Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1190 Concept

Obtaining Halast's "Clone Technique" was an unexpected gain from this trip to Waterdeep City.

After obtaining this "Clone Technique", Isaac discovered that the significance of this unexpected gain was even greater than he expected.

The close relationship between the "Clone Technique" of Halaster and the "Reincarnation of the God King" completely activated many of his early assumptions.

He already has a premonition that after he has fully understood this "Clone Technique", he will complete the conception and research based on his own situation.

Although this is just a legendary spell, it will definitely promote progress and progress in all aspects.

"Once the research on the 'Clone Technique' is completed, the triple parallel connection of Tianshu Array will be completed. By then, not only will all the legendary constant effects be qualitatively improved in intensity, such as the 'Ascending Dragon Transformation Ceremony' Advancement, such as the research and creation of 'magic holy instruments', the progress of these aspects will also be greatly accelerated..."

The former means that various reductions, various resistances, including the "legendary hidden effect" of the "protection card", etc., will receive a huge increase in strength. By then, he will be extremely powerful. The all-round resistance will inevitably reach an incredible level, and it will be almost invincible with only the physical body.

And the latter two...

Due to the "Ascending Dragon Transformation"...the parallel connection of the three "Heavenly Magic Formations", the original magical energy is more than doubled. This means that the various resources required for the "Ascending Dragon Transformation" ritual can be greatly reduced. Got it!

In this way, not only will the current "Rising Dragon Transformation III" no longer need to continue to collect resources, but also, immediately afterwards, the age group will jump from extremely old to the ancient dragon stage, and the body size will also grow from super large to giant. "Rising Dragon Transformation IV" is far more important than the previous three stages and has the same level of difficulty. You can enter the preparation stage in advance!

"The 'Rising Dragon Transformation II' has not been completed for a long time. It will take about a year and a half for a stable period before the 'Rising Dragon Transformation III' can be carried out."

“Based on this calculation, the fastest time for ‘Rising Dragon Transformation IV’ will be approximately four to five years later.”

"This kind of time is enough for me to complete the research on the 'Clone Technique'."

"The resource requirements after the reduction of the first mate should not be a problem."

And once these two "dragon transformation" rituals are successfully completed, when he transforms into an ancient green dragon, the caster level will also increase by four levels...

"Is the transformation of the magic dragon still necessary?"

In his heart, Isaac was moved.

His current effective priest level has reached level 12. If four more "Wheel of Heaven" levels are superimposed, he will reach level 16, and he will be able to master ninth-level divine spells, and then pass the "Legendary Spellcasting" feat. Once you master the legendary magic, the difference is only 1 level.

This gap, no matter what channel it is through, will definitely be able to achieve a breakthrough in a few years at most.

So, is it necessary for him to give up six levels of "mana enhancement" and also give up the warlock profession to master the Sinnoh double legend in advance?

With this hesitation in his heart, Isaac quickly made his decision.

"The transformation of the Magical Dragon not only means the qualification to compete with that person in the future, but it is also extremely important in the present."

"The natural warlock level is converted into the wizard level, and combined with the dragon's natural caster level, for every three levels beyond 20, you can get a legendary feat 'Improve Spell Slot', which means a large number of spells above level 9 The acquisition of position.”

"With this, combined with the 'Power of Mystery', you can master forbidden spells that exceed level 9 spells... This wave of explosions is enough to fight against those hell lords and demon lords. !”

"That's not all. Although the transformation of the Magical Dragon is not like the Dragon of Conferred Gods, which can be continuously improved through professional levels, it is also similar to the "chosen", similar to the strengthening of 'Heaven' and 'Purgatory' Templates, in addition to the essential transformation of innate spellcasting ability, also have a series of other enhancements..."

Isaac can even adjust these enhancements on his own through relevant rituals, and even grant them additional ones.

For both the present and the future, this change is imperative!

That being the case...

"The creation, or search, of magic artifacts has to be accelerated!"

Isaac still focused on "creation". Only the holy artifacts he created could perfectly meet his needs.

Once the parallel connection of the triple "Celestial Array" is completed, the only thing he lacks in the creation of sacred weapons is, as Silinxi said that day, in today's era, the most critical factor in creating sacred weapons requires a stable " Source power”!

Moreover, because what he wants to create is a magical artifact...

"If we can find a complete Myser energy core, and it cannot be a shadow energy core, nor a dark energy core, then it will be the best channel for 'source power'!"

"If not...perhaps, if we can fully control some powerful enough 'mystical enchantments', it will be possible to meet this condition!"

As for the former, he needs to pay more attention to the actions in the City of Shadows!

The latter, a powerful "mystical barrier", can be completely controlled without being "corrupted"...

In his heart, Isaac frowned slightly.

He could still find a few powerful "Mystic Barriers", but he had to control these Mystical Barriers without being "corrupted"...

At least for now, he is unable to achieve this step.

Of course, Isaac will not be in a hurry and settle all this now.

The thoughts continued to the back.

For the Trinity, the "Clone Technique" that does not affect its own power is limited to the duration of the "power of the secret ritual" and can only conduct research for a short duration for the time being.

However, if this most critical restriction is removed, if he is willing to endure a temporary reduction in life energy level to strip away part of his soul essence...

"Combining the 'clones' that have been completed long ago, or, going one step further, combining the 'transformation seeds', using the dragon queen's colorful dragon form as a blueprint, to carry out double changes in one's own form and one's own soul. , to achieve multiple heads, that is, multiple groups of independent nervous systems..."

In this way, as long as it is combined with "over-limit-fixed cast", this is the line of sight that means "multiple casts"!

Coupled with the multi-headed form, multiple spits, multiple bites, etc., there is no doubt that this special "clone form" is worthy of his special research.

However, there is another problem.

The creation of this version of "clone" requires him to bear negative levels to achieve it.

Even for the highest mage profession, his current actual level is only at level 22. Each clone will lower him by one mage level, and the spell itself is a legendary spell...

"It is still necessary to combine the transformation of the 'Magic Dragon' and push the actual mage level to level 31 to achieve the absolute power of this special form!"

"In addition, if the transformation is not carried out through legendary rituals in advance, perhaps it should be combined with the 'Level 10 Forbidden Spell' in the 'Power of Mystery' state, and the multi-headed form can be directly realized with one cast!"

Of course, ordinary legendary spells can also achieve multiple forms at one time, but the research of legendary spells of this intensity is not a ritual, and the professional accumulation required is a bit too much.

Compared with this, naturally the "Level 10 Forbidden Spell" in the "Power of Mystery" state is more suitable.

After all, he can be forced to change into the "multi-headed form", which means that the enemy on the opposite side is worthy of him using the forbidden spell in the "power of the secret ritual" state!

Normally, if necessary and prepared, he could use magic rituals to perform free prostitution in advance.

Naturally, there is no need to invest so much career accumulation in conducting specialized research on legendary spells!

"Although it does not promote my realm, but mastering this 'Clone Technique' will undoubtedly push my actual combat power to an unprecedented peak!"

On this basis, if he combines "Adamantine Binding" and "Chaos Double Burning Ritual", and then achieves eternal control over the Abyss Lord...

"The former Witch King has the support of the Storm King, but it is nothing!"

"As for Sammaster, after he and the Metal Dragon are both defeated, the competition with those three will be successful!"

Others, such as "Flying Flame" and "Lord of Symbols", when he was already well prepared to deal with it, there was this sudden advance...

“In the following time, this will be our first goal.”

"Second is the search for the 'Myser Energy Core' and the subjugation of the demons in the Conjurer's Castle!"

As for the most important thing, "Dragon Madness Mystery", there is also the competition with the former Witch King...

Watching secretly, waiting for the best opportunity!

Although these two are the most important things, they are not things that can be completed and ended in a short while!

"However, there is one more thing. Before you find the 'Mystic Energy Core' or have a breakthrough in controlling the 'Mystic Barrier', you still need to try!"

With a thought in his heart, Isaac thought about his "dark energy core" again.

After he obtained it, this powerful evil magical artifact was kept in a demiplane base with numerous anti-prophecy and anti-detection effects, and he never had time to truly study and utilize it.

From a theoretical perspective, if this evil magic holy weapon is used as the "source power", or in other words, as the "source power channel", it is also possible to create a holy weapon.

Although the sacred instrument created by this is only effective within the effective radiation area of ​​the "dark energy core", and it is not suitable for his "Magic Dragon Transformation Ceremony".

But there is no doubt that this is an extremely important accumulation of experience!

In the future, he will actually create a "magic sacred instrument", and this accumulation of experience will be very useful!

"Dark energy core is related to the two fields of 'evil' and 'magic'. It is used as a source of power to create holy artifacts..."

"The design direction may be combined with the 'Eternal Wheel'..."

It was Isaac who fell into a long period of contemplation because of the information on the "Clone Technique".

On the opposite side of the connecting channel, under the personal leadership of Kui Lu, the drow camp was also attacked forcefully by them from the front and back.

However, the casualties were not light.

Even though the early occupation of the fort and the retreat without a fight by the drow wizards weakened the combat power of the drow camp, this was still impossible for both the Baba demon team and the spider elves with magic abilities. Completely restrained.

In addition, the drow army is also led by a priestess, and there are elite assassins lurking.

This casualty is naturally impossible to avoid.

The ones who suffered the greatest losses were those Formia ants who were in a vengeful mood.

However, Kui Lu's temple guards also suffered casualties.

Even among the most elite "Sons of Drogan", several people were injured.

Once the battle is over.

Needless to say, clearing the battlefield and searching the camp were arranged by someone.

The priests headed by Kui Lu immediately began to use various medical and recovery techniques.

Indispensable rest is required to restore the physical strength and energy consumed by the fierce battle.

In this way, when everything was completed and the team set off again, heading towards the North District.

It seemed like an hour or two had passed.

Knowing that Isaac was waiting in the hall opposite, naturally, there would be no more ambushes from the drow in the hall opposite.

Kui Lu didn't mean to hide anything, she just led the team and quickly passed the connecting channel.

And when in the opposite hall, there were corpses on the ground, especially two undead warriors who were wearing cursed black armor and were obviously extraordinary. They all suffered devastating blows and died here...

The "sons of Drogan" and Queen Fermi are also numerous. They must be the Dark Sisters and have more plans.

However, while they were observing the condition of these corpses, they secretly speculated on what happened here and judged what kind of person had taken action.


Kui Lu looked to one side of the hall.

Knowing that Isaac had already encountered Halaster, and also seeing that this battlefield should be the hand of Halaster, Kui Lu felt that there was no need to deliberately hide Isaac at this time. Such powerful spell support is not used, causing more damage to the team.

Just in response to her look.

In the void, there seemed to be an invisible ripple, and a figure appeared silently.

This change.

Including Leylin Evans, as well as Queen Formia, these people with powerful magic abilities were all shocked.

Even they were completely unaware that someone was hiding so close!

"Legendary Archmage!"

"Think of this as the ally of the 'Seven Sisters' specially invited!"

"After all, they are the legendary 'Seven Sisters of the North.' The power they can summon is indeed beyond the level of Neverwinter City!"

This was when Leylin Evans was shocked.

Kui Lu's voice pointed towards them again: "This is Archmage Ai, who is here to resolve the turmoil in Waterdeep City and the turmoil in Lost City..."

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