Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1201 Breakthrough

The chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic have the effect of "detecting magic" wherever they see.

The baatezu devils everywhere, no matter how lifelike they were, no matter how far or near they were, in her eyes, the unique magical aura of the "illusion spell" made their existence essence clearly and completely brand-new. Exposed.

At this point, Isaac's "true vision" is far inferior to him.

With "true vision", Isaac's seeing distance is only 120 feet.

He was the only one who could see through the baatezu devils below, but they were far inferior to Kui Lu, who could observe multiple castles at the same time.

"You take command, first deal with the command of these ice demons."

Isaac also agreed with Kui Lu's meaning.

Just from the condition of these castles, it can be seen that it is the Barthez Devil who is now leading the defense.

Although it cannot be said that the command here must be with the ice demons, at least apart from these ice demons, they have not discovered the existence of higher-level baatezu demons such as the hell fiends.

Then let's take action on these ice demons first to see if they can disrupt the defense of the entire camp!


Kui Lu did her part.

After a moment's observation, the singing sword in her hand pointed at a hidden corner of the castle.

The teleportation aura then flashed on them again.

Reappearing, the distance between this ice demon and the ice demon is already within the range of "true vision".

It is indeed his true form!

"Hammer of Chaos!"

Isaac's scepter pointed downwards, and a chaotic energy composed of multiple colors exploded around the ice demon without any warning.

It is still the spell-like ability of "White Toad Form".

Moreover, it specializes in the lawful camp, and if the target is a lawful alien creature like the baatezu devil, not only will the damage be equal to the "fireball spell", but most importantly, the target within the range of the spell will also be affected by the "slowness spell". "General negative effects.

Just hit it with this chaotic spell.

In the powerful explosion of chaotic energy, the ice demon below was severely injured. While his body lost stability, his movements immediately fell into a sluggish state.

Suddenly it was a big surprise!

It wasn't just him who was shocked.

This sudden explosion exceeded everyone's expectations.

Everyone around them was focusing on the entrance passage. At this moment, both the baatezu demons and the drow elves were looking over.


Not to mention them, they were the ice demon who was being attacked. The ice-covered compound eyes observed from a wide range of angles and found no abnormality at all!

"Five, six!"

Kui Lu's voice once again sounded within the scope of the "Legendary Hidden Effect".

It was Isaac's action that alerted the snake, and she once again found the location of the six ice demons among the many phantoms of Baatezu.

Moreover, judging from the fact that only the ice demons were present at this moment, it should be that, just as she and Nasira speculated yesterday, the demon reinforcements should not have settled in this camp, but were hidden outside.

There are no abyssal demons here!

"The finger of death!"

Isaac nodded slightly, but the spell-like ability was activated a little earlier than Kui Lu's voice.

The surrounding baatezu demons were still in shock, and the ice demon below was also in a sluggish state, "slowly" performing the "ice wall technique".

Still without any warning, as if it appeared out of thin air in the sky, a negative energy ray composed of dark particles shot down again suddenly.

The "Ice Wall Technique" didn't even have time to complete, and in the slow state, it was impossible to dodge.

The moment the dark particle ray hits...

"Ice wall technique!"

This ice demon has never been directly deprived of life.

Although he was seriously injured again by the negative energy, with his willpower, he still maintained the use of the "Ice Wall Technique".

same moment.

"Ice storm!"

Several ice demons from other directions are also taking action.

Even at this moment, they have not found any trace of the enemy, but judging from the general area where the "Finger of Death" appears, these ice demons have joined forces to cover the spell.

"Glitter Dust! Fire Technique!"

Grugon never made a move.

Hiding his figure with extreme caution, the ice demon leader simply issued instructions to cooperate with the two drow wizards who were also hiding in the darkness of the castle through the "Permanent Phantom".

The opponent comes prepared, so they won't be unprepared for their ice spells. Therefore, "Ice Storm" will probably have difficulty affecting the opponent.

We can only try it first to see if we can break the invisibility on the other side.

In response, the two drow wizards did not hesitate.

One immediately performed the "Flash Dust" technique, and the other performed the "Fireball Technique".


A "finger of death" failed to successfully kill the ice demon, but Isaac was not surprised at all.

Spell-like abilities are not enhanced by his various specialties and abilities, and the "charm" attribute that determines the strength of spell-like abilities is not his strong point. In addition, this ice demon still has racial advancement. , cannot be wiped out with one blow, no problem at all.

However, first receiving a "Hammer of Chaos" and then a "Finger of Death", the damage suffered by the ice demon also reduced its vitality to a certain limit.

As his footsteps moved randomly across the air, Isaac just whispered a mantra.

"The law - death!"

Even before the Ice Demon, the ice wall was finally formed.

Even in the sky, magic hail formed by the "ice storm" is falling from the sky.

In fact, even if it was due to the "Legendary Hidden Effect", the sound of this commanding mantra still really fell into the ice demon's hearing.

However, it was with the spitting out of Isaac's syllable.

Without any immunity, all the vitality of this ice demon was completely wiped out in an instant.

It is still the spell-like ability of "White Toad Form".

The ninth-level spell "Law-Death" ignores all saves. As long as the vitality is lower than a certain limit, it will be directly obliterated.

On the contrary, if the vitality is higher than this limit, there will be no effect at all.

The ice demon, who had been injured by the "Hammer of Chaos" and the "Finger of Death", seemed to have no vitality enough to resist the forced obliteration of the "Law of Death".

Without pausing, he took another step, and with a flash of spiritual light, he and Kui Lu appeared in another place in the sky.

Behind, only hailstones were falling, fireballs were exploding, and inevitably, there was a dazzling flash of dust that exploded in it.

However, compared to the coverage range of hail and fireball, which is only the second-level magic "glitter dust", the range of this spell is much smaller.

Otherwise, given the property of "glitter dust" that ignores spell resistance, if it can be fooled, it may not be impossible to reveal the silhouettes of Isaac and the two of them.

Of course, even if it shows up, it's still useless!

"Withering Technique!"

Several ice demons have been found.

The sky was replaced by holy energy, and the extremely intense magical energy suddenly surged again.


Kui Lu touched her dagger wrist guard at the same time.

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