Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1061 Everything is turned upside down (twenty-three)

(already edited)

At this time, Isaac had returned to the "Well of Glory".

Although he was aware of the shelling from Gray Cloak Mountain and the crash of the magic battleship, he never took it to heart.

Their side has won such a battle, so they have to let Felin Mokui find some balance, right?

Moreover, even if Kelben and the others had any ideas, this was definitely not the time to attack Gray Cloak Mountain.

After successive fierce battles, not to mention Kelben and the others, even he, the reserves of high-level magic, especially the ninth-level magic, were almost exhausted, and even the legendary spells only had two shots left. Reserves, naturally it is impossible to be in such a state, just go to the Gray Cloak Mountain.

Although Isaac did not know it directly, he knew various aspects of the information. As one of the two lairs of Felin Demon Sunflower, Gray Cloak Mountain was even more dangerous than the underground lair.

Even if he was still in his prime, he would not easily break into a place like this.

Therefore, everything that is happening above the surface is ignored.

Hidden in the "Well of Glory", Isaac simply "dominated the monster" and ordered all the slaves to continue to be vigilant about the two passages before and after.

On his own, he then returned to a state of contemplation.

Based on today's progress, if nothing unexpected happens, Kelben and the others will definitely take action tomorrow, or possibly even tonight.

In this way, he naturally has to hurry up and make progress.

If everything in the ritual can be completed during the period after Operation City of Shadows is officially launched, after Yada Tanshur and others leave in a hurry, and before Kelben and the others return, then this can be done. Avoid accidents as much as possible!

"The Essence of Magic!"

"Original Evil!"

"The Book of Darkness!"

"Well of Glory!"

"Using these four elements to construct an ability-conferring ceremony..."

This ritual can first of all be regarded as a legendary spell.

In this way, the "legendary seed" is used as the center to connect all parties and build the framework.

Such a "legendary seed"...

"We should use 'spell' and 'change' as the core seeds!"

Spell seeds, this corresponds to the creation of the spell system. Combining life seeds and strengthening seeds, it can even create species and bestow abilities on species!

His "master control terminal" and "protection card" are legendary creations based on this spell seed.

Not to mention the seeds of change, his "Ascending Dragon Transformation" is a series of legendary spells with the "seeds of change" as the core, and further constitutes a magnificent ritual!

Although the acquisition of "The Power of the Mystery" is actually at a higher level than the "Ascending Dragon Transformation", it is only an ability, unlike the "Ascending Dragon Transformation", which involves the age of the dragon. In all aspects of promotion, the level is certainly higher, but in terms of complexity, it is exactly the opposite.

This is also the reason why, even though it is a bit hasty, Isaac is still confident that he can complete this ritual completely tomorrow.

"The power of the secret ritual involves real evil magic power!"

"Such mythical abilities do not correspond to changes in the body, so... creation and design should be done from the perspective of the soul!"

"In that case..."

Isaac's eyes suddenly flashed.

An inspiration bloomed in the heart.

"Function card!"

The creation of function cards corresponds to the socket of the main control terminal.

Moreover, it is directly related to the soul, which can also correspond to the need to obtain the "power of the mystery".

Using such a creation to obtain the "power of the secret ritual" can avoid the problem. After the ceremony begins, when the "essence of magic" and the source power of the "dark sky" intersect in the "Book of Darkness", that moment will happen. The power of power was a direct impact on the possibility of his soul!

But without this direct impact...

"Even if the 'Book of Darkness' contains the hands and feet of that person, it certainly won't have any influence on me!"

This is a great achievement!

"Cut the soul fragments, perform extraordinary changes, create something out of nothing, and create the 'Card of Power'!"

"Use dual source energy to stir up the evil magic power of the 'Book of Darkness', and then weave it into the 'Power Card'!"

"Insert this 'power card' into the main control terminal slot to complete the final activation!"

"That's it, then just..."

Due to the extraordinary intelligence and the continuous outburst of countless spiritual perceptions, various ideas are quickly generated and combined with each other.

Following this, the composition of the ceremony was built piece by piece.

Seeing this progress, it is advancing rapidly...

I don’t know how much time has passed.


At some point, Isaac's eyes, which were already closed, started to wrinkle.

In response to the change in his expression.

Almost the next moment.

After the big explosion in the "Lady's Secret Hall" and the attack of Felin Demon Sunken, which directly destroyed two magic battleships, they gradually fell back into the royal city.


There was a shocking explosion, and once again, the ground in the royal city was shaking violently.

But I haven’t waited for this wave to end...

Another huge explosion!

Followed by another one!

In a short period of time, one after another, it exploded three times in succession!

"Magic Academy!"

"Tower of the Moon!"

Isaac's eyes opened, but he was frowning deeply.

It was this shock that interrupted his moment of contemplation. He clearly felt that some magical energy was also fluctuating in the "Well of Glory".


The evil energy of the "Well of Glory" has long been corrupted with his depth and is controlled by him.

This fluctuation at this time naturally cannot break through the control of his will.

However, Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Felin Demon Sunflower!"

Although it's hard to say, this is the backhand left by the Mo Kui. Not only themselves, but also the giants behind them can directly control it.

Or, it is not impossible. It is also possible that these recently fallen demons have been resurrected.

After this wave...

"It seems that it is not that easy to completely take down these strange monsters!"

Isaac only pondered briefly in his heart, still preferring the latter possibility.

Judging from the signs of fierce battle in the "Lady's Secret Hall", these magic sunflowers are obviously prepared to cast various powerful spells.

This is the case here, and the ones under the ground and on the Gray Cloak Mountain must be no exception.

Combined with the magic-like ability, Mo Kui can cast all known magic at will without any casting materials.

Even if these guys don't have magical abilities, even if they don't have all kinds of special materials, they can still completely resurrect the fallen through the use of "wishes"!


After today's wave, although the royal city can be considered recovered, the damage on the monster's side is far greater than that on Efraska's side.

But, if all these magic sunflowers are resurrected...

Isaac could foresee that when Kelben and his team's operation in the City of Shadows was launched, and then completely broke with the City of Shadows, without the help of the Shadows, Efraska would continue to annihilate, Even if it is just to expel these magic sunflowers, it is difficult.

However, by then, it would have little to do with him for the time being.

At that time, it was time for him to leave here!

At most, after the war started in the City of Shadows and before he completed the ceremony to obtain the "Power of the Mystery", he needed to be more prepared to prevent any counterattack from Felin Demon Kui. action!

"It seems that we need to invest more!"

“No matter what, obtaining the ‘power of the secret ritual’ is the most important thing!”

"On the other hand, if Kelben's side continues like this and still maintains the same action plan..."

As his thoughts flashed, Isaac's eyes moved again.

He had a hunch that these chosen people of the Magic Goddess would inevitably continue the actions of the City of Ghosts!

Therefore, based on common sense, they should also have a way to continue to maintain the suppression advantage of the "shadow shield".

As for whether we can take advantage of this to complete the expulsion or annihilation of the Felin Demon Kui...

"I'm afraid it just depends on whether the goddess of magic or the elves and gods can send other help!"

On the side of the Elf God System, Isaac is not easy to judge. After all, Yongju Island has not been able to provide support until now.

But over there with the goddess of magic...

Now that Kelben and the others have taken action against the City of Ghosts, this almost means that the goddess of magic has officially declared war on that lady.

Presumably, by that time, the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess will also come out one after another, right?

In terms of the number of voters, the Magic Goddess is definitely unique.

Minnis, Kelben, and the Seven Sisters, there are enough of these that we hear every day.

Isaac also knew that many preaching mages who had left office, and there were many of them, would become the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic.

Although the position of preaching mage is quite a bit cursed, quite a few preaching mages will have various accidents while in office, but over time, there will always be some exceptions.

For example, six or seven years ago, during the invasion of Aglalon launched by the Red Robes while Xinbu was away, there was a hidden elector who showed up. This was called " The lady of "Silent Voter", even in a direct confrontation with Sazastan, she never fell into a disadvantage.

And if Isaac's understanding is correct, this "Silent Chosen One" should be a certain preaching mage from seven or eight hundred years ago!

"Generally speaking, Red Robe and Aglalon have gradually calmed down the conflict. Under such circumstances, when necessary, it is not impossible for Ovari Tasandri to withdraw." Come on."

"Besides, according to Kelben, although the former chief mage of the Elven Court wanted to keep an eye on Baator Hell because of Minnis and Xinbu, this does not mean that it really There is no possibility of reaching out to Efraska!"

"Perhaps, this person has the possibility to take action against the City of Ghosts!"

"Furthermore, even if Minnis falls into hell, the lady's design is really behind it, but since the goddess of magic has already begun to take action against the City of Ghosts...perhaps, Minnis and Xinbu will soon have results! "

Once these two return...

As his thoughts flashed, Isaac's slightly wrinkled eyes narrowed again.

It seems that the prospects for Kelben and Efraska are not good, but it is really hard to say how this situation will evolve.

He still acted according to the plan. For the time being, there was no need to get involved deeper no matter which party.

"The power of the secret ritual!"

"The gem of film knowledge!"

"After completing these two things, everything here will end!"

The earth was still shaking, but Isaac, whose figure was floating in the air, had calmed down and turned away from his thoughts.

After that, there were no such explosions.

After a few hours, they took turns to rest, and the elven vanguard army, which had regained its energy under the magical spell, rushed into the underground of Yunguan Palace. In the sewers, in the deeper hidden layers, they were constantly fighting with monsters. Fight.

At this time, the time had already entered the night.

At times like this...

"It's indeed here!"

In the darkness, silently, Isaac's eyes suddenly opened.

She didn't even take two breaths. She just met his gaze and came from the passage from the sewer, and easily passed through the collapsed section of the road. A woman with discolored leather armor and a figure that perfectly blended into the surrounding dark environment. , walked from the entrance of the main hall.

Although he had undergone changes, the iconic silver hair and the discolored pupils had all lost their marks, and they were still within the range of his true vision, Isaac could still directly understand the identity of the visitor with just one glance. .

Of course it was Laila who arrived.

Of the five electors of the Magic Goddess here, he is the only one he is most familiar with.

She came here at this time, obviously...

"The lady is here after all!"

"So, Kelben is not going to change the action plan and time!"

Isaac's voice sounded in the darkness.

"But I can't hide it from His Majesty."

Laila was not surprised that this person seemed to have foresight, and said in a deep voice: "Although Felin Mokui's side is a bit unexpected, but...the arrow is on the string and must be fired!

The positioning of the City of Shadows cannot be determined at any time.

Therefore, I came here to see Your Majesty. Firstly, I want to remind Your Majesty that in addition to the possible counterattack from Felin Mokui, the Yinhun people also need to be on guard against the possible counterattack by Felin Mokui. Secondly..."

"You know, those who have a long-term cooperative relationship with me also have followers of that lady."

But before she could continue, Isaac's voice intervened first.

The implication is of course...he will not be openly hostile to that lady!

In other words, there is no need to speak out about the matter of asking him to take action to retain Yada Tanshur and the deputy city lord of Hajhorna.

Laila has already known this.

"I understand your Majesty's intention. I will not force your Majesty to directly become an enemy over there. I only hope that if something happens to that person using this 'shadow shield', your Majesty can take action to stop it." That one..."

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