Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1199 Before the battle (make up for yesterday)

"Something seems wrong!"

It is the hero of Neverwinter who is completing his promotion and rapidly increasing his magic field. With a caster level like his, he has the necessary magic background.

In the secret room on the other side.

Some people were observing the conditions of the tunnels and buildings in the West District through monitoring instruments.

When the light mirror screen, once again, another invisible bone demon was reflected.

At some point, Nasira, who had frowned slightly, suddenly spoke out.


After the instrument was activated, Kui Lu, who had replaced Isaac and was controlling the light mirror, looked over.

The leader of the temple guard, Irilyn, the dwarf lady and the red-haired woman of the "Son of Drogan", and the two Formian ant guards also stared at her.

"At this time, the camp in the Western District should have known for a long time that their attacking team was annihilated by us."

"It's a bit unreasonable for them to release so many bone demons when they are already completely at a disadvantage, and they are still so scattered for reconnaissance."

"Besides, there are too many bone demons!"

Facing Kui Lu's gaze, Nasira said in a deep voice: "Including those we annihilated in the previous battle, and now there are those scanned out, the number of bone demons sent out this time has probably exceeded Forty, close to fifty.

Although based on the size of the Western District camp, it may not be impossible to bring out a Bone Demon of this size.

However, judging from the intelligence information we have obtained before, if a bone demon of this scale is really brought out, then the Western District camp, at least as far as the bone demon is concerned, will be completely empty.

There must be something wrong with this. With the Ice Demon's cold reason, he shouldn't be so reckless..."

Nasira's explanation made everyone around her feel moved in their hearts.

There is indeed something wrong with the ice demon's calmness, and at this juncture, he has scattered so many bone demons.

However, judging from the current monitoring, although the light mirror cannot directly reflect the core area of ​​the Western Camp, it is obvious that the drow in the Western Camp have not retreated.

In other words, these bone demons were not sent out to create opportunities for the camp to evacuate through constant obstruction.

Even so, he still dispatched...

"You want to say that these bone demons may not come from the camp, but more likely that their reinforcements have arrived?"

Kui Lu also frowned.

Nasira nodded slightly: "I think it is possible, and it is still very possible."

"The other side doesn't know that we can monitor the Western District. Under normal circumstances, these bone demons with the ability to remain invisible are undoubtedly the best spies. As long as they are not trying to attack our recon team, it is extremely difficult for anyone to do so. Able to sense their presence.”

"But the current camp in the Western District should have chosen to stick to it. In this case, there is no need to disperse such a large-scale bone demon."

"So, rather than coming from the Western District camp, I think these bone demons are more likely to come from the reinforcements from the opposite side. Moreover, this reinforcement should be hidden somewhere, waiting for us to launch an attack on the Western District camp, and then come from behind. To launch an attack on us, we need these spies to lurk in order to grasp our whereabouts in advance..."

These words of Nasira.

Everyone was thinking deeply and frowning.

This seems to be the most likely explanation for the current anomaly.

However, if it is really a drow reinforcement, or even a devil reinforcement...

"Nasira, you know best the power that Valsaris holds."

"If reinforcements really arrive, how do you think it will be?"

Yililin also started asking questions.

She also knew that Nasira was once from the "Red Sisters" and was still in Lismaiasa, assisting the Prophet and other drow coalition forces against Valsaris.

Naturally, Nasira knew very well about the power under Valsaris.

"It should be led by the Devil Bathetz!"

Nasira had already thought about it, and said without hesitation: "Only the teleportation ability of the Baatezu Devil can reach here quickly. Moreover, the Western District camp involves Hellast. I think even if Valsaris If you didn't come here in person, there would be a Hell Fiend personally leading the team!

It had been learned before that Hellast was imprisoned because of the action of a leader of the Hell Fiends.

Perhaps, it may also be this person who leads the army this time!

There was another team of ice demons, and then there were the bone demons and the Ba Ba demons!

But we can’t rule out whether there are more high-level demons, especially the deep hell fiends..."

The leader of the Deep Hell Demon, this is undoubtedly a legendary level demon.

Even if you are facing Kui Lu, you still have to be cautious.

If there is more than one Hell Fiend, plus the team of ice demons he leads, as well as other baatezu troops, and there is a pincer attack from behind...

If you are really unprepared, this is really a big threat!

However, even if there are already suspicions in advance...

"It doesn't matter, I'll try first to see if I can find their whereabouts and get rid of them first!"

"If it doesn't work..."

Kui Lu said, turning her eyes to look at Isaac who seemed to be contemplating something on the side of the secret room: "Ai, you will be the one to control the instrument later. If we can't find the reinforcements on the other side, I will I will personally take action to deal with these bone demons first and make them blind. When the time comes, you will locate the location of these bone demons and Yililin will send me the directions."

Without the cooperation of the queen ant, this monitoring instrument can still be of great use at this time to convey the voters' real names.

“Start early, finish early!”

"I want to go back to Waterdeep at night!"

Isaac glanced at Kui Lu, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

The dark sisters had an understanding in their hearts, and they were also asking her if they wanted to return together?

at this time……

It’s not impossible!

With this secret palace, normally, one would not expect to find it from the opposite side, at least, within a short period of time.

In particular, before that, she would also carry out a large-scale purge of the bone demon spies scattered in the Western District. Without these spies, they would not be exposed.

After thinking for a moment, Kui Lu nodded slightly.

Even though the team was not in any danger, she still missed her daughter!

With just a pair of glances, the two of them knew each other.

Then, Kui Lu said: "In that case, let's hurry up. I will also go to the Black Stick Tower later."

Of course, this is what I want to say to Yililin and the others.

However, the pace of continued investigation has accelerated rapidly, with special focus on the fringes of the Western District.

Normally, it is impossible for Valsaris to simply create a portal in the Lost City of Earth.

Therefore, if reinforcements arrive, they should come in through certain connecting channels.

In this way, scanning the edge areas should naturally have a greater chance of finding anomalies.


Perhaps such a passage was too secretive, or perhaps their suspicions were in the wrong direction. Kui Lu scanned around and found some special places that should not have been occupied by the drow, but she could not find them. Any real substantive discoveries.

Simply, she stopped observing slowly.

After directly handing over the control of the instrument to Isaac.

Together with Nasira, who had a detailed structural map, the two quickly left the secret palace.

On Isaac's side, he also cast a spell again, splitting the light mirror screen into two. One side was locked on them, and the other side was searching for the whereabouts of the bone demon in the nearby area.

And there is Yililin who is constantly conducting "real name communication" on the side.

Kui Lu and Nasila were able to eliminate the Bone Demon agents very quickly.

However, seeing the clean movements of the Dark Sisters...

It's hard to say what Irilin and others think, but Isaac knows in his heart that the Dark Sisters are actually adapting!

Otherwise, through these bone demons, even if Kui Lu himself has no control over them and only has the ninth-level spell "Dominate Monsters" in the wizard's spell list, is it possible that he can't control these baatezi demons if he takes action here?

However, Kui Lu felt that if such reinforcements were directly eliminated, it might affect some of the layout of Hellast and Mephistopheles!

Cut off these eyes and make them blind. This is enough for the time being!

The Dark Sisters are not really just stubborn, they only know how to be reckless but not flexible!

Kui Lu is like this, and Isaac is just right.

The two sides cooperated, but they quickly found out all the Bone Demon spies and solved them accurately.

In this way, when Kui Lu and the others cleaned up the west area and returned to the dark hall, it was not really night yet.

After making some arrangements, she and Isaac hurriedly left the Lost City of Earth.

However, he did not take the initiative to search for possible devil reinforcements, but this did not mean that Kui Lu really ignored them.

It was she who returned to the villa with Isaac.

Just a while later, Laila's figure also appeared here.

Nothing happened all night.

Early the next morning.

After resting and spell preparations, after entrusting Anasia to the care of Ms. Crystal again, Isaac and Kui Lu were directly teleported to the Dark Maiden Corridor.

Immediately afterwards, with Isaac's ability to break through the restrictions of the "Maze of the Earth" to a limited extent, the two of them quickly arrived in the West District while constantly teleporting.

At this time, after resting for more than a whole night, everyone, including the Formian ants, was full of energy and ready for everything.

As soon as the two of them arrived, the team immediately started their journey.

"The western area camp is a three-dimensional defense system composed of multiple castles in the shape of horns, combined with several layers of city walls."

"Although due to strong interference, we were unable to detect the specific conditions inside it, what is certain is that its defense system, in addition to various ballistas and catapults, also has hidden magic turrets. .”

"This battle will be a real attack. There will be no secret passages or backdoors for us."

"So, in this battle, the Archmage and I will take the lead. We will first completely destroy their city defense system. After that, you will..."

While marching, Kui Lu was also quickly making combat arrangements.

She and the Archmage were both ready to take the lead and carry out spell bombing.

No one objected to this at all.


"Madam, I heard yesterday that you suspected that devil reinforcements had arrived. When we attack the western camp, do we have to consider that the reinforcements have already entered the camp, or do we need to guard the rear?"

It's Raylin Evans.

Because he was promoted yesterday, he did not participate in monitoring and pruning.

However, Salvin and Donna Trapp Springer would naturally not hide this information from him.

It was based on this information that he mentioned two possible shortcomings in Kui Lu's action arrangements at this time.

"It doesn't matter."

"If they have settled in the camp, they will be exposed under the suppression of the magic of me and the archmage. We can conquer them by force when the time comes!"

"On the other hand, if they are still planning to attack from behind... I have already made arrangements. Someone will be there to deal with them and give us enough reaction time!"

Kui Lu nodded slightly and said.

Based on what she said yesterday, she wanted to go to the "Black Stick Tower"...

Although the "Black Stick Tower" in this period has already broken with the Harpers, people like the "Sons of Drogan" naturally do not think that it will happen. If the people of the "Black Stick Tower" collude with the devil, are they still behind the scenes? Things that sting them.

"Madam, since you have taken everything into consideration, we will naturally obey your arrangements."

Leylin Evans smiled and nodded.

Nasira and others also considered the same thing.

Kui Lu continued: "When the time comes, the Archmage and I will try our best to suppress their resistance. You will take this opportunity to rush into the camp and determine the place where Hellaster is imprisoned as soon as possible. Target.

Halaster has no room for error. If something happens to the other side with no way to escape, it may cause major changes in Leyline City. By then, not only Waterdeep may suffer disaster, but the entire Sword Coast as well. Everywhere will be affected. "

"Leave it to us!"

Leylin Evans nodded naturally.

The main mission of their trip was to rescue Hellast.

Moreover, at this time, he has advanced to the legendary level, and compared with him yesterday, he is much stronger.

As long as the devil reinforcements on the opposite side did not move in, he was quite sure that he would quickly find and rescue Halaster.

"In this case, this operation will be based on you."

"Irilyn, Nasira, and everyone else, you form an elite team and do your best to assist Evans!"

This group of people is naturally pointing at those Formian Ant Guards.

She is gathering all the most elite forces to reach the second level of strength.

In response to her order, everyone responded and expressed their opinions.

Inevitably, some arrangements were made for the teams they led.

It didn't take long for the people who were marching in a hurry to quickly approach the western area camp.

During this period, some encounters inevitably occurred, and warning signs had already been spread.

As this approaches...

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