Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1184 Action

With Kui Lu's action, especially, the Dark Sisters have not had any consumption today and almost seem to be in peak condition.

Once the giant bull demon died, the minotaur tribe would naturally be unable to pull off any tricks.

However, within a short time, Nasira and Irilyn joined forces to protect and then rescue Queen Formi.

Without the restrictions of the demon-forbidden cage, when the Fermi ant queen used her natural telepathy of the group, she immediately recalled all the Fermi ants.

In an instant, even the troops were at a disadvantage, and the Minotaur tribe collapsed completely.

Not only the circular square, but Queen Formi's powerful ant guard team led a large number of soldier ants into other areas of the maze.

As for the minotaurs who had not escaped pursuit, none of them could survive under the relentless pursuit of these vengeful giant ants.

And it was with the rapid capture of the Minotaur tribe.

Although they were not planning to launch an attack on the drow camp right now, the "sons of Drogan", Kui Lu and others, as well as the rescued Fermi ant queen, still discussed the next step. Specific layout.

And after knowing their final destination.

The telepathic voice of Queen Fermi rang in everyone's minds: "Everyone, if you just want to enter the North District and then go to the West District, I have a secret passage that can bypass that drow. The elves’ camp can be entered into the North Area without going through connecting passages or fighting…”

The Fermi queen is incapacitated.

Her movement at this time was caused by a large number of worker ants digging under her body and lifting her up.

This feeling is not pleasant.

In fact, if it weren't for the presence of Kuilu-Veladra among the people on the opposite side, although she would still assist these saviors to attack the drow, she would never stay here now. At most, she would stay here. Send down some ant guards to cooperate with these people on her behalf.

"Secret passages?"

Everyone was a little surprised.

Even on Nasira's map, there is no secret passage connecting the passages that can be bypassed directly.

However, it seems normal for such a secret passage to be in the hands of Queen Formia.

The Formian ants are good at digging. They were summoned here by Hellast, and it is very likely that they came here to dig tunnels.

It is naturally reasonable to know that there are some "ant paths" that only they themselves know.


"No, I don't think we should shy away from this battle."

"First of all, we have done our best to eradicate evil. We should not allow these evil drow who follow the Spider Queen to stay here."

"Secondly, and most importantly, we may be able to bypass them temporarily, but there is no guarantee that when we break through the next stronghold and enter the Western District, we will be attacked from behind by them."

“For important camps like this, if we know one, we should remove it!”

It was Leylin Evans who directly expressed his dissent.

Before the decisive battle comes, he needs further improvement.

Moreover, what he said was correct. The Spider Queen's minions staying in the Lost City would always be a trouble, and there was indeed the possibility of being flanked at a critical moment.

Fight all the way and remove all known strongholds. This is his usual style of leading a team!

"Evans is right. These strongholds and camps should not be left behind."

Although Kui Lu knew that he had other thoughts, she agreed with this point, but then, when she looked at Queen Formia, she changed her words slightly: "However, the secret passage that the Queen said is , but this is just right, with a little layout, we can bypass their defense line and catch them off guard."

The drow's camp and its defensive facilities are certainly not comparable to the Minotaur's labyrinth.

Kui Lu knew this only from the flame ballista she had encountered before.

The two flame ballistas before were obviously only temporarily mobilized.

Over there at the real camp, there must be a real fort built.

To withstand such a turret bombardment and attack the camp head-on... This is not impossible, but since Isaac most likely will not take action openly, the team will consume a lot of magic and even suffer casualties. , but it is inevitable.

If the ant queen's secret passage could allow them to avoid this frontal breakthrough, that would be great.

"That's exactly what the lady said."

"Just ask the lady to come up with a plan of action."

Leylin Evans and Queen Fermi both agreed.

Nasira, on the other hand, thought of something from this, and then said: "I know that there is a secret passage in the North District, which can go directly behind the fort of their North District camp. If you can get it then, If you get off the fort and bombard them in turn..."

"That's it!"

"Nasiela, you are most familiar with the situation in their camp. You and Yililin will formulate an action plan together!"

"Others, after cleaning up the battlefield, rest when they should and be vigilant when they should."

"In addition, Queen, I would also like to ask you to stay here temporarily. Your telepathy is enough to grasp the general situation of the entire central area through Formian ants.

If there are special changes in the camp opposite, I want your attention and call the police..."

Queen Fermi's group telepathy can even cover a huge area with a radius of dozens of miles, and she can establish a spiritual link with her people.

Similarly, as long as she has a creature she knows directly within this area, she can also communicate telepathically.

Such supernatural abilities are much more powerful than spells such as "telepathy".

Even the special telepathic abilities of tanar'ri and baatezu are simply incomparable.

Fermi ant queens have no ability to move, but with this ability, they command Fermi ants, whether they are marching or conducting special operations, they are all unparalleledly powerful and practical.

In response to Kui Lu's arrangements one after another, the team quickly went into rest after cleaning up the battlefield and the collection of the Tauren tribe.

At this time.

Once again leaving the matter to Irilin, Kui Lu secretly met Isaac again.

"He is related to Mephistopheles, there is no doubt about it."

"I speculate that he himself does not know this, and this is the key that Mephistopheles wants to use against Valsaris."

"As expected, there should be something hidden in him, the key to freeing Mephistopheles from the constraints of his contract!"


Regarding Kui Lu, Isaac did not hide his observations and further inferences: “Now there is a question.

Although we can guess that Mephistopheles wants to use him to break the contract, but...

If we stop Mephistopheles' conspiracy and prevent him from breaking free from the constraints of the contract, then he and his hell army will be controlled by Valsaris, and the current situation will not change.

And if we sit back and watch His conspiracy succeed... He, freed from the shackles of the contract, will personally command His demon army!

In both cases, I think you probably don’t want to see it. "

As he spoke, Isaac's expression showed some solemnity and solemnity.

This is not possible to stop the conspiracy!

But if you don’t stop the conspiracy, it’s even more impossible!

Isaac spoke so straightforwardly that Kui Lu would not fail to understand.

The dark sisters couldn't help but also have a bunch of brows.

Although she once expelled the incarnation of the Ancient Eye almost single-handedly, it was completely different between then and today.

At that time, the Goddess of Magic and Eilistraee could use her to send down the divine power at the same time. Even the Eye of the Ancients had to be under the power of silver fire from the two gods, especially the Goddess of Magic herself. Recoiling in embarrassment and fear.

But today, with the evolution of the laws of the world, even if she has the essence of dual elects, and she is closer to the gods than her six sisters, the goddess of magic and Eilistraee can no longer control the endless world through her as they did in the past. The earth has unleashed its divine power.

If she really encountered Mephistopheles today, it would be difficult to banish this hell demon.

And under the premise that it cannot be exiled.

If this can neither prevent its conspiracy, nor cannot it not be stopped...

Eyes slightly locked, Kui Lu pondered for a while, but still had no clue of a solution. Finally, she looked at Isaac: "Ai, what suggestions do you have?"

"Without knowing the specific content of the contract, I don't have a clear solution, so there are three situations."

"First, contact Kelben and the others as soon as possible. If he is sure of forcibly expelling this Hell Demon King, just do it directly."

“But if it doesn’t work out, then it’s necessary to make two preparations.”

"First, Valsaris cannot die for the time being!"

"Whether she takes the bait this time or not, whether Halaster is really waiting for her, it's not yet time to deal with her, and Mephistopheles is no longer bound by the contract... "

In the sound, Kui Lu nodded.

Whether Mephistopheles can be expelled is difficult to judge for the time being.

However, Valsaris cannot die now!

So...if Halaster is really designing, she may have to stop this crazy mage!

"Secondly, we need to find out the specific content of that contract as soon as possible to see if it is possible to solve this problem through a contract. In addition, during this period, Leylin Evans cannot have anything happen to him..."

Find out what the contract says!

The specific content of this contract is probably only known to Valsaris and Mephistopheles themselves.

It is almost impossible to start from Mephistopheles.

Therefore, Isaac’s intention is to start from Valsaris’ side!

After understanding this, Kui Lu nodded slowly, while still thinking deeply, she said: "I will notify Kelben and Laila immediately, but regardless of whether Kelben can find them , the method of forcibly exiling Mephistopheles, at least before he is found, we must prepare for the next thing as soon as possible..."

That day, Kui Lu stayed in the Lost City of Earth Lines.

She has a sense of responsibility for her followers and a sense of urgency for crises. As the spiritual leader of the "Dark Maiden Corridor", she has the necessity to lead by example.

However, Isaac returned to the villa.

After accompanying Anasia for a while, he made some adjustments to the magic preparations, and also thought about further improvement ideas for some "professional cards". In the early morning of the second day, he returned to Earthline Maze City again.

Acting alone, his whereabouts would not be noticed by anyone.

Not long after, he entered the central area and caught up with the temple guards.

At this time, the guards had already begun to take action.

Under the leadership of Kuilu and Yililin, the temple guards headed straight for the drow camp.

On the other side, earlier and faster than them, the "Sons of Drogan" people, led by two Formian ant guards, got into an "ant tunnel".

Of course, it is called an "ant tunnel", but it can accommodate the Fermi ant guards and even the worker ants carrying the queen in and out. It can certainly accommodate everyone's passage.

In addition, soldier ants from the Formian ant tribe are also gathering in large numbers.

Captured and imprisoned by the drow, how could Queen Fermi not take revenge after escaping this time?

Moreover, she is also afraid of the drow, especially those baatezu devils, whether they will come again.

Being able to completely resolve these potential threats, Queen Fermi will not miss the opportunity!

There are four more Formian ant guards, and a group of six overseer ants, plus the creatures enslaved by the overseer ants, and at least hundreds of soldier ants...

Influenced by the ubiquitous psychic power of Queen Formi, this ant army, which had already reached a certain scale, quickly gathered around the temple guards from various places.

Such a scale of action, such momentum...

It was naturally impossible for the drow camp to be unnoticed.

Preparations have been made for a long time, and various defense facilities have been put into combat readiness.

Slave armies were pushed to the front lines.

The most elite drow lizard knights team was mobilized from all over.

Not to mention, there are a considerable number of Ba Ba demons.

It seems that, facing this approaching war, the Drow camp has mobilized all its main forces to this front.

This is not because they were careless.

With the North District and later the West District under their control, and even Hellast being imprisoned by them,

Since neither the North District nor the West District missed a beat, there would naturally be no danger behind them.

What is coming from the front is obviously the power of the combined army of the Dark Maiden believers and the Formian ants, which is the most intuitive threat.

But it’s just that they have concentrated their main force here...

The ubiquitous telepathic link between Queen Fermi and her people fluctuated frequently.

The special operations team has entered the northern area from the "ant tunnel" and is heading towards the connecting passage. This is because the guidance of the two Formi ant guards is within the ant queen's perception.

The large-scale military ants and the four ant guards leading them were also clearly understood by her.

Commanding both sides at the same time, the queen's telepathy is still in constant contact with Kui Lu.

"We have arrived at the connecting hall."

"Nasiela is turning invisible and sneaking."

"Leylin Evans has also entered an advanced invisibility state."

"Using the 'Silence Technique' to block the sound transmission of the connecting channel, they began to attack!"

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