Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1205 Appearance

When the Barthez reinforcements approached the camp, they were intercepted by Laila's team.

The fierce battle here at the camp has become one-sided.

When Isaac and Kui Lu joined forces, not only did they directly destroy most of the ice demons, but the interlocking castle defense lines were also collapsed.

Not only did the assault team led by Leylin Evans penetrate the defenses of the drow elves and baatezu demons, but also pointed directly at the place where Halaster was imprisoned to prevent the mad mage from being attacked. Poisonous hands.

What's more, the Temple Guards and the Fermi Soldier Ants who came later, also under the direct leadership of Kui Lu, intercepted all the pursuit of Leylin Evans and the others by the drow elves and the baatezu devils, and even wiped them out on the spot. These evil forces arise.

Even as this one-sided advantage continued to expand, the drow elves and baatezu devils on the opposite side were seen to be on the verge of collapse.

It was another "Chaos Hammer" that not only seriously injured several Baba demons, but also directly knocked them into a sluggish state. Suddenly, Isaac's heart moved, and his eyes suddenly turned to the direction of the entrance passage.

Not only him, Kui Lu, who was surrounded by the "holy aura", and even Leylin Evans also felt the same.

Legendary spell!

It should also be ritual casting!

Laila is taking action!

As soon as her eyes met with Isaac's, Kui Lu started the real-name interrogation without any delay.

Soon, Laila responded in the same way.

"It's still the ice demon and the bone demon!"

"The Hell Fiend has not entered the Earthline Maze City!"

On the one hand, the "Exploding Scepter" fired a concussive sound wave, which knocked back and paralyzed the enemies in an area. Combined with the blinding effect of the "Holy Aura" on evil targets, it directly paralyzed the resistance of these enemies. .

On the other hand, Kui Lu's eyes wrinkled slightly.

The reply from Laila was that the Hell Fiend had not entered!

Not entering means that it has already arrived!

But he's already here, but he doesn't even go in. He just drives the devils under his command to come in, or in other words, sends them in...

"It's just a tacit understanding with Halaster!"

"Evans' side is pretty much done. Let's deal with this side first, and then we'll see what Hellast wants to do?"

Isaac calmed down and casually threw another "fireball" at the drow opposite.

Mephistopheles and Halast have a tacit understanding, which has already been judged.

The demon army under the Hell Demon King is indeed huge, but for the Hell Demons, especially subordinates like the leader of the Hell Demons, they are not ready to be sacrificed at will.

Therefore, it is certainly a pity for Kui Lu and the others that they cannot take the opportunity to eliminate a leader of the Hell Fiend.

But from Mephistopheles's point of view, this is perfectly normal.

As for why the hell-fiend leader keeps sending demons to "send" in...

Maybe it means nourishing Leylin Evans, but more likely, it must be related to the drow queen, and most importantly, the contract between her and Mephistopheles, right?

As for Leylin Evans, would he be able to cope without him, Kui Lu, and Laila's intervention?

Not surprisingly, Halast was the one who supported him!

With Halast's control over Leyline Maze, as long as he is around, Leylin Evans' "mission" will be assured that nothing will happen until he completes it!

And now that they and Laila have taken action, this is no problem, and... it's more reasonable!


"Then speed up and deal with this side first!"

After all, Kui Lu was a little worried about Halaster.

Even if it was roughly certain that Hellast would not really be standing opposite them, if they could watch from the sidelines, this would naturally be more of a guarantee.

Immediately, the two of them no longer acted steadily, or in other words, they no longer took their time.

Isaac directly used a "Fire Storm" to clear out the enemies who were still exposed.

Kui Lu personally attacked and entered the last castle.

And as their pace accelerated, the camp's overall defense was completely destroyed in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, Leylin Evans and the others had already fought their way through a passage and entered a hidden huge stone hall.

You can see at a glance that in the center of this huge stone hall, there is a structure built with three huge stone pillars engraved with mysterious runes as the center, and all the runes are constantly flashing azure light. Altar array.

At this time, the altar formation was even shrouded in a blue magic shield.

From the shield, chains were extended, as if they were made of lightning. These lightning chains were wrapped around the center of the altar, an old man with unkempt hair and even his robes were in tatters. .

They're the ones breaking in here.

On top of the altar, there were two drow priestesses. On one side they were cursing and shouting, and on the other side they were beating the old man hard with magic whips with various barbs.

Every time the whip goes down, it will bring up a piece of flesh and blood.

Even this crazy old man couldn't help but kept screaming, causing the lightning chain to continue to vibrate.


Be it the priestesses or the drow warriors and baatezu demons who were on guard around the altar, all of them looked extremely ugly.

No matter how much they tortured him, this crazy old man never gave up the secret of controlling the Lost City Barrier!

At this moment, the secret palace door was breached!

Seeing enemies pouring in like a tide.


It was the priestess who was torturing Halast. She gave out the order coldly, and the people around her all started to fight in that direction. At the same time, she waved her long whip again, and it was directly entangled in Above Halaster's neck.

"Crazy old ghost, this is your last chance, hand over the secret of the barrier, or die with us!"

In the cold voice was the cruel killing intent without any concealment.

The people on the opposite side have already reached this point, so the priestesses naturally don't think that they can still annihilate the incoming enemies.

If Hellastro doesn't give in, let's die together!

But her words hadn't even finished yet.

Without any warning, it was right above their heads, above the blue shield of the altar formation.

An old man wearing a green hundred-eyed robe, also unkempt, also half-mad, and the imprisoned mad mage below, as if carved from a template, appeared quietly without any clues.

He glanced around impatiently, especially at Leylin Evans and others.

The crazy old man in green robe suddenly raised his hands to the sky and uttered some incomprehensible spells.

The next moment, there was almost no sign.

Regardless of the priestess on the altar, or the drow and devils who were attacking Leylin Evans and others, without exception, everyone lost all life breath in an instant.

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