Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1197 Residual Blood

The Baatezu Devil Club are immune to "fire" and "poison", so Kui Lu's "Fire Storm" cannot harm them at all.

The ice demon is also immune to "cold".

In addition, these Baatezus came prepared and had drow wizards as teammates, so the "protection from lightning damage" state was extremely possible.

But even so, this did not prevent Isaac from sniping at them.

With just one lift of the high-level super magic scepter, a bolt of holy energy lightning composed entirely of holy energy shot towards an ice demon.

However, Isaac had some reservations about this "serial lightning".

Although he used "over-limit spellcasting" to perform a temporary "powerful super magic", it was just that.

Coupled with the secondary lightning chain triggered by "Serial Lightning", the damage is only half...

This kind of spell damage intensity can cause serious damage to the Baatezu Devil, but it is basically only a heavy damage, and it is unlikely to cause direct fatality to any one of them.

But...that's enough!

He was not prepared to kill Baatezu like this.

After all... if nothing else goes wrong, these devils should have been Mephistopheles, giving funding to the heroes of Neverwinter for their growth!

He was not prepared to destroy this design of the Hell Demon.

However, it was he who released this holy lightning with the high-level super magic scepter.

On the other side, although there was no precaution against his sudden teleportation, but...


The two ice demons were almost at the same moment, and their sharp claws reflexively grabbed him from the air.

Suddenly, from their claws, extremely strong ice energy spread out extremely quickly.

Although I didn't expect that there were mages who could teleport within the Lost City of Earth, but these baatezu demons were trying to break out from here in order to avoid Kui Lu. This was a similar process that had been going on for a long time. The spell ability is cast.

Isaac's sudden teleportation only caused some bone demons to pause for a moment in removing the "Ice Wall Technique".

But the "ice cones" of these two ice demons were still completed.

It's the lightning over there, filled with extremely powerful holy energy, that is shooting through.

The "ice cones" of the two ice demons were released almost in no particular order.

Almost in an instant.

When the blazing arc of lightning flashed, a violent explosion occurred among the large number of Baatezu devils.

Isaac's figure was also submerged by this extremely cold magical energy.


The arc explosion caused by the chain of lightning swept away nearly twenty baatezu demons. Even the advanced ice demons were screaming in the midst of this "powerful super demon" spell.

But he was overwhelmed by the cold and freezing air that spread from two "Ice Cones" almost at the same time...

It's as if they are not on the same spatial level at all.

In the cold energy of the forest, not even a trace of frost crystal appeared on Isaac.

This is naturally not the "cold resistance of the frost dragon".

His ice resistance is far inferior to his fire resistance, and it is not able to ignore the damage of "Ice Cone".

It's his spell resistance!

With his level 39 spell resistance, as long as there are no special spells that ignore spell resistance, it is possible to break through his spell resistance only if the caster level exceeds level 19.

Obviously, the caster level of these two ice demons' spell-like abilities has not yet reached level 20, and the "Ice Cone" does not have the property of having or without magic resistance.

In this way, no matter how these ice demons perform, they will naturally not affect him at all!

"It's so awesome!"

Leylin Evans looked a bit solemn.

Unlike Kui Lu's side, the line of sight was blocked by the evaporating mist of the ice wall.

He was right behind Isaac, but he could see it clearly.

There is no doubt that this person is not the clone of the "crazy mage" they encountered on the second floor.

However, it is actually possible to teleport within the Lost City of Earth!

Moreover, it was clearly an arcane spell, but it was filled with powerful holy energy...

"Spell sanctification?"

Not only that, at this time he also saw that the ice demon's spell-like ability was directly ignored by the archmage's spell resistance!

"With his actions... I'm afraid it's hard to get promoted today... Huh?"

A moment ago, I was slightly regretful because of the power of the Archmage. I felt that it would be difficult to complete the promotion to the legendary level with these baatezu devils today.

At this moment, Leylin Evans' eyes suddenly jumped again, and in his shock again, there was even a little doubt revealed.

Just before him, the Archmage returned his palm and struck it on an ice wall.

This ice wall, which was so thick that even he had to use magic to quickly destroy it, actually shattered into a huge hole under the slap of the Archmage's palm.

It seems that he is obviously a mage, but the power of this palm...

Not to mention the ogres and trolls, I am afraid that only true giants who have to explode suddenly and bombard with heavy weapons can do this!

How can a normal person do this?

In other words, is this something that humans can do?

Shocked at the first moment, Leylin Evans had doubts. Was the archmage's current form his true form?

Such divine power is unlike anything human!

But then, he had doubts again.

What is this Ice Wall Breaker doing?

You don’t still need their help, right?

But no matter what, the Archmage was the main one who shattered the ice wall, and Leylin Evans was also the right one.

If there is an opportunity to harvest the lives of a few Baatezu devils from this archmage, it would be a good thing for him!

After seeing the "serial lightning", although more than half of the baatezu demons were severely injured, they were still charging towards this side.

There is also the Bone Demon, who has once again used the "Ice Wall Technique". Judging from the direction he is paying attention to, he should be coming to intercept the pursuit of Ms. Villadra from behind.

"Song of Fury!"

Leylin Evans was not slow at all.

There was no spell casting, but the sword mage's most powerful combat skill was activated instantly.

His style, which was originally a light and fast one, combining swordsmanship and magic, suddenly turned into a violent storm at this moment.

The elven blades hit the ice wall like a heavy rain. In just a blink of an eye, the ice wall that had been attacked by him and other companions suddenly shattered.

Subsequently, the last barrier between him and the Archmage in front was cleared.

With a silhouette like the wind, Leylin Evans swept past Isaac's side.


The sword mage cast a spell with his sword in a classic way. From his right hand, extremely cold magical energy quickly began to gather.

Although he knew there was an ice demon on the opposite side, the ice demon was immune to cold damage.

However, the Ice Demon was not the only one facing Baatezu.

Leylin Evans' "Ice Cone" was aimed at those bone demons!

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