Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1188 Doppelgänger Trading

If he had known that the green dragon was here, Halaster would not have taken action today.

However, this is not why he dislikes this person.

Although this person is extraordinary, this is the Lost City of Earth Lines. Within the Lost City of Earth Lines, he does not need to taboo anyone!

On the contrary, just like when he faced the Elf King's court, this family has a great business. If we really want to say taboos, it should be this person who is afraid of him!

The reason why Halaster tolerated it was because in the past few years, he first owed Kelben and Lyla a favor, and then in the confrontation with the "Tangled Talisman", he had to fight with them, including this one, There was an alliance agreement, and this time, the lady also helped him regain his sanity. Only then, in this matter, did he feel a little guilty, and he did not want to have more contact with these people.

But even so, this does not mean that others can question him face to face, and they will continue to question him.

Halaster has never had a good temper.

But this anger of his...

A faint sneer appeared in Isaac's eyes.


"So, is your target really just her?"

In fact, he had some suspicions for a long time. Even though it has been confirmed that the person who was imprisoned by Halast was only a clone, there are still intriguing things to consider.

Although Halaster said that he was trying to lure out the person behind the scenes, but...

Isaac has always had some doubts about his imprisonment, especially this "cooperation".

At this time, Hellast was so angry that he directly said that he would imprison "her" and torture her forever...

Apparently, Isaac heard another meaning.

The mad mage knew that Mephistopheles was behind it, but his purpose was not aimed at Mephistopheles!

Contact him again and he is willing to use his clone to cooperate with the "imprisonment"...

Facing Isaac's slightly sneering gaze, the anger on Halast's face also cooled down.

When their eyes met, the two people's incredibly powerful spiritual wills directly merged for an instant.

In this hall, an invisible force of oppression was produced that was more powerful and terrifying than the high-level mind shock spell.

For a moment, the space where the hall was located began to fluctuate and become distorted.

"Chaos Realm!"

Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly.

The direct merging of wills, in front of his eyes, the mad mage at this moment was like a ball of crazy burning green flames.

The essence of chaos that impacts the mind, impacts the soul, and even radiates to the level of ideas and concepts, is his level of this person. In fact, he has already made a certain judgment. At this moment, he still has some fear in his heart. come out.

No wonder the goddess of magic took advantage of his "madness" when she attacked the Lord of Hell!

In terms of level, at least, in terms of his own level, this person is indeed ahead of him.

Even among all the people he has encountered, excluding those true gods, regardless of actual combat power, only in terms of level, only Silinxi and the Witch King are likely to be on par with him. Shoulder, perhaps, Silinxi can be slightly better than him.

However, at most, it is only a slight victory. Even Ms. Silinxi will never be able to completely surpass him in terms of level!

This crazy mage may have stood at the highest point of the magic palace as early as a thousand years ago, but unfortunately, after the failure of the last step, he has stopped at this step forever. After a thousand years, the reason has continued to disappear. , the actual combat power is not even as good as it was back then.

Although his chaotic will is powerful and terrifying, as long as he is not like the goddess of magic, who can directly strip it of its essence and then integrate it into his domain concept, he does not need to be taboo!

"Dragon Realm!"


A direct union of wills.

Isaac can sense the essence of the mad mage.

Hellast himself is completely unsure of his domain philosophy.

The first one to bear the brunt is the green dragon's destiny domain.

The Dragon of the Gods!

Although this field of destiny seems to be only a preliminary involvement, but combined with the green dragon, which is even far stronger than his willpower, it is already able to withstand the oppression of his chaotic will.

However, it's not just that.

After stripping away half of the "madness" for the Goddess of Magic, Hellast's level of sanity can already penetrate into many subtle areas.

Hidden behind this "Dragon Realm".

If his perception is correct...

"It seems like a divine power!"

"What else is standing behind him?"

Within the Lost City of Earth, Halast does not need to taboo anyone.

But at this moment, he was still afraid.

This green dragon is the only one who is qualified to fight against him. Halaster has not forgotten that the arrival of this green dragon is also related to Kuilu, and furthermore to Kelben and Laila, and also There is a connection.

Although there is Earthline Lost City, he does not need to be taboo about anyone, but this does not mean that he can really fight against a group of people of this level!

The green dragon's aggressiveness is definitely due to this reason.

For a moment, Halaster was angry and cold-faced, but as his eyes flickered, he still couldn't really get angry.

In the end, he had a guilty conscience about what happened this time.

In the past two or three years, he has saved Kelben and Xinbu twice. If they were still crazy, that would be fine. But now, half of the madness has been cured for the lady. Halaster It's totally shameless if it's not true after all.

Therefore, in this tit-for-tat confrontation with the Green Dragon, it does not matter whether he is having an attack or not.

And the atmosphere between the two suddenly fell into a stalemate...

"The Archmage has gone too far."

"I have already said that I am not Kelben. How about Waterdeep City, this has nothing to do with me."

"So how and why you are related to that person is not at the top of my list of concerns."

The sneer in Isaac's eyes suddenly dissipated, and his "aggressive" posture also subsided.

He has seen that there is probably some connection between Sealast and Mephistopheles.

Even if his guess was correct, this incident still occurred during the period when Halaster failed to rescue Minnis and also fell into hell.

Presumably it was during this period that Mephistopheles interacted with him in some way.

Therefore, this time, he will "actively" repay this "imprisonment"!

However, Mephistopheles is not yet able to truly dominate Sealast.

Being able to make Halaster violate his agreement with Laila to a certain extent and cooperate with his design is already the limit.

And this is actually enough for Mephistopheles.

It would be great if Halaster could deal with Valsaris.

It's not impossible. As long as the heroes of Neverwinter face Valsaris head-on, this should be enough to realize his conspiracy.

As for why no information about Halaster has been leaked...

It’s nothing more than some contracts!

The contracts of the hell lords often correspond to the strict order of Baator Hell itself, and its compulsory force is sufficiently binding on the gods.

If there is a corresponding contract between Halaster and Mephistopheles, it will naturally be difficult to violate it.

Isaac's attitude softened in vain, especially since it was so straightforward...

Gradually, the anger in Hellast's eyes also faded, and he said coldly: "Let's be honest, what is your purpose?"

Maybe the green dragon's purpose of coming here is not to point out whether he is related to Mephistopheles, but for this person to come to the Lost City at this time...

Naturally, Halast would not think that this guy had nothing to do after he had enough to eat!

"Two things!"

It’s not like a mad mage can’t communicate!

Isaac smiled lightly: "First, Valsaris cannot die now. As long as the Archmage can ensure this, no matter what other plans you have, it has nothing to do with me."

Although Valsaris most likely would not appear, Isaac still confirmed this point again.

This is quite simple, and Halaster was unambiguous: "If she really dares to come, I certainly won't let her die so happily!"

"Then it'll be fine."

Isaac added: "The second thing is that during our previous encounter, I deeply admired the Archmage's attainments in the field of clones and projections.

When I came back this time, I had the intention of asking the Great Master for advice.

I wonder if the Archmage would be willing to communicate with me? "

The "clone" and "projection" of the mad mage are truly unique.

Even Isaac dared not say in front of him that the person in front of him must be the true form of the mad mage.

If we can have in-depth exchanges with this person in this regard, and further integrate it into his own research results, this will definitely speed up the progress of the multiple parallel connections of the "Tianshu Array"!

There were no good opportunities in the past, but this time they encountered it, Isaac did not influence others and stated his purpose straightforwardly.



Halaster had no idea how many years ago he had lost the habit of communicating with others. Even that group of students were abandoned by him without any care. How could he pick up this hobby again now?

But then again, if it were this person...

Although he was huddled in the Lost City of Earth and had little contact with the outside world, Halast did not know the reputation of this green dragon.

This man is also famous for his magic!

Especially, this is a giant dragon!

After a moment's hesitation, Halaster spoke slowly: "There is no need to ask for advice, but in exchange for equal value, if you can come up with the secret of magic that interests me, this deal is not no."

A magical secret that would interest Halaster!

There was a slight movement in Isaac's mind, and he asked: "What aspect and field of magic is the Archmage interested in?"

Halaster: "Any field is fine, as long as it is not within my existing control."

This sentence also shows that the mad mage really has no shortcomings.

Either it's not within his knowledge, or it makes him interested...

Isaac pondered for a moment and then said: "Thousands of years ago, after the demise of the Talfir Empire, I wonder if the Archmage would be interested in understanding the Talfir magic that is closely related to today's 'shadow magic'?"

He had some idea that the root cause of Halaster's madness lay in the conflict between the essence of magic and the essence of shadow magic.

Although this shows that Hellast must have had a very deep research on "Shadow Magic", but it is difficult to say whether he has any dialectical intention to compare it with "Talfir Magic". Further deepen your understanding of "shadow magic" and even control it.

But Halast immediately denied it completely: "There is no need to mention anything related to 'shadow magic'."

The Lady of the Dark Night suffered too much, and the crazy mage had a bit of a mentality of being a snake in the dark.

But when he said this...

That’s it, “any field is fine”…

Isaac's face remained motionless, but he cursed in his heart, and then said again: "In ancient times, the 'scaled race transformation' left by the Wuhui civilization can change the shape of all scaled races. , to confer abilities..."

Although this transformation, the "Snake of the Universe" that it originated from is no longer suitable for today's world.

But still, this magical secret comes directly from the "Golden Scroll", and its value is by no means ordinary.

Of course, the fundamental reason why Isaac is willing to come up with this technology without hesitation is that he has made further innovations based on this, and has replaced the root cause, replacing the "Snake of the World" It became the "Origin of Dragon", which is now the "Dragon Vein Granting Ceremony".

Of course, there is no need to tell Halaster about this.

Wu Hui civilization!

Scaly race transformation!

Isaac's take out was Halaster, and for a moment he showed some consideration.

In modern times, he first appeared, although it was more than a thousand years ago.

But in fact, before that, he had been in a state of "eternal stasis" and had been sleeping for thousands of years.

The true origin of Halaster, and even an extremely ancient magical dynasty.

As the most outstanding and powerful mage lord in the late dynasty, the secrets of magic he mastered were naturally universal.

Halast was not completely ignorant of the Wuhu civilization.

Even he didn't completely understand this "scaled race transformation".

This technology is of great use in creating combat legions.

Presumably, this is the reason why the green dragon has these powerful legions.


After pondering for a moment, Hellast's tone calmed down for the first time: "Your Majesty, you might as well talk about other aspects."

Due to the different races, the transformation of the scaly race was still not attractive enough for him.

However, Isaac showed his sincerity by using this technique.

Moreover, being able to produce such a technique also shows that Isaac indeed has a secret in his hands that can impress even him.

"A relic that has never been excavated yet, related to the ancient Frost Giant Empire!"

"The probability is not low, there must be some special life inside!"

"Perhaps, there should also be a direct inheritance of the mysteries of ancient runes from the age of giants!"

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