Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1114 Dark Energy Core (Part 2)

(modification completed)

Directly controlling the power of the "dark energy core" without going through any medium. Even though Simpson himself is closely related to this dark sacred weapon, he is still subject to continuous impact and damage from the original magical power.

However, today is not yesterday.

Today's Simpson, although his life energy level has lost one level due to his resurrection, is still in a full enough state, and the backlash damage of the "dark energy core" to him is far less than that of other people trying to control this dark saint. Tools are bound to suffer backlash.

Therefore, at least for a while, the leader of Mo Kui can still hold on.

Such negative effects are nothing compared to the infinite power that comes from harnessing the "dark energy core".


There are double "celestial stars" above, crushing the dark light pillars and suppressing them.

It wasn't too far away anymore, and there was still the "Third Sky Star" coming unstoppably across the sky with even greater power.

Simpson naturally has no hesitation in controlling the original magic energy of the "dark energy core".

At this moment when the "dark energy core" is summoned.

In the first moment, he activated and enabled the magic field of "Dark Energy Core".

Formerly known as the Magic Dynasty's "Myser Energy Core", Simpson's "Dark Energy Core" also has functions similar to the "Myser Energy Core".

With the "dark energy core", he can directly create a dark source energy field in a huge area, which can cover a city at most.

With this "Dark Realm", as long as he wants, he can give the entire source energy layer an extremely powerful force field defense.

That's it for now.

Above, the two mountain-like "celestial stars" were suppressing the sky.

Here, after this spread, it almost completely enveloped the entire Gray Cloak Mountain in the "Dark Territory". Infinite force field energy was immediately generated.

It seems like the superposition of countless "walls of force fields".

It even reveals some properties that are very similar to the "mysterious barrier" woven with force field effects.

Even the superposition of double "celestial stars", in the face of this larger dark field, although the overall pressure of the dark field is still sinking, it is like being stuck in a quagmire for a while, losing everything that crushes it. The momentum to destroy everything.

But Simpson is more than that.

The function of "Dark Realm" goes beyond just defense.

In an instant, the suppression of the double stars was delayed above.

Simpson's big mouth like a chrysanthemum spit out another syllable coldly.


In response, from within the mysterious evil essence that intertwined him and the "dark energy core" into a whole, a layer of invisible dark source energy seemed to ripple out.

Suddenly, the entire "dark field" and the infinite source energy began to resonate again.

Then, it fell in front of Simpson, and the peak that was already inserted into the ground shook, and then shook again. It was in the surge of dark energy that it was directly pulled out of the ground and flew into the sky again. The ground, after tracing an arc-shaped trajectory, flew from the side below and hit the star above.

Driving effect!

Just like the "Myser Energy Core", it is an energy source that continuously extracts magical energy and becomes the power core of the floating city, propelling the floating city to fly around the sky at will.

"Dark Energy Core" can also extract magic energy endlessly to powerfully drive target objects.

The reason why Simpson and other Mo Kui leaders did not engage in such manipulation was that they had free time.

This is just the direct manipulation of the "dark energy core", which will impact and hurt them at all times.

Moreover, in order to carry out driving control, they must also be together with the "dark energy core" and cannot stay away from the object being manipulated.

With such restrictions, it would be impossible for Simpson and the others to easily enable this function in their free time.

However, now is certainly not an idle time.

During the side summit push, Simpson was trying to see if he could overturn the stars above and knock them elsewhere.

Even if there is time later, facing the more powerful "Third Heavenly Star" and using this "drive", it is not impossible to further reduce the green dragon's attack in addition to the defensive effect of the "Dark Realm"!

But it's still not over yet.

It is the moment when half of the mountain peak is driven by the infinite energy of the "dark energy core".

"The one above the sky in the 'Dark Realm' should be unable to interfere with me normally."

"in this way……"

Although the attention was focused on the green dragon and the legendary spells performed by the green dragon.

But at the same time, Simpson couldn't really ignore the mysterious man in the sky.

As he watched, he manipulated the "Dark Energy Core" and activated and opened the "Dark Realm", but the one in the sky was still unable to do anything to him.

In his heart, the leader of the Demon Sunflower knows a lot. His prediction must be correct. The unique "dark field" of the "dark energy core" can indeed hinder the mysterious person. It should come from The interference and containment of the "essence of magic"!

In this way, he no longer needs to reserve anything, and he no longer needs to taboo anything!

"The green dragon should be the first target!"

Then the primary goal was determined!

Either the green dragon or the mysterious man in the sky, these are the two targets that Simpson hates the most and wants to eradicate the most.

But these two goals.

Considering that before, even Griffith's legendary spell could not break through the magic shield of the one in the sky...

Simpson then stopped and decided to deal with the mysterious man's thoughts first.

At this time, he had actually vaguely seen some of the inner meaning of the mysterious man's spell.

During the Magic Dynasty, he had direct confrontations with more than one great arcanist.

If his observations and judgments are correct...

"This is a level 10 magic that exceeds the limit!"

Since Griffith's legendary spells can't break through such a forbidden spell, Simpson is also able to rule out "legendary dispelling". If it were him, there would be no exception.

So, since this mysterious person cannot be affected by this forbidden spell for the time being...

Naturally, the Green Dragon is the current first choice!

"Automatic spell instant-Meteor Explosion!"

"Spell Sanctification-Dark Source Energy!"

As soon as he raised his claws, four flaming balls burning with dark demonic flames pierced the sky and flew towards the "Third Sky Star".

It slowed down a little for another half moment.

Seeing the mysterious man in the sky, he did not take action directly.

That's it.

"Automatic spell instantaneous - time stops!"

In front of Simpson's eyes, everything suddenly fell into a state of stasis.

Of course, this time, he did not ignore Alustriel.

However, at this time, the supreme lady of the Silver Moon Alliance was still behind the green dragon on the barrier. If she wanted to counterattack him, she would be far away.

Moreover, after his resurrection yesterday, he had some thoughts and judgments. Although Alustriel is immune to time-stop, this immunity does not mean that there is no limit!

If his guess is correct...


First, a projection was projected directly onto the sky in the southern direction of Gray Cloak Mountain.

Seeing the direction of Alustriel and others, he came over immediately without any targeted counterattack...

"That's right."

"With the power of the elect, she is certainly immune to the 'time standstill', but this immunity does not mean that during this 'time standstill' period, she is like me and can take any action at will.

Her immunity will be synchronized only when I target her, or when the spell is directed towards her, and there should be a distance limit! "

As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Simpson's movements did not pause at all.

No matter whether his judgment was accurate or not, he did not target Alustriel and the others this time. Even the mysterious man in the sky was no longer his primary target at this time.

That level 10 magic is really difficult to deal with, especially since yesterday, until now, he has never even seen this person take action in other aspects.

This is why he is targeting this person to dispel the magic shield. I am afraid that the probability of success is also slim.

Naturally, he would not think that such a mysterious person could master level 10 magic, but could not master certain legendary spells!

Therefore, the green dragon is his first target at this time!

As long as the Green Dragon's third legendary spell didn't come down... they would at least have a lot of confidence that they could retreat underground!

At this time, Simpson didn't have much expectations for sniping.

First retreat safely underground, then activate the magic fields of the two "dark energy cores" together, and then see how to deal with it further!

Of course, this premise is...

"Burning Cloud Technique!"

"Magical sanctification!"

For the second spell, Simpson projected a large cloud of boiling smoke filled with white ashes towards the green dragon from a long distance.

This is not to cause any harm to the green dragon.

As long as this boiling smoke cloud can temporarily hinder the green dragon's "true vision", it is enough.

"Darkness swallows!"

Grasp the "Dark Energy Core" with one hand, and directly extract the purest evil magic source energy from this dark holy weapon.

In Simpson's crimson eyes like flames, the evil will as dark as ink suddenly burst out.

In just an instant, this dark will, which was almost in a physical state, penetrated the sky like lightning.

The next moment, the "Third Heaven Star" is located.

It was as if the "shadow shield" was suddenly spreading, and the invisible and pure darkness had already directly submerged most of the "sky stars" in it.

That's this moment.

Time stands still and ends.

When all the time velocity layers are consistent, when the effects of "Burning Cloud Technique" and "Dark Swallowing" are both synchronized to the normal velocity layer...


Isaac was not surprised at all to become the target of the Crimson Leader's spell.

However, when the invisible darkness around him and the blazing smoke almost obscured all his external perception...

In Isaac's eyes, a slight look of surprise appeared flickering.

Before his thoughts could develop further.

"Overlimit-instant-time stops!"

The "Legendary Spellcaster's Scepter" lifted up before the magical energy of "Burning Cloud Technique" could cause him the first damage.

Everything also came to a standstill in front of Isaac's eyes.

He did not perform direct magic protection or dispel.

Although it only lasted for a moment, Simpson's spell gave him an unusual feeling.

This seems to be...

"This 'Burning Cloud Technique', as well as the 'Meteor Explosion' released before, should be combined with the dark power of the holy weapon, so it produces an effect similar to 'Evil Energy Replacement'. It is difficult to rely on ordinary Elemental resistance to reduce damage."

"Not only that, these two spells..."

Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

Although it was short-lived, if his identification was correct, Simpson's two spells at this time were obviously different from yesterday.

Yesterday's Simpson was equivalent to a level 35 warlock.

Today, Simpson, who was resurrected by continuous "wishes", should have dropped one warlock level.


"The caster level of these two spells has not only not dropped, but has also increased by at least four or five levels!"

"It's not just the level of the caster, the strength of the spell seems to be obviously extraordinary!"

"Such a change...should be the influence of the dark holy weapon!"

"Using this dark sacred weapon to cast spells will significantly increase the caster level and spell strength of the spell!"

"Furthermore, since Silinxi failed to interrupt his spellcasting... this means that under the influence of this dark sacred weapon, Silinxi's level 10 magic can no longer directly interfere with him!"

For this reason alone, this dark holy weapon is extraordinary.

In addition, Isaac could naturally see that it was also the power of this dark sacred weapon, and that huge domain barrier, even withstood, or at least delayed, the "First Star" and "Second Star". "Suppression!"

"There is no deviation."

"That is indeed a powerful dark sacred weapon similar to the 'Miser Energy Core'!"

From his understanding, the "Myser Energy Core" is the core of the floating city. Not only can it be opened, it is as powerful as the "Mystic Barrier", it is also a huge domain barrier, and it can also be opened without any cost. Just create special magic equipment that can be used permanently within the scope of influence of the domain barrier, or even a special sacred weapon!

Such an ability, even if it is placed in a holy weapon, is the most powerful level.

Simpson's current performance, except for the creation of special magic equipment, does not show up, but the others are consistent with the "Miser Energy Core".

However, all this was within his expectation, and Isaac would not be surprised by this, let alone be surprised.

He performed "Cloud Burning Technique" and "Meteor Explosion" similar to "Evil Energy Replacement", which could certainly cause some damage to him, but...that's all.

His vitality was so strong that even if he remained motionless and let the "meteor burst" slowly hit him, it would have to hit all of Simpson's ninth-level spells, and then it would be possible to kill him.

This will naturally not make him change his color.

What really made his expression change...

"Devouring life!"

"Magic Devouring!"

"The legendary ability of Felin Demon Sunflower has only appeared at this time. Could it be that... its root lies in this dark holy weapon?"

In the first round of the time-stop period, Isaac did not even cast a spell.

With his eyes, he penetrated a certain amount of smoke and cloud obstruction and observed the special dark environment around him.

The reason why he immediately carried out "time stop" instead of other protection and dispersal was precisely because of this darkness!

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