Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1212 Try (Part 2)


Powered by evil magic!

Through the Holy Emblem!

The card of renewed power!

Go to the main control terminal!

And through the essence of consistency!

Finally unified to the soul!

It is with the activation of the "Card of Power".

It was already floating in the sky, manipulating the infinite primitive magic energy. It seemed to be behind Isaac, and it seemed to overlap with his body on some different levels. A deep purple color appeared as a circle. The ring-shaped mysterious eye opened in the void.

The entire Dragon Castle half-plane was suddenly shrouded in an indescribable mystery and evil.

Even if a group of loyal servants have been following Isaac for many years, they have adapted to the normal majestic aura of Isaac's God-conferred Dragon. At this moment, everyone, including the first loyal servant, , unconsciously and sincerely in awe, was born uncontrollably.

However, awe is not fear.

On the contrary, at this moment, I realized that something was different from usual. All the loyal servants, especially the first loyal servant who was already slightly old, were in awe, but their surprise and joy were also completely suppressed. Can't live.

But at this time, Isaac ignored them.

The activation of the "power of the mystery" is directly related to the "power of evil magic". At this moment, in front of his eyes, all the structures and operations in the world are no longer the same as they were before.

The original magical energy summoned through the Tianshu Array was under his complete control at this moment.

At the same time, the soul passes through the "power card" and then through the "evil magic power", and then directly controls the "evil magic field"...

"There are indeed shortcomings and hidden dangers!"

Under his extraordinary state, Isaac at this moment is far more "insightful" than ever before.

Combined with this, it is directly related to the "evil magic power" and the control over the "evil magic field"...

At this time, he seemed to have become the incarnation of the original evil magic and understood the secrets of all evil magic. However, he instantly gained a lot of clarity on the many uncertainties in the "Trinity Clone Technique" during this period.

His scruples are not wrong.

"Helast's ability to perform this 'Clone Technique' means that Helast himself has achieved the complete sublimation of his concept. The Earthline Maze enchantment is the manifestation of his essence."

"The King of Gods can create 'reincarnated bodies', and it goes without saying that the gods themselves are higher than the realm."

"In the 'Power of Mystery' state, although I can be regarded to a certain extent as the incarnation of the 'original evil magic', I also have a certain degree of direct control over the 'field of evil magic'. Therefore, during the activation period, I have the ability to carry out this' The prerequisite qualifications for the creation of clones, but..."

"Two questions!"

In Isaac's eyes, a deep purple light flashed.

After all, the power he obtained with the "power of the secret ritual" is not the power he possesses due to the final successful sublimation of his own ideas!

This means that even though he can have a certain degree of control over the "evil magic field", unlike Halaster, let alone the God King, in the "evil magic field" at this time , but there is no essence of his existence!

In other words, even if he can use Hellast's "Clone Technique" to create a "Clone" out of nothing and use legendary spells, there is a problem with the synchronization between this clone and him.

Even with the "power of the secret ritual", he can only control such a clone to a certain extent. It is even hard to say whether the clone will resist after being given magical abilities!

This is the most important question.

Of course, the continuity of the "power of the secret ritual" and the inevitable duration correction he made to this "clone technique" were not a problem in terms of fault tolerance.

Therefore, the most important thing to worry about is whether there will be malicious resistance when the magic circles are finally connected in parallel!

As for the second question...

"Spell-Create Blank Soul!"

"Transformation-change the blank soul into a specific individual!"

"Teleport-the soul is teleported into the clone!"

"Duration correction!"

In the completion of these four steps, the original magical energy has not been completely consumed.

However, Isaac has a sufficient degree of control over the original evil magic incarnation form.

Looking at the stasis clone, as the soul merges, the dragon's eyes are opening, and, as expected, the dragon's eyes also reveal the meaning of "ignorance".

"The second problem is that the essence of existence has not been integrated into the field of evil magic. This blank soul body that was created out of nothing, even if it is transformed into a specific individual through the legendary transformation spell, and then integrated into the clone body, its spiritual attributes are inherently deficient. !”

"So, for me, Halast's 'Clone Technique' has a second important issue!"

"Intelligence, perception, and charm, these three core spiritual attributes are all lacking!"

"And, in terms of life energy level, further corrections are also needed!"

Thoughts flashed across his mind, and after thinking for a while, Isaac still did not continue to apply the original magical energy that was still under his control.

This is not the time to apply it.

It's time for him to conduct more designs and corrections in the "transformation" stage.

It is necessary to not only give the soul body sufficient spiritual attributes, but also make its life energy level perfectly consistent with the stasis clone body that will eventually be integrated into one through "teleportation".

Perhaps the application of "strengthening seeds" should also be added simultaneously.

There are so many and complicated temporary considerations. No matter how extraordinary his intelligence is and how powerful his insight is, he cannot set everything in an instant.

However, as these two most critical issues become clear.

As long as he can find a solution.

The next time you try it, maybe the conditions are ripe!

Seeing the clone body standing up, some unfamiliar figures were standing up. There was still elemental energy surging in the body, and at the same time, it was also instinctively resonating with the essence of evil magic. There was uncontrollable magic floating around him...


"Go on to sleep!"

Through the "evil magic power", the mysterious purple light in Isaac's eyes was just a flash.

For a moment, this "clone" with insufficient innate mental attributes immediately prostrated again, and closed his eyes under the influence of a compulsive effect.

"Strengthen - grant permanent attributes!"

Isaac raised the scepter again, but pointed it at the first loyal servant, and used the original magical energy that had not been completely consumed to give it attributes.

Following this, this first ritual attempt came to a complete end.

After waiting for nearly a minute, when the "power of the secret ritual" ended, almost at the same time, the "soul body" of the stasis clone also disappeared.

"have a break!"

First, an instruction was given to the loyal servants.

Don't rush to recharge with "Dark Energy Core" immediately.

Isaac struck while the iron was hot and first closed his eyes and meditated.

Two major problems need to be solved, and there should be as few hidden dangers as possible...

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