Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1193 Yitai (make up for yesterday)

"The ice demon did not show up, but some bone demons are frequently harassing them."

"However, those who cooperate with them should be the elite assassins of the 'Red Sisters', and there are not a few drow warriors, as well as a team of hobgoblins, who are also following their command."

Without the simultaneous transmission of intelligence information by the Queen Ant, after all, the efficiency of Kui Lu and others' grasp of the surrounding situation has also dropped sharply.

Outside, the team dominated by "Sons of Drogan", especially Leylin Evans, had already been sniped two or three times.

Then, this information was transmitted back to the hidden dark hall by Nasira herself.

"What help does Evans need?"

Sunflower has nothing to do with others.

Since Nasira has returned here, naturally, this shows that Leylin-Evans' side is somewhat hindered.

This is also normal, Leylin-Evans is certainly strong, after several consecutive battles, he is probably close to the legendary level now, but the environmental constraints of Leyline Lost City, when a few bone demons continue to "ice The release of the "Wall Art", but the hero of Neverwinter also had to be blocked.

Nasira nodded slightly, unfolded her refined map, circled a certain area, and said: "He has led the team and retreated here while fighting.

Based on our understanding of the west area, as long as we have not grasped the information about the hidden dark temple we are in, then there is no possibility of ambush in this area. There is a high probability that Evans will be able to lure those bone demons out again .

And once these bone demons really take the bait..."

Nasira was at the front and back of the dark hall, "No matter where they come from, they are within our interception range.

Evans just hoped that the lady and the archmage would divide into two groups, and once the opportunity arises, they would attack one after the other, and leave all these bone demons here..."

Trapped by a mere bone demon, the hero of Neverwinter finally let go of a lot of self-esteem.

In fact, it was he who led the team to act outside, not Kui Lu or Yi Lilin. This was also due to his strong initiative.

However, Kui Lu also understands this.

The dark hand of Mephistopheles, as long as he kills the enemy, he can continue to grow stronger.

Seeing that they are not far from the legendary rank, it is quite understandable that the heroes of Neverwinter want to be promoted to a real legendary powerhouse before the final battle.

In this regard, Kui Lu is also willing to sit back and watch the success.

After all, according to her and Isaac's speculation, once the mad mage was rescued, Leylin Evans might encounter another misfortune.

At this time, it is not a bad thing to be promoted to the legendary rank, and there will be more room for advancement and retreat under the circumstances of the accident!

It's just that they never expected that the heroes of Neverwinter would come to this side for help after being frequently harassed by those bone demons.

With Nasira's words, Kui Lu looked at Isaac first, and saw Isaac nodded slightly, then she also nodded and said: "No problem, I will take someone to wait here, Ai, Then I will leave it to you.”

Isaac smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Leave it to me."

Not surprisingly, the change in the Lost City of Earth Veins will basically come to an end tomorrow.

Compared with the effort of this trip, the harvest from Hailast is worth far too much.

In this way, not to mention the reason of Kui Lu, if not, he doesn't mind squeezing out three or two days to be a "nanny" this time.

Of course, whether it's the "Son of Drogan" or Kuilu's temple guards, he didn't need to take care of them all the way.

Most of the time he hides aside, most of the time is basically spent on thinking.

After quickly reaching an agreement, Kui Lu immediately started to mobilize.

It was just a targeted snipe, so there was no need for everyone to give up rest.

On her side, she brought Nasira with her, and two Formian ant guards led a group of soldier ants to follow.

That's right, seeing that the Leyline Lost City incident is about to end, but Lismayasa's side is about to start again, she wants to use this time alone to have some in-depth exchanges with Nasira again.

However, Yi Lilin led a small group of dark song knights to cooperate with Isaac.

Not surprisingly, Kelben's Infinity Ceremony should be within two or three years.

Once completed, the center of gravity of the Dark Maiden's Corridor will undoubtedly turn to the City of Hidden Hope.

At that time, Eileen and the others will eventually follow Anacia, who symbolizes Eilistra's blessing to Maierita.

And since Anacia has won the Eastern High Wasteland, whether it is the ancient Black Dragon Clan or the snake people of the Nagara Kingdom, Isaac is already bowing to her. It is an unavoidable contact object.

Kui Luzheng also has the arrangement at this time. I hope that her right-hand man can communicate with Ansak in advance.

Of course, with these considerations, there is no need to tell people directly.

After the two sides quickly formed a team, Nasira used the map to tell Isaac a little about the hiding place of the "Phase Gate" and the corresponding activation code.

The troops were divided into two groups, and everyone immediately rushed to their respective destinations.

In just a short time, after Isaac completed the activation of a "Phase Gate" in a secret room of the Dark Hall, he and Yi Lilin arrived at the destination directly, a person without any The portal seems to be a secret room directly hollowed out of the rock layer.

The structure of the secret room is also simple.

Except for the "Phase Gate" directly embedded in the wall that Nasira had already reminded, it looked like a mural carving.

That is, in the very center of the secret room, stands a mysterious prismatic stele.

At this time, on the stone tablet, there are still wisps of dark blue magical arcs, flickering and flowing from time to time.

The Dark Maiden's Corridor is adjacent to the Lost Leyline City, and Yi Lilin and the others know a lot about some hidden buildings in the Lost Leyline City.

Naturally, he knew that places like this were often the secret strongholds of mad mages.

Either where he used to conduct his magical experiments.

Or else, it was the secret room he used to monitor the situation in the Lost City.

And no matter which one it is, it means danger.

After coming out through the phase gate, Yi Lilin and the others looked around the secret room cautiously, none of them moved around at will, let alone approached the prismatic stele.

Maintaining the necessary vigilance, they first looked at Isaac.

Although the archmage invited by Kui Lu in person did not make any moves in the past two days, but she only revealed some subtle aspects, and Yi Lilin also knew it. This archmage with a mysterious origin is definitely among the legendary mages. , are of a very high standard.

To enter such a hidden place with potential dangers, it is natural to see his instructions first.

"It doesn't matter, it's the instrument that Helast left him for the apprentices to monitor."

"It's just convenient for us."

Isaac observed a little, but smiled.

In his early years, he had conducted in-depth research on the Lost Land Leyline City, especially the protective barrier.

As long as Helast did not interfere in person, within the "Earth Leyline Lost City Barrier", even Helast's apprentices may not be able to compete with him in terms of authority.

It's still early days.

In the past two years, with his attainments in the field of magic, he has become more and more proficient. Looking back at this "Earth Vein Lost City Barrier"...

Although it is not said to have insight into everything, but compared to the past, this undoubtedly has a more thorough analysis.

At this time, after observing in the blink of an eye, he was sure that this prismatic stele was related to the "Earth Vein Lost City Barrier" to a certain extent. "Boundary" itself to observe and monitor the situation within a certain area.

Such a place is not quite like Hailast's own private space, so it should be related to his apprentices.

It was precisely because of this that the map in Nasira's hands was able to include this place.

With this analysis, Isaac walked directly towards the prismatic stele, and his spiritual will actively merged into the chaotic effect of the "Earth Vein Lost City Barrier".

Even if he walked to the side of the stone stele platform in a few steps, all the integration, all the brewing, have been completed.

Chanting an obscure incantation in an arcane manner, but performing a magic-like cast, when he pressed one hand towards the instrument platform.

From his hand, resonating with the dark blue arc light above the instrument platform, the intense arc light suddenly became dazzling.

At the same time, the void in the secret room also radiated layers of tiny electric snake nets. The terrifying and depressing atmosphere suddenly made Yi Lilin's souls sink, as if there was something deep inside. The power was also resonated by his spellcasting.

However, this depression did not last for a long time.

In just a few breaths, following the completion of Isaac's spellcasting, when a light mirror composed of pure blue arc light appeared on the prismatic stele, all the abnormal phenomena in the secret room immediately disappeared. The convenience is also gone.

Looking at the tunnel environment that has already appeared in the light mirror, Isaac waved his hand, while adjusting the monitoring position of the instrument, he said: "It should be able to scan most places in the West District, Enough for us this time."

This is naturally said to Yi Lilin and the others.

Seeing how easily the Archmage managed to manipulate the special facilities of the Leyline Lost City, he also saw that the arc light mirror was quickly scanning and reflecting the situation of the Earth Leyline Lost City.

Yi Lilin couldn't help but also brighten her eyes: "Master, if you say that, can't we directly find out the specific situation of the camp in the west area opposite?"

If this is the case, then in the final battle, they can make various targeted preparations in advance.

"Normally, it shouldn't be a problem."


Considering some situations, Isaac shook his head slightly again, and said, "Don't worry, wait until these bone demons are dealt with first, and then we'll see if we can complete this step."

With his gaze, he glanced at Kui Lu's right and left hands, pondered for a while, and explained again: "Two points cannot be ignored."

"First, there are drow wizards in the western camp, so there may not be an anti-detection barrier arrangement there, and since Hailast is imprisoned there, there is obviously a high-intensity magic there. Effect interference, without actual attempt, but it is not easy to determine directly."

"However, the most important thing is the second point. After all, the enchantment of the lost city of the leylines belongs to Helast. If the mad mage is still insane, I may forcefully break through some of his restrictions, but now some The problem, if he doesn't want to, then there are some places, no matter who it is, it is impossible to detect them directly!"


Yi Lilin's heart moved: "But he is not imprisoned, but also cut off all possible connections? Archmage, what do you mean..."

"You can know what's in your mind."

"Villajo is already prepared for this, and everything will be known tomorrow."

Isaac mentioned it a little, but said no more.

At this moment, the images of some people were already reflected in the light mirror.

Drow warrior!


The most important thing is that even though they have kept their invisibility all the time, the shapes of the bone demons are still reflected in the light mirror.

Found a target!

Yi Lilin and the others just stared at the past.

However, Isaac did not lock the screen on them.

Following the direction of action of these drow elves, he continued to adjust the detection of the instrument.

In a short time, they had already shrunk to the area where the destination was located. The people of "Sons of Drogan", including a squad of clergymen who cooperated with them in the temple guards, and two Formian ant guards, also entered to the screen.

The screen froze for a while.

Seeing everyone, although they were in a state of embarrassment, and some were even seriously injured. Even though there were not a few priests, they hadn't recovered yet, but overall, they shouldn't have suffered much loss.

Yi Lilin and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Knowing that there is an ice demon on the opposite side, this team had many preparations for the "ice element" before they set off.

Although they have never encountered an ice demon in the end, but with these preparations, at least, the "ice wall technique" created by those bone demons hinders their actions and cooperation, but at least the magic after breaking the ice wall is cold. , but failed to cause any continuous damage to them.

Otherwise, if every "Ice Wall Art" had to cause a cold damage, with the ability of the bone demons to create at will, I am afraid that there would be heavy casualties.

After the light mirror picture paused for a while, it quickly turned to another direction.

There was no accident, just a moment later, some drow spies, even invisible bone demons who were also scouting the situation, were found out again.

Leylin Evans chose a good location, and it really gave the opponent a chance to snipe.

However, it is impossible for the opponent to be defenseless.

These spies should be searching for traces of the main force here, in case they are ambushed.

"That's pretty much it."

"There is no problem with Vilazo. Once an encounter occurs, the team on the opposite side will stop her for her."

"It depends on our side, whether these scattered spies will also form a team to carry out a two-sided attack."

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