Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1063: Earth-shaking (Twenty-five)

(already edited)

"This is also expected."

"However, this may not be a good thing."

"If this can allow Hadjhorna to put aside those flukes, and then affect his father's side, this may also be alleviated a little..."

Yada Tansur's voice sounded from the side.

However, when the words reached certain key points, he suddenly cut off the meaning.

Although all the brothers were well aware of the conflicts between Revalan and his father, before these conflicts turned into real conflicts, they tried their best to suppress them under the water and try their best to keep them under control. Therein lies mediation.

Both serve the Lady of the Dark Night and are the staunchest followers of the Lady of the Dark Night. Naturally, Yada Tanshur is on the side of Prince Revaland.

In his opinion, although his father is the chosen one of the lady, rather than serving the lady, his father is more focused on restoring the glory of the Magic Dynasty.

This should be the source of the conflict between father and brother.

Out of respect for his father, neither he nor Revalan had any idea of ​​directly conflicting with his father.

At most, they are targeting people like Hajhorna, who have important influence in front of their father and can even influence his father's views, but at the same time, they are not the prince of ghosts or their closest brothers. .

Revalan wanted to push these people down together.

Yada Tanshur has softened a lot. Personally speaking, he actually has a neutral attitude towards Professor Hajhorna, and even has some respect. What he hopes to achieve is that if he can pass Hajhorna With Na's influence, the father can return more and lead the way to serve the ladies. This is the most perfect result.

This time, the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic and the elves of Efraska exclude them in this way. This may not serve as a warning to Hadjhorna, and then affect his father!

Serving the lady, the lady also gives them more powerful power. This is the only correct choice for the City of Shadows to finally overwhelm all opponents, even if these opponents have the support of gods!

to this end……

Yada Tanshur even felt that if this action could have a little more twists and turns, it might be even better!

However, what he meant by this...

"I hope so."

Lamorake just made an ambiguous sound.

Although Yada Tanshur didn't say it directly, he understood what he meant, but...

Lamourek is a centrist. Although he first obeys his father's orders, if he chooses between Revalan and Hajhorna, he will naturally support his brother more.

Lamolek was supportive of easing the conflicting relationship between his father and his brother, but he would never disobey his father's orders and deliberately embarrass Professor Hajhorna!

Yada Tanshur was not surprised by this. After more than a thousand years of getting along, the brothers understood each other's intentions very well.

After looking at the Magic Tower from a distance for a few times, suddenly, without knowing what he was thinking about, Yada Tanshur's eyes flashed: "There seems to be something wrong!"

Seeing Lamolek's eyes, he immediately looked over.

Yada Tanshur didn't hide anything, and said directly: "Although Laila, Kelben and others have always been wary of us.

Influenced by them, Efraska was inevitably the same.

But...normally speaking, before Felin Mokui's side is completely suppressed, no matter how vigilant they are, they still cannot lack our help. Therefore, no matter how vigilant they are, it will not be like this. Directly, just show it on the surface! "

Some hesitation was revealed in Yada Tanshur's voice.

If this confidential meeting of the Hill Council of Elders was really directed at them, it would feel a little deliberate!

But if it’s not directed at them... this shouldn’t exclude professors, right?

In response to Yada Tanshur's hesitation, Lamolek's eyes also wrinkled deeply.

It seems that this is indeed a bit deliberate!

But, how could these elves be so deliberate, and dare they be so deliberate?

With thoughts flashing in his mind, Lamorek's eyes suddenly jumped: "You mean, without our help, they have the confidence to fight or even defeat the Felin Demon Sunflower?

Do they have new foreign aid?

Is it the power related to the ‘Mr. Lei’ you mentioned before? "

Lamorec blurted out three questions in succession.

Yada Tanshur's eyes also flickered.

Based on his judgment and suspicion of "Mr. Lei", it is very likely that the person behind this person is directly related to a certain Dragon God.

And since it is related to the Dragon God, the power behind it is naturally related to the giant dragon!

If the dragon clan joins the Efraska camp, it would not be impossible for these elves to deliberately exclude them.


Considering the legendary spell performed by Mr. Lei, the nature revealed in it should be related to the evil dragon god...

"That's probably what it is!"

"That person's level of power is indeed incredible. I'm afraid that only my father can suppress him personally."

"With such power, the forces behind him will naturally not be that simple."

"With this strong support and the instigation of Kelben and Laila, Efraska's change of attitude can be explained."


As Yada Tanshur spoke, another sneer appeared in the corner of his eyes.

Looking at Lamolek, he continued: "Later, you personally warn Hajerhorna to let the ghosts beware of more unexpected events.

I asked Ilki to go to the 'Well of Glory' and contact that person secretly.

It depends on whether the collusion with Efraska is out of hatred for Felin Demon Kui, or because of some special relationship with Kelben and others, or with Efraska. relation? "

He always felt that Mr. Lei and Efraska, including Kelben and others, were not on the same path.

In other words, the one who is also the enemy of Felin Demon Kui does not necessarily have to ally with Efraska.

In fact, compared to the Efraska coalition, which is biased towards the good camp, the City of Ghosts should be their alliance partner!

Originally, he was not in a hurry to take action immediately.

I plan to see how to contact that person after completing the basic intelligence investigation.

But now that the elves have become like this, Yada Tanshur no longer needs to deliberately hide any purpose!


Lamorec nodded slightly, but did not move immediately, and said: "However, if there is really strong support over there...should I summon my father immediately so that the City of Shadows can also make relevant preparations in advance?"

What they have been preparing for all this time is waiting for the opportunity for both Efraska and Felin Demon Kui to suffer losses.

But now, if there are new changes in the situation, such preparations should also be changed!

"Let Hajhorna decide, he is the right one for this trip!"

Yada Tanshur said calmly.

Although he is the son of the supreme city lord, he has always been aware of it. When it comes to influence in front of his father, they, the ghost princes, are not as good as Hadjhorna.

Precisely because of this, in most cases, Hajhorna, who directly represents the supreme city lord, has even more authority than them.

In fact, this is also the main aspect of the conflict between Revalan and Hajhorna.

The eldest prince can obey the orders of the supreme city lord. After all, this is their father, the most powerful great arcanist, and the lady's chosen one.

However, as the lady's supreme priest, how could the eldest prince obey orders from a "favourite" like Hadjhorna!

Of course, although Yada Tanshur was not satisfied with Hajhorna's power to control the City of Ghosts on weekdays, at this time, he did not mind using Hajhorna's influence on his father.

If this can make his father realize that only by serving the lady can the City of Shadows be made stronger and the magic dynasty be restored to its former glory, then the changes here may be a good thing.

Lamorec nodded slightly, but didn't say anything else.

As long as there is no direct order from his father, he will always maintain a neutral attitude and remain silent when it comes to matters on these two sides.

Seeing that Yada Tanshur did not give any further explanation, he stepped out in a ghost state and then disappeared into the omnipresent shadow.

Yada Tanshur did not move. A moment later, a black shadow teleported to the ground and appeared behind him.

After a little explanation, the black shadow quickly left again.

This time on the other side.

The location of the Well of Radiance.

Melted into the omnipresent darkness, Isaac had been meditating all night.

At this time, the "Book of Darkness" was no longer in front of him.

He has basically completed the idea of ​​how to combine the essence of magic and original evil with this evil holy weapon.

With this most critical step, further development will not be a problem for him.

In other words, at this point, he has basically completed the main body of the entire ceremony.

What follows is just some small things to trim and improve based on the overall difficulty factor.

"Calculated based on the overall difficulty, the ritual needs to be divided into two rounds to be completed perfectly. In this way, plus the control of the demon spirits, this means that a total of three legendary spells need to be performed!"

Before the acquisition of "The Power of the Mystery" was completed and his career level was not further improved, his total life energy level was level 46, and he only had 4 legendary spells per day.

If this side alone has to be occupied three times...

In his heart, Isaac frowned secretly.

Although he has already recruited a group of servants, he is already prepared to reveal his true form when necessary.

However, if they were to have a head-on confrontation with the Yinhuns and Feilin Mokui in the end, even he would have no confidence that all the troubles could be solved with just one legendary spell.

"It seems that we need to be prepared."

"It would be best if it could be completed today."

"if not……"

Although he doesn't want to, he still wants to prepare for this ceremony after Kelben and the others return!

Of course, despite his reluctance, Isaac also knew that these chosen people of the Magic Goddess would not embarrass him on such a matter.

On the one hand, under the current situation, Laila and the others had no chance of becoming his direct enemies.

On the other hand, and more importantly, this kind of ceremony corresponds to the promise given to him by the goddess of magic. If these voters come to stop him, wouldn't it be directly contrary to the promise of the goddess of magic?

The reason why he didn't want to do it when Kelben and others were here was mainly because he didn't want to expose some details to the eyes of a great mage like Kelben.

However, if the situation does not allow it, in order to obtain the "power of the secret ritual", what should I do?

"The key to breaking the situation... If we can start at the first moment in the City of Shadows, before Yada Tanshur and the others have time to react, we can concentrate our strength, launch a sudden action, and kick out these people of the Souls together." If we are eliminated, Felin Mokui’s possible counterattack will not exceed the limit!”

"Let's see if these elves can really do it. They will be ungrateful, ruthless, and ruthless when they say they will!"

As the thought flashed through his mind, Isaac never opened his eyes.

Laila had an agreement with him. Before starting there, she would give him, Eamesford and others a summons, so that the two sides could cooperate tacitly.

Before the summons arrived, he was not in a hurry to take any action.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, Isaac quickly continued to perfect the ritual.

I don’t know how much time has passed.


"If you don't go with Arilyn and Danilo, why are you here with me at this time?"

In the darkness, Isaac's voice suddenly broke through the silence of the hidden space.

Just in response to his voice.

From the entrance of the main hall, a dark shadow also appeared from the ubiquitous shadow environment, from virtual to real.

Naturally, it was Ilki, the high-level mage of the Yinhuns.

Ilki was not surprised at how the "shadow leap" had just arrived and was noticed by the other side. As he walked into the hall, he bowed slightly and replied: "I honor Prince Yada. Order, come and see sir."

The Order of Yada-Tanshul?

Isaac's heart moved, but his voice remained calm: "Say."

"The prince wanted to come to see you in person, but he was afraid of embarrassing him, so he asked me to come here just to express my friendship and respect to you.

All those who are enemies of Felin Demon Kui are the most important friends of the City of Shadows.

The Supreme City Lord and all princes will always welcome you to visit the City of Ghosts! "

In Ilki's voice.

Isaac's eyes finally opened.

You extend your friendship and respect, but you are still afraid of embarrassing him. The word "embarrassment" couldn't be used more brilliantly!

Efraska, Kelben and others were not mentioned in half a sentence, but the hidden meaning was well understood by those who should know.

Yada Tanshur actually tested some positions on his side!

This is quite...

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