"

"Spell amplification!"

The use of the Techira Stone will increase the casting time of the spell to at least one full round. Isaac would not do this easily at other times, but the time stop interval is just right.

Just like the previous "Legendary Dispelling Technique", it was originally cast instantly, but with the addition of the "Dark Techira Stone" amplification, it also became a full round, but in the "Standstill of Time" While it lasted, he was able to cooperate.

The "Advanced Roaring Technique" at this time was also average, and because it was a temporary reconstruction spell, he spent two full rounds of time to cast it.

One "Projection Technique" and another "Amplification - Advanced Roaring Technique". When the spell is completed, the duration of "Time Standstill" also ends.

Then, using the projection as the source of the spell, the "Wailing Girl" and the "Prince of Shadows" in front of them collided forcefully.

A roar of thunder and extremely strong sonic energy enveloped a large area in front.


"Shape Control!"

With advanced arcane abilities, another piece of the fan-shaped area shrouded by sound waves leaked out, which could accommodate the vacancy of Yada Tanshur.

Non-stop, waiting to see whether the "Wailing Girl" is frightened over there.

"Exceeding Limits - Instant - Powerful - Extremely Effective - Dissociation!"

"Compound casting - beyond limit - instant - powerful - extremely effective - ball of dissociation!"

For "Time Standstill", Isaac performed a standard spell, so now that the time stop has ended, his "Instant Cooldown" and "Composite Casting Cooldown" have naturally been restored.

One released the "Amplification - Advanced Roaring Technique", raised the scepter in his hand, and clicked twice. A dissociation ray and a dissociation ball were shot at the wailing girl in almost no particular order. head.

These three spells were released intensively in an instant.

Especially the last two, before that terrifying destructive energy...

Whether it was the wailing girl or Yada Tanshur in the state of "God's Wrath", it was the first time that the two of them collided head-on. Both of them suddenly changed their expressions.

Especially Yadar-Tanshul.

After all, the Wailing Girl had experienced it personally before and knew that the green dragon behind her was incredibly powerful.

Yada-Tanshul has always been more of an estimate because of the "legendary hidden" cover.

At this moment, facing these three spells, the fingers came like a storm...


In an instant, this ghost prince overturned all previous estimates!

Before, the most he could do was rank Mr. Lei with Revalan, but now, if Revalan doesn't become a female voter, there will be a clear gap between him and this one!

I am afraid that only their father, the supreme city lord of the City of Shadows, is on the same level as this one!

Such latest estimates...

"Plans must be reset!"

"Perhaps it is necessary for both father and the City of Ghosts to come here again!"

“Only with the power of the ‘Stone of Karsus’ is it possible to leave no further trouble!”

In this thought, Yada Tanshur, who was in the "God's Wrath" state, resisted the impact of "Despair Howling" and "Dominating Humanity" with a fully increased willpower. , was constantly feeling a strong sense of nausea, but the positive increase of "God's Wrath", combined with the effects of various legendary specialties, and the swing of the giant sword swept through the majestic shadow energy, but he still steadily blocked it , the whirlwind attack of the "Wailing Girl" that lacks two arms.

But there was a slight resistance on his side.

The sonic storm of the advanced roar technique followed like a tsunami.

Suddenly, all the limbs of the wailing girl fell into stasis in an instant.

This "Advanced Roar Technique", which uses the "Dark Techira Stone" to increase its intensity, is a full four or five levels higher in intensity than the instant version that shocked the Wailing Girl before.

The wailing girl was mentally prepared this time, but... the shock of "Advanced Roaring Technique" was aimed at "Fortitude Saving Throw". No matter how prepared her mind and will were, she would still be unable to resist if she was not strong enough. live!

And just as his limbs fell into shock for an instant, the general dissociation rays and dissociation balls composed of black hole particles were shot at him.

For a target like the Wailing Girl, these two dissociation spells naturally cannot come from the Warlock profession.

The damage of double-effect super magic is enhanced!

Level 12 "Mana Power" strength increase!

49 points of intelligence attribute, bringing 19 levels of strength adjustment!

And there is also the expertise enhancement of "Specializing in Spells (Change System)"!

When all of this comes together...

When a ray hit, most of the Wailing Girl's head turned into smoke and dissipated.

Another hit from the ball of dissociation followed, and completely, the head filled with twisted and desperate will completely disappeared into the sky.

The dissociation spell also targets "toughness".

Coupled with the shock of the "Advanced Roar Technique", the wailing girl who was unable to dodge was unable to complete even a single strong resistance.

After suffering two double-effect dissociation spells, the abyss lord's vitality was suddenly completely wiped out.

However, this is the moment.


Regardless of Isaac or Yada Tanshur, suddenly, their eyes were focused again, and they fell directly on the wailing girl who had not been dissociated by the "dissociation technique" because she was torn apart. above the limbs.

The vitality has completely disappeared, but... he is not dead!

The Lord of the Abyss has a powerful regeneration ability. Even if the vitality completely disappears, all limbs will no longer be able to move. However, Isaac and I are clearly aware that a kind of vitality is rapidly regenerated within these limbs. The trend is already underway.

Such regenerative ability...

Just like a troll, only by suppressing this regeneration in a corresponding way can it be completely killed.

Naturally, he would not watch the wailing girl regenerate.

"Fight heresy!"

Yada Tanshur, who was still in the state of "God's Wrath", swung his giant sword, channeling the dark holy energy, and struck down the body of the wailing girl with unparalleled power.

But when he strikes down with his sword...

Both of them, he and Isaac, only narrowed their eyes again.

"let me!"

Then, Isaac's figure flew over in person.

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