Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1185 Keep up


Just when the "Sons of Drogan" arrived at the hall connecting the North District to the Central District, they launched an attack.

The team led by Kui Lu himself was approaching the central camp of the drow elves.

Through Queen Fermi, she had a simultaneous and clear understanding of the situation on the "Sons of Drogan" side, and Kui Lu immediately issued an order to cooperate.

The operation had already been rehearsed, and Yililin immediately led her team and started a feint attack.

The Formian ant guards also cooperated.

There was a movement on their side.

In the drow camp, preparations were also made. The flame ballistas placed at high altitudes and the various crossbows in the camp immediately began to fire densely, covering the area.

Even for Yililin and the others, this was just a feint attack, and they had already come into contact with the ballista chariot, so they were already prepared.

But when these ultra-long-range ballistae fire intensively, each bombardment will trigger a small-scale pyrotechnic explosion...

In the first encounter, there were still quite a few people who suffered certain injuries in the flame explosion.

In other words, this "pyroblast" is just the enchantment effect on the crossbow arrows, not the real "pyroblast". This is what the temple guards can withstand.

And in this case, Zi has "no choice" but to retreat.

They were just about to launch the first wave of offensive, but they only shot a few arrows and threw a few javelins. They were so embarrassed that the followers of the Dark Girl, including the Formian Ant Guards, all retreated. deep in the passage.

Of course, even though it was just a feint, it couldn't really be that simple.

It is they who are deep in the indentation passage.

However, there is another extremely dense wall of clouds and mist. On one side, the mist is continuously spreading, and on the other side, it is rushing towards the camp from the passage.

At the same time, among the Formian ant army, the overseer ants also came out.

Driven by their enslavement, a group of magic bat-like creatures clung to the top of the passage and flew behind the wall of fog.

In the distance, there was another ant guard, pointing to the direction of the camp with its poisonous javelin.

"The Wrath of Order!"

The fourth-level domain magic in the Order Domain, however, to the Formian Ant Guards, is only a long-range spell based on their natural spell-like abilities, which is projected from a distance.

The attacks came one after another.

The Drow camp did not dare to relax at all.

That long-range bombardment, especially focused on the fog wall.

And in the wall of fog, there were constant screams of creatures, resounding in the explosion of fire.

Naturally, this bombardment couldn't stop.

at the same time.

"The connecting hall has been captured."

"Led by Nasira, they are sneaking into the central area."

"The three gun carriages on the front turret are their first targets..."

The messages from the queen ant are still coming.

Nasira was not only a drow herself, but also a member of the "Red Sisters". She was very familiar with the army under Valsaris.

In fact, she was able to enter the central area earlier because she used some tricks and took this passage.

At this time, if we lead the team and walk again, there will be no problem at all.

In addition, the attention of the drow camp was attracted by them...

"Prepare for a general attack!"

Kui Lu first gave orders to the temple guards and the Formian ant guards.

She believed that Nasira and Leylin Evans could capture the fort quickly.

And once Nasira and the others complete this step, a crazy counterattack from the other side is inevitable.

With the power of this drow camp, especially the power of the Baatez devils, although Leylin Evans and the others were powerful, they could not really block all counterattacks with one single effort.

On her side, she naturally wanted to respond as quickly as possible.

So, it’s time for the general attack to begin!


The temple guards and ant guards took orders one after another.

Especially those ant guards.

The Formian ants were born in the mechanical realm of the outer plane. Like the "modrons", they are manifestations of absolute "lawful neutrality".

But "lawful neutrality" does not mean that they are not aggressive. In fact, under the rule of Queen Formia, these creatures that are like a hybrid between ants and centaurs are always expanding their influence on machinery. occupation of the territory.

Not even modrons can stop their growth.

With such aggressiveness, they don't actively attack others, which is already very good.

The hatred for the queen ant being imprisoned is also a shame. How could she not take revenge?

Not to mention that there is a queen ant who is personally commanding now. Even if the queen ant is not here, these ant guards will definitely avenge themselves if they get the opportunity!

Now they are even more impatient than Eilistraee's followers.

However, despite the excellent orderliness of lawful creatures, no matter how impatient they are, before the attack orders of Kui Lu and the Queen Ant are actually issued, these giant ants are all like sculptures, making no sound at all. The ground was motionless.

However, they don't have to wait long.

Just for a moment.

The firepower at the drow camp suddenly dropped.

Almost immediately after, on those forts, the flame ballistas bombarded each other.

The riot broke out immediately.

"Army attack!"

"Follow me!"


Without any hesitation, Kui Lu's body flashed with silver light, and her figure flew out of the passage first with great speed.

Even if a riot breaks out, at this time, it is impossible for all firepower to ignore this side.

She was the first to attack in order to attract all the firepower to herself.

With her reflex dodge ability and the blessing of a powerful magical state, as long as she is not directly hit by those flame ballistas, she is not afraid of ordinary crossbows at all.

At this time, as Nasira and others suddenly bombarded the surrounding forts, the forts were already in chaos, but there were no flame ballistas at all, and they could still aim.

Kui Lu took the lead in fighting.

Immediately after, Yililin led the temple guards, and the ant guards led groups of soldier ants, and immediately rushed out like a tide.

The energy of magic and divine spells immediately exploded over the camp.

Then, another roar sounded in the camp.

Wielding serrated swords, those Ba Ba demons are all turning on the "violent" state!

There are also drow priestesses driving the troglodyte to leap out.

The drow warriors wielding double swords also came out to fight.

There are also elite assassins from the "Red Sisters" hidden among them.

Even, in the darkness, the ugly and strange figure of the spider elf appeared.

But they are not the most dangerous ones.

In a fortress in the camp.

He was closely protected by a team of drow warriors.

There is also a dark heavy armor on the left and right, exuding a strong aura of death and despair, very similar to the death knight, but there is no powerful undead warrior following the nightmare mount.

A drow mage wearing a dark robe, holding a staff of darkness in his hand, with eyes as red as blood, exuding a strong evil and depraved aura, was looking down at all of this with a grim look.

Yesterday, he received news that the Minotaur tribe had been breached and the Nafmi ant queen had been rescued. He just knew that the camp in the central area was bound to be attacked.

Therefore, he led his people to come here quickly from the West District stronghold yesterday.

As for the understanding of the abilities of the Queen Ant, he did so secretly.


Although some changes were beyond his expectation, and the chaos in the camp did occur, but...

"As long as we can get her here..."

"No matter how big the loss is, Varsari is only happy!"

The drow wizard's cold eyes were fixed on the sky like a poisonous snake, where the silver-haired figure of the Moon Goddess descended, exuding a strong sacred aura.

If his suspicion is correct, this person is probably the legendary chosen one of the Dark Maiden!

If he had encountered this person directly at any other time, he would have avoided it.

But in the current melee environment, this man has to deal with the people around him from time to time, but this gives him a chance!

However, no immediate action was taken.

Facing such a level of enemies, the drow wizard is very familiar with it. He only has one chance.

If he fails to completely deal with this elector at once, he will have no choice but to retreat immediately without saying a word, and this is the end of the road.

He was not even absolutely sure whether he would be able to escape smoothly when the time came.

Therefore, he must make sufficient preparations before taking action.

Analyze the condition of this person, including the equipment, as clearly as possible. This is just a basic step.

More importantly...

"We still need to find, or create, the most suitable time to attack!"

Eliminating all distracting thoughts, the drow wizard was observing calmly as much as possible.

Although the distance between him and that side cannot be directly analyzed through the magical aura.

But careful and careful observation.

In a short time, he still made considerable discoveries and judgments.

"Magic missiles are ineffective!"

"Lightning beam and fireball spells are also ineffective!"

"This seems to be the priest's robe on her body, giving her immunity to low-level spells!"

"It's just that magic arrows and even all magic weapons have no effect on her?"

"And her weapon..."

Seeing the dark lady with a singing sword in one hand and a scepter in the other, she was invincible on the battlefield.

No matter whether it is the crazy Baba Demon, the Spider Queen Priestess, or those spider elves, they cannot pose any hindrance to her at all.

Unconsciously, the drow wizard's eyes were deeply wrinkled.

In his vision, whether it is the Ba Ba demon, the spider elf, or even sending out his death guards, as long as he can hinder the Dark Lady's spellcasting at the critical moment, so that he can have a wave of High-level spells, this is the best chance to take it away.

But from observation at this time, this dark lady seems to be not only completely immune to low-level spells, but also all magic weapons seem to lose their magic directly as long as they come within a certain range of her body. Nature, it would be too difficult to break through the multiple magical states on her body!

Moreover, her Sword of Song, and the magic staff that resembles the essence of a holy weapon...

"Looking for opportunities directly from herself is too unguaranteed."

"The only way to start is with the people around her."


For a moment, the drow wizard actually hesitated a little, wondering whether he should take this risk.

There were too many things he couldn't understand about this dark lady.

Moreover, just with the current strength, especially the strength of spells, those below can't even test the foundation of the Dark Lady!

In this unclear situation, even if he can create an opportunity, it's hard to say how sure he can be to deal with this guy!

If you still take risks like this, then...

The drow wizard's eyes couldn't help but have some twinkling colors.

Taking action is taking a risk, taking a big risk!

But don't take action, just retreat...

"It's not impossible!"

"Valsaris must take this elector's personal action seriously."

"Sending this information to her will help her relieve her anger."

With this movement in his heart, the drow wizard's bloody eyes lit up.

It's not that he doesn't want to contribute to the queen, but it's hard for him to have any chance to contribute to this dark lady.

It is wise and sensible to stay useful and come back when there is hope!

"let's go!"

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, the drow wizard turned around and walked towards the depths of the fortress.

Naturally, his death guards and his drow guards quickly followed.

And just after them.

"I can actually hold back and not take action!"

Looking at the backs of the drow quickly leaving.

Invisibly, Isaac followed up slowly and slowly, but at the same time, there was a slight strange color in his eyes.

With "true vision" and "secret vision", he just flew over the camp and discovered many strong radiating sources of magic aura.

However, it was not the first time he noticed this drow archmage through the magical aura.

This person is huddled within the fortress, and his "true knowledge" and "secret vision" cannot directly penetrate the walls of the fortress.

What really made him notice something unusual was...

"Earthline Maze City Enchantment!"

"Is it Hellaster observing here secretly again?"

However, this time the barrier fluctuations were not directed at the battlefield, but at Kui Lu.

This time, if it is Hellast, this is pointing at the drow archmage!

But obviously, the drow archmage did not have the perception of him and Kuilu, and was unable to notice Halaster's observation.

But even so, this still aroused some curiosity in Isaac.

To be able to attract Halast's observation, this drow archmage either has something extraordinary, or... maybe it is related to some secret!

At this time, he suddenly retreated without a fight...

"Let's see if Halaster will take action against him?"

"If he still doesn't take action... he will probably retreat directly to the final stronghold in the West District!"

"Then just follow him."

"In this case, if an unexpected situation arises, Valsaris actually comes here. At least this will not allow the mad mage to directly kill her in the Lost City. At least, now is not the time!"

Thoughts flashed through me like this.

Isaac followed the drow wizard and his party slowly, and at the same time sent another message directly to Kui Lu: "A wizard is retreating, and the mad mage is also paying attention. I will follow him." look."

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