Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1194 Beginning (I still made up for it yesterday)

When Isaac quickly scanned the surrounding area, centered on the area where the "Son of Drogan" was located.

The image in the light mirror returned to the "Son of Drogan" again.

At this time, the encounter has not yet broken out.

Simply, he started casting spells again.

Soon, when he split the light mirror screen into two, one side continued to focus on the "Sons of Drogan", and the other side was exploring the side they were responsible for.

"Arch Mage, may I take the liberty of asking you a question?"

There is no alarm at the moment, but Yililin's eyes are a little hot as she stares at this light mirror image.

After her eyes flickered for a few times, she finally couldn't hold it back.

"This instrument?"

Isaac glanced at her, but there was something about her.


"I wonder, Archmage, whether your manipulation of this ritual instrument can be popularized?"

"As you know, we are following Ms. Verazzo to guard the corridor, but we are facing pressure from the Lost City all year round. If we can use these hidden facilities in the Lost City, it will be greatly alleviated. The pressure on women’s shoulders…”

Yililin is not only Kui Lu's right-hand man in the temple, but she was also the one who Kui Lu watched and trained while she was growing up.

She was very familiar with Kui Lu.

Although she had just met the Archmage for the first time, she was keenly aware of some clues from the interactions between the Archmage and Kui Lu in the past two days.

The relationship between these two is definitely unusual!

It was precisely because of this that she "took the liberty".

Since I want to see if it is possible to turn the Lost City of Earth Lines into a temple in the future.

She also has a little bit of temptation to test her sensitivity. Is it true?

"The Earthline Maze City Barrier is actually similar to the Mystic Barrier to a certain extent."

"Just like the Mystic Barrier, you can use special commands to call upon the power of the barrier."

"The Earthline Maze City barrier is the same."

"This must be the reason why the apprentices of Halaster are not restricted by the enchantment effect to a certain extent."


Isaac shook his head slowly: "Whether it is possible to popularize it depends only on Halaster himself.

He is the only core of this enchantment.

Only he can grant corresponding permissions to others.

Although I can transcend his restrictions and drive the power of the barrier to a limited extent, it is still impossible to truly control the core of the barrier.

Moreover, if we encounter him directly, if he wants to forcibly prohibit it, even I will not be able to break through his restrictions from the perspective of the barrier itself..."

After Isaac's words, the disappointment of several Darksong Knights was revealed.

The restrictions of Hellast are truly a city wall as thick as fine gold, almost impenetrable.

However, when Isaac's words came to the end...

"From the perspective of the barrier itself?"

However, Yililin's heart moved again.

No information could be gleaned from the Archmage's words.

However, she could vaguely feel the conceitedness in the Archmage's words, although they were not ostentatious.

As if to say.

The enchantment in Earthline Maze City is amazing!

Halaster is even more extraordinary!


A turning point, but it showed the conceitedness of this archmage.

Although he admires Sealast very much, even if he directly encounters Sealast in this Lost City of Earth Lines, this archmage still has his own pride!

With such magnanimity, Irilin felt that the only people who could match this mysterious origin of the Archmage were the Black Staff Archmage and Ms. Laila of the Black Staff Tower. Even she had ever had a relationship with him. The sociable one, the Archmage Malchor who also came from the Black Staff Tower, is afraid that he will be inferior!

A great mage of this level...

Although it is not unusual to meet such a person at Kui Lu's level, getting to know him is one thing, but having a close relationship is another.

Although she didn't find out anything directly, some clues had already been revealed from the fact that Kui Lu didn't invite the Archmage of the Black Staff and Ms. Laila, but invited this one because it was clearly about Waterdeep City. .

"If that's the case, that's actually good."

"The sorrow of the past is, after all, the past."

"After all these years, it's time for ladies to step out and start a new life."

Thoughts kept flashing through her mind, but there was nothing unusual about Yililin's expression.

Isaac expressed his denial.

However, she also had some regrets: "I thought too much. Seeing the Archmage's understatement of the barrier restrictions, I couldn't help but have these delusions, but it made the Archmage laugh. ”

There was a slight apologetic smile on the face of the drow priestess.

"It doesn't matter."

"But when it comes to the pressure of Earthline Maze..."

Isaac nodded slightly, but then his heart moved, and he asked in turn: "Yesterday, I teleported directly to the temple with Vera Zhuo, but I found that there seemed to be something wrong with the temple's enchantment. Could it be that something happened?"

Although he had vaguely heard some rumors that the Dark Maiden Corridor had been attacked more than once in recent years, he did not know the actual facts.

Since Yililin mentioned the hidden worries of the temple, he simply asked about it directly.

The Dark Maiden Corridor was created by Kui Lu. With the close relationship between the Dark Sisters and Eilistraee, and the support of the Goddess of Magic behind her, the temple barrier she created may even be the essence of high magic.

The power that can destroy such a barrier...

Even Isaac is also curious.


Yililin hesitated for a moment, but soon, she nodded.

Since Kui Lu can transport this person directly back to the temple, it means that this person has gained Kui Lu's trust.

In addition, this person discovered by himself that there was something wrong with the temple's barrier.

There was no need for her to cover up.

After only a moment of hesitation, Irilin quickly nodded and said: "To be honest with the Archmage, the temple is adjacent to the Maze City on the left, and the Ghaunadaur Pit is guarded on the right. In addition, Skull Harbor is also nearby. For a long time, we have They are all under constant attack from evil forces from all sides.

The change in the barrier occurred just a few years ago when the Spider Queen took advantage of the lady's absence from the temple and directly used evil magic to destroy the temple's protection..."

Yililin briefly talked about the events of that year.

Of course, she also has her own reservations.

For example, the root cause of the incident was Lirael, who had already abandoned the Spider Queen and embraced the light, but was exploited because of the Spider Queen's conspiracy. She did not leak any information.

Although Lirael could no longer stay in the Dark Maiden Corridor because of this catastrophic incident, neither Irilin nor Kui Lu was angry with her because of this.

The friendship between Yililin and her has always been there.

"It's really the Spider Queen again!"

Unsurprisingly, Isaac's eyes still wrinkled slightly.

Of course he could hear that Irilin had reservations.

No matter how great the Spider Queen is, it is impossible for her to bring her divine power directly and accurately to the Corridor of the Dark Maiden, the most sacred place of the Eilistraee Church.

There must be some inside story.

Although Isaac was not sure what the inside story was, he thought it was nothing more than Eilistraee being unable to defeat his mother and suffering a loss due to the Spider Queen's conspiracy.

What made him frown slightly was precisely here.

Repeated defeats and repeated battles, repeated battles and repeated defeats.

Eilistraee suffered too much at the hands of the Spider Queen.

Seeing that another confrontation was taking place this time, it was hard for him to judge how Eilistraee would suffer another loss this time.

However, one thing is certain.

Eilistraee suffered a loss, and this will definitely be reflected in the material world, the church, and his followers.

Just like the disaster Lismaiasa is facing now.

However, Lismaia Sana is not yet the core.

The real core of Eilistraee Church is in the Corridor of the Dark Maiden.

Now that the Spider Queen has destroyed the protective barrier of the temple, the pressure faced by the Dark Maiden Corridor is indeed extremely high.

Perhaps this is the important reason why Kui Lu had to stay in Waterdeep City and did not participate in the Battle of Efraska or the operation in the City of Ghosts.

"It's not just the Dark Maiden's Corridor."

"Once Mai Yeli Tower returns, I'm afraid this will also become the center of attention of the Spider Queen!"

Thoughts flashed, but Isaac did not speak again.

The fight between Eilistraee and the Spider Queen can never be stopped.

The Spider Queen wants to keep an eye on the Corridor of the Dark Maiden, and the same goes for Maielita.

And at least for now, he is not sure whether he will intervene in such a matter, and how?

Even he and several Darksong Knights were all thinking deeply.

Suddenly, within the arc light mirror on the prismatic stone tablet.

There has been nothing unusual about the Sons of Drogan.

Scanning the screen in the direction they were responsible for, some figures were suddenly reflected.

"They're gathering."

"It should really be a double attack!"

The eyes of Yililin and others all lit up.

In the screen, a three-headed bone demon was scanned.

There were also some drow warriors and hobgoblins who also appeared near the bone demon.

Moreover, the assembly should not be completed yet.

These people were moving very slowly, as they were still waiting for more people to gather.

As expected, these were probably the spies scattered around the surrounding area. They didn't find any ambush here, so they were preparing to attack the "Sons of Drogan" with real intensity.

This is also normal.

Since these drow occupy the Western District, they are naturally more familiar with the terrain here than the "Sons of Drogan".

Knowing that the "Sons of Drogan" have fallen into an environment that may be blocked by them, they will naturally not miss the opportunity of such heavy damage or even annihilation.

"If they plan to slowly wear down Leylin Evans and the others, taking advantage of the terrain, this may be enough."

"However, in my opinion, in order to prevent possible response, they will not delay it too long."

"So, in addition to these people, I'm afraid they may also have some reinforcements!"

Isaac said, but his eyes looked at Irilin again: "Remind Villadra so that she can be prepared in advance to encounter the ice demon."

Yes, or no, there is nothing wrong with being prepared in advance.

Yililin also understands this truth.

There was no need for Isaac to cast another spell to switch the detection screen. He just walked to the corner of the secret room and sent a message there through Kui Lu's real name.

After finishing, he asked Isaac again: "Arch Mage, if the ice demon really comes, but it is on our side, or if there are ice demons on both sides, is it on our side? Should we be prepared?"

After finishing her words, she thought of something else, and then added: "The baatezu demon is immune to fire and poison, and the ice demon is also immune to cold. The only weakness in elemental energy is lightning. However, there is Drow wizards, and they are still prepared in advance, I am afraid that this weakness has been made up for..."

Although I know that, normally, at the level of Archmage, I shouldn't ignore this.

But Yililin still added it just in case something was missed.

Kui Lu's right-hand man.

Cavatina is responsible for combat power.

Although she is also a high-level priest, her greater strength lies in being a director and being meticulous.

"It doesn't matter."

"When they gather and come over, just pay attention to the protection against spells."

Isaac nodded lightly.

Before the encounter with Halaster, he had almost never taken any action.

Even during the battle to capture the North District camp, some large-scale spells were cast.

But they are basically from the warlock profession.

His remaining magic power is too abundant.

That is to say, he doesn't want to destroy Mephistopheles's design now, otherwise, it will be extremely easy for him to destroy the western camp at will.

What kind of special preparations are needed to deal with the ice demons that may exist but also may not exist?

Seeing this, Yililin would not say anything more.

After a while.

The number of figures in the light mirror increased rapidly.

In addition to the arrival of some more drow warriors, they were also led by elite assassins who should be the "Red Sisters".

However, the figure of the three-headed bone demon was once again added.

A total of six skull demons, in a tunnel environment, can create six ice walls every round.

To continuously break such an ice wall, it is impossible to advance at any speed.

Once this side is blocked, Leylin Evans and the others will have to face a powerful attack from the other side.

However, their battle will not go smoothly.

Whether it is on this side or on the other side, those bone demons and even ice demons are constantly using the "Ice Wall Technique" to cut Leylin Evans and his team apart. This is absolutely inevitable!

"The improvement is too fast. The accumulation of magic is still insufficient!"

Isaac glanced at Leylin Evans for a moment.

Seeing the "Sons of Drogan" team, they suddenly seemed alert to something. Those who cast spells were casting spells, and those who were on guard were on guard.

"Get ready."

"It's about to begin."

Just in response to Isaac's voice, the bone demons and drow here moved quickly.

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