Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1202 Assists Enter

In fact, to deal with these ice demons, "Wither" or "Fire Storm", these large-scale high-level spells, are not good choices.

It's not that it doesn't hurt enough.

When Isaac carries out the "overlimit-double effect" super magic enhancement, it is difficult for only a few of these ice demons to be able to save their lives under the blow of the "withering technique".

The ice demons are well prepared!

These ice demons, even quite a few bone demons, including those important drow spellcasters, are all scattered under the bunkers of various castles, and they can easily hide inside the castle.

The mistake was not like before. Isaac directly locked on and used the "Hammer of Chaos" to hit the slow state. This could be easily solved. And just like that, he was also attacked by a joint attack from other directions.

Such spellcasting signs as the "Wither Spell" can be avoided by these Barthez devils by hiding in the castle.

Moreover, even if there is no time to evade, with their degree of dispersion, there is basically no possibility of being destroyed by the group.

In addition, there are many long-range forces scattered inside the castle and on those city walls...

This means that he and Kui Lu, if it were other casters, would have been trapped in the quagmire amidst the layers of defense and counterattack, even if they had entered the camp.

However, with the "hidden legend" behind him, he and Kui Lu are naturally different.

Be it baatezu devils, drow elves, spells, or crossbows, there is no trace of them at all, and it is even less possible to truly target them.

And when it cannot be locked, in the sky, there is vast holy energy, violent flames, and terrifying magical energy, whistling and roaring...

Not to mention that Grugon had already given instructions. When encountering a spell attack, everyone could evade as close as possible. Even without this instruction, under this deadly and terrifying magic, as long as there was a bunker to avoid, no one would be able to avoid it. Dare to show up.

This is exactly what Isaac and I wanted.

I saw figures on several castles, rushing into the bunker in embarrassment.

Especially those bone demons who were responsible for reinforcing and blocking the entrance passage were also hiding.

Isaac waved his scepter, but the "Death Technique" did not point at any castle at all, but swept through the two walls between the castles.

In an instant, all the defensive forces on the city wall were wiped out.

Kui Lu is even further out.

As the "Fire Storm" swept across, she swept across the many layers of ice walls between the entrance passage and the city wall. Not only did it instantly clear away all the blockades, but also the strong water rising from the rapid incineration of the ice walls. Fog, this also blocks everyone’s vision!

It would be too easy for the two of them to kill Hellast.

Even if Isaac is willing, they can walk directly there without anyone noticing.

The reason why this is not the case is that this matter should be completed by Leylin Evans!

Precisely because of this, their spellcasting at this time was creating an environment that allowed Leylin Evans and the others to enter the castle and the camp.

The completion of two high-level spells.

Don't wait for those ice demons and bone demons to show up again.

There is almost no pause.

"Revenge Storm!"

Ninth level magic!

And it’s still a ninth-level magic that requires a full round of time to cast!

When Kui Lu used the "Singing Sword" as a sacred object to perform this powerful magic.

In the sky above the entire camp, a huge and rapidly expanding dark storm cloud covered less than half of the camp in the blink of an eye.

Lightning bursts in it, thunderbolts thunder in it.

Shrouded in this dark storm cloud, the sound of continuous exploding thunder directly bombarded everyone's ears, deafening and making their souls tremble!

Immediately afterwards, the acid rain also fell.

It has expanded to a huge area with a radius of three to four hundred feet, and the strong acid in the strong wind and rain directly submerged everything below it.


The blazing bolt of lightning also exploded in it.

Huge hailstones were also falling.

Under Kui Lu's concentrated control, the effect of "Revenge Storm" one after another enveloped less than half of the camp.

Even such damage would not have much effect on the enemies hidden inside the castle.

However, these people, even the Barthez Devil, were really blocked in the castle at this time.

That sight could not penetrate the "storm of revenge" at all.

In fact, just casting the "Revenge Storm" requires a full round, and after the spell is completed, you also need to stay focused to control it in order to maintain its continuity.

At any other time, even Kui Lu would not be able to guarantee that she would be able to do this without being interrupted.

But this time is different.

Isaac is right next to her, with "Legendary Concealment" combined with "Advanced Invisibility" to cover up signs for her.

Not to mention the person on the other side was almost unaware of her presence. Even if they were aware of it, Isaac was by her side, so she didn't have to worry about being interrupted from casting spells.


strong acid!



Finally, the downpour completely obscured the view and hindered movement!

Kui Lu controlled the "Revenge Storm" with ease, paralyzing the entire camp's defenses.

And this paralysis continues!

Isaac didn't stop.

Even the "Revenge Storm" could not completely cover the width of the western camp.

Although Kui Lu's control covered half of the camp, there were still baatezu demons and drow coming from behind and going around the edge of the camp. .

Hammer of Chaos!


A finger of death!

Always using spell-like abilities, Isaac cast spells one after another, but these disturbances were completely destroyed in the blink of an eye.

And it was with the cooperation of the two of them.

From the entrance passage, Leylin Evans also hurried over, leading a special operations team composed of the most elite members of the three teams.

Without encountering any resistance, they quickly passed through the thick fog area and saw the city wall ahead, which was still shrouded in the "Revenge Storm", but left a visible area for them.

The flying ones flew directly up, and others used hooks to lock them. They climbed up in a few clicks. In just a blink of an eye, everyone was on the city wall.

Subsequently, the violent wind and rain also began to weaken rapidly from this edge area.

Evans led the team again, directly from the city wall, and quickly pointed to a castle that was connected to this side.

At this time, the "Revenge Storm" is gradually coming to an end.

Didn't wait for it to completely dissipate.

"Lord of the Underground!"

Isaac's figure has fallen to the ground.

For the first time, he let go of Kui Lu and stepped on the earth. The green radiance of the "power of the earth" appeared directly, but in the blink of an eye, he built a huge outline of light and shadow based on his existence.


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