Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1206 Appearing (Part 2)

"Meddlesome guys, who told you to move so quickly?"

"Get in the way and ruin my plan!"

In the blink of an eye, all the enemies were wiped out, and the old man in green robe complained impatiently again.

"How did you come here until now?"

"Don't forget that you are just a clone, and I should be the master!"

The old man who was trapped on the altar was also full of displeasure.

At this moment, the bloody wounds on his body were already "regenerating" and healing.

Even the barbed whip wrapped around his neck seemed to be activated and fell off on its own.


"Who do you say is whose avatar?"

The old head in green robe heard something unbelievable but funny, and his cloudy eyes widened.

But it didn't take long for the two of them to quarrel.

At this moment, another middle-aged man who seemed to be their younger version walked out around the altar.

"Okay, okay, you are all real, you are all my father."

"I didn't expect them to be so straightforward and so fast. This is my fault."

"It's my fault that I didn't take care of you."

While destroying the altar circle and releasing the trapped old man, the middle-aged man was also rambling.


Around, Leylin Evans and others were a little confused.

It was agreed to save the mad mage, so they killed here, and the mad mage directly cleared the field by himself?

Moreover, these crazy mages, these crazy, clueless words, why do they sound so weird?

However, among the three mad mages, Leylin Evans and the others were familiar with the middle-aged man.

This was exactly what happened to them when they were on the second floor. At first they said that they were the son of the mad mage, but later they admitted that they were the avatar of the mad mage and entrusted them to save the mad mage.

Now this means, could it be that they are asked to take action, but are these crazy mages trying to attract someone?

They were so fast that they failed to attract the target, or was it their fault?

Not only them.

Although not in this hall, it was already close. Kui Lu, who had paid attention to the situation here through Isaac's spellcasting, also wrinkled her eyes in the same way.

"Why is there something wrong with Hailast's situation?"

"The one who had contact with you yesterday was the man in the green robe?"

Regardless of which one is the avatar and which one is the main body, the combination of these three Helasters gave her the feeling of being insane again.

"It's him!"

"It should be a problem with his avatar technique!"

Isaac nodded slightly, and there was some thoughtful expression in his eyes.

Hailast's avatar is weird in the eyes of others, but it is different in his eyes.

However, for such a phenomenon, he was not in a hurry to make a conclusion immediately.

After the matter was over, he slowly researched and confronted him, and he was not in a hurry.

"A question about the avatar technique?"

Kui Lu's heart moved, and she suddenly said: "There are rumors that after Fu Zuoer got rid of the dark wizard of the Zhenta Forest Society, he recovered a series of clones, and these clones have deep-rooted relationships with each other. There should be only a few of them left with their cannibalistic instincts.

It is rumored that among the few remaining people here, there is one who is hidden in the Lost City of Leylines and has been protected by Helast.

You said, is it possible that this abnormality of Helast is related to him? "

The dark mage of the Zhenta Forest Society is also an archmage with profound research attainments in the field of cloning.

A few years ago, the Dark Master was betrayed by his former second-in-command, the current Moon Sea Tyrant, and was directly killed by the Moon Sea Tyrant.

However, the Moon Sea Tyrant did not expect one thing.

The death of the Dark Mage directly triggered the recovery of his "clones". Dozens of Dark Mages should have been revived at one time, and they were all sent to Zhentil Castle under the chain trigger.

Originally, no matter how the Moon Sea Tyrant was chosen by the King of Darkness, he would have no choice but to bow his head in the face of these dozens of dark mages.

But another surprise.

Seeing that so many dark mages are about to retake their leadership positions, they are killing each other uncontrollably due to the instinct of the soul.

In this way, the final result was dramatic again. The Moonsea Tyrant continued to control the Zhentarim Society, and one of the dark mages, after killing each other, continued to lead the Black Cloak Mage Group in an independent capacity. Exists in the Zhentarim.

In addition, there are also figures, who restrained the urge to kill each other, but tabooed each other, and hid outside.

However, although Isaac knew about this, he didn't expect that there was such a person, who was hiding on Helast's side!

At this time, when Kuilu said this, he also thought of the "separation technique" of Hailast.

In Hailast's "cloning technique", the composition related to the "cloning technique" may really be possible, and it is this clone obtained from the dark master.

Otherwise, why should the mad mage shelter this one?

Considering all the clones of the Dark Master, although they can exist at the same time, they are absolutely abnormal...

It's really hard to say, is there more content in the "Clone Body Art", which is also related to it?

But even so...

After pondering for a while, Isaac still slowly shook his head: "It's not impossible, but even if it is really related to that person, this should not be the root of the abnormality of Helast, although Helast is Crazy, but he won't repeat his mistakes!"

He didn't understand the level of the Dark Master's "cloning technique".

However, this "separation technique" of Hailast directly involves the "field" and the "reincarnation".

No matter how amazing that dark mage is, there is still a big gap from this level.

The "cloning technique" of the dark master is at most only a part of Helast's "clone technique", or even a small part of it, and it is definitely not the core in terms of key aspects.

"Is that so!"

Kuilu still has enough confidence in Isaac's authority in the field of magic.

Since he said so, it is not bad.

After pondering for a while, Kui Lu nodded slightly, and her eyes focused on the crystal ball again.

At this time, Leylin Evans and the others had already stepped forward.

The hero of Neverwinter was unhappy, but had a few words with the middle-aged Helast.

The middle-aged Helast has not been in the same situation.

But suddenly, the green-robed Hylast, who had always been impatient, seemed to be offended.

His figure blurred into multiple phantoms at once. With Leylin-Evans' reaction, there was no time to move. All the phantoms surrounded Leylin-Evans in the middle. , shot together again, in the void around him, drawn a series of magic runes shining with dazzling aura.

In the next instant, all the runes were directly submerged into Leylin Evans' body again.

Just then, these phantoms also reunited together, and the green-robed Hailast returned to its original position again.

Seeing this scene appear in the crystal ball, Nasira and the middle-aged Helast also started talking.

"It should be 'magic force'!"

"However, I can't understand his rune. It should not come from modern magic civilization, and it has nothing to do with dwarf runes and giant runes."

"Furthermore, he has already widely used this rune technique in the Lost City of Earth Veins!"

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