Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1198 Promotion

"You come to attack!"

The enthusiasm of the heroes of Neverwinter saved Isaac's words.

Taking another step, his figure flashed directly above the Barthez devils.

Ignoring those who rushed towards the heroes of Neverwinter City.

It refers directly to the bone demons and ice demons who are slightly behind in the use of spell-like abilities.

"Composite cast-instant-fear spell!"

The high-level super magic scepter pointed downwards, and within a cone-shaped area, an extremely strong atmosphere of fear suddenly enveloped most targets.

Even the cold soul of the Ice Demon was unable to suppress the extreme fear and panic at this moment.

In an instant, these devils were in a panic and turned into a mess.

Even though the use of spell-like abilities does not require much concentration, at this moment, at least no one of these baatezu demons shrouded by the "fear spell" can use them normally.

But their rhythm and coordination are messed up...

From the thick mist behind, a brilliant holy light also flew out.

Naturally, it was Kui Lu who came after him.

Without the obstruction of some ice walls, she came extremely quickly.

Her dazzling divine radiance suddenly appeared.

Instinctively, those demons who were running around because of fear and panic, all heading towards her, had their eyes pricked by needles, and turned around again.

In this regard, Leylin Evans could not be better.

"Hazy Song!"

"Song of Fury!"

"Song of High Magic!"

"Song of lightness!"

The perfect combination of swordsmanship and magic, Leylin-Evans had no reservations, and he used all the special abilities of the sword mage.

Incomparably gorgeous, and even more powerful sword skills, combined with the ability to guide spellcasting almost unaffected even during attacks, plus a "spell instant" from time to time.

Moreover, most of the baatezi devils on the opposite side had been severely wounded and were still cowering in fear...

The momentum is overwhelming!

Leylin-Evans's killing was overwhelming due to spells, and it was overwhelming due to swordsmanship. The Devil Baatez fell down and couldn't stop at all.

"It's not far from the legendary level!"

"After these sacrifices, it will almost be enough for him to be promoted to the true legendary level!"

Isaac paid attention to all this indifferently, and after making some judgment in his mind, he threw an "anti-evil magic circle" casually, which caused a flying ice demon, and two nearby bone demons, to directly It was limited to a circular area shrouded in pale white light.

With his actions, Kui Lu knew what he meant.

There was also no use of spells to clear the area. Under the Singing Sword, the devils were dealt heavy damage as much as possible.

With the two big guys here to "spar" like this, it is naturally impossible for Leylin-Evans to fall over.

With an all-out explosion, the heroes of Neverwinter quickly penetrated the battlefield.

Then there are the cleanup remnants that are followed by teammates behind.

In front, Nasira and the Formia ants also cleared away the remaining enemy queens under Kui Lu's magic.

The battlefield then burst into cheers.

Not to mention the priests, they all began to treat the wounded.

There is no need to talk about things like clearing the battlefield.

At this time, Leylin Evans came to Isaac and Kui Lu.

"Arch mage, madam, thank you for your help!"

The heroes of Neverwinter are not short-sighted people.

If his judgment about Kui Lu and Isaac's unusual behavior was correct, he might have noticed something abnormal about him!

Perhaps, they would have agreed to let him lead the team to clean up the Western Tunnel before. This is probably the same reason.

However, what about the Archmage? Let’s not talk about it for now. This lady of the “Seven Sisters” undoubtedly has a noble enough moral character. This is why she has it. Even if she noticed something, she never directly explored him. Help was also provided to him.

"Help or not, it doesn't matter."


Leylin Evans expressed his thanks, but Kui Lu looked serious: "You have to know that there is never unconditional acquisition. Obtaining often also means giving. When you own it, you also undertake an unpredictable mission. , stick to your moral bottom line, and look forward to the day when you become a hero of Waterdeep City."

Isaac just nodded slightly.

If it were some other time, he might be very interested in studying this hero of Neverwinter. The most important thing is to study the specific ideas of Mephistopheles to achieve this phenomenon.

This will definitely be a breakthrough impetus for some of his future designs.

However, at least for now, he does not want to ruin Mephistopheles's plan.

The same goes for Kui Lu, so although there is a reminder, it is very subtle. It is just a warning to the heroes of Neverwinter not to fall into the abyss of desire because of temptation.

Get and give!

Mission and ethics!

Leylin-Evans combined himself to understand the hidden meaning, while nodding slowly, and said with the same seriousness: "Madam, don't worry, I came from Neverwinter just to learn from Teacher Drogan. I have my own standards in my mind for what can and cannot be done."

He took Kui Lu's warning as a reminder to him not to deliberately create killings and disasters just because of his desire for power.

He would never do such a thing!

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have made a special trip to learn from Mr. Drogan and some senior members of the Harpers.

"As long as you know the number."

"In addition, after the battle ends tomorrow, if something happens, don't panic. You won't be the only one who is the enemy of darkness."

"Don't ask more first, whether the accident will happen, and if it happens, what will it be? We will naturally find out when we meet again next time!"

Kui Lu finally warned again.

She was quite optimistic about this hero of Neverwinter, and did not want any tragedy such as his fall to happen in the end, so she revealed that there was someone behind him, and the darkness would never end.

However, she stopped Leylin Evans's question. Before she found out how to completely solve this devil's disaster, it was not appropriate to discuss a conspiracy involving Mephistopheles. Known to Raylin Evans.


Leylin Evans frowned unconsciously.

But Kui Lu had asked him not to ask any more questions for the time being, so he couldn't ask directly.


"No matter what happens, when I am alone later, I will first complete the promotion to the legendary level, and then take the mage as my main profession. It will not be long before I can master ninth-level spells, and even legendary spells."

"At that time, if we want to improve further, it will be faster."

"As long as I improve quickly enough, no matter what unpredictable changes occur, I can break them out!"

Leylin Evans quickly brushed away these annoyances.

A while later, in a secret room in the Secret Dark Palace, as the mage level increased again, the hero of Neverwinter also entered the true legendary level.

And still sitting quietly in the secret room, he began to study and master the eighth-level magic, and more other seventh-level magic.

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