Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1182 Sure enough, it turns out

Among the seven sisters, although Kui Lu is not as profound in the field of magic as Xinbu and Lyla, she has a long-term close relationship with Eilistraee. Although the dark sisters are priests, they have a deep understanding of the inheritance from Mai Yelita's magical civilization actually has a deep grasp of even high magic.

Not only that, for a long time, Kui Lu has led the followers of Eilistraee to fight against the believers of evil gods in the dark world. She also has a very deep understanding of those evil sects, including those dark forces that believe in evil spirits. .

It is precisely because of this that even now, Isaac's words have not actually touched on the essence, but Kui Lu's thoughts have only changed, but she has already vaguely guessed some of his meaning.

The phenomenon of increasing one's own strength through fighting and killing is not unprecedented, nor is it something that cannot be achieved.

From Kui Lu's understanding, some evil gods, and even some demons, can achieve this step through special sacrifices.

Although this realization often means that there will be corresponding costs, and naturally it is impossible to improve infinitely.

But there is no doubt that as long as these beings are willing to invest, they have the ability to create such a phenomenon.

And now, if it is true that Isaac’s observations and speculations are true, and the heroes of Neverwinter are really improving in this way...

"It's not impossible!"

Kui Lu's heart moved, but she thought of what Leylin Evans had done before.

This person does seem to be suspected of competing for the head.

That is to say, he has a sense of proportion and always only targets evil enemies. Only then, his behavior is regarded as "justice" and "leadership" by everyone.

But now, looking at it in conjunction with Isaac's hint, there is indeed something wrong with it.


"But there should be nothing wrong with him!"

"Even assuming that this suspicion is true, in the case where killing can increase strength, he is the only one who can always maintain his sanity and always only aims at evil. His name as the 'Hero of Neverwinter' is Well deserved!”

"The only problem is the 'price'!"

Whether it is the evil god or the demon king, creating this phenomenon does not require any investment.

After investing so much, they naturally have demands for rewards!

Maybe Leylin-Evans himself doesn't know that as he continues to improve through killing, the price he will eventually pay will inevitably be too heavy for him to bear!

Of course, the premise of all this is that he is really like this!

And this, presumably after the battle with the Minotaur tribe is over, we can make a preliminary judgment.

"If this is really the case, if it is really Mephistopheles's hands and feet..."

"How is He going to use Raylin Evans?"

For a moment, Kui Lu's eyes were locked.

While thinking about Mephistopheles' possible conspiracy.

No less, if it really depends on the heroes of Neverwinter...how will she solve this matter?

That's when it happened.

At the front of the team, there are some changes.

A Formian ant guard wearing a bronze helmet!

But, not here to fight.

This Formian Ant Guard is here to ask for help.

Seeing that Leylin Evans did not kill directly, but called Irilin and Nasira, they communicated with the ant guard together, and quickly reached an agreement, and then let the Formian ant Wei retreats again...

"It's true that there was no wanton killing!"

"Even if he is really related to Mephistopheles, he still has enough moral bottom line!"

"in this way……"

In her mind, at least Kui Lu had a rough idea of ​​how to deal with this hero of Neverwinter.

The team moved on.

Soon, Yililin also quietly conveyed the news.

"The Fermi ant queen is imprisoned in a magic-forbidden cage. As long as we can ensure her safety, the Fermi ants will launch a rebellion and help us attack the Minotaur tribe and the drow camp."

Although the queen ant has powerful spellcasting ability, she is not good at it. Once she is imprisoned in the magic cage, she will naturally lose all ability to struggle.

In this way, the loyalty of the Ephmian ants to the queen can only be obediently obeyed by the minotaur, and most importantly, by the minions of the spider queen.

If we can get help from the Formian ant clan by rescuing the queen, it will undoubtedly be of great help to everyone's subsequent actions, especially the actions taken when rescuing Sealast.

After all, according to the information provided by Nasira, in the western camp where Halast was imprisoned, not only were the Baba Demons already in groups, but even the Ice Demons had better ones.

That was a real high-level Baatetz. Not only did he have powerful melee combat capabilities, but he also mastered powerful spell-like abilities. He was infinitely more powerful than Ba ​​Ba Mo and his ilk!

Even Leylin Evans did not dare to look down upon him.

This was the time when, together with Irilin, we reached an agreement with the Formian Ant Guard.

Kui Lu would not object to such an agreement.

However, for the joint team, how to forcefully penetrate the Minotaur camp, protect the Naphmi Queen, and even release the Queen from the demon cage so that she can exert her powerful magic ability? , this is what you need to pay attention to.

Fortunately, she is not alone, she also has help!

Linking their fingers together, feeling the warmth coming from there, an inadvertent gentleness passed through the dark sisters' slightly frowned eyes.

Quietly, she also clung to that side.

War soon broke out.

However, there were no surprises.

Although the Minotaur tribe was already prepared and had obviously received some news, at least the drow camp guarding the passage connecting the central area and the northern area did not respond.

They have to be on guard over there, whether they are attacking the Minotaur in the east or west, apparently attacking the Minotaur, but actually pointing at them.

But even without the support of those drow elves, when the Minotaur tribe was on guard, various defense facilities had been deployed. With the thickness of Leyline City, this was still a hard nut to crack.

Especially today, everyone here has experienced several fierce battles. Even though many people have deliberately made some reservations, the consumption of spells is still quite large.

The magical firepower is insufficient, so it is naturally difficult to directly crush such a stronghold.

Fortunately, although the magical firepower on their side is insufficient, the Minotaur tribe's side is even less worth mentioning, or even nonexistent.

These creatures with excessive "strength" and "physique" and insufficient "intelligence" and "charisma", regardless of whether they have professional advancement, even if they do, almost all of them are warriors and barbarian warriors.

in this way……

Leylin Evans still led the team to the front.

The hero of Neverwinter, who had multiple layers of spells and divine spells on his body and ignored long-range attacks, was still unstoppable even though he was facing an extremely powerful giant axe-minotaur.

In particular, in addition to the three core members of the "Sons of Drogan" who share the spearhead with him, there are also Nasira and Irilyn, both of whom have also reached level 15 or above. level.

Especially Irilyn, as one of Kui Lu's left and right arms in the "Dark Maiden Corridor", this half-drow elf is not only the high priest of Eilistraee, but also advanced sword dancer, and is a member of the Darksong Knights. The core leader's total professional level is as high as level 17. Compared with Leylin Evans, there is not much difference.

Even if we only look at sword skills, as the leader of the Darksong Knights, who has been fighting against the demonic forces under the Spider Queen in the Underdark all year round, she must be better than Leylin Evans.

With this superb swordsmanship, Yililin was able to kill at the front, and she could advance or retreat as she pleased.

Jin, she has the same style as Leylin Evans. With exquisite sword skills and miraculous steps, she is sealing the Minotaur's throat with her sword.

After retreating, she already possesses high-level magical abilities. She only gives her teammates a healing spell from time to time, so that this spearhead team has almost no worries.

In addition, the three core members of the "Sons of Drogan", including Nasira, also have powerful combat skills and mastery of magic abilities.

From time to time, a magic touch, from time to time magical medical treatment, this spearhead team is completely unstoppable.

behind them.

The newcomers of the "Sons of Drogan" and the guards of the Dark Maiden Corridor were naturally following closely.

Continuous long-distance shooting with bows and arrows assisted them in clearing away the minotaurs coming from the side, and some priests also performed medical magic from time to time...

This mutual cooperation is much closer than the previous battle between "Son of Drogan" and "Bull and Elk".

But even so, the Minotaur tribe was not directly defeated.

The fortress occupied by the Minotaur tribe has a maze-like structure.

Even though Leylin Evans and the others were overwhelming, the layers of defense structures in the maze itself still hindered their advancement.

Not to mention, there were constant traps in the maze, the hidden arrows shot from the walls, and the rolling stones that appeared in the passages from time to time, which not only caused casualties, but also further hindered their advancement speed.

But everything has an end in the end.

Since these minotaurs can be conquered by the drow, they are also unable to stop the combination of "Sons of Drogan" and "Dark Maiden Corridor".

When Leylin Evans led the team and fought their way through the maze area, a circular square like an arena appeared in front of them.

Looking at the Minotaur army on the other side of the square, there is already a dense array of Minotaur troops. Especially in the center of the array, there is actually a giant Minotaur monster. Even if its upper limbs are on the ground, it is as huge as a hill and exudes a terrifying and frightening aura...

"Giant Bull Demon!"

Although Leylin Evans had already known about the existence of this tanar'ri demon from the Formian Ant Guard, he still looked slightly solemn at this moment.

Although the giant bull demon has low intelligence and is not agile enough, it can even be said to be slow, and it does not possess a series of spell-like abilities like other high-level tanar'ri. However, even so, this tanar'ri demon can still compete with The Killer Demon is tied, only slightly inferior to the Six-Armed Snake Demon!

If you want to solve this kind of high-level Tanari when the spell power is not dense enough and the caster level is not high enough, you must be mentally prepared in advance for the casualties!

"I will lead my team to entangle them, and you can take advantage of the chaos to rescue the Nafumi Queen first!"

Leylin Evans whispered to Nasira and Irilin, and immediately, the high-level magic scroll obtained from the previous drow wizard appeared in his hand.

Although the Elf Sword Mage is known as a special profession that perfectly integrates art, magic and swords, its gorgeous combat skills, although graceful, charming, sharp and deadly, in the end, this profession still hinders the growth of spellcasting level.

Even now Leylin Evans has raised his professional level to level 19 through many fierce battles, which is only one step away from level 20. However, the level of warrior and the level of elf sword mage, among which The caster level that was lost reached level 6.

The current Leylin Evans has only mastered level 7 magic.

Coupled with several fierce battles today, he actually has no inventory of spell slots in terms of high-level spells.

The reason why I encountered the Formian Ant Guard and knew that there was a Giant Bull Demon Queen here, but I still insisted on getting rid of the Minotaur tribe today...

"Withering Technique!"

While facing the giant bull demon as he walked out, Leylin Evans began to use high-level magic scrolls without any regrets.

The eighth-level magic "Death Technique"!

Although this spell was beyond his control, he had specialized in magic training at "Drogan Academy".

With his current strength and influence, the academy, and even the Harper organization behind the academy, naturally would not have any restrictions on him.

Therefore, he also has a deep understanding of high-level magic beyond his own control.

Adding the Spellcraft level determined by the total class level is enough.

At this time, he was confident enough to successfully activate this "Withering Technique" scroll.

The expansion of the magic scroll is activated again.

When that terrifying negative energy swept over a huge cloud of death quickly.

In front of this magical power, the Minotaur army, which had high morale, suddenly fell into panic.

When the giant bull demon, driven by the leader of the Minotaur, rushed towards this side with steps that made the earth tremble...

"As expected!"

"I see!"

Isaac, who had already replaced the permanent true knowledge effect of the Barlow form with the mage profession "True Knowledge", at this time, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Sure enough... this was with the sweep of the "Withering Technique". When the large number of minotaurs were directly evaporated by the death energy and their blood died, at the same time, the giant bull demons rushed in as if they were not affected by many points. At that time, the intensity of the aura on the heroes of Neverwinter City indeed changed significantly.

As for the "original"... when a large number of lives were slaughtered by the heroes of Neverwinter at the same time, he finally noticed some essence and some roots!


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