Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1189 Clone

The inheritance of giant runes from ancient times!

Although it still needs to be excavated and it is not absolutely certain yet, since the King of Red has taken it as a condition, he is naturally quite confident.


Halaster hesitated again.

To him, the inheritance of runes from the age of giants was much more practical than the "transformation of the scaly race" by the shaman civilization.

However, he heard another meaning of King Red.

There are ancient ruins that need to be excavated. I'm afraid this green dragon has them. I want to invite him to dig them together!

This is also normal.

If there really is a giant rune inheritance in the ancient ruins, in terms of value, it is obviously higher than his "clone technique" alone.

Therefore, it makes sense for the Green Dragon to invite him to take action together.

But... it's impossible for him to leave the Lost City of Earth!

Only with the lady's intervention did his madness improve. Now that he had left the Lost City, it was hard to say whether he would be tricked by that person again and eventually fall into the shadows again.

Now that his mind is recovering, what Halast wants is to find a solution as soon as possible, instead of looking at that person's face and expecting him to show his favor.

After pondering for a while, Hellast said: "I can give you the art of clone first, but I will not participate in the excavation of that ruins. In addition, if the excavation fails, or the rune inheritance, In the end, it’s not what I need, so I need you to do something yourself!”

Do something yourself?

Isaac's heart also moved unconsciously.

Halast would be interested in the rune inheritance of the Giant Empire, which was within his expectation.

Based on his analysis of the Mysterious City of Earth Lines, countless rune mysteries are incorporated into it, and if his analysis is correct, these rune mysteries should be roughly divided into two types.

A type that should be related to the dwarf civilization!

This is not surprising. The predecessor of Waterdeep City was Arinsada, the capital of the ancient moon elf kingdom Ilflan.

However, Erinsada is an open city, and there has always been a powerful dwarf clan underground.

But unfortunately, with the "Great Retreat", when the entire Elfalan elves moved to Evermeet Island, and completely wiped out Irene Saada with high magic.

This dwarf clan is very weak.

When Halaster came to Waterdeep and built Leyline Maze, the dwarf clan soon died out.

However, the death of the dwarf clan does not mean that this dwarf clan is not good.

If Isaac's guess is correct, he must have had an encounter with the dwarf lich before and made an appointment with him to jointly excavate the ancient frost giant ruins. He must be related to this dwarf clan.

With the power of the great dwarf lich, there is obviously no doubt about the power of this dwarf clan itself.

It can only be said that Hellast was too powerful back then.

Hellast, who is free of madness and at the peak of his strength, may not be as good as Chusi Linxi, but he is definitely not comparable to Kelben and the others.

During this period, Halaster looked towards the ground, and the fate of the dwarf clan was naturally doomed.

Halast probably also obtained a lot of rune secrets from this dwarf clan and used them in the Mysterious City of Earth Lines.

The origin of dwarf runes is the giant runes in ancient times.

At this time, he brought out the news about the ancient frost giant ruins, and Hellast was naturally not less interested.

Originally, he was looking forward to what would happen if Hellaster encountered the dwarf lich, but unfortunately, Hellaster had no intention of leaving the Lost City of Earth.

Isaac had no choice but to give up the idea.

As for the dwarven runes, there is another mysterious rune system in the Lost City of Earth...

This is Isaac. It is currently impossible to analyze the history and style, but I think it is either related to some ancient magical civilization that has long since died, or, it is not impossible, it is related to other planes, or even to outsiders. Related to planes.

For the time being, Isaac had no intention of going into details.

At this time, Hellast showed interest in the inheritance of giant runes, which was expected by him.

However, he did not expect that Halaster would add another condition.

If there is no rune inheritance in the final excavation, or the related rune mysteries are not of interest to Halast, this crazy mage actually wants him to do something.

For this reason, the mad mage was actually willing to give him the "Clone Technique" in advance!

Something that could embarrass the mad mage and actually ask him to take action...

Isaac frowned slightly in his heart: "I wonder what the Archmage is referring to?"

"In the battle between Mulhorand and Unther, I know you are supporting Unther. I want you to increase your support for Unther, at least not to let Mulhorand annex Unther!"

In the war between the two ancient kingdoms, with the general withdrawal of the Enser pantheon, even if the reason for the Dragon Queen is that there are many dragons on the side of Enser, and there is also the support of red robes, but now, the situation has changed. Still leaning towards Mulholland.

Coupled with the coming of Dragon Madness, this will inevitably affect the performance of the dragons. In the foreseeable future, Unser's situation will be even more severe.

But... what does this have to do with Halaster?

This kind of thing was completely beyond Isaac's expectations.

Ordinarily, the difficulty of interfering in the war between two ancient kingdoms must far exceed the value of the "Clone Technique".

However, Halast also said that the mad mage had known this before, and he had already intervened in this war, and because of the Dragon Queen, it was impossible to withdraw easily.

In this way, the mad mage's investment in the "Clone Technique" is just a plus!

While looking at Halaster thoughtfully, Isaac also thought about this matter.

After Dragon Madness, as long as he firmly takes over the Dragon Worship Cult, it is inevitable to spread his influence to Ense.

It is only natural to increase support for Enseul.

It’s just that Hellast’s current intervention...

Although it is somewhat difficult to judge what Halast's intention is, it may not be an opportunity.

Isaac quickly weighed in his mind and said slowly: "If the Archmage finally chooses this matter, as long as Unser is not completely annexed by Mulhorand before the end of the Dragon Madness, I will increase my efforts to Its support is strong, but..."

A strange look flashed in his eyes, and Isaac changed his words: "Besides this transaction, does the Archmage have any other ideas for cooperation? If the Archmage is willing, I think there will be many people who are willing. In Mulhorand, some teleportation gates have been built for the Archmage!"

Halast's most classic method is to use its magical portal technology to release the endless monsters in Leyline Maze City where they want to be released.

This was how the Elf King's Court was once embarrassed.

Now, if he is willing to take action against Mulholland...

"Your Majesty, there is no need to test anything."

"Although I don't mind causing some trouble for Horus, I'm not ready to be a direct enemy of these god kings yet."

Halaster refused everything without hesitation.

Although Mulhorand is his mortal enemy, Unser is not much different. It is best for him to allow the two sides to fight more intensely and hurt both sides.

Moreover, since the failure of that last step, he has been getting worse and worse, and now he is not ready to directly provoke those god kings.

Slowly, and using the power of the green dragon, the war between the ancient kingdoms became more and more out of control. For now, this is enough.

"It would be a pity that we can't join forces with the Archmage."

Isaac was not entangled either.

Even though it was not clear what the conflict was between Halast and the other side, everything was in no hurry.

"In this case, we will make an agreement to inherit the giant runes and support Enser..."

Kudu stopped looking for extra trouble, and the two quickly reached a deal agreement.

Hellast readily handed over the magical information related to the "Art of Clone".

Isaac accepted it and had no intention of breaking the contract.

With a kingdom around, it's easy, but he actually doesn't want to provoke Hellast.

This time he was strong against Hellast because he was on the side of Waterdeep City and had a natural alliance with Kelben and others.

No matter how difficult Halaster is to deal with, there is no way he and Kelben, as well as people like Lyra and Kui Lu, could face the combination at the same time.

And with this strength, he was able to obtain Halaster's "Clone Technique", which was an unexpected surprise.

"I'll wait for you here in the North District, and we'll discuss it in detail then."

After giving Kui Lu a message first, Isaac started reading the "Clone Technique" directly.

"Sure enough, it's based on 'cloning'!"

It is said to be a "clone technique", but in fact it should be more of a ritual.

The prelude to the ceremony is the creation of "clone".

This is naturally very familiar to Isaac.

After a few glances, although there were some steps and processes that were different from his "cloning technique", it naturally did not hinder his understanding.

Soon we got to the point.

"It's indeed interesting!"

"Wonderful idea!"

“Excellent creativity!”

At first glance, Isaac was very excited. Hellast's "Clone Technique" not only allowed for individual independence, but even when casting spells, it would not consume any of the spell slots of the main body, and could even Further upgrade the professional level, as if it were an independent existence.

But take a closer look and think deeply...


There was a sudden sense of déjà vu, and Isaac's eyes suddenly moved.

"Why do you feel like you've seen the reincarnation of the God King?"

"Could this be the conflict between Halaster and the god-kings of Mulhorand, especially the one named 'Horus', the head of the god-kings?"

Halast's "Clone Technique" also gave him a feeling that he seemed to be born out of the "reincarnation of the God King"!

However, it is different from the "reincarnated body".

"Reincarnation" is the extraordinary divine ability of the gods.

Halaster's "Clone Technique" is more like a legendary ritual.

Moreover, to carry out this legendary ritual, two major prerequisites are required.

First, the creation of the "clone" has already been mentioned.

Second, it is in the formal ceremony.

"The gods themselves are the unity of the concept and the concrete manifestation of the concept. Therefore, even if part of the sacred essence is stripped off and an independent reincarnation is created, it is still unified under the conceptual essence of the gods. In this way, it is realized. Since it is independent, It also unifies the core concept.”

"Although Halaster is not a god, he has reached the stage of sublimation from idea to concept. He has already reached the level of domain, and even created the 'Line Maze Barrier', which integrates all the essence of his existence. magical structure."

"That is to say, although he failed in the final sublimation, the essence of life is unified in the 'Maze of Earth Lines', and all ideas, and even fields, are also unified in it. For him, the Maze of Earth Lines is actually It is a special existence that is similar to a realm country, but slightly inferior."

"Even if it is an exaggeration... perhaps it should be said that this 'Maze of the Earth' is the real existence of Halaster, and all other 'halasters' should be just 'incarnations' and 'clones'! "

"It is precisely because of this special existence that he was able to create his own 'Clone Technique' based on the 'God King's Reincarnation'!"

"And, because the 'clone' is another precursor, his 'clone', at least at the starting point, is stronger than the reincarnation of the God King!"

Isaac already has a deep understanding and research on "reincarnation".

At this time, he combined the previous research results to analyze Halaster's "Clone Technique", and he quickly sorted out a central idea.

Take this central idea and combine it with yourself...

"Although the complete version of the permanent 'clone' is achieved, there are still insufficient prerequisites. Creating it may also cause hidden dangers. However, using the special state of the "power of the secret ritual" to create a short-term 'clone' ’, and then carry out multiple parallel connections of the ‘Tianshu Array’, this is enough!”

In his mind, Isaac first figured out this idea.

Although this "limited time" is limited by the "power of the secret ritual", it is truly extremely limited.

However, his current loyal servants are enough to list the strength of three complete "Heavenly Arrays". This means that no matter how limited the duration is, it is still enough for him to perform some beyond-limit mythological rituals!

It’s not just this “orthodox line of thinking”.

The excellence of the "orthodox thinking" is that the creation of clones will not temporarily weaken one's own power, including the life energy level.

But if the requirement of "prefix 2" is omitted,

To find another way, this "clone technique" is not impossible to achieve different essences from another angle.

"Temporarily strip away one's own essence at the expense of suffering negative levels..."

"Alternatively, this 'stripping' can also be changed to 'transformation', by changing special forms to reveal it more perfectly..."

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