Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1065: Everything is turned upside down (twenty-seven)

(The hospital requires an accounting within 48 hours. I can’t get in, so I can only type with my head tilted)

(already edited)

Thirsty Sandbar!

The most barren and driest salt-alkali zone in the Eno Oak Desert!

Of course, this is the past.

In this desert basin that was once barren of grass, at some point, a lake stretching for thousands of square miles was formed.

The water in the lake is clear and cold, as if it comes from melting ice and snow.

Here, the ubiquitous heat of the Eno Oak Desert has also dissipated. The sun is clearly shining in the sky, but here it is dark and cold. It can be seen that there are dark clouds and mist surrounding the lake.

And just hovering on the north shore of this lake, you can see a mysterious city built on an upside-down mountain peak and surrounded by endless darkness.

There are teams of battle groups, all equipped with dark armor, exuding a mysterious and powerful feeling, and they are constantly flying up and down between the city and the ground.

It is as if these battle groups all possess magical abilities!

Looking at this dark floating city.

"In Melagonte's memory, this was the territory of the City of Ghosts during the Magic Dynasty."

"When they returned from the Shadow Realm, this became the first area they transformed."

"The information stolen from Escanor Tanshur holds the infinite magic power of the Stone of Karthus. These ghost arcane masters have even made plans to try to melt the entire Supreme Glacier. Completely changing the environment of the Eno Oak Desert, and even having a conspiracy to further submerge the entire Cormyr..."

It is also on the north shore of the lake, but it is several miles away from the floating city.

It seemed to be integrated into the surrounding environment. Even though there were spellcasters with the size of a legion on the other side of the floating city, no one could detect anything unusual.

A team of desert people dressed in cloaks and cloaks and veils.

Pointing to the floating city in the distance, a man with deep eyes, vaguely surrounded by a dark aura, but at the same time also had a certain elegance, like a melancholy nobleman, was landing in a low voice, giving the surrounding people The person introduced some situations.

"Are you sure how long the City of Shadows will stay here?"

"Demi, are you sure you can get Escanor's command talisman during this period?"

Storm-Silver Hand's voice also sounded at this time.

Also dressed as a desert citizen, this one of the seven sisters, with eyes that are born with the "magic detection" effect, looked at the floating city from a distance, with a slightly solemn look. , I don’t know when it appeared in her eyes.

Unimaginably powerful dark magic!

It even gave her a feeling that even the dark and decadent environment of Myth Drannor was nothing more than that!

This is a truly magical city!

If you really want to attack such a floating city...

Storm-Silverhand had a judgment in his mind. Even though their preparations were as full as possible,... considering that the one inside was also a chosen one, and he also had a powerful magical artifact like the "Stone of Karthus". , it is almost impossible to attack head-on!

Fortunately, if everything goes well, they don't have to attack by force!

"Twelve hours!"

"The Yinhun people need to move into the city to search for the resources of the Bedai tribes. According to Ruha's estimation, this will take them at least twelve hours."

"At this time, we are well prepared."

"If Demi succeeds, he will take us directly into the city with the order of Prince Escanor. Escanor often summons guests from all over the world, which will not look bad in the eyes of the ghosts. unexpected."

"But if Demi fails, we will take the road of Ruha. As a member of her tribe, we will also pay homage to Escanor and present treasures to this ghost prince!"

This melancholic nobleman is Galeron Nehemedu who absorbed the life essence of the ghost prince Melegant.

After sending the "Stone of Karsus" to the City of Shadows, he lived in this floating city for a long time. He was also a candidate for the new Prince of Shadows. Naturally, he was dissatisfied with everything here. Will be unfamiliar.

This attack plan was designed by him.

I am familiar with this place.

His lover, Demi, a warrior woman from Vasa, is still favored by Escanor.

In addition, the powerful Bedai witch Lady Ruha, because the Bedai barbarians were conquered by the City of Shadows, is now also a guest of Escanor.

Galeron has multiple plans and preparations that can sneak into the City of Shadows without alerting the arcanists.

"Be patient!"

"hold on!"

"Our goal is only to destroy the Stone of Karsus, not to destroy the entire City of Shadows."

"Even if Ms. Demi and Ms. Ruha are not going well, there will still be someone who will restrain the Supreme City Lord for us. We still have a chance to break in directly."

"On the contrary, everyone is ready to make decisive and thorough preparations once the mission is completed..."

Kelben also spoke out.

Different from his usual seriousness, at the moment when the action was about to begin, the Archmage showed a rare calmness.

In response to his voice, the surrounding Tomb Guards, as well as the elites from Waterdeep City, Black Staff Tower, and Moon Star Organization, all nodded silently.

Inevitably, there are also people whose hearts are moved and their eyes flicker.

"Will someone restrain the supreme city lord?"

With his current control, the Supreme City Lord is even comparable to Minnis in his heyday.

Those who can contain him...


"Someone is coming!"

However, these people did not wait for deep thought.

Suddenly, a voice rang in the ears of everyone who had been observing the floating city.

They all turned their eyes again.

I saw, from the direction of the floating city, although it was not very clear, it was obvious that the figures of two women were pointing here.

These two women.

One is dressed like a desert people like them.

One is wearing a corseted leather armor. Even if they are far apart, they can still feel the sense of slenderness and strength.

"It's Demi and Ruha!"

"They came together!"

"It seems that the plan is successful and we are ready to take action at any time."

Galeron recognized the identity of the woman over there at a glance, and immediately reminded everyone.

He absolutely trusted Demi.

Although Demi is of Vasa descent, in fact, she is a warrior who has been serving the Nehemedu family. She has known him for many years and has known him for many years.

The two of them are not only lovers, but also relatives.

It was in response to his voice.

"The action begins!"

Just nearby, as a "SMS" was cast, Laila's voice also sounded.

How about Demi? She is not familiar with it and will not comment.

Still, Galeron is trustworthy.

And, the same goes for Ms. Ruha!

Although she comes from the Bedai barbarians, but unlike the Bedai barbarians who generally reject magic and are therefore also rejected by magic, Ms. Ruha is one of the rare Bedai witches who has attracted the attention of the goddess of magic. She has always been He has a close relationship with the Harpers, and is especially familiar with the Storm.

They all have enough trust in this lady.

That's why.

After recognizing that the witch was also pointing here, Laila agreed with what Galeron said.

It’s time to take action!

And if the action here is about to begin...

This text message technique was sent back to Efraska by Laila!

It was in response to her text message.

Resistance Fortress.

The top of the magic tower.

It was the elders' meeting that was in progress.

"Everyone, Ms. Laila's summons has arrived, and there is no time for us to discuss it slowly.

A show of hands, the minority obeys the majority, decide immediately whether to politely invite them to leave, or to keep them all! "

Lord Dursa pressed his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

In this confidential meeting, in addition to the members of the Council of Elders, there were also reinforcement representatives from all parties.

All parties expressed support for Laila's actions, at least they did not oppose it.

However, there are inevitably a lot of differences on how to act against the Yinhun people here.

In any case, the Yinhun people have been cooperating with the attacks here. They are Efraska's key allies in resisting the invasion of the Phaelin Demon Kui and finally suppressing the Phae Lin Demon Kui.

Although there are various clues that show that the escape of the Phayling Demon Sun and even the invasion of Efraska by the Phayling Demon Sun are suspected to be related to the ghosts, but... this is just a suspicion after all. After all, there is no real confirmation!

There are quite a few army leaders who do not support undeclared war and directly attack the Yinhun people.

However, Laila and others' actions have already begun.

There is no time for further discussion and delay here.

Lord Dursa directly stopped everyone's discussion and announced that a vote would be held immediately.

Ziye all knew that time was running out, and no one had any objections.

At that moment, under the auspices of Lord Dursa, the motion was voted on.

And the final vote here was almost at the same time.

Valley camp, inside the stone castle.

The Aililin team had already prepared, but did not take action immediately.

"It's time to begin!"

A text message rang in his ears, and Danilo's expression perked up. He immediately replied "Received" and stood up immediately.

"let's go!"

"This time we have to change teammates again!"

But he didn't go to the "Shadow Shield". Instead, he led his teammates towards the fortress.

And just as they returned to the fortress.

The protective barrier covering the magic tower was also lifted.

"It's over over there!"

"Professor, it's time for you to make a decision!"

Within the shadow shield, looking at the changes on the other side of the magic tower, Yada Tanshur turned his eyes to Hadjhorna.

At this time, he and Lamolek were standing on either side of Hadjhorna, vaguely assuming that the professor was his envoy.

In fact, although the factions are different, out of respect for his father, Yada Tanshur always has the necessary respect for Hajhorna in person, and is not like the great prince Revalan. He is incompatible with Hadj Horner.

"I think Dursa will give me an explanation."

"I'm waiting here for Dursa to come see me."

"The ghosts are under your command."

Hajhorna, who wears dark robes, exudes the innate sinister aura of a ghostly creature.

His speaking voice was still calm, as if he had anticipated the elf's unusual reaction.


Lamorake noticed that while the professor was talking, the thumb of his right hand holding the staff of darkness was on the handle of the staff, rubbing back and forth unconsciously.

Having known the professor for many years, Lamolek knew that this was a habit of the professor.

The professor would do this when he was irritated.

Over the years, he has even made a dent on the handle, and you can feel that there is a trace of dark breath seeping out from this dent.

Therefore, whether it is because the most ideal design situation has been destroyed, or because he feels betrayed by Dursa, of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is because of Yada Tanshur, the Dome of Night, or Rui Prince Valan...

After all, Professor Hajhorna was still irritated!

Of course, being irritated doesn't mean you've lost your cool.

Judging from the fact that the command of the ghosts was directly handed over to them, the professor's reason was not affected by his anger.

In the brief pause of Hajhorna's voice, many thoughts had already passed through Lamolek's mind.

However, before he and Yada Tanshur responded.

Hajhorna's voice continued: "As for how to contact that person. After I have a meeting with Dursa, I will report to the Supreme City Lord in person..."

According to Yada Tanshur, that person's appetite was by no means the slightest bit big.

Before he had met with Dursa, before he really fell out with the elves, he was not in a hurry for this moment.

After all... Even if he sent the message to the Supreme City Lord, the Supreme City Lord would also have to consider what kind of price that person deserves!

Especially, all this is just Yada-Tanshul's contact!

"In that case, we will wait for the results of the professor's contact with him."

Yada-Tanshur had no objections to Hajhorna's decision.

Although he has already felt the impending change, but...as a loyal follower of the lady, he has his own plans.

After fully accepting everything Hajhorna meant, Yada Tanshur glanced at Lamolek. Immediately, the two brothers took a step back, and their figures disappeared into the shadows.

"Dulsa, you'd better not let me down!"

Without looking back, an extremely deep light flashed in Hajerhorner's dark eyes. The thumb that had been stroking the handle of the staff stopped at some point.

On the other hand, the Yin Hun people were quickly taking precautions.

"You are really petty!"

"That being the case..."

In the sky above the Cloud Crown Palace, Isaac, whose figure had disappeared, also appeared at the height of the "Shadow Shield" in the form of Barlow's Fire Demon.

He first glanced at the situation on the other side of the magic tower, and then glanced inside the "shadow shield".

It is impossible to directly see where Yada Tanshur and others are.


"If you want to be able to monitor the elves at any time, this is where they are."

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