Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1207 Connection

Halast's move was completely unexpected by the two of them.

In fact, it was "magic compulsion" rather than anything else, which was already expected.

However, seeing the green-robed Hylast once again expressed the nature of "magic compulsion" through the mysterious runes of unknown origin.

Isaac's eyes flashed unconsciously.

Although he has no intention of studying this rune technology for the time being, and most importantly, he has no time to do so, but he has never been short of curiosity about unknown mysterious knowledge.

"The runes of Leyline Maze?"

Kui Lu's heart moved, and after pondering for a while, she said: "I have heard Laila mention the rune technology of Earthline Maze City. This rune technology of Hellast is very likely to be It is related to the long-dead ancient magic dynasty Imasca Empire in the East Region. Moreover, Laila also speculated that the rune technology of the Imasca Empire may also be related to the Bachez Demon Fish in ancient times. !”

The Imasca Empire?

Isaac's heart suddenly moved.

Of course, he would not be unaware of the fact that this magical dynasty perished at the hands of the god-kings of the ancient kingdom.

In fact, he has recently put a lot of effort into researching the "Adamantium Binding" and the "Chaos Double Burning Ritual", which are closely related to it.

That's it for the former. The only connection that can be seen so far is the opposition between the Narfeo Empire and the Lomansa Empire, and the magic heritage of the Lomansa Empire is in the same vein as the Imasca civilization.

The latter is different.

Isaac even had suspicions that this should be a mythical ritual created by Sazastan. It should be the magical essence of the Narfeo Empire and the Lomansa Empire, which had been blended into one.

In other words, if his suspicion is correct, the "Chaos Double Burning Ceremony" contains the essence of the Imasca civilization!

Now, Kui Lu actually said, or in other words, Laila thought that Hellast also controlled the inheritance of the Imasca civilization...

"It's not impossible!"

It’s not just that Laila’s knowledge prevents such errors of judgment.

What's more, Isaac also thought of the previous transaction between him and Halaster.

The mad mage hopes that he can provide greater help to Unther to help him resist Mulhorand's invasion.

But at the same time, the mad mage himself is not willing to join this war!

If the mad mage is really related to the Imasca Empire, it would make sense.

The collapse of the Imaskar Empire was related to the two major gods of Mulhorand and Unther, and Mulhorand was the most important and direct factor.

Under such circumstances, the mad mage is naturally happy to see Mulhorand and Unther "fight each other", but he does not want to see Mulhorand annex Unther and become more powerful. .

As for why he didn't intervene on his own... maybe he didn't want to help Unser, but he should also be afraid of the god-kings of Mulhorand, right?

After these considerations and judgments.

Isaac did not ignore Kui Lu’s last words.

Laila speculated that Imasca's rune technology may be related to the Bachez Demon Fish from ancient times!

"Batchez Demon Fish!"

In his heart, Isaac began to think deeply again.

In this day and age, there are not many people who still know about the Bachiz Demon Fish.

However, he is one of them.

The Bachiz Demon Fish, this is the ancient race that defeated the Snake Man Empire that inherited the Wu Hui civilization after the end of the Wu Hui era, and can be regarded as the ruler of that era.

In the research of scholars, the Bachez Demon Fish is also defined as one of the creator races, and they are considered to be the creators of certain fish people and bullywugs.

However, although they are named after the devil fish, the Bachez devil fish are not a completely aquatic race. They should be an amphibian shape-shifting race. Therefore, at its most powerful period, the territory ruled by this devil fish empire was not only Including the ancient continent, it also includes the ocean.

But unfortunately, during their most powerful period, they encountered a clan of giants, and their rulers even killed the ancient Titan lord head-on. The war that followed led to the death of the Bachiz Demon Fish. Direct decline.

However, it was not the giants who truly ended this ancient civilization.

"In myths and legends, the great Dragon Father dropped an icy comet from space, which is why the Sea of ​​Falling Stars was formed and the environment of the entire world was reshaped."

"The rapid change of climate should be the root cause of the complete demise of the Bachez Devil Fish."

"Furthermore, this period is also the period when the dragon clan first came to this world."

In ancient times, the power of the dragon clan was far beyond what it can be compared to today.

From the first birth to the rapid defeat of various races, including the giant family, the dominance of the dragon era is far more powerful than that of the witch dragon and the Bachiz magic fish.

Of course, these are not part of the current thinking.

Isaac just recalled his understanding of the history of the Bachez Demon Fish, and analyzed it to see if the core of this ancient shapeshifting civilization could be linked to "rune technology".

First of all, there should be no doubt that the civilization of the Bachiz Demon Fish is a civilization that is on the magic side.

Some scholars even believe that after the decline of the Demonic Fish Empire, the remnants of them may have entered the "Sea of ​​Chaos", and may even be related to the Slaadi clan.

Therefore, the existence of "rune technology" is tenable based on the premise.

Laila would not make such a stupid mistake.

even so……

"If the Bachez Devil Fish really retreated into the Sea of ​​Chaos, it means that in those ancient times, this race of shapeshifters mastered inter-dimensional teleportation technology!"

"This should also correspond to the Imasca Empire."

"The reason why the Imasca Empire was destroyed by those god kings in a short period of time is that the legend is that the Imasca Empire invaded the world of these god kings across dimensions and brought back a large number of slave."

"So, the Imasca Empire also masters this kind of inter-dimensional teleportation technology!"

"The same goes for Halast."

"Helast's portal technology is so outstanding that it has even attracted the attention of the Lords of Symbols. If it is further developed on the basis of the Imasca Empire and the Bachez Demon Fish, Come on, this makes sense."


Isaac also thought of one thing the three had in common.

The Bachez Devil Fish exits the Sea of ​​Chaos!

The Imasca Empire plunders slaves across dimensions!

Halaster's portal!

He has direct knowledge of these three. Although he only has Hellaster's teleportation gate, judging from speculation, the interdimensional teleportation technology of Bachiz Demon Fish and the Imasca Empire must also have great power. The ability to teleport on a large scale is just like Hellast's ability to release monsters in the Leyline Maze on a large scale over long distances!

This is something that ordinary portal technology cannot match.

Therefore, when it comes to the correlation between the three, judging from Isaac's current limited information, this aspect may be the most important connection.

Of course, neither the Bachiz Civilization nor the Imasca Civilization only have one teleportation technology.

At this time, the "magic compulsion" displayed by Halast through that special rune technology is completely different from this technology.

Such rune technology...


Just as Isaac was thinking.

Suddenly, something changed again in the crystal ball.

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