Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1195 Take action (Part 1)

It’s finally begun!

Isaac waved his hand.

Within the light mirror, the two images moved at the same time.

One is the quick action of locking these bone demons.

The other place is from the "son of Drogan" and moved in another direction.

In the blink of an eye, the intruders over there were reflected in the light mirror...


Following Isaac's words, everyone was adding "protection against energy damage - cold". The eyes of Yililin and others suddenly jumped again.

Two ice demons!

Sure enough, as the Archmage said, there are ice demons coming for reinforcements!

But it's more than that.

"The number of bone demons is too much!"

"Arch Mage, we may have to end this as soon as possible and then go back to the lady's side to help."

"If we can keep all these Barthez devils, it will be much easier to attack the western camp tomorrow."

Irilin's eyes looked at Isaac again from the light mirror.

In the light mirror, I could only see the baatezu demons. In addition to the two ice demons, there were at least ten or twenty bone demons.

This scale is a bit big.

Moreover, even if she only looked through the light mirror, she was certain that these baatezu demons, whether they were ice demons or bone demons, should all be advanced.

Not to mention that the Ice Demon definitely has the strength of a high-level professional.

I'm afraid these bone demons have all advanced to the second level, and are comparable to some of the high-level Baatezu.

Coupled with the environmental factors of the Lost City...

Even if Kui Lu takes action herself, she may not be able to keep all these baatezu devils here.

Even if there are some changes, for example, after these ice demons, is there possible support?

Well, even if the car does not roll over, there is still the possibility of damage, even serious damage!

These baatezu devils appear a bit too much.

Moreover, the ice demon and the bone demon are not comparable to those Ba Ba demons encountered before!

"It doesn't matter!"

"But please call her again!"

Although Isaac didn't think that Kui Lu would suffer at the hands of these baatez devils even if she was prepared, but as a reminder, this is not troublesome.

And Yililin immediately started to contact that side again.

Looking at the devils in the mirror on the left, they have begun to attack defensively.

The bone demons on the right mirror, as well as the drow and hobgoblins, have also approached the exit of the phase gate that he has control over.

"Get ready to take action."

"There is no need to wait for them to encounter Leylin Evans. The use of the 'Ice Wall Technique' will hinder your return to Villadra's side."

After Isaac greeted him, Irilin and others nodded.

Unlike Kui Lu, they only saw the six-headed bone demon here so far. Obviously, it was just here to block Leylin Evans and the others from escaping.

Naturally, it is best to resolve this issue as soon as possible and return support as soon as possible.

It would actually be troublesome if these bone demons were to build a lot of ice walls to block them.

Isaac then began to activate the "Phase Gate".

In the blink of an eye, the wall of the secret room was still invisible in normal vision, but in Isaac's true vision, a magic door was formed.

"Come with me!"

Taking the first step, Isaac stepped over directly.

If the wall disappeared, his figure immediately disappeared into the secret room.

Without any hesitation, Yililin also led a few Darksong Knights and hurriedly followed.

next moment.

It was during the march that the bone demons, who had always maintained their "invisibility" state, suddenly saw several figures jumping out of the stone wall in front of them.


Suddenly, these bone demons realized that something was wrong.

They are not idiotic demons like Ba Ba Demon, who only know how to kill violently.

These are obviously the targets of the enemy. Since they can pass through the wall directly, it is obvious that they must have mastered some secret of the Lost City.

That being the case...

This is exactly a trap aimed at them!

Without any hesitation.

The Bone Demon yelled, and immediately started to perform the "Ice Wall Technique". Immediately, their figures suddenly emerged from the "Invisibility Technique" state.

Almost at the next moment, the drow following them also realized that something was wrong, and all the crossbows that had been ready were raised.

There are also people who have released abilities such as "darkness".

However, they have not yet waited for their first wave of reactions to be truly displayed.

We have already grasped their whereabouts through detection and surveillance, and have already prepared everything.

Just after walking out of the phase gate, Isaac waved the high-level super magic wand in his hand.

"Exceeding limit - powerful - extremely effective - withering technique!"

It is still the most commonly used, eighth-level spell with huge range.

But this time, it came from the mage's spell position.

It is also combined with the "instant super magic" of the "advanced super magic scepter".


"Energy Control - Holy Energy Replacement!"

The high-level super magic scepter only pointed at a big goblin behind the bone demons. Suddenly, with this big goblin as the center, within a huge coverage area with a radius of sixty feet, infinite sacred energy suddenly surged. .

As if there was an extremely high temperature, this sacred energy exploded in just a moment, shrouding all living things, and the life energy was suddenly and completely ignited.

Regardless of the bone demon, the drow warriors, or the hobgoblins, as long as they are within the range of the spell, there is no possibility of resistance. All life energy is completely destroyed in almost an instant. of burning.

Not to mention the "Ice Wall Technique" of the bone demons, even the crossbows that the drow warriors had prepared for a long time failed to shoot an arrow, and everyone's bodies fell completely withered. Go down.


At this moment, they were following out of the phase gate. Yililin and others were already preparing to fight, and suddenly saw this...

Even though Irilin had already speculated on the power of the Archmage, the vast sacred energy in front of her still made the priestess unable to help but speak at a loss for words.

It seems...there's nothing wrong with them anymore!

Not just them.

Almost at this same moment.

What was alarmed by such an explosion of divine energy was the people with the "Sons of Drogan", and those further away were attacking the "Sons of Drogan". The baatezu devils.


"Amazing divine power!"

"It seems like some great person has arrived!"

"The Grand Duke's premonition is correct. This trip may indeed pose a threat to us!"

In the dark space outside the Lost City of Earth.

Through the dispatched team, Chigurin, the leader of the Hell Fiends, had a look of surprise and suspicion in his eyes burning with demonic flames, but at the same time, there was also a strange look that meant "Sure enough," was revealed.

Then, when the eyes of the two hell-fiends met each other again...

Both of them showed undisguised joy in their eyes.

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