Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1113 The power of the secret ritual

(already done, a bit late, sorry)

Suffering a heavy blow like a falling meteor from the "First Sky Star", the main peak of Gray Cloak Mountain was violently broken.

Under this immeasurable impact.

Through the remnants of the main peak, it was transmitted to the ground, and then spread suddenly.

In the vast land of Gray Cloak Mountain, the entire ground collapsed and was directly crushed into a basin in just a few seconds.

However, this is only the first wave.

Seeing this moment, the main body of the "First Star" was like blocking out the sky and the sun, and was suppressing it again.

At this time, not to mention that he had been targeted by the mysterious man in the sky. Even Samuel, Griffith and others had not had time to escape from the too huge envelope of the "First Star". scope……

In the end, Simpson took control of the strongest secret he had!

With the spiritual will at the level of destiny, the essence of all life is burned, and through the magic, monsters and dark energy cores, there is an inner consistency...

It has always been floating in the air, so it has not been directly impacted by the collapse of the earth. At this moment, it was accompanied by Simpson's roar.

From under the collapsing earth.

Since the origin of the dark enchantment.

Like a flood, like a tsunami, the endless and endless source of dark energy erupted in just a moment. From the ground, it directly shattered everything and erupted into six dark energy beams.

Just like the Optimus Pillar, only one of these six dark light pillars shot up into the sky. Although the broken peak of Gray Cloak Mountain still fell down, the even more gigantic "First Star" even crushed it a moment ago. Suppressing the dark barrier, at this moment, under the impact of these six dark light pillars, the speed of the crushing down suddenly slowed down, and even completely separated from the broken peak. It's open.

And just with all this change.

The shaking beneath the ground did not stop.

With these six dark light pillars as boundaries, in a huge circular area, it seems to be echoing the infinite weight above the sky. From the ground, like a volcano erupting, the unimaginable blazing magical energy is exactly The entire earth rushed directly into the sky.

Such magical energy exploded in just this moment...

"That's true!"

"After the Mithron Core fell into the hands of these Demon Sunflowers, it was completely corrupted by their evil magic!"

Above the sky, Silinxi's eyes also wrinkled slightly.

She had known for a long time that Felin Mokui had a "Myser Energy Core" in her hands.

Even though she has been away from the material world for hundreds of years, the secrets she knows about the Felin Demon Sunflower are far greater and deeper than those of Kelben and Laila.

In fact, in the past, the hundreds of years of war between the Felin Demon Kui and the Saren Elves was carried out in a very secretive manner, but she knew everything about it, but she basically knew everything about it.

As the greatest high mage in the Elven Court.

As the most powerful chosen one of the goddess of magic.

It is also the closest connection between the goddess of magic and the elven gods.

Silinxi, however, knew and guarded many secrets related to the goddess of magic.

Among them, there are almost no external rumors. Not to mention the material world, even the gods, few are aware of it, and they can hardly think of anything together...

No one knows that the birth of the Saren spirit is actually directly related to the goddess of magic and the goddess' first god, the "Supreme One" who was once the goddess's chosen one!

Such a secret, in fact, the Sarun spirit itself is rarely known.

Most of the Saren spirits just thought that they were born from high magic or some accident.

But he has no idea that behind it, there is actually the interference of a lady.

The only ones who know this secret are those who were formerly women's electors, or those who were formerly "preaching mages". Because of the needs of women, they were transformed into Saren spirit elders, and then guided the entire society. The Saren clan of monsters.

Of course, there are a few times when this change is only temporary.

For example, in the hundreds of years-long war between the Saren spirits and the Phayling demons, it was the elects and preaching mages who were temporarily transformed into the Saren spirit elders and directly participated in sealing the Phayling demons. Events beneath the Desert of Eno Oak!

It is precisely because of this that Silinxi not only knows the construction principle of the "Wall of Saron", but also knows the "Myser Energy Cores" in the hands of Felin Mokui.


Once upon a time, the "Myser Energy Core" was in the hands of Felin Demon Kui, and it was just a "Myser Energy Core", just a masterpiece of the sacred artifact of the great arcanists!

But now, this dark source of energy erupts from beneath the ground...

Using "spell transfer", from the level of "magic essence", we can observe it clearly.

Silinxi could see very clearly that the former "Myser Energy Core" was now the Felin Demon Sunflower, and it should be the leader of the Demon Sunflower below, which had been completely corrupted into a dark magic artifact. Got it!

This burst of dark source energy is exactly the evil magic source energy extracted directly from the "essence of magic"!

Because this source energy is directly related to the "evil magic power".

This is her, and she can no longer restrain the leader of the Demon Sunflower below at will with just "spell transfer".

In this way...

"To seal this energy core today, I'm afraid it will take some changes in my life."

Silinxi could naturally sense the green dragon coming from across the sky, as well as the undead archmages who had teleported around the green dragon and flew in just as quickly.

If the green dragon itself comes, it may be possible to restrain it.

But the Green Dragon also summoned these three undead mages...

Silinxi knew it well, this must be the green dragon hinting at his position!

This green dragon itself promised the lady the future of "Evil Magic Priesthood". When encountering an evil magic artifact at this time, greed is naturally inevitable!

If this evil magic holy weapon was something else, Silinxi might have used it as a condition to persuade him.

But the predecessor of this evil magical artifact is the Myser Energy Core! !

"If you want to stop him by force, I'm afraid it won't be easy!"

"However... if this evil magic energy core falls into his hands, this may not be unacceptable!"

The reason why...

Silinxi naturally knew that when such a complete "evil energy core" fell into the hands of the green dragon, word spread.

At this time, whether it is the city of ghosts or the one from the Tomb of the Warlock King, they must keep a close eye on this green dragon.

In this way...

This may not require any additional guidance from her. This is the one who can control the Tomb of the Warlock King in the future!

Of course, if the one from the Tomb of the Warlock King can still endure it...

Judging from her observations of the green dragon in the past two days, this person is just like the rumors. As long as she can pay enough and it is a mystery related to magic, she can indeed persuade this person to a certain extent. force.

With this man's pursuit of the mysteries of magic, if he knew that the man from the Tomb of the Warlock King, even in today's era, could still cast arcane spells from the Magic Dynasty that were beyond the ninth level, or even beyond the tenth level...

"After Dragon Madness, he will definitely focus on that side!"

Over there, because of the Miser energy core, there is a high probability that the green dragon will be stared at.

The green dragon, because of the "forbidden curse", will basically keep an eye on that side.

Such mutual restraint is naturally inevitable!

Down below, Simpson carried out the most direct manipulation and explosion of the power of the "dark energy core" regardless of the cost.

In just a moment, Silinxi also made corresponding modifications to the predetermined plan.

Today, it would be best if this "dark energy core" could be sealed or even destroyed.

But if that doesn't work...

As long as Mo Kui is not allowed to escape with it, or is captured by some people who are secretly watching here, it will fall into the hands of the green dragon, which is not unacceptable.

This change…


Although her attention was always focused on Simpson, Silinxi did not miss the others. At this time, they had quickly retreated to the edge of the "First Star"'s coverage area.

It was one of the Elder Demon Kui who raised his claws towards her approximate location and performed the "Legendary Dispelling Technique".

Without any delay, the creation of a "dead magic area" was completed, and it was this magic sunflower that shrouded it.

At the same time, the figure that still remained invisible, together with the invisible shield that was faintly glowing with light, suddenly disappeared in place with the flash of teleportation light.

With the fall of the "Second Star", even if she didn't want to enter the "shadow shield", she had no barrier to cover her.

The magic shield created by "Spell Shifting" can certainly block the breakthrough of all spells, and at the same time, it does not affect her spellcasting from the inside out. This defensive effect alone is far better than that of "Rainbow Light". I don’t know how powerful the "magic ball" is, but...

After all, this "all magic" does not have absolute meaning!

Ordinary spells, even "Anti-Magic Field", even "Great Disintegration", including legendary spells in the ordinary sense, are of course difficult to break through her magic shield.

However, the "Legendary Dispelling Technique" is almost the only exception.

"Legendary Dispelling Technique" means that as long as the dispersal level is high enough, even the spells of gods, the supernatural abilities of gods, and even some extraordinary sacred abilities can be forcibly dispelled.

Although her "spell transfer" has gone beyond the meaning of ordinary spells, it is not to the extent that even the "legendary dispersion" can be immune!

Those Elder Mo Kui's "Legendary Dispelling" still have a high probability of breaking through her magic shield.

Precisely because of this, after the magic of concealment was directly destroyed by a legendary spell combined with the destiny ability for the leader of the Demon Kui, she also had to continue to lock on the elders below. Beware.

And it was she who, with her "frequent leaps" that had not yet been exhausted, instantly moved to a high place in the sky.

boom! ! !

The next day Xing Zheng also caught up with the first Tian Xing below.

When the weight of these two giant mountains is superimposed together, and there is also the immeasurable terrifying kinetic energy of the second star...

Below, the dark light pillar that was still sinking slowly could not really hold up even the first star. At this moment, it was finally completely unable to bear it.

Just for a moment.

It seemed as if the light beam was twisting, and it seemed as if the space could not withstand the pressure. It was visible that the dark light had a twisted arc.

However, it was only for this moment.

The next moment, six pillars of dark light came from the inside out, and all the magic source energy was completely destroyed.

Two mountains collided. At this moment, there was a heavy pressure like a celestial body, and it was also accompanied by a violent earthquake like the earth was shattering that day. However, even the direct source energy explosion of the "dark energy core" could not stop it at all. Hold up.

However, Simpson had already expected this.

The two stars above are crashing down together.

The crimson leader, who had dodged the previous fall from the broken peak, did not even look upward.

At this moment, Simpson's gaze was fixed on the "Third Star" that was pointing directly at the "Third Sky Star" from the sky above the "Shadow Shield" like the sun across the sky.

Not "teleport"!

This "third star" is the "drive"!

is "driven", which means...

The green dragon is here too!

Having already activated the source power of the "Dark Energy Core", if it was just the mysterious man above who was targeting him, he would have a lot of confidence in getting rid of him.

But if you add this green dragon...

As far as the eye could see, Simpson's eyes were also wrinkled.

But at this moment, he had no time to think more.

It was the two "sky stars" above that were pressing down, and the endless pressure caused even him to instinctively feel a sense of suffocation.

On the side of the body is the power of the "dark energy core", which is directly under the cone on the ground.

"Dark Realm!"

Simpson stretched out a paw in that direction.

Suddenly, a six-pointed star-like formation was held up in the sky, and a large mysterious crystal about the height of a man, completely composed of dark source energy, flew towards him.

For the first time, Simpson chanted some ancient mantra.

The indescribable mysterious and evil power suddenly produced an invisible darkness, intertwining him with the dark crystal.

In the next moment, the infinite evil source energy from the dark crystal surged and spread in an instant.

It seems that the dark barrier that withstood the falling mountain peak earlier has become far stronger by an unknown number of magnitudes.

In just a moment, it almost covered the area of ​​a city, and the infinite source of darkness was already filling everything in it.

This pure dark source energy almost excludes all other magical energy, forming a huge source energy field like a city.

Just standing in the center of this field.

Holding the "Dark Energy Core" in one hand, Simpson's crimson body was cracked with cracks, from which blood-like black smoke was rising and evaporating, as if it was coming all the time. Suffering from backlash is common.



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