Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1183 Determined Harvest

boom! boom!

Although the giant bull demon's impact seemed a bit clumsy, every step it took made the earth tremble continuously, as if it might trample the maze at any time.

In addition, it has its own "aura of fear".

At this time, the impact came. It was the people who were walking out of the maze level and entering the circular square, whether they were the "sons of Drogan" or the temple guards, but their expressions all changed.

Even in the bottomless abyss, the giant bull demon is regarded as a natural siege weapon, and its impact from the front is unstoppable.

This is true for sieges, not to mention breaking formations.

Face the impact of it...

"Everyone spread out and fight freely!"

The heroes of Neverwinter City had just completed the release of the "Death Technique", and with another deep command, they faced the giant monster directly.

Naturally, it is impossible for a sword mage to withstand the impact of the giant bull demon in terms of strength. However, with sufficiently high agility and dodge, especially the passive increase from professional abilities, as long as the giant bull demon does not ignore his attacks and target others, He is still certain about entangling this high-level Tanari and creating opportunities for others.

With him as a pioneer.

Eilistraee's followers also cheered up from the shock.

The bard's song suddenly became louder.

Boost morale!

Boost your combat power!

Immediately, some people followed the heroes of Neverwinter and surrounded and killed the giant bull demon, and more people fought against the giant bull demon, and at this time they were also killing the minotaurs coming here.

Inevitably, there were also people who used invisibility and sneaking, but they pointed to the location behind the arena where the "Forbidden Demon Cage" mentioned by the Formian Ant Guards was located.

"Ai, how's it going?"

Kui Lu couldn't sit still anymore and looked at Isaac again.

Leylin Evans' behavior has been approved by her. This hero of Neverwinter City is indeed responsible. Therefore, even if he is involved, there is a high possibility that Mephistopheles is involved. , even if it is the Spider Queen's conspiracy, she will try her best to save him.

Of course, the reason why he couldn't sit still at this time was not because of Leylin Evans.

Although Leylin Evans is definitely not at his peak due to the problem of spell consumption, even so, if the giant bull demon threatens his life, it cannot be done in a short while.

Her real worry is the threat posed by the Giant Bull Demon to others!

Naturally hostile to the Spider Queen, she is too familiar with the tanar'ri demons.

Although a behemoth like the Giant Bull Demon is slow,...

With the "Spider Walking Technique", it can not only crawl vertically at will, but even upside down, climb on the ceiling, and climb on the top of the cave, whatever it wants.

With the "Flying Technique", if anyone tries to threaten it with a distant attack from the air, what they will encounter will be a hill crashing into it from across the sky.

That's not even the most important thing.

Although the giant bull demon is slow, the fundamental reason why it is not afraid of close siege is...


Just then Kui Lu looked towards Isaac.

Facing the siege of Leylin Evans and the three core members of "Son of Drogan", the giant bull demon suddenly let out a roar of thunder.

Those arms, like those of a mountain gorilla, thumped the ground with unparalleled power.

The ground suddenly shook violently, and extremely strong magical energy exploded instantly. With the giant bull demon as the center, the range reached a radius of 80 feet on the ground. The extremely sharp shock wave caused the ground of the boulder structure to roll violently, everywhere. They are all opening up bottomless cracks.


The giant bull demon can use supernatural powers to launch attacks similar to the "earthquake spell", and the range reaches a radius of about 80 feet!

Moreover, such an "earthquake" effect has absolutely no effect on the Giant Bull Demon itself, as well as its kind.

Therefore, any creature that loses its balance within this range will be destroyed by their iron fist!

Leylin Evans's killing may have been due to his own ability and was not affected by the shock, but before the giant bull demon's unparalleled power, he may not be able to block the giant bull demon's attack on others. attack!

This is exactly what Kui Lu is worried about.

Witnessing the impact of this earthquake shock wave.

The hero of Neverwinter immediately used the "Hazy Song", and his figure jumped on the churning ground like an illusion, still killing the giant bull demon.

But most of those who followed were already unstable, or even fell directly.

Kui Lu was not prepared to continue watching.

Although the giant bull demon's intelligence is undoubtedly the lowest among the higher tanarina, can Kuilu still stand aside and hope that it will not attack those people?

"You take action, I will cooperate with you secretly."

"As for Leylin Evans, we will discuss it later."

It seemed from the Dark Sister's look that Isaac understood what she meant, and he nodded slightly.

He has roughly understood what is wrong with Leylin Evans. What he will study and discuss later is just how Mephistopheles plans to use this hero of Neverwinter.

It would be okay for Kui Lu to take action at this time.

After all... Halaster already knew of the arrival of the Dark Sisters.

In response, almost immediately, the faint silver moonlight lit up in the sky over the square.

Another beautiful song sounded at the same time.

In the midst of the song, the dark sisters with flying silver hair appeared in the light, and pierced the air with their singing swords. The cold silver moon flames bloomed instantly, and then turned into a cone of flames, which shot towards the giant bull below. magic.

It seems that all preparations have been made for this.

Just waiting for this moment to really take action.

"Monster Holding Technique!"

Isaac didn't even look at it.

The vitality of the giant bull demon is second to none among the high tanaris, especially the life energy level, which generally surpasses the Balor fire demon, even by a good margin.

Even if it was Kui Lu and Leylin Evans could cooperate, it was impossible for him to get rid of this giant monster in the blink of an eye.

As for Anasia, he has been having a heated relationship with the Dark Sisters recently, and since they are all here, he will not sit back and watch the giant bull demon's violent struggle, causing trouble to Kui Lu's followers, and then... It affected the harmony between him and the Dark Sisters.

Just raise your finger from a distance.

Even if there is no super magic enhancement such as "spell remaining power".

But the endless oppression of the soul and will is still so powerful that it is impossible for the Giant Bull Demon to resist it.

It was Kui Lu who slashed down with her sword, sweeping in the strong power of the moon flames and bombarding the giant bull demon.

The mountain-like body of this giant monster froze at the same time, as if the cold power of the moon flame had directly frozen its soul.


Leylin Evans and the other members of the "Sons of Drogan" were first surprised and then overjoyed by this sudden change.

Naturally, he knew that this was the arrival of reinforcements from the Dark Maiden Corridor.

Even if the guess is correct, only the most mysterious one among the "Seven Sisters" is possible with this extraordinary temperament like the goddess of the moon!

This time it is completely stable!

Even if there are any conspiracies and tricks on the drow side, you don’t need to worry about it!

That being the case...

"Song of Fury!"

Although some people can't understand how Kui Lu-Vela Zhuo's magical ability can paralyze the giant bull demon.

However, for such high-quality improvement resources as the Giant Bull Demon, Leylin Evans will naturally compete for them!

While the giant bull demon was paralyzed, the sword mage used his most powerful and gorgeous sword skills and once again attacked like a storm.

Isaac was also slowly approaching at this time.

Staring at the hero of Neverwinter City, one after another strange colors were flashing through his eyes.

Raylin Evans is in the good camp, there is no doubt about it.

However, there is no doubt that he is connected to some source of evil.

This reminded him of someone.

He is also very famous in Neverwinter City, the most famous drow ranger in the North!

Judging from what he learned from certain channels, the drow ranger should have been favored by the forest goddess, and may have even become her chosen one.

However, this does not prevent him from being favored by the Spider Queen at the same time.

Even if he has always been the enemy of the Spider Queen and foiled her plot, it still doesn't matter, the Spider Queen loves him!

"Whether you believe in gods or not, love them or not, gods don't care!"

"Just like whether the gods love you or not, this also does not require your understanding and does not care whether you accept it or not!"

"That's exactly what happened to Leylin Evans."

"Whether he accepts it or not, it doesn't matter. He is already bound to Mephistopheles."

"Through killing, he can improve his strength and professional level. This is because the souls of the killings he causes will fall to the eighth level of Baator Hell, the capital of Mephistopheles, Cania! "

"In fact, this can also be regarded as a kind of sacrifice."

"By sacrificing the souls of the dead, you can gain increased strength."

"As for the way to make this sacrifice, and the way to get the corresponding feedback..."

Staring at Leylin Evans, he used the magic sword with the "power of order" added in advance to penetrate the giant bull demon's vital points like a whirlwind.

No matter how powerful the giant bull demon's vitality is, when its will is completely unable to resist Isaac's "Monster Holding Technique" and it is completely unable to struggle, no matter what, it can't hold up Leylin Evans. Violent attack.

Ten seconds were unprecedented.

The giant bull demon was first hit by the "Death Technique" and then hit by Kuilu Yueyan. When he couldn't move, he stabbed Leylin Evans with the long sword of order several times in a row. After the heart attack.

No matter how strong the giant bull demon's vitality was, it was still completely wiped out in this series of fatal blows.

This is also the moment.

"It's the field!"

"The 'Devil's Domain' run by Mephistopheles!"


Now that they were close to Leylin Evans, Isaac's "true seeing" eyes were staring at the hero of Neverwinter, but they penetrated some kind of concealment effect and saw something unusually dazzling. of dark aura.

"There is another evil magic weapon that is directly related to Mephistopheles!"

"It is through this magic weapon that Mephistopheles can further pass on the 'Devil Realm' and perhaps the 'Magic Realm' he controls to give the feedback of the sacrifice without any abnormalities. On to him!"

The second time, Isaac confirmed this through observation again.

After two consecutive observations and determinations, we can basically draw a conclusion!

Just in front, these people, including Kui Lu, continued to kill the Minotaur and rescued Queen Formi.

But there was some thinking in Isaac's eyes.

Two questions!

First, Mephistopheles went through such twists and turns to "cultivate" the heroes of Neverwinter...

"It shouldn't be a simple matter, just to kill Valsaris!"

"It can't be killed either!"

There is an oath and a contract. If Mephistopheles has to obey some orders from Valsaris, no matter how powerful Leylin Evans is, he can still be better than his "hidden master" Isn’t it great?

As long as Valsaris remains cautious, not to mention Leylin Evans, even a chosen one like Kui Lu has no confidence that he can break through Mephistopheles and kill the drow queen. die.

"The real purpose lies in that contract and that oath!"

"However, the training of Leylin Evans...how can Valsaris break the contract between them without warning?"

Isaac's eyes frowned slightly.

Although he didn't know the specific content of the contract between the Drow Queen and the Hell Demon King.

However, for some general frameworks, this is still conceivable.

Come to think of it, Mephisto cannot harm Valsaris on his own initiative, and Valsaris cannot force Mephisto Felis to harm himself. This is definitely impossible.

Then, Mephistopheles's "secret training" of Leylin Evans must have targeted a certain clause in the contract.

Once Valsaris takes the bait and actively violates this contract, Mephistopheles will naturally be able to get rid of the shackles of the contract.

At that time, it was the time when the Hell Demon King truly began to conquer.

However, even if we can guess this direction, but...

"Stop Leylin Evans so that Valsaris can continue to control Mephistopheles, including his legion of hell!"

"If you don't stop it, Mephistopheles will control it himself."

"Unless it can be found, it will not only destroy Mephistopheles' conspiracy, but also expel him back to hell, leaving Valsaris without any possible way to control him..."

When this idea came up, Isaac was not in a hurry to go deep into it immediately.

Although it was because of Kui Lu and the reason why Anasia was here, he didn’t want to see Waterdeep City destroyed by the Demon King of Hell.

But obviously, he definitely cannot deal with such a thing alone.

There are many powerful people in Waterdeep City, not to mention the church temple. Even if they have to keep it secret, this is what Kelben and Laila have to worry about. Why should he wait to go into battle on his own?

Compared to this matter, he was more curious about the second question.

"This method of Mephistopheles is actually linked to my idea of ​​a 'professional card'!"

"It's just that the steps on these two sides are exactly opposite."

"Relationship through fields..."

Isaac's eyes flashed.

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