Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1059: Earth-shaking (21)

Isaac's spell-casting movements did not show any hesitation.

At this moment, he has ruled out all possibilities of accidents!

At least, all possible accidents that these Felin Demon Sunflowers themselves can cause have been eliminated!

If there were to be an accident... it would have happened the first moment his "Holy Aura" was released.

It was only at that moment that if the two demons on the opposite side could react and be prepared in advance, they would be able to cooperate.

One is to have a "triggering technique" that can complete operations similar to "breaking the shadow network".

The other one must be within the range of influence of "Shattered Shadow", and be able to cast the "Instant - Legendary Dispelling Technique" at the first moment to forcibly dispel the legendary effect of "Holy Halo".

This is the possibility of further surprises.

However, considering that these demons were intercepted and killed by Laila and the others, they were able to get out of trouble only after they broke out completely.

Therefore, these magic sunflowers have no more possibilities, and they still retain the "triggering technique".

Moreover, there are people who have retained the "triggering technique" and completed the triggering. At the same time, there are also people who have kept up with the cooperation of the "legendary dispersing technique".

In fact, this does not affect the overall situation, at most it can cause a little stir!

Although "Tiamat's Holy Aura" is a legendary spell, it can be dispelled.

However, the inner part of the halo, Isaac's "majestic aura", is the divine ability of the Dragon of Conferred Gods, a special ability.

Even the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" cannot directly dispel the "majestic aura" that is the essence of special abilities.

Therefore, even if the "sacred aura" is dispelled, as long as these demons are unable to resist the shock of the "majestic aura", the resistance they can make will not be very strong.

Isaac is still confident that he can take these guys away completely in one fell swoop.

In the case where these magic sunflowers are unable to resist the shock of the "majestic aura", the only thing that may have a critical impact...

"Only if the demon sunflower leaders from the outside, from the underground and Gray Cloak Mountain take action personally, can a real accident occur!"

But Isaac was also prepared for this.

On the one hand, he summoned Laila. If he couldn't solve everything within 30 seconds, it meant that something unexpected had happened. In this way, he had already summoned Laila in advance, and Laila and the others would respond in a timely manner. The teleportation is exactly what can suppress this accident again!

On the other hand, after the "Holy Halo" was released, he did not kill them directly. Instead, he chose to use powerful magic power to solve everything as quickly as possible. This is exactly what Isaac wanted to do under the leadership of Mo Kui. Before possible interference begins, at least before it is projected here, everything here should be sorted out and resolved.

For example, in front of me, even under the shock of his "holy halo", he was able to struggle with strong willpower after only one wave of attacks.

Isaac didn't think those giant leaders would just give up on them!

Not giving up, this naturally means that there will be a move.

After a wave of "Instant - Powerful - Extremely Effective - Withering", he did not directly follow up with another lethal spell, but chose "Extremely Effective - Time Stops". This is what Isaac has, if Those giants responded immediately. During the time-stop period, he was able to respond adequately. On the contrary, if those giants failed to react immediately...

Casting in a time-stopped interval!

In addition, the time stop has ended, and the instant spell casting has also been cooled down, so you can keep up with the continuous "over-limit-instant cast" again!

But he didn't think there was any hope that these magic sunflowers could escape from his grasp!

In particular, these guys do not have a "triggering technique" to "break the shadow network", which makes it even difficult for them to cast normal spells!

In a flash of thought.

On the other hand, he calmly grasped the struggles of the two elders Mo Kui.

On the other hand, Isaac was also paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Although at present, it is unlikely that those Mo Kui giants and leaders will step out of Gray Cloak Mountain and underground. However, judging from the legendary spells performed by that Mo Kui leader before, this one may not necessarily have the ability to directly pass through The souls of these elder demons came to interfere on the battlefield.

Of course, he is very familiar with this kind of interference from a distance, and he has many countermeasures to deal with it.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Seeing that the "maximum effect - time stands still" is about to be completed, but there is never any abnormal situation around...

"It's good that Gao saw them!"

A waste of spells, that's for sure.

However, after taking care of these demonic sunflowers, there won't be any more battles today. It doesn't matter whether it's a waste or not. The most important thing is to ensure that everything is foolproof!

It was this thought that crossed my mind.

"Extreme Effect - Time Stands Still" is also completed.

In an instant, everything in front of Isaac's eyes immediately entered a state of stasis.

After performing extremely effective super magic, the duration of this time of stillness was directly increased to the upper limit of 30 seconds.

However, the interference of the Mokui giants has not yet appeared, but it has made this last a little longer, slightly less useful.

Of course, Isaac naturally welcomed this.

The less hassle, the better this book is!


At the last moment, Isaac didn't care because the giant Mo Kui didn't take action, or because he was slacking off before he had time to take action, let alone being negligent.

First, a "Projection Technique" was used to project a semi-real mirror image directly behind the Felin Demon Sunflowers.

In this way, even if something unexpected happens, he can have a second source point to ensure the casting and accurate delivery of the spell.

follow closely.


Isaac was not prepared to use the spells of the Warlock profession to directly attack the Felin Demon Sunflowers, especially the Elder Demon Sunflowers.

Phaelings all have a very special kind of spell resistance. Once the spells they perform cannot break through their spell resistance, they will have a therapeutic effect on them, and may even be reflected back to the caster at the same time.

Although the caster level of the Isaac Warlock profession is not low, reaching level 19, and also has the specialty of "Spell Penetration", it is necessary to ensure that it can absolutely penetrate the spell resistance of the Elder Demon Kui. It's just not possible.

Naturally, it is most certain to use the mage profession to carry out the final destruction.

However, at this time, in addition to the seventh-level spell slots and preparations for "Delayed Burst Fireball", his high-level spell slots had all been exhausted.

With only "Delayed Burst Fireball", it is impossible to directly cover all the Felin Demon Sunflowers with one shot.

Naturally, only by tracing back the original magic energy and constructing temporary spells can we ensure that all the magic sunflowers can be destroyed at once.

And this time stop, which still has four rounds of time, can provide him with sufficient operation time for the temporary construction of this spell.

First, an eighth-level spell was cast, and at the same time, the "Dark Techira Stone" was suspended in front of his forehead, similar to the "One Ritual", and additional magical energy was continuously supplied.

Almost at the same time, the traceback of the original magical energy was underway.

follow closely.

"Withering Technique!"

It is still the eighth-level necromancy magic that covers this huge area.

However, while it is being constructed temporarily, at the same time...

"Super limit - powerful - extremely effective!"

Double temporary super magic, terrifying and boundless magical energy is surging.

And when the spell is about to be completed, the negative energy as dark as the abyss penetrates the boundary between the material plane and the negative energy plane...

"Shape Control!"

Advanced arcane abilities are also activated.

The extremely huge shrouded area was exactly where the projection missed. When this endless dark energy, like a whirlpool, drowned all the Felin demons together...

The duration of time standing still ended at this moment.

In an instant, the speed of time at all levels was directly consistent.

Not only has this double-effect super-magic boost been enhanced, but at the same time, it has also been strengthened and amplified by the "Dark Techira Stone".

"Legendary Dispelling Technique!"

The will has been fiercely resisting the "forcing" effect of the "holy aura". Gresham and Bartholomew, the two top-level elders, became completely angry.

Regardless of the current situation, their spellcasting did not have much chance of success.

The last legendary spell that Bartholomew had kept was cast directly without a moment's hesitation.

In this situation, if you haven't completely escaped from the "forced kneeling" effect of the "holy aura", Felin Mokui is naturally capable of casting spells without any language or movement.

And because the "Withering Technique" was already overwhelming, it was impossible for them to complete ordinary spells in time.

In addition, Gresham's three legendary spells per day have been completely consumed in three encounters.

At this time, naturally only Basaromu could immediately launch the final resistance with the last legendary spell.


Legendary spells can only be performed through the "magic essence" and the "legendary seed".

But now, let alone being suppressed by the "holy halo", Basaromu's concentration and control are greatly suppressed. There is a high probability that even if he can cast legendary spells, he may lose control.

The "shadow shield" alone hinders access to the essence of magic, which also strongly hinders the prerequisite for casting spells.

The combination of the two…

"It's a pointless struggle!"

Isaac naturally sensed the movement of the elder Mo Kui.

However... just like the sound in the air, the use of this transmission method did not cause even the slightest splash of water!

In fact, even if this "Legendary Dispelling Technique" can be successfully used, it can dispel the triple enhanced "Withering Technique". At this time, Isaac's instant cooldown has also ended. If only by themselves, these two demons Aoi still has no possibility of rebound!

This spell casting failed, this final struggle was fruitless, it was just that some of his hands and feet were missing!

Dark energy immediately poured down.

Whether it is a beholder or these demons, without exception, all the monsters, including Bartholomew and Gresham, withered away all the water in their bodies in an instant and turned into mummies. No trace of life remains.

It seems that the two consecutive "Double Effects - Withering", especially the second one, were further strengthened by the "Dark Techira Stone". However, even Gresham and Bartholomew Similarly, the top elder Mo Kui, who has reached level 27, cannot survive.

Of course, there are some reasons for this. In the previous interceptions by Laila and the others, these elders had already suffered some injuries.

But anyway...

"You don't have to come over!"

"I continue with the Well of Radiance!"

Seeing that all the magic sunflowers fell under this "Withering Technique", Isaac waited for another six seconds to make sure that there was no such thing as "Legendary Trigger-Resurrection Technique". There is no giant Mo Kui reaching out.

Calling Laila by her real name, he immediately conveyed two meanings.

It only took eight or nine seconds to actually clean up these Mo Kui, plus the six seconds of waiting, plus the half minute before Mo Kui walked into his ambush circle, which was before the time agreed between him and Laila. There is still a full fifteen seconds.

At this time, the summons was passed, but the "Advanced Teleportation Technique" had not yet been performed over there. It was better not to come over again.

He could just calm down and continue to meditate on the inner composition of the magic circle ceremony.

After these two messages were sent, the figure flashed and turned into a human form again, and Isaac took care of the battlefield.

There are a lot of good things in these Mo Kui elders.

Although it has always been sealed under the "Wall of Saron", contact with the modern magic system can only be achieved through some indirect methods, and the creation of magic equipment thrives under the modern magic system, so In its own situation, Felin Mokui actually does not create many high-quality magic equipment.

However, the occupation of Efraska has been completed. Even if it is just a harvest, it is impossible for these elders to gain nothing from this ancient elf kingdom.

At this time, they were all trapped here, and naturally they all fell into Isaac's hands.

Taking them in one by one, some of them, including Isaac's eyes, also showed some satisfaction.

It’s not just these equipment.

Isaac also did some processing on the corpse of the completely withered Felin Demon Sunflower.

Closely related to the essence of magic, these strange body structures are undoubtedly of considerable research significance. They may even be used in certain rituals or combined with the research and execution of certain spells. There is a possibility.

In a moment, everything on the battlefield was basically cleaned up, and Isaac then turned back to the "Well of Glory".

And this time on the other side.

"We don't have to go there. Lei's side has already intercepted those magic sunflowers, and it should be basically solved."

Yada Tanshur is already preparing the "Advanced Teleportation Technique" using magic scrolls.

Everyone also gathered around him.

Despite the continuous messages coming from the "True Name Induction", Laila stopped him again.

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