Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1060: Everything is turned upside down (twenty-two)

Mo Kui has solved them all for that person!

When Laila said this, everyone was not surprised at all.

With their perception, they can naturally sense the direction of the "Well of Glory", and the boundless magical energy, especially when it first explodes, faintly reveals the indescribable ability of the divine essence, or perhaps It's a legendary spell.

Under such an explosion.

Those magic sunflowers are extremely likely to be unable to even cast spells normally.

Naturally, it was not a surprise at all for that one to eliminate all the demons at once.

However, there was no accident, but...

"The power of the Dragon God?"

Yada Tanshur stopped activating the magic scroll without moving, but he was frowning secretly in his heart.

He has always paid great attention to that person's identity and origin.

However, the more he paid attention to it, the more hesitant he became.

Judging from that person's various spell abilities, including spell-like abilities, he has absolutely nothing to compare with.

However, just a few moments ago, when in that direction, faintly, the waves that revealed the essence of the "Dragon God" radiated out...

For the first time, Yada Tanshur had a sense of direction.

Of course, it’s just a sense of direction.

There are still many things that he still hasn't been able to sort out, and they still need to be observed and investigated.


"If it is the power of the Dragon God, why...does it still feel evil?"

There was no expression on his face, but Yada Tanshur was hesitant in his heart.

Not to mention that the dragon god system has long since faded out of its influence on the world, even if there is a dragon god who really intervenes in Efraska's affairs, in any case, it is not a dragon god from the evil camp!


"Could it be that they are the ancient enemies of Felin Demon Kui, so they joined Efraska's side after learning about their escape?"

The explorable history of the Felim Demon Kwai is tens of thousands of years old.

Although for a long time, due to being defeated by the ancient Witch King Empire, these monsters have always been hidden in the "Buried Land" in the deep dark areas. It was not until they clashed with their magic dynasty that they truly reappeared in the world, but...

Of course, Yada Tanshur would not take it for granted that for such a long time, with the evil and power of these monsters, there were really only the ancient witches, their magic dynasty, and the mysterious Saren spirits that followed. , enemies in these three aspects.

And with the dragon clan's equally long history, it is not impossible to say that there are evil dragons, or even evil dragon gods, who are secretly hostile to these strange monsters in the deep dark areas. .

Just like when their City of Shadows was still in the Shadow Realm, weren't the drow dragons from Dragon Shadow City who were their enemies equally powerful and unknown to everyone?

"If it's true that I joined this war just because I was hostile to Felin Demon Kui, then that would be okay, otherwise..."

The gloom in Yada Tanshur's heart was still hard to dissipate.

They were on the verge of reaching the final moment, but someone like this suddenly intervened, and the situation became more and more serious. This may even have an overall impact on their action plan.

To solve such a problem without affecting the scheduled plan...

"Since Lei's side has caught all the fish that slipped through the net, our goal today has been exceeded."

"Next, our primary purpose will be to assist the Legion to complete the occupation and recovery of all strongholds."

"However, don't lose your vigilance. Those on the opposite side may not sit back and watch such a loss and be completely indifferent!"

Kelben's voice sounded from the side, interrupting Yada Tanshur's thoughts.

At this point in the battle, everyone's spell reserves, including Yada Tanshur's, were quite empty. Dove and Storm were still in two consecutive waves of fierce battles, and they all suffered a lot. With minor injuries, it was naturally impossible to continue the usual raids and pursuits like before.

Therefore, today's action basically ends here.

Next, it depends on whether those Mo Kui giants will react violently out of anger.

Although the consumption is huge, if those giant magic sunflowers really fight their way out of Gray Cloak Mountain or out of the underground... With the suppression effect of the "Shadow Shield", Kelben may be even more happy. .

Don't look at the fact that they spent a lot of energy chasing these elders in the royal city, but this is more because they are pursuing speed to avoid any unexpected situation if the time is delayed for a long time. Therefore, the battlefield is concentrated. In special places like the "Well of Glory" and "Lady's Secret Hall", these elders can display their magical abilities normally.

If those giant magic sunflowers really came out, they wouldn't play like this.

Mastering the power of "Silver Fire", if losses are not considered, they are fully capable of recreating the scene like Isaac's side, cleaning up those fish that slipped through the net.

However, Kelben knew this, and the giants of the Demon Sunflower also knew it well.

Therefore, although everyone is reminded to be vigilant, in fact, Kelben does not think that those people will really come here from the ground and from the Gray Cloak Mountain.

When he said this, everyone nodded.

Storm-Silver Hand then said: "That's fine, let's slow down for a while and completely regain the royal city first.

If the entire side of the royal city can be recovered today, Dove and I will first explore what is going on underground at night, and then we will see whether we should continue to march underground as planned, or kill directly. Over to Graycloak Mountain? "

In the previous battle, because they cut off the direct power of Felin Demon Kui, Storm and Dove actually had a lot of injuries on their bodies.

However, the powerful physique of the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic and their vitality are even better than those of top-level elders like Gresham. Such injuries may be unbearable for others, but for them, it is Yes, it won't cause much hindrance to movement.

When this was over, with a little bit of medical treatment, the two of them didn't need to stop and rest.

So...Storm-Silverhand seems to be preparing for the next battle.

At least, in the eyes of people like Yada Tanshur, this is the case!

However, Yada Tanshur didn't have much idea about this. According to the information he had, one of the "Seven Sisters" was so enthusiastic and enthusiastic when fighting against evil. Be positive, this is Storm-Silverhand's consistent style!

Therefore, Yada Tanshur just looked indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything, and was secretly collecting relevant information.

"There's no rush over there at Greycloak Mountain."

"Long before the creation of the 'Shadow Shield', Simpson had transformed that place into his magic fortress. There are countless traps in it, which are also fatal threats to us..."

Laila's voice sounded again.

The Gray Cloak Mountain is exactly where she almost fell. She is very clear about the dangers there. What's more, she is also aware of the master there, the leader of the Felin Demon Sun Alliance. It has a very deep taboo.

In addition, the "City of Shadows" operation is about to begin. They must effectively avoid the surveillance of the shadows and target the underground. This is obviously necessary...

"Let go of Gray Cloak Mountain first, wait until we capture their underground lair, and then come back and attack them from six sides to have a final decisive battle with them in Gray Cloak Mountain."

"However, the underground environment is different from the sewer side. There is no terrain map. You have to conduct reconnaissance and pay more attention to the many traps that must exist there..."

With the overall situation of Yunguan Palace decided, Laila naturally changed direction.

That day, the Waterdeep City team she led was almost entirely trapped in the Gray Cloak Mountains because they were tricked by Yada Tanshur.



But just as she was speaking, suddenly, the voice paused again, and immediately after, almost everyone raised their eyes as their hearts moved.

"not good!"

Still in the sewer, when he raised his gaze, he naturally couldn't see anything.

But a certain kind of destructive and destructive power that was so powerful that it penetrated the sky in just an instant was not even able to hinder their induction by the magical chaotic effects of the Cloud Crown Palace.

From the Gray Cloak Mountains!

High-intensity Great Collapse Technique!

This refers to...


The next moment everyone's expressions changed, an extremely violent explosion shook and exploded from the sky.

The target is a magic battleship!

A legendary spell had been performed before. Obviously, the man from Gray Cloak Mountain had already directly grasped through the first legendary spell, which magic battleships had legendary casters.

This high-intensity Great Collapse Technique was exactly what it was supposed to do to lock down the battleship without the Beren Lich.

Although these magic battleships all have powerful protective barriers, but...

It may not even be a single person casting a spell. This high-intensity Great Collapse Technique was just a cannon blast from a distance, and the magic battleship seemed to have been blown up in the air.

It's not over yet!

Just after this shot.

Almost immediately after, on the other side of Gray Cloak Mountain, once again, another destructive energy of the same intensity came through the sky in the distance.

Of the four magic warships, only two of them have the Beren Lich leading the mage group, and there is the possibility of using the "Legendary Dispersion Technique" to dispel the confrontation.

It seems that this second "Great Destruction" also avoided the two ships with the Beren Lich on board, and locked onto the last battleship without the legendary spellcaster!

"let's go!"

"Go up first and then talk!"

Before the second huge explosion sounded.

Kelben, whose expression had turned gloomy, and Laila and the others were already leaving quickly.

Without any hurry, Yada Tanshur also followed behind.

Kelben’s words have come true!

This is the best thing!

But they are the ones who are quickly fighting back to the ground.

In the dark mountains north of the royal city.

"A bunch of useless trash!"

With the assistance of four Mo Kui assistants, he cast spells through rituals, and used two consecutive high-intensity "Great Collapse Techniques", several miles apart, to directly explode and crash the two magic warships above the royal city.

The whole body was as red as fire, and the magic energy was so strong that it was even visible to the naked eye. From within this body, even from the soul, the leader of the Demon Sunflower, Simpson, still roared in anger. A sound.

Let those guys have some snacks and use some energy. This is not asking them to die!

Even if you really want to die, don't die so simply and quickly!

Such a group of devils were defeated so completely. This... is not trash, what else could it be?

"My lord, don't be angry. Although Gresham and the others are indeed useless, since even he and Bartholomew have fallen into it, this is at least their best effort."

"To fall so completely and so quickly, there should be a possibility of falling into the calculations of the people over there. It is also true that they cannot resist the fact."

"At this juncture, it is still necessary to arouse them and continue the confrontation with them."

"I think it's up to you, my lord, to assign a new commander to them. Anyway, there are still several traps on the other side of the royal city, and they need to take action before they can be activated directly..."

Immediately behind the demon red devil, a Felin devil who was obviously an elder was persuading him with a telepathic voice.

Although Felin Mokui is a natural warlock and cannot directly acquire magical abilities, he can cast all known spells at will. When he enters the elder stage and masters the "Prayer", as long as he retains enough professional skills After accumulating, they have the ability to perform "resurrection"!

The "awakening" that Felin Demon Kui was talking about at this time meant exactly that he wanted to resurrect Gresham and others.

Although the resurrection of "Prayer" can only reach the level of "Resurrection", not "Complete Resurrection", the person being resurrected will inevitably lose one level.

Moreover, because there is no corpse, before resurrecting, one must perform another "wishing spell" to create the body of the resurrected target.

It is conceivable that if you really want to resurrect all the magic sunflowers planted there, the "accumulation" required to invest is extremely huge.

It is impossible for any one of them to accomplish such a thing on their own.

Even if all five of them took action, it would still be impossible for all of them to be resurrected.


"Resurrect Bartholomew first and see what he says!"

After all, Simpson had vented some of his anger. Although he was still unhappy, he was no longer stubborn after the elder Mo Kui's persuasion.

It was just that Gresham, who was the actual leader, was excluded, and instead he asked someone to resurrect Bartholomew, who was also the top elder.

When he said this, the elders behind him naturally divided their work quickly.

Soon, an elder Mo Kui re-created the body of Felin Mo Kui through the "wishing technique".

Another way is to obtain the effect of "Resurrection" through "Prayer", which directly awakens Basalom.

Inevitably, someone immediately asked what happened to Basaromu and the others, which even caused the entire team to fall.

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