Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1062: Everything is turned upside down (twenty-four)

(already edited)


"Although this person is great, with Efraska's power, it's not impossible to deal with it, right?"

Isaac's eyes moved slightly, and he somewhat guessed what Laila meant.

Although Efraska is in an unprecedented period of decline, it has summoned all hidden powers and received assistance from all sides. Even if Laila and the others are about to leave, there are still at least six or seven legends here. The caster, coupled with the power of the army, the troll statue and the magic battleship, the overall power cannot be underestimated.

It is true that Yada-Tanshul is powerful, but it is impossible to do anything on his own, even with the "shadow shield" factor.

Therefore, what Laila said means...

"I have a suspicion that Yada Tanshur is not the only one coming here this time."

"Furthermore, although the City of Shadows and the Phayling Makui are incompatible, at that moment, it is difficult to say whether Yada-Tanshul will take advantage of the Phayling Makui."

"If they cause trouble here, Felin Mokui's side will also take the opportunity to counterattack, and the two sides will be attacked..."

Laila is countless, and Isaac is entrenched here in the "Well of Glory". This is because he has a plan for this place.

And since there is an intention...

Thinking about it, he never wanted to see Yada Tanshur and Felin Mokui causing trouble at the same time.

Therefore, even if she knew that Isaac would not openly become enemies with the City of Ghosts, she was sure that Isaac would also not want to see Efraska encounter enemies on both sides, and then It affects the "Well of Glory" and instability occurs!

"More than one Prince of Shadows!"

"Use the Felin Demon Sunflower!"

Regarding Laila's words, Isaac pondered for a moment, but he also nodded in his heart.

If Yada Tanshur really does this, it is really possible that the situation here will change as a whole.

Therefore, since Laila made this request, she was actually certain that he would agree.

When it comes to obtaining the "power of the secret ritual", it is indeed impossible for him to sit back and watch the collapse of Efraska.

Think so.

It's not like there was anything else to cover up.

Just like Laila's late-night visit here, it has a clear purpose.

Why hadn't he already anticipated this and even been waiting for this person?

He said directly: "I need a suitable secret place to open the teleportation door."

To open the portal of teleportation, this naturally means mobilizing power.

As for a suitable secret place, it is obvious that we don't want to alert the ghosts in advance, including Felin Mokui's side.

Laila did not doubt whether Isaac might have some bad intentions in mobilizing his strength at this time.

Not to mention the two of them, they now have some special relationship.

The most important thing is that Laila knows that even that lady cannot take out what the goddess of magic takes out.

Just for this reason, it is impossible for Isaac to really fight against them!

With just a flash of thought in her mind, Laila asked: "How much space is needed?"

"It can accommodate a team of eighty people, including an adamantine golem!"

Just as ceremonial assistants, at least forty people need to be prepared.

Coupled with the Demonic Dragon Shadow Guard, the Shadow Archmage and others, the number of eighty people is still a bit tight.

However, the most important thing is the adamantine demon statue.

If we don't want to alarm the Yin Souls, we can mobilize such power through the teleportation gate...

After a brief pause in her mind, Laila raised her eyes and said, "I can ask Lord Eamesford to open the underground space under the magic tower over the fortress to His Majesty. I think it's Yada Tanshur too. It is impossible to break through the magic tower's barrier and have any surveillance over there."

The fortress she was talking about was naturally where Efraska's current base camp was.

The magic tower is the place where the parliament holds confidential meetings.

The protective barrier possessed by a place like this cannot be said to be able to block all prophecies and detections, but at least it would be difficult for a ghost prince like Yada Tanshur to break through without being noticed. possible.

Originally, such a highly secretive place would not be open to outsiders at will.

But now, with the restoration of the royal city, it can be foreseen that the function and significance of the fortress and the magic tower will inevitably decline significantly.

Because of this, Laila directly gave Isaac a clear reply without any further discussion with Eamesford.


"In that case, let's go there now!"

Isaac had been waiting for Laila's visit, and that was exactly what happened.

He still had two daily legendary spells that he had not finished casting.

This is how we can complete the creation of the "Plane Gate" and...

Consider the creation of the "Card of Power". This is not a one-time ceremony that can be perfectly realized.

With this last remaining legendary spell, she can also create a "blank function card" to complete the basic creation of the premise for the real ceremony that will begin tomorrow.

After that.

Late night meditation, preparation of spell slots, and recovery of the warlock's spells, this is the time to start.

He hasn't started meditating yet. In fact, he is just waiting for Laila to arrive, and then complete all the things he had planned!

He is so positive.

Laila couldn't have been better.

Quickly, the two of them disappeared and left quietly.

Everything was done quickly. While still on the way, she contacted Kelburn again and asked Kelburn to go directly to Lord Eamesford.

In this way, without any delay, she and Isaac arrived at the Magic Tower in no time.

Kelburn seemed to have convinced Lord Imsford.

After Ichiban's permissions were opened.

When Isaac's figure left directly in the underground space of the magic tower, he used "transportation from another world".

Following that, Kelben and Laila left in a hurry.

Isaac's time is tight, but their time is even more urgent. It can even be said that there is no delay at all!

in this way.

Only half an hour later.

As a plane door opened quietly under the magic tower.

Surrounded by a large group of figures, Isaac hurried back again.

Apart from summoning his subordinates and casting two legendary spells, he hardly stopped in the kingdom, and he didn't even meditate.

The war is still going on, and the fighting has even reached the Yunguan Palace. Under such circumstances, he will naturally not leave the "Well of Glory" for a long time.

However, the people have returned, and a group of subordinates have been summoned, but...

He did not directly lead these subordinates to kill Yunguan Palace.

Instead, Isaac left these people in this underground space first, while he went to the huge stone fortress in the valley camp.

At this time, Danilo, Aililin and others were already here.

Danilo and Elise are both mages, and they both need to meditate at night to complete the spell preparation for their spell slots. Coupled with the long and continuous fierce battles during the day, even Arilyn can't stand it. It is necessary to restore physical strength and energy through rest. Naturally, the team cannot fight all night.

Without alerting anyone, he was outside the stone castle. Using telepathy, Isaac directly conveyed some instructions to his eldest nephew who was meditating.

Figure, he then sneaked into the "Shadow Shield", and soon returned to the "Well of Glory".

Only then did he finally start meditating and prepare the spell.

The ones we will face tomorrow are not only the Felin Demon Kui, but also the ghosts, especially the ghost princes like Yada Tanshur.

At that time, it would be impossible for any ghost mage to use the "Shadow Stone" to provide them with a special environment for casting spells.

In addition, the ceremony to obtain the power of the secret ritual can only officially begin after Yada Tanshur and the others are driven back...

"Let's look at the methods of those Beren Liches first!"

"With all the calculations, these Beren Liches may not be able to capture Yada Tanshur if they join forces!"

Of course, he won't all count on the Beren Lich, and he will still make the necessary preparations.

However, considering that Yada Tanshur is only a minority after all, and as long as these guys are forced back, if nothing unexpected happens, these people from the Yinhun people should withdraw to the City of Yinhun...

Compared with these people, Felin Mokui's side has always been the real enemy.

Therefore, to make more preparations, he still has to stay to deal with the Felin Demon Kui...

After a moment of consideration, Isaac quickly entered a meditative state.

After a period of time, both the spell slot and the divine spell slot are ready.

Thinking in his mind, he then turned back to the ceremony of granting the "power of the secret ritual" again.

His overall idea for this ceremony has been basically completed.

Even the various steps and stages have actually been constructed.

The next thought is just to follow the idea and complete all the steps one by one.

Then based on these steps, we will complete the difficulty statistics and make reasonable allocations to see if there are additional difficulty burdens in addition to the Tianshu Array.

For example, the casting time is increased!

Such as, the sacrifice of vitality!

There are also energy-storage Dragon Balls and Dark Tachira Stones, etc.!

"From the 'power of the secret ritual' to 'spell casting transformation' to 'spontaneous casting of all known spells', this transformation will be a real qualitative change, even a process of transformation!"

I don’t know how much time has passed.

In the darkness, with the flash of a thought, a deep purple color, which not only revealed a mysterious aura, but also exuded a spiritual light of a deeply evil nature, flickered and appeared in the darkness.

The Book of Darkness!

If the "Well of Glory", where the original evil and magical essences are combined, is the premise and foundation for Isaac's ritual to be conceived.

This holy instrument that embodies the essence of evil magic is the premise and foundation, and the indispensable key to truly sublimating it to the height of power!

Even just "key" cannot accurately describe the status of this evil magical artifact in this ritual.

Just like "Tiamat's Sacred Aura", if the majestic aura is the foundation of this legendary spell, then the green dragon crown and the green dragon's divine power are the core of the true sublimation of this legendary spell.

The "Book of Darkness" also has a "core" meaning to the "Power of the Mystery"!

Such a core, in the entire ceremony, does not allow for any mistakes.

And considering the deep malice that the evil spirit of this evil magical artifact itself has always possessed...

"Before the ceremony begins, it needs to be taken care of first!"

This dish is not about erasing it.

The demonic spirit and the "Book of Darkness" are one entity. If the demonic spirit is eliminated, this evil magic holy instrument will no longer be a holy instrument.

However, not erasing it does not mean that Isaac cannot control the spirit of this sacred weapon.

At least, Isaac was confident enough to temporarily control the demonic spirit before the person behind the sacred weapon reacted further.

As for how the demon spirit quietly escaped from his control after that, and how the person behind it even used it to influence him without realizing it...

Naturally, Isaac would not use this evil holy weapon unscrupulously just because he had this control!

Does not open the "Book of Darkness".

He just senses and grasps the power essence of this evil holy weapon, and combines it with the evil nature of the "Well of Glory".

In his mind, Isaac is constantly thinking and trying to construct.

Time also flowed by quickly.

It was as if it was just a blink of an eye.

In the sky outside the "shadow shield", the light of dawn is breaking through the darkness of dawn.

And as the light gradually dispels the darkness, the earth gradually wakes up from its slumber.

The elves in Efraska also quickly cheered up from their rest.

On the first day of the ten-day decisive battle, the royal city was fully recovered.

Even though the losses of the elves in the whole process were quite heavy, the elves have always had a tradition of dedication and sacrificing their lives for the recovery of Efraska. To them, that was the true meaning of victory. Glory, return to the Arab-German country, you can return proudly with your chest straightened out.

Naturally, the fighting spirit of all the elves is getting higher and higher.

Along with the orders from the parliament, orders were delivered in an orderly and rapid manner.

One after another, the elven armies are also rapidly advancing into the "shadow shield", replacing the warriors who have been fighting the monsters underground all night to prevent the monsters from counterattacking.

The war then became intense again.

And that's it.

"The Hill Council of Elders has started again, but this time even the professor is not invited!"

"It seems that with the progress in the royal city, these elves are becoming more wary of us!"

The deep dark place of the Shadow Shield.

Looking at the Efraska Resistor Fortress in the distance, the magic tower opened a powerful protective barrier.

Lamorake Tanshur, who transformed into a shadow and blended into the dark environment, had a deep indifference in his eyes.

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