Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1058: Earth-shaking (20)

(already edited)

It was Isaac's side, welcoming him out.

In the dark sewer, a group of five Felin Demon Sunflowers, followed and guarded by several beholder demons, were quickly approaching the "Well of Glory".

Naturally, it was the demons headed by Gresham and Bartholomew.

After detonating the "Lady's Secret Hall", these magic sunflowers were well prepared.

The first target is naturally the "Well of Glory", but if there is a problem, they also have various plans to lurk underground, or transfer to the "Magic Academy" and "Tower of the Moon".

In addition, contact has been made, and the response from underground has also arrived.

With such abundant preparations, I can survive today, even tomorrow!


"These damn voters!"

There was a claw on the top of his head, which even now has not been able to heal, and there was a wound with blazing white lightning swimming and contracting in it. Gresham's eyes were filled with deep jealousy. The color is flowing out.

This is the damage caused by "Silver Fire"!

During their transfer after detonating the "Lady's Secret Hall", their group unexpectedly fell into an ambush by the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic.

under extremely adverse conditions.

Even if they broke out completely, even if the reinforcements coming from underground provided a lot of help, but...

After all, they were killed!

A few of them escaped by luck and fled here desperately.

It's hard to say what the situation is now for the other few people, as well as the people who came from underground.

Of course, Gresham doesn't have time to worry about them. They haven't really gotten out of trouble yet!

In this environment where spellcasting is severely restricted, their "triggering technique" has been triggered again. If they are really pursued by those voters again, even they will be completely defeated!

Naturally, there is no time to worry about others!


It was just these thoughts that were flashing through his mind. Suddenly, Gresham and Bartholomew, the two most powerful elders, experienced telepathy waves at almost the same moment.

They are always on high alert.

Ahead, another creature entered their perception.

There were two bugbears, and... they were coming directly towards them!

There was a movement in my heart, and telepathy was secretly contacting each other. The flying speed of the Felin Demon Sunflowers did not slow down at all.

They went that way, and the bugbears came this way.

Soon, the two bugbears entered their "real vision" range.

"It's still the 'Monster Control Technique'!"

"It seems that it is definitely the Balor Fire Demon!"

Gresham's voice was the first to be heard in the telepathic link.

Two have been discovered before, and two more have appeared here. They can squander ninth-level spells like "Monster Control" on bugbears and jackals without caring. In addition to having the ability to cast "monster control" at will, Except for the Balor Balrog with such magical abilities as "Monster Control Technique", there is no one else.

At least, in the current Efraska, there can be no others!

"These two, there is no need to touch them anymore."

"Since the Balor Demons have sent two more, they must be testing our attitude."

"Let them follow us!"

"The Balor Demon also has some abilities, and it's impossible for a Tanari like this to side with Efraska!"

Bartholomew's telepathic voice was also a wave.

If it had been any other time, the Balor Fire Demon would have destroyed their envoy, and they would not have been able to escape the fate of being enslaved by them.

But now, as long as they can get this Barro Demon to cooperate with them to deal with the pursuit behind them, they are satisfied, and they are too lazy to pursue anything further.

At least, I am too lazy to pursue it for the time being.

In response to his mental thoughts.

A magic sunflower also stirred up its thoughts: "Bearbug, lead the way and take us to see the Balor Demon!"

Before coming here, the two bugbears received an order from Isaac, asking them to follow and obey the orders of the Felin Demon Kui.

At this time, the voice of Mo Kui came, and naturally there was no resistance. Both bugbears turned around and ran straight towards the passage of time.

Inevitably, Felin Mokui and his party flew quickly to follow.

Of course, even if they are considered, with the common enemy of Efraska, at this juncture, it is unlikely that the Balor Balrog will fight them to the death.

However, they were naturally cautious and flew quickly to keep up. At the same time, two of the three beholders following them sped up, directly surpassing them and reaching the front of the team.

The "anti-demon field" of General Beholder is useful no matter what the environment.

This is especially true under this "shadow shield".

Because of this, all the slaves they were were thrown behind to stop Laila and the others during their escape, but they summoned the three-headed beholder and followed closely all the way.

Along the way, we inevitably encountered some scattered monsters, and as usual, they were still driven back by the Felin Demon Sunflower.

After a while.

"It's finally here!"

Right at the entrance of the one-way passage was where Isaac and the others had fought a battle before.

Sensing the rapid approach of two bugbear slaves.

Everything had been prepared here, Isaac looked indifferent, but his lips were slightly open.

"We have reached the entrance to the first battle!"

"You can come over in a minute!"

Calling Laila by her real name, and splitting it into two sentences, sent two messages.

Judging from the bugbear's traveling speed, it took at most half a minute for the Flynn Demon Sunflower to enter his spiritual light range.

However, considering the "Aura of Majesty", especially the further legendary spell "Tiamat's Holy Aura", once this is cast, it is very likely that his identity will be exposed.

Although at this time, Isaac was ready to reveal his identity.

However, if we can continue to be conservative, it is naturally best to continue to be conservative.

No matter what, whether it is Felin Demon Kui or the City of Shadows, this cannot be underestimated. Isaac does not want to make his enemy public if he can do so!

So, another half minute of delay!

In this half minute, it would be best if he directly dealt with the five-headed demon sunflowers and those beholder followers.

But if it doesn’t work…

The teleportation from Laila and the others is a further guarantee to solve all accidents.

He chose the place of "welcoming" here, which was actually for this comprehensive consideration.

After all, if you go from here to the "Well of Glory", the chaos and repulsive effect of the omnipresent magical energy will greatly interfere with the teleportation approach.

Yada Tanshur really may not be able to break through this interference and teleport directly inside!

Thinking again, they were fighting their first battle here, and everyone was deeply impressed by this place, so they could send the group to the group and accurately locate it.

Naturally, this is the most suitable place to "welcome".

At this time, "Breaking Shadow Network" has already been completed with the triggering of "Triggering Technique".

Being within the area where the "magic essence" operates normally.

Combining "Advanced Stealth" with "Legendary Hidden", all signs of existence were eliminated.

The "Eagle Majesty" was added in advance and the "charm attribute" was enhanced to further enhance the intensity of the "majestic aura".

Holding the legendary caster's scepter in his hand, Isaac did not look directly at the direction of the Ferrin Demon Sunflower. However, in his mind, with the connection of "controlling monsters", he came close to the bugbear slave. It is as accurate as counting seconds.


"Beholder, beholder, phaelin magic sunflower, magic sunflower..."

"Five-headed demon sunflower, three-headed beholder demon!"

He didn't look at it, but in Isaac's heart, he had a precise grasp of the distance.

The range of his "majestic aura" is twice that of Felin Mo Kui's "true vision".

With this range difference.

When all the demons, including the beholder, have entered the area covered by his spiritual light, this is still before Felin's "real vision" can directly observe him.

With this...

After counting all the aberrations, Isaac was still in no hurry to start immediately and counted for another two seconds. It was exactly half a minute after he summoned Laila that the Phaelin Demon Kui at the front was about to When I walked 120 feet in front of him...

His eyes suddenly became solemn.

"Tiamat's Holy Aura!"

On the wrist, there is always a green dragon crown in the form of a bracelet, and the magnificent and mysterious emerald light blooms in an instant.

In the void, there seemed to be a roaring sound, a kind of majesty, a kind of holiness, and at the same time, it also penetrated the essence of viciousness and decay, which suddenly radiated at the level of the soul.

Use the Green Dragon Crown as a spellcasting device!

Use the green dragon's divine power as a sacrifice!

At the same time, Isaac's body suddenly transformed into the true form of the dragon.

Although the "Advanced Invisibility Technique" is still continuing, however, when he is in the form of a giant dragon, from his soul and from the destiny essence of the God-conferring Dragon, the mysterious and majestic aura suddenly shines...

The legendary spellcaster waved his staff.

Combined with majestic aura!

Instant cast!

Write force seed!

In this bright and sacred aura.

Radiating the souls of all people, like the true form of the Dragon Queen coming, the infinite power of the Dragon God instantly enveloped all living beings, but it was even more incredible than the Dragon Queen's sacred aura. It was an unimaginable compulsion, and it was also random. The radiance of light to the soul directly oppresses everyone's mind and will.

It was no longer a simple shock. At this moment, not to mention bugbears and beholders, even those phaerinn demons felt an irresistible feeling of kneeling and looking up in their souls, overwhelming them. All will.

With Isaac's life energy level, the majestic aura is extremely powerful, and is much more powerful than the ancient dragon.

Not to mention, the majestic aura is also the destiny ability, which is like a legendary spell, and has a special environmental bonus in terms of strength for all creatures below the destiny level.

In addition, he also completed the temporary status addition in advance, improving the charm attribute that can affect the intensity of the majestic aura.

At this time, this is based on the majestic aura, combined with the sacred weapon, combined with divine power, and is embodied as a legendary spell, which can pierce the "holy aura" of conventional psychic immunity, and cast the spell in just a moment.

Within the huge coverage area of ​​​​the halo, be it bugbears, beholders, or even those phaerims, they all knelt down and knelt down directly, and those floating in the sky suddenly fell down.

Although Felin Mo Kui is born with a strong will, however, these Elder Mo Kui are not giants of the Destiny level after all. They are still suppressed by the "sacred aura" and the environment above their class.

Coupled with the increase in life energy level, the enhancement of all attributes, and the addition of status spells, the intensity of Isaac's majestic aura is far stronger than in the early years.

The legendary mages who were able to intimidate those in their early years, now used it. It was difficult for the elders to resist, but it was completely normal.

However, seeing this pile of demons and demons, they were all falling down.

Isaac did not attack directly.

After all, the area broken by "Breaking Shadow Network" is limited and fixed, and it is impossible to follow his figure simultaneously.

The shock time of the "holy halo" is like the majestic aura and dragon's power. If it is less, it only lasts for tens of seconds, and it only lasts for three or four minutes at most.

Naturally, he would not attack them directly, but would only use his claws and teeth to tear these monsters into pieces one by one.

"Exceeding Limits - Instant - Powerful - Extremely Effective - Withering!"

The scepter waved first, followed by the "holy halo", and cast a compound spell. The preparation from the mage's spell slot was followed by another high-intensity spell, which was released instantly upon landing.

In an instant, black as ink, endless negative energy, like a tsunami, flooded everything in sight, sweeping in all the magic sunflowers.

Don't wait for the life and death within to be revealed.

"Extremely effective - time stops!"

The scepter waved again, coming from the warlock profession, and there was another extremely strong magic wave, surging around him again.

More than one of the Elder Mo Kui on the opposite side has reached the ultimate level of Elder Mo Kui, level 27.

With the addition of the Felin Demon Sun's physique to its vitality, it is obvious that an Elder Demon Sun of this level cannot be completely wiped out with a "Double Effect - Withering Technique".


It was this spell that was being cast, and Isaac's eyes suddenly moved again.

Under the attack of the withering technique, inside the dark cloud where the negative energy appeared, there were actually two elders of Mo Kui. Amid the shock of the "holy halo", they struggled with strong will!

Such an extreme-level Elder Demon Kui really has something extraordinary about him.

His "Holy Aura" targets all creatures that are not Destiny level, and its intensity is even close to level 50.

This kind of intensity is not much different from the ninth-level spells cast by his mage profession.

There is only a one-fifth chance that an ancient giant dragon, or even the most powerful ancient golden dragon, can resist this shock.

Although Felin Demon Kui is powerful, there is still a big gap compared to the Ancient Golden Dragon in terms of all-round immunity.

At this time, in a state of shock, they were able to start struggling immediately after only one round of attacks, which naturally showed their inner extraordinary.


Just a dying struggle!

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