Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1211 Try (Part 2)

Putting the matter of "dark energy core" aside slowly, Isaac continued to meditate.

Even because of the duration of the "power of the mystery", theoretically, the "clone technique" has a duration limit, so it is error-tolerant.

However, he still didn't have any rashness.

Without him, unlike the previous spells, this time's "Trinity Clone Technique" was the first spell for which he had no absolute certainty of success, or even absolute theoretical certainty.

If not for the next time, there would be Sammaster and the Dragon Witch Cult, the Golden Dragon Court and the Claws of Justice, plus the former Red-robed Witch King, the Abyss Lord and the Hell Demon King, and even that As the original master of red dragons and talismans, as well as potential threats including the City of Shadows, even he feels that it is a big trouble and if it is necessary to carry out some strengthening and improvement.

At this time, he shouldn't have been so hasty with the "Trinity Clone Technique".

The root of the "Trinity Clone Technique" lies in the "field"!

With the "power of the secret ritual" and through the "card of power", in that special state, he certainly has partial control over the "evil magic power" and can control the "evil magic field" to a certain extent, but... This does not mean that the part of the "evil magic realm" under his control is truly integrated with the essence of his existence!

In terms of level, there is still a gap between him and Halaster, let alone compared with the god-kings of the ancient kingdom.

It is precisely because, even in the state of "power of the secret ritual", the "evil magic field" and he are not completely integrated, so the "Trinity Clone Technique" created by this method is naturally difficult to say without deviation.

This is also the reason why he has always put aside the research on the "God King's Reincarnation".

The reason why he decided to try this time is because, with the state of "Mysterious Power", he has certain control over the "Evil Magic Realm", which means that even if he and the "Evil Magic Realm" It is not completely integrated, but with this power, he should still have control over the created clone.

However, since it is only "calculation" and "should", even the "theory" has not yet been absolutely settled, and there are uncertain attempts on this, he must be cautious and rigorous.

After all, this created clone directly corresponds to the "evil magical essence"!

"The triple parallel connection of the 'Tianshu Array' is not urgent."

"First try to create a clone. If it is controllable, then continue research and give it enough caster level to finally realize the parallel connection of magic circles!"

"With the 'Dark Energy Core' for charging, it should be possible to correct the cooldown of the 'Power of Mystery' to once a day. This attempt will be confirmed in a short time."

As these thoughts slowly settled, Isaac's eyes finally opened.

Another "SMS Technique" was sent directly to the First Loyal Servant.

Not long after, when he walked out of the tower in the center of the demiplane.

As if, not only was the mage group in place, but also, under the arrangement of the first loyal servant, one of his "stasis clones" had also appeared in the square in front of the tower.


The first loyal servant was already waiting for him.

After serving Isaac for many years, even though he was given the dragon vein, the first loyal servant has gradually become a bit old in the past few years.

It could be heard that he had something to say, but Isaac did not immediately start preparations for the ceremony. He looked at him and nodded slightly.

We have been together for many years and have a tacit understanding. The first loyal servant then respectfully said: "It's Ah Da and Ah Er. They have all retreated to the demiplane. In recent times, they have been a little restless."

Isaac's dragon beast army has all undergone the "Dragon Vein Granting Ceremony". Even if they are not true dragons, they are definitely the best among half-dragons.

"Dragon Madness and Mystery" may also have an impact on them.

Therefore, after the arrival of Dragon Madness, these green dragon beasts were also transferred to the demiplane base.

However, the demiplane base is a bit drab and smaller after all.

Even if the numerous green dragon beasts are scattered in multiple demiplane bases, they will inevitably become restless over time.

"I was negligent."

With a thought in his heart, Isaac nodded slightly and said, "Let them endure for a few more days. After I communicate with the White Dragon Envoy, I will let them go to that other world to relax."

As he said that, he looked at the first loyal servant again: "You should also prepare here, and take this incident as an opportunity to start formal interdimensional trade with that side."

With his current power, he is not launching plane conquests, which will not trigger an overall rebound in that plane. He is just launching trivial plane trade, and naturally there will be no problems at all.

Technically, this is just a matter of creating a stable "Gate to Another World".

Taking advantage of the short-term time, he will hide in the demiplane. Solving this problem is just a casual matter for him.


Although the first loyal servant did not expect Isaac's decision, he accepted the order without any hesitation.

Moreover, although his own level of trade is not that great, he has a professional team under him, so it is not a problem to handle it quickly.

"Over there at the Tower of Shadows, did Dosal Manas find anything?"

Being distracted by the first loyal servant, Isaac also remembered something.

Seeing that Dragon Madness has arrived, some people are going to cause trouble. This is the best time.

"The Archmage seems to have made some discoveries, but it should not be confirmed yet."

"I will ask him for advice later."

Originally, the first loyal servant was watching over the dungeon. However, as Isaac enslaved the Ghost Archmage and stationed him behind the brain-shaped castle, the person responsible for this matter now became the Ghost Archmage. mage.

The Ghost Archmage is a genuine legendary mage after all.

No matter how secretive some people's hands and feet are, once they make a move, there are some signs that they have been caught by him.

Isaac nodded slightly, but did not give any further instructions.

Dossal Manas's magical attainments are not slightly worse than Archmage Du Bois, but even Eugene and Stat are far behind him.

To attack the Tower of Shadows and the guardian earth spirit, even if the leader of the shadow faction, "Night" Cloris, comes in person, he is not without the power to resist.

No need for any additional instructions from him!

No longer distracted by these things, he glanced at the first loyal servant again and signaled him to retreat. Isaac then walked into the center of the completed magic circle.

"let's start!"

The loyal servants have already become too familiar with all the steps.

No explanation is needed, just a hint.

Quickly, the magic circle immediately began to operate.

And that vast and endless raw magical energy was surging like a tidal wave in the blink of an eye.

"The power of the secret ritual!"

On the one hand, this magical energy is controlled, and on the other hand, the "Power Card" inserted from the "Master Control Terminal" is activated.

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