Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1064: Earth-shaking (twenty-six)

(already edited)

He stared at Ilki calmly.

At this time, Isaac had no expression on his face, which was a familiar ghost mage.

The indifferent gaze has the penetrating power to penetrate the soul.

Under his gaze, just a few breaths after the voice fell, Ilki's heart was already filled with an uncontrollable anxiety, and it began to beat "bang bang bang".

Even before coming here, under the instructions of Prince Yada, he had already considered various situations.

But at this moment, under this gaze, he actually felt a kind of tension, an anxiety, and even... an instinctive fear born from the soul!

"Hearing what you say, Yada Tanshur is preparing to part ways with this side?"

Finally, the pressure in his heart became heavier and heavier, making it even harder for him to remain calm.

Isaac's voice rang out.

The voice was very flat, not to mention reprimanding or anything else, and even the change in tone had no ups and downs.

But just this calm voice...

Already feeling heavy pressure, the look on Ilki's face finally changed.

Following Prince Yada's instructions, he had already made the meaning of the temptation vague enough.

Unexpectedly, this person neither pretended to be oblivious nor was he vague about it. His calm words directly exposed all of this.

Faced with such challenges...

Ilki is just a member of the Shadow Souls, but he does not have the power to make immediate decisions as Prince Yada does.

Therefore, the next moment his expression changed and his thoughts flashed, Ilki chose to be tactful and cover up: "Sir, you are serious. It's not that we want to part ways with them, but they have gone too far. Felin Mokui is still It has not been resolved yet, and it is already targeting us everywhere.

The prince's intention is just to be on guard.

We don't want to make things difficult for others, but we can't let people make things difficult for us for no reason..."

Through this confidential meeting of the Hill Council of Elders, Ilki passed all the responsibilities to the elves in just a few words.

It's just that his reason is very righteous, but...

Isaac won't listen to any of this!

"So, Yada Tanshur asked you to test me?"

"You just came here to test it out of nothing?"

These guys in the City of Shadows really seem like they have just been released after being imprisoned for thousands of years. They don’t even understand the slightest bit of human nature!

Whether it was a test, an attempt to win over, or in other words, to split the relationship between him and Efraska, this had to have some substance, right?

He doesn't really think that just a word of friendship from the City of Shadows and a word of friendship from the Supreme City Lord will make him happily move closer, right?

Kelburn was an old thief, but he invited him to participate in the "Infinite Ceremony" and revealed the secret of making the "Shadow Knowledge Gem".

Behind the scenes, the goddess of magic promised him the "evil magic priesthood".

The Elf Goddess also gave him the opportunity to research the "King Slayer Shield".

In addition, his upcoming eldest princess is also closely related to them.

This was what convinced him to take action.

Compared with the old thieves of Kelben...these guys in the City of Ghosts are too petty!

The trace of ridicule in Isaac's voice seemed to be coming out.

Naturally, Ilki could hear the meaning, and quickly explained: "No, the prince's intention is not for me to test the sir, but for me to convey to the sir that there is nothing between the City of Ghosts and the sir." The premise of conflict is that they have a common goal.

As long as your husband can stay neutral among the divisions deliberately created by those people, the prince and the others are very happy to negotiate with him in any aspect. "

Here, when the City of Ghosts and Efraska have not really broken up, Ilki has always insisted on one thing. Even if there are differences between the two sides, as long as he firmly holds all responsibilities on On the other side, even if Mr. Lei brought these matters to Efraska, he still had no idea that the elf would be able to find any suitable excuse.

But Isaac was not an elf, so he naturally didn't care about his words. Ilki explained it very well, but instead he closed his eyes and said calmly: "Okay, for the sake of our previous acquaintance, I won’t keep you, go back and tell Yada Tanshur that he will come to see me next time, ask him to bring some sincerity, and tell him...I won’t wait for you when the time comes!”

Don’t wait until it’s time?

Isaac chased people away directly, and Ilki could not help but look ugly. However, when the last words fell into his ears, the Yinhun Mage's heart suddenly moved.

Of course, it can be heard that before these words, Mr. Lei had an obvious pause.

Precisely because of this, this sentence seems to have some meaning!

And if this really implies something...

"Sir, I will tell the truth to the prince."


Without forcing anything else, Ilki bowed slightly and exited the hall.

After a few consecutive "Shadow Leap" hits, he teleported to the ground and left the area of ​​influence of the "Well of Glory".

It was a direct "shadow teleportation", and he accurately teleported back to the location of Yada Tanshur.

And soon, Yada Tanshur appeared behind him again and made a direct report.


"Is there still time?"

Listening to the Yinhun Mage's truthful report, some thoughtfulness appeared in Yada Tanshur's metallic eyes.

Just listening to Ilki's report, Mr. Lei was roughly consistent with his guess, and it was basically unlikely that he was from Kelben's group.


Thinking about something in his mind, Yada Tanshur asked without looking back: "What do you think of this person's words?"

Ilki had already thought about this, and replied without thinking: "I think there should be two meanings in his words."

"First, his attack on Felin Mokui may not only be because of his old grudge, but more likely, those voters also paid enough 'so-called sincerity' in order to invite him to take action!"

"Secondly, he should also have hinted to the prince that there is something planned over there. If by the time we have not been able to satisfy him with the 'so-called sincerity', he may not wait for us anymore. Negotiated!"

This description of "so-called sincerity" is quite accurate.

And asking for sincerity like this... isn't this perfectly consistent with the dragon's nature?

"You are right. It seems that Kelben and the others are really preparing something."

Yada Tanshur nodded and said, "Send the order and let everyone be alert and don't let others take advantage of you!"

Although Lamolek had been instructed to warn Hajhorna before, at this time, Yada-Tansul decided to give the last round of warning to the ghost people again.


Ilki immediately took the order and left.

His breath quickly disappeared into the shadows.

Yada Tanshur's steel-like solemn expression was now filled with a secret frown.

If that Mr. Lei was really moved by the "sincerity" of Kelben and the others, so he joined the Efraska camp...

What kind of "sincerity" should he show to make that person remain neutral, or even stand on the side of the City of Ghosts?

Think of that person’s level of power!

To think of a personal invitation from someone like Kelben!

I even think of the greed of the dragon...

Although he was the second most powerful figure in the "Dome of Night" after the eldest prince, Yada Tanshur was frowning secretly without realizing it.

He could imagine that person's appetite.

To satisfy such an appetite...

"Perhaps it's time to have a good talk with Hajhorna!"

Other things, other things, that's all, but for such a sacrifice this time, Yada Tanshur certainly couldn't pay for everything from his own pocket.

In addition, although everything Mr. Lei said could correspond to his judgment,... of course he would not just believe it all.

Necessary reconnaissance, especially if Mr. Lei's true identity can be confirmed, is the prerequisite for the "cooperation" between the two parties to be truly achieved!

Of course, since that person gave a hint and mentioned "no waiting when the time comes"...

Without any intention of wasting time, Yada Tanshur stepped forward, and his figure disappeared into the shadows.

"Looks like it's time to start!"

Well of radiance.

After driving away the ghost mage, Isaac's eyes reopened in the darkness.

Since Yada Tanshur sent his envoy Ilki here to test him, it was obvious that he also sensed that something was wrong with Efraska.

However, he was not surprised by this.

When no one like Kelben is seen, it is difficult not to raise suspicions?

However, it is difficult for Yada Tanshur and others to think of this suspicion and go to the City of Shadows.

Will sneak to his side quietly... This must be suspected, whether Efraska, after obtaining his support, is ready to abandon the Yin Hun people, and may even take action against the Yin Hun people. Got it!

And since everyone on the other side is already suspicious...

There was no need for Isaac to be secretive about it.

The more he covers it up, the more suspicious people like Yada Tanshur will become.

Simply, he directly revealed what the other party was thinking.

Next, it depends on whether the other party is sincere, whether this sincerity comes in time enough, and whether it can make him more tempted than the promise given to him by the goddess of magic!

If not... of course you can't blame him for not accepting it!

However, even as he speculated on all this, Isaac did not summon Kelben and others.

There will be no surprises.

Yada Tanshur could sense something was wrong, and this was naturally expected by Kelben and the others.

Let’s see if this guy will really come over here and spend some time with him!

If Yada Tanshur had come in person...

Although he would not seriously kill this person, but if Kelben had already launched an attack, in order to obtain the "power of the secret ritual" today, it would not be impossible for him to suddenly take action and kill this person. Stay temporarily, or evict directly!

Elsewhere, he has to deal with Yada Tanshur, which is limited to the suppression of the "Shadow Shield", so there may be twists and turns.

But here at the "Well of Glory", it's different.

With his sudden move, he was even sure that he would catch this person without wasting any legendary spells!

And if this person is missing, it will be difficult for the Yinhuns to change and control the "Shadow Shield", which will even affect Felin Mokui's counterattack...

"Although according to Laila, there is probably more than one ghost prince coming here, Yada Tanshur, and there may be more than one who can affect the 'Shadow Shield', but... if the timing is right It’s appropriate. Without affecting the situation in the City of Shadows, it is necessary to take down Yada Tanshur!”

Before the construction of the "Power of the Mystery" acquisition ritual was basically completed, when Laila visited, he was not very willing to take action directly.

But at this time, it has been determined that the entire process of the ceremony, including the preliminary preparations, requires three legendary spells to be completed. Isaac no longer holds the usual conservative attitude towards Yada Tanshur. Attitude.

Of course, his conservative attitude has changed, but...

Isaac couldn't tell whether Yada Tanshur really knew how to visit here, especially whether he came alone.

Normally, it is impossible for these ghost princes to be so wary!

But regardless of whether Yada Tanshur comes here or not, since Isaac already has it, without wasting legendary spells, we can solve the possible changes here, at least solve today's changes. …

"If he doesn't have some 'sincerity', then you can't blame me for being too late and looking for him personally when the time comes!"

Although it is not on the side of the "Well of Glory", it is inevitable that there will be twists and turns.

However, considering that Efraska's side has been prepared for a long time, when that time comes, those Beren Liches, and even Lord Eamesford and others, will definitely take action first...

With the "Legend Hidden" effect of the protective card, as long as Yada Tanshur and other possible ghost princes cannot be directly seen through, he will take the initiative to take down Yada Tanshur and the others. At least, it is enough to contain them and let the Beren Liches deal with them!

Quickly, I had a rough idea of ​​the next actions.

There is no rush on how to arrange it.

Once again, Isaac closed his eyes.

And it was Efraska's side that was enveloped in an unusual atmosphere.

Far away on the west coast of the continent, in the deepest part of the Troll Mountains.

In a huge castle made up of countless mage towers connected by various bridges.

A lich in gorgeous clothes, holding a legendary caster's scepter, with dozens of "Ioun Stones" spinning on the track above his head. He was holding his head with one paw, and was quietly reading and floating in front of him. A magic book that turns pages automatically.

Suddenly, two rays of blood flame flashed in the eye sockets of the lich's white-bone skull head, and his eyes immediately raised.

It was as if I had seen the other side of the void.

"Are you leaving now?"

"That being the case..."

The indifferent expression remained unchanged, but a wave of telepathy was transmitted to a certain mage tower in the castle along an invisible spiritual connection.


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